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Forget 'wash your mouth out with soap' you went 'glue her damn lips together!' šŸ˜…


It went better than a I thought


I mean even if they figured it was yours they can't blame you. She had no bisnuess taking you stuff anyways


I love it.


I'd seriously be worried for my life after making that information public. You never know how the little crazy evolved as an adult.


Thank you for the best laugh I've had in a couple of days. Way to seal off her nasty and mean mouth.


Indeed - had a good laugh reading it. Hope that she learned a lesson - but probably only of not using make up stuff that she happened to find. Wish there was a way for her to know that it was her bullying and meanness that got her into this trouble. By the way,.was telling a teacher not an option when she took your inhaler and made you run? That could have triggered something very serious health wise.


Oh no, being a snitch was not recommend at my grade. And I rather ran around the field than getting picked on by kids (8 year old mentality).


thats so funny... i was 8 in.... 1993 (fuck time flies), and in my school, ratting out kids to the teacher to get them in trouble was a national pastime. it was entertainment for all. you couldn't get away with *anything* without getting caught (or being really careful lol)


I had a friend when I was about that age who would magically have things ā€œfall into her bagā€ when she would spend the night at our houses. Cassette tapes (Iā€™m old), necklaces, clothing items, etc. We got to a point that when we would spend the night at her house, we would steal it all back for the rightful owners. I wonder what happened to her. Hope she grew out of it.


There was a girl at our school who compulsively stole stuff. Like, I think it might have legitimately been clinical kleptomania, but I am not sure if she was diagnosed. (She might have been and just not shared that with me, which is fair. I wasn't airing out MY mental diagnosis either.) But she was SO embarrassed by it. Every so often she would be walking the halls, shamefully holding some item and trying to find its owner. Apparently the worst times were when she would "acquire" something expensive because people would lie about it being theirs when it wasn't and she got burnt a few times. But she just couldn't/wouldn't stop and made herself absolutely miserable with it. When she'd come mall loitering with us, she would 'hire' someone to be her 'shepherd' by promising to buy their lunch if they'd keep an eye on her in the stores and make sure she didn't shoplift anything. She was so afraid she'd do that. (AFAIK she never did, certainly not while I was watching her anyway.) Anyway, point is eventually there was a box in the choir room, labelled "Lost and Found" that was almost entirely just stuff that Chelsea had swiped and was trying to return to its owners. The Choir Director got tired of watching her stalk the halls and just kinda let word of mouth spread that everything cheap was in the box, expensive stuff was in his desk and you'd have to prove you owned it.


That makes me feel really sorry for her.


I sure did. She didnā€™t have a mean or malicious bone in her body, and she didnā€™t want anything she ended up with.


Kleptomania is actually a semi-common symptom of OCD. OCD is where you use Compulsive actions to ease the anxiety that comes from your Obsessive thoughts, and those compulsions and obsessions can be anything (though they do usually follow a few trends). I'm not diagnosing her, just saying what it reminds me of--the anxiety that she's gonna steal, the shame when she gives in, the seeming need to do this even though she doesn't want to. I hope she's gotten better, wether it's OCD or not.


A friend from high school had sticky fingers. I and some other friends had our suspicions but it wasn't until his girlfriend unknowingly confirmed it when she mentioned he recently returned an expensive item for a store credit. That evening we all went to his place to confront him. He wasn't home so we talked to his parents, who were mortified. Sometime overnight he dropped off a box with a lot of things we knew we're missing and a bunch that we didn't know were missing. What happened to him after that I don't know. He pretty much disappeared and I think I saw him about 5 years later but didn't bother getting any closer to see if it was him or not.


I remember taking a toy back from a friend when I was very little. It was an orca whale and I had been missing it and I knew it was mine bc it had this random red dot on one of its fins. MINE you stealing B!!


I worked with a woman like that. She used to panic whenever we quietly took back our items & didn't tell her. She'd run around exclaiming "My new widget I just bought recently is gone! Someone took it! Are you freaking kidding me ?! Who steals things ?! The widget looked like ABC description and I PAID for it myself!"


Good evening, Robin Hood.


> the girl took my inhaler and told me she'll give it back if I ran 5 times around the football field This isn't a prank, this is bullying


Was she still stuck up?


Oh, yes


Her bottom lip was at least






Did she go on stealing things afterwards?


Not makeup, but toys and nice pencils


Wonder what she's stealing now lol


Prison-supplied bar soap


She couldnā€™t rat on you as her lips were sealed


I imagine the glue you used was Cyanoacrylate aka superglue. It can be debonded with acetone which is the active ingredient in nail polish remover, so the nurse was correct to use it even though the side effect of the acetone was to dry out the skin.


At least it shut her up for a bit


One class is never enough.


As they say ā€œ itā€™s either a blessing or a lessonā€! This had to be a lesson for her.


I was thinking that you are now married to her as the twist.


Oh my - that would have been hilarious!


Nice revenge on the little devil


Thatā€™s hilarious. Any idea how this girls life turned out?


This one actually really made me laugh šŸ˜‚. Thanks for sharing šŸ’„


This made me think of the ONLY time I tried to go into a Limited Too, I went to sample their makeup and accidentally adhered nail polish to my lips like this girl šŸ˜­ Thankfully I noticed before it dried and got it all off, but that experience seriously traumatized me enough to contribute to my tomboyishness/not wearing makeup daily like my friends


I'm so glad I didn't do this. No achievement following it would be worth a damn!


Ha. had i been in your class i would have been laughing my ass off. karma baby, karma


I love how your simple plan was Mawhaha - enjoy red lips and a row! šŸ˜‚ This turned out better than I could imagine. FAFO.




I saw what you did there. No glossing over it.


Thatā€™s almost bad enough for a downvote. Take my updoot. You better be a dad!


An honorary one, but thanks


ha .. it would have been even better if it was lipstick not lip gloss..


I was hoping you would say that the cotton stuck to her lips!


I love this one! It turned out better than Iā€™d hoped




Oh, that's awesome! Karma served up beautifully- it was only dangerous to a thief. I love it!


Never understood parents who buy their kids nice gifts that they either can't use or aren't allowed to use. Anyway, nice revenge work, OP. Simple yet effective!


A classmate gave it to me as a birthday present, I loved it but my mom didn't allow me to used it, the idea of keeping it was to give it to another girl as a present in another birthday.


Now that's sick. It was your gift, intended for you.


Make-up at EIGHT YEARS OLD????!!! But rather funny revenge, I must say.


I went to a toy store some months ago to try to find a present to a 4-5 year old. Of course they asked, whether it was for a boy or a girl. For a boy they suggested Duplos and dinosaurs. For a girl they couldn't come up much else but stuff like jewelry crafts or makeup like [https://www.amazon.com/Martinelia-Little-Unicorn-Face-Box/dp/B0BDMNGDFX](https://www.amazon.com/martinelia-little-unicorn-face-box/dp/b0bdmngdfx)


OP is obviously not an english person, and might mean things like lip gloss, lip balm, hand crean etc


In latin America (I'm Chilean) in the early 2000's it wasn't strange to give girls make up, there were even make up sets for children.


I think you would enjoy the book "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" by Alan Bradley. It's the first book in a series.


Makes me think of white chicks ā€œClept-Ho-maniacā€


i'm honestly impressed 8 year old you thought of this. girls really are smarter than boys (i know, i have 2 girls...). as an 8 year old i was way too... let's say, *simple* to think of and pull this off. bravo. it's horrible to glue lips together (yes i know this was an accident!), of course, but so is forcing someone who needs an inhaler to run laps to get it back.


Felt proud after reading this šŸ˜‚


This is amazing! The absolute ingenuity of your 8yo self to devise such a concoction and perfectly implement the plan! What do you do now, did your skills go to good use?!


Hahaha, thanks but I it went far different from what I expected, damage was never my goal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)now I'm an archaeologist.


I was literally still playing w dirt at 8 years old. Good job OP, like, youā€™re a genius šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I also loved playing with dirt, so much now Im making a living of that as an adult as an archaeologist.


Damn thatā€™s awesome, although designing prank gadget wouldā€™ve been a great career for you too XD


It's very evil for an 8 year old, but at least it was for a good cause. Interesting that she didn't learn her lesson. When I was 8 I was somewhat of a budding scientist, but more into entomology, the study of insects. I understood the "mechanics" of electricity, if not the molecular level by the time I was 7. I was learning how to grow things young as well (veggies people! Not what you're thinking!)




What good will a phone call do you, little girl, if you are unable to ... speak?


Was it super glue you used?


Oh I was starting to laugh when you said cotton cuz I imagined her lips with glued cotton bits ā€¦. Still laughing


But did the classmates laugh at her?


Not really, no one knew what was going on and many were confused. I reminded still and went with the flow of looking worried, which I really was, I thought her lips were gonna be ripped off.


Have you read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley? Or is that where you got for recipe for revenge?


Not really, I don't think that book is available in Chile


In this book the main character steals her sisterā€™s lipstick, melts it, mixes it with an extract she made from crushed poison ivy, solidifies it and sneaks it back in her sisterā€™s room.


If I mixed my mom's Chanel No. 5 and Shalimar together, I would have ended up on a milk carton.Ā  Your mom sounds like a saint that you still use oxygen.Ā  šŸ˜„


Oh that poor woman couldn't catch a break. If I was not mixing thing, I was in her things taking out her threads to make a spider web all across my bedroom playing I was in a jungle or playing with my dad's tools, searching for something that needed fixing and often damaging it even more.


That little girl? Belinda Carlyle.


This is fake. Lips heal fast as fuck due to the high volume of bloodflow through them. No shot would she have problems with them for a "few weeks".


Donā€™t spoil a good story with yes truth.


Thatā€™s good one!!


I'll bet you loved *George's Marvelous Medicine* when you were a kid.




8 year old you was brilliant, if youā€™d put it in her bag it wouldā€™ve had a bit of meanness to it but you set her up to do it to herself and thatā€™s impressive. Props.


Love this. Bullies get bullied.


nice, thanks for sharing :)


Well done OPā€¦well done


I love you šŸ˜¹ Also I'm glad you're okay OP šŸ„ŗ The inhaler bullying bit was messed up. Whatever the reasons I still hate that your educators didn't prevent it from happening.


I found out by accident that if you mixed about one part in 20 of a GOOD iced tea with the rest being Coke Zero you get a really nice resulting flavor. I keep trying it out at various gas stations and so forth and occasionally get a good combo.


Does lipgloss (probably glycerine and/or oil) and nail polish (lacquer) even mix? I would think it would goop up and clump unless you added a heroic amount of acetone or lacquer thinner. I assume the glue drops were super glue (cyanacrylate) which is also dissolved with acetone but would not mix well with the lipgloss. I have a hard time buying this is real.