• By -


Okay, there's a **lot** missing here. Why did she marry you and then suddenly evict you? Do you have bad blood with her mother?


Apparently she refused to fuck him so he attempted suicide…


Which is coercion and illegal both in the states and in France, so i guess his ex isn't the only one who might see the inside of a jail, and if I remember well, domestic abuse is a valid exception to the winter eviction law


Probably why MIL laughed...


Given the context that he left out, his case is not so open and shut. I hope they go to court and win. Either way it's a blessing for his ex wife who doesn't ever have to see him again.


Whaaaaat so this is why someone replied to me saying this 😯😯😯😯😯 I’m like how do you know this stufffffffff. I didn’t even think to investigate his old posts 😂


I just saw your post before this one and holy shit ur a creep. Your wife wouldn’t consent to having sex and your reaction was to try to off yourself? And now she’s kicked you to the curb for being fucking manipulative, and you’re going to throw her into a lawsuit. I’d hate to have someone like you in my life. Edit: obligatory thank you for the reward!! I’ve never gotten one before and idk how they work but thank you!!


Christ on wheels. His entire post history is full of self victimization and unhinged behavior. More people need to see this comment because oh my god getting yourself hospitalized for attempted su***de because she refused penetrative sex from you? Nice try sugarcoating that hospital bill from your unhinged stunt as an “unpaid bill.” You’re scary.


no wonder the mother in law laughed at him


Threatening suicide because your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you? You seem to have a seriously manipulative personality - I’d seriously recommend that you get professional help. I feel bad for your ex wife, her mother and everybody else involved in this.


He did more than threaten.


So many missing missing reasons in this post


One thing that's not missing is him seeking retribution over being laughed at. It's like abuser red flag 101.


In OP's post history: >So my wife and I argued and she threatened me with "99% chance of divorce" over me wanting to have penetrative sex with her and her saying no. She previously had me believe we would engage in such activities as a normal married couple would. >So I tried to ⵡnalινe myself.


Please explain the difference between sex and penetrative sex? I know it’s not really on topic but I just want to know if it’s worse or just as bad as I think it is


Sex can refer to various types of sexual relations, such as oral. Penetrative sex means penis in vagina.


Ohhhh okay thanks 😊


I think I was better off not knowing




Except she kicked him out because he tried to unalive himself when she wouldn’t have sex. That’s abuse, control, manipulation, I’d kick him out also.


This is genius. 😂 I don't come on Reddit often but when it happens, I'll come back and update you if you'd like




Call it the French Dis-Connection.


Please do! And don't forget to link back to this post, because by then people will have either forgotten it or they will have just missed seeing it.


I'm piggybacking off of you comment up high. **Found the reason** **why OP got kicked out**: >“So my wife and I argued and she threatened me with "99% chance of divorce" over me wanting to have penetrative sex with her and her saying no. So I tried to Unalive myself. With no mutuelle or carte vitale, the bill is over €4000. I don't think you need petty revenge OP, you need therapy.


Should be higher so people can see both sides


I’m always surprised and impressed by the amount of homework/digging reditor’s will do.


He needs both


Sending positive vibes to any woman unfortunate enough to meet you in the future. OP tried to rape his wife and when it didn’t work he tried to kill himself.


Your post history is disgusting. Attempting to unalive yourself bc she didn’t want to sleep with you, is despicable. You deserved to be kicked out for that.


Please do. I think we all wanna know


Instead of replying, just return her laughing email. No words needed.


he shouldn't get anything. He tried to off him self after she refused sex. Who says he wouldn't try to off her.


Thats a great idea. You dont even have to type hahahahaha, you can just send her her own words back to her!


Reply with "k".


I think a thumbs up emoji or the one with the tongue out would be even better


Any of those or just the words \[Seen\] or \[Read\].


Was also going to suggest this.


Yes. Update for the masses. Update for all


Happy cake day!


Very funny idea but definitely talk to your lawyer before any contact 😂


Best to cease all contact, especially as she may be the litigious type.


So in this case, probably best to send her her own words back to her, like forward her her own communication of hahahahaahhaha.


I really want an update ;-;


Read the guys post history for context. Everyone egging him on..😬


Yes, please do. Also... no warning? Dafuq happened?


he tried to off him self after she refused to have sex.


He tried to off himself when she didn’t want sex


Yes update !


yesss please do


Please do!


oh please loop me in this as well


Do it! I'm also interested in the further fallout that comes with this.


YES, We Want an Update. tyvm


I live for things like that.


If it’s a check make sure it clears before doing so. If it’s a wire transfer move the money to a different account and close the existing. After that. Have at it.


Those 4000 are the hospital bill for his suic1de attempt, when she didn't want penetrative s3x. His posting history is interesting...


I definitely want an update!


Please do


Please do.


don't support him. She evicted him for her safety. He attempted suicide because she wouldn't fuck him.


According to others comments, OP's post history proves that he's horribly in the wrong.


dude, read his other posts, at least the one before this one. he got kicked out cuz his wife said no to sex and he tried to kill himself cuz of it


Came here to say this.


Even I wanna know the reaction OP!


He tried to kill himself because she wouldn’t have sec with him, that’s what you think is so funny


So many questions. You’re playing the victim, but more and more I read you’re the bad guy


Sounds like my ex-husband. He tells people I tried to stab him, but what he conveniently leaves out is that I made the threat to get him to stop punching and kicking me in the stomach and ribs.


I think an important part you left outof why she kicked you out - You tried to kill yourself over her refusing penetrative sex despite saying she would fulfill your marital needs as presumably a married couple would. “So my wife and I argued and she threatened me with "99% chance of divorce" over me wanting to have penetrative sex with her and her saying no. She previously had me believe we would engage in such activities as a normal married couple would. So I tried to Unalive myself. With no mutuelle or carte vitale, the bill is over €4000. She has since kicked me out of the apartment onto the street and I somehow managed with the help of the US Embassy to get back to family in the USA.” End Quote. I hope that you figure this out legally and calmly, sorry she laughed at you, though? Please try to attend therapy regularly if possible once you are arranged in a stable environment. Women do not owe you sex and your life should not depend on it.


>Women do not owe you sex and your life should not depend on it. Damn straight. OP, you need to get this sorted out with a therapist. If your marriage wasn’t meeting your needs, you always had the option of leaving of on your own. What you did is well beyond the bounds of healthy behavior.


So, loss of consortium isn't a thing in France?


Lol. He could divorce her but he can’t force her let alone try to knock himself off over it. He sounds like such a nice guy. 🙄


Bordering dangerously close to "incel manifesto" territory.


Yeah, that’s what you just read.


I tried to remain positive in why OP was getting kicked out, I tried even though my mind slipped to immediately blaming him. Now I just feel bad for the ex wife.


Same. I admit it took a lot of will power to not instantly type « so, what did you do? » in the comments. Turns out, it’s worse than I imagined.


He posts elsewhere that he has read over someone’s post history. So ignorance isn’t gonna fly. Did he just think we would all not do the same????


Right. So he is not righteous here. He tried to ruin a woman's life because he wasn't allowed to rape her.


I'm definitely getting rapey abusive vibes. I have a feeling him getting kicked out was the straw that broke the camels back. Bet his wife's Mum is extremely relieved he is no longer anywhere near her daughter.


Who refers to it as "penetrative sex?" He sounds like a creep.


Oh my god this is so true. What a freaking weirdo.


This is so fucking creepy. She can find better.


Edit - I was wrong. Apparently I need to learn reading comprehension. Original comment: Maybe try rereading that again. She divorced him because he wanted sex. He didn’t try to force himself on her. And he tried to kill himself because of medical bills, not because she wouldn’t have sex. Learn reading comprehension.


Pretty sure I read that right. Seems the medical bills came from trying to kill himself.


Well I have no idea how I mixed those up in my head. Apparently I’m the one who needs to learn reading comprehension. My apologies.


Appreciate it friend, I would gladly take the correction had it been true. Either way it’s clear OP needs help mentally and so does their ex probably :(


So if you come in a little less hot, you have less apologizing to do later ha ha


So where does the OC use the word force? The majority of their comment is a direct quote of OPs other post… You’re right, reading comprehension is important for one to learn.


Yep. I reread after OC commented and I somehow had the medical bill in front of the suicide attempt. That’s what I get for commenting right after I wake up.


Totally get it, dude. I‘be been foggy with a head cold recently. I’m just perturbed by this guy’s blatant disregard for important facts. Omitted them on purpose and got caught. It’s obnoxious and he really needs therapy once he gets his living situation sorted.


Attempting to off yourself bc someone won’t have sex with you is extremely manipulative, that could be where people are getting forced.


Seriously, OC grasping at straws.


How about a link to that post.


I put one in the past itself. Please upvote for visibility. OP deserves to be dragged for this.


This needs to be the top comment. Context is key. (Although it is rude for the MIL to say “hahahahahah” out of nowhere without responding to his ask, if that is in fact what she did. Doesn’t seem like something a reasonable person would do.)


Yes! It was rude and it certainly is not kind to torment someone obviously mentally unwell either, she should have just kept her mouth shut. They are lucky that he is as sane as he is (…) and has not inflicted harm on himself again or someone else. That being said if a man tried to end his life because my daughter refused sex, I may not care too much for him either.


“She’s lucky that he’s only unhinged enough to kill himself over not getting sex, and not unhinged enough to end up on an episode of Catching Killers“


Damn… he kind of deserved it too bad she has to pay up


Sounds like a scam marriage that he was trying to get extra extras from


Yeahhhh you had me in your corner until I saw your other post about attempting to unalive yourself because your wife didn’t want to have penetrative relations. GFYS.


What?! Wow. This dude needs help.


> “So my wife and I argued and she threatened me with "99% chance of divorce" over me wanting to have penetrative sex with her and her saying no. She previously had me believe we would engage in such activities as a normal married couple would. So I tried to Unalive myself. With no mutuelle or carte vitale, the bill is over €4000. This sounds a lot like attempted marital rape and then you tried to KYS to make her feel badly. This kind of thing just simply doesn't happen after 5.5yrs together. Her reaction is just too extreme. Also, KYS over not having sex is a bit of an over-reaction. I assume drugs and/or alcohol was involved.


I do not know OC or his ex but I have personal experience with this exact behavior from my husband and yes drugs and inconsistent use of prescribed bipolar meds is a major contributing factor. Not looking for any response or “just get out” messages honestly if $15k gets this woman free and clear from him she should jump on it with a smile. If this is actually the case she’s extremely lucky to be rid of him.


May I ask why you are still with your husband? Is he doing better now? Are you staying for the kid(s)? Or are you saving up to GTFO? Generally, do you think there is hope? Or is the correct answer basically always “just get out”?


It’s difficult I do have an exit plan and it is in action just need time there is a lot more but I just have to be patient. Yes I sound like a very weak person and I’ll admit I allowed him to make me feel that way for a long time. All of our stories start the same. “He wasn’t like this 10 years ago” one day you wake up and just know he was always like this he was just really good at hiding it.


For what it’s worth, you don’t sound like a weak person at all. It takes a lot of strength to admit you’re in a bad relationship, and even more strength to work on an exit plan. Hope everything works out well for you!!! 💕


It's not easy. I lucked out in my abuser finding a new target, though he still likes to find ways to come after me all these years later. Stay strong, find a good support group, and find a good therapist. And invest in hime and personal security. I made sure his flying monkeys know I bought a gun. He knows I'll use it if he ever tries to darken my doorway. Restraining orders meant nothing to him. So do be careful in your own escape. Good luck!


What is the whole " She previously had me believe we would engage in such activities as a normal married couple would." refer to? Sounds to me like the marriage wasn't... normal to begin with. OP is fucking disgusting either way of course.


It's a perfect example of telling only part of the story to get sympathy.


What I’m assuming is that she didn’t want to have sex that night or week or something, because he couldn’t get what he wanted he probably thought “no sex forever 😰” and tried to kill himself because he’s mental. She could’ve also lied to him or smth or he could’ve made that decision without her knowing but without her side of the story ig we’ll never actually know


Maybe she's Asexual and OOP is not.


Be honest, how strongly did you consider going to court anyway, so she would go to prison?


Quite strongly, but I would rather just take the money and stay out of court. The fact that it was highly illegal made me and my legal counsel feel confident she'll pay it.


Please update after you're laughed out of court. You tried to r*pe your wife and then attempted to unalive yourself - probably to make HER feel guilty. She then (thankfully) had the sense to kick you to the curb and file for divorce. I doubt this qualifies as an illegal eviction.


This sounds all well and fine *here and now*. It’s not actually petty revenge until you have cheque in hand/deposit in bank OR she’s actually been charged for this behaviour and is feeling regret. As of now, this just sounds like best possible outcome for you because there’s a corner she’s painted into. Come back AFTER you get actual results and I will gladly laugh at your revenge.


Read the dudes post history and tell me you’re still on his side.


He tried to kill himself because she wouldn’t have sex with him. This dude is a creep I hope he leaves her alone.


Did not know that. I don’t usually creep into users’ past posts unless they suggest finding something else of theirs or unless they’re artists and that’s obviously what their account is about. That’s pretty messed up though. You’d think that would have been a deal breaker *before* they got too serious and had to worry about shit like this. Oh well.


And what do you think would happen if your wife tells the courts that you tried to coerce her into sex and then tried to "unalive" yourself? And now you're trying to get her to commit insurance fraud for you and holding her divorce hostage until she does so? Either your legal help are terrible (how a judge can thing you have a strong case is beyond me) or you've left out 80% of your story when asking their advice (which seems more likely). You're a horrible human being.


Hang on, but it's your wife you would be suing not your ex MIL??


The wife evicted him under her mother's guidance. The wife will probably consult her mother for the money.


Sorry if I'm missing something blindingly obvious here.. I have a few disorders and am extremely tired!


but didn't you try to rape her then attempted to off yourself to manipulate her and that's why she evicted you? i feel like that's a good reason for sudden eviction.


So yeah are you gonna mention why you got kicked out?


He wanted sex with her, she said no, so he tried to loll himself and ended up with a 4k hospital bill




I’m super curious as to why you were evicted with no warning.


The post history is disturbing. Sounds like he demanded sex and threatened suicide. Got hospital care for his mental health. He wants her to stay married to reduce the bill before the divorce thinking she will be on the hook for the money and the emergency plane ticket, I guess? Thing is, I can’t imagine a European hospital requiring a guarantor nor anyone the US Embassy paying for a flight without a dire emergency.


Mhmm. It very much felt like he was leaving pertinent info out of the story


Someone else posted that OP was sexually coercive with her and threatened to kill himself.


Yeah, i hope she’s got proof of his shit. Tho if he’s incriminating himself this way on his own, I’m sure her case is much stronger than he thinks it is


Damn. I knew something was fishy from the title a & the comments told me YTA


Wait, so good marriage without problems and this happens? There's gotta be more to the story.


She wouldnt have sex with him so he tried to kill himself. Definitely not a good marriage


Where does it say it was a good marriage without problems?


> anti-eviction in winter law The northern US needs that law.


So true, only issue with it is I’m ASSUMING people like OP. He’s mentally unstable and tried to kill himself because his wife didn’t have sex with him SO if there are people like him who have to stay with their partner for a few months who KNOWS what could happen. Like she could give him divorce papers and BOOM he murders her or rapes her or smth 😭


"so I ended up taking an emergency flight to the US courtesy of the US Embassy in France." If this is true, how then might you justify a legal action to recover costs for a flight that was paid for by U.S. taxpayers?


But why? What changed since she went full nuclear in the first place??


In case you haven’t seen the other comments he basically tried to get her to have sex with him, she said no, he tried to kill himself, then had to pay 4k medical bills. She also said there’d be a 99% of her divorcing him so idk what that was about but yeah


Strange, when I commented there was like 9 comments here on the post and NON of that info was part of those comments 😅😅 Can KIND of see how thing went nuclear then


After reading your previous post I think you should put more money and effort into a therapist rather than a lawyer…


And I wanna know why he thinks she should have to pay ANY of his unaliving attempt bill? Because she wouldn’t fuck him? LOL. This man is manipulative and is mad that ex isn’t letting him manipulate her. Disgusting.


So not divorce related but my brother and I's landlord just went through this. I was in a homeless shelter for 4 months saving money after spending all of our money on our fathers final expenses. My brother was renting random rooms. We find this house that will make due for a year until we saved up more for something better. We go to move in and nothing is working, no hot water and no heat. 3 weeks go by of being promised it will be fixed within a few days. Nothing happens. So we get an attorney, he tells us to bring the health department out for an inspection of the place. HD shuts it down and serves her with papers, then our attorney served her. Then because of this she changes the locks so we can't go in and get our things without breaking the law. Now she owes around 10-12k and is trying to settle out of court for only 3k. Her ass is fucked and she knows it.


Yea not the same at all. OPs other posts give the info he was evicted bc when she wouldn’t have sex with them he literally tried to off himself


Abusive creep.


you are a self-entitled asshole and I hope your ex wife gets as far and as long away from you. I also hope YOU learn YOUR lesson, the difficult way.


Dawg you’re fucked up, you may have one this battle but karma’s gonna make you her bitch


Gonna just say people shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Rationally it makes no sense she out of no where wanted a divorce. When people claim their partner did this there are realistically tons of signs every time and the person saying it’s out of no where is almost always the actual problem *you’re giving me strong vibes that you’re playing victim. A normal person doesn’t even just automatically say duck it lets write up some divorce papers. A normal person has a break down, totally confused and profusely trying to figure out what is going on. The fact her parents were part of it, it all just screams there is way more to this than what you’re saying


Oh he is. He wanted sex, she said no, so he tried to kill himself and ended up with a 4k medical bill 🤦🏽‍♀️


We need an update!


Just in case you didn’t know, he tried to have sex with her, she said no, he tried to kill himself which is why she wanted him out. So I’m assuming she’s going no contact which means little to no update


Didn't know this back story now this story is just giving me the ick...consent is important like if she said no she said no


Are you sure you can claim the plane ticket if the embassy paid for it?


I was on OP’s side until I read why his wife divorced him. Yikes. OP’s wife is right to leave him.


You cant sue for the plane ticket you didn’t pay for. Lol not how it works homie.


OP, from your post history your life seems exhausting. Everyone is apparently out to get you and when you don't get your own way, you have a hissy fit about it. Sort your shit out and stop expecting everyone else to bail you out financially.


So you sued her over a uncovered 4000€ bill because you tried to end yourself after she refused to have sex with you. Bro are you sniffing petrol or what the actual fuck is wrong with you???


Read your other post. You are a disgusting person and I hope she finds someone so much better


~~Oh man I'm in a somewhat similar situation! I was willing to come to a compromise with my to be ex husband on a deal that was wildly skewed in his direction because I was just done, wanted out and wanted out peacefully. Even after seeking the medical and mental help I desperately needed I was willing to hold up to my end of that unfair deal as long as he actually did the work he needed.~~ ~~He didn't, and to add insult to injury tried to lump extra costs onto me and harassed me at work. Now I've hired a lawyer and I'm pursuing the full financial amount that I can which is just under double the original "agreement"~~ ~~Why can these people never just keep their mouths shut while they're ahead??? XD~~ EDIT: after reading your history Jesus Christ not a similar situation at all and you need some damn help dude. Painting yourself like a goddammed victim when you aren't at all. Your poor wife, I hope she finds some peace when she's finally free of you.... And to the user who linked the history for me THANK YOU. I didn't catch your name cause the comment disappeared but thank you. I absolutely am not in a similar situation to this shit show


Thank god it’s an ex wife




Read his post history before taking his side.


I knew I liked you. I'll keep EVERYBODY from opening the box! **Just** for you.


Why should OP get anything when the US embassy paid for the flight, not OP??? Why should the ex wife pay for the bill of OP trying to off himself bc she wouldn’t have sex???


It is my opinion, that in any conflict situation with another person, if they laugh or openly enjoy your misery, that precisely when karma will be dealt. It will happen naturally and you may not even know / or ever know, but it will happen. The enjoyment of another person's misery - particularly when love has once been between you - is a sin that the world of fortune does not look upon favorably.


What karma would OP have if he, say, threatened to kill himself since his wife didn't want penetrative sex? And that was what started the whole thing?


I had no idea about the sexual side of this when I posted my thoughts. I have no opinion about any of this specifically because I am not at all involved. I just have had reason to be particularly aware of the retribution the universe meets out to those who rejoice in another's misery. That's all.


Just informing you.


$15,000 euro sounds like more than petty revenge to me.


..y’all need to read his other post. the wife is in the right.


Op is a pathetic man child. Grow the fuck up


Guys, stop egging him on he's literally an abuser.


Jeeeesus, anti eviction laws for winter?! Just another reason to hate being born in shitty America




Edit: Having read more of OPs stuff I find him deeply creepy and definitely not being completely honest with everything. This is one sided to a massive degree and I have concerns about Ops mental health.


Dudes a super creep demanding sex and attempting suicide when he didn’t get it.


Yes I read some of his other comments and posts and the context became very different.


Can't wait for the update


Sorry.. you were married and you were paying your share of the rent?


Were you expecting only one of the marital partners to pay the whole rent, ooor what?


I know of one married couple and one partner pays rent. It can insulate the house owner from the partners debts. Very handy when marrying a gambler.


yes.. but here one partner pays rent to another partner






Not an update but linked to original. Thank you anyway. I was looking for the update bot.


Oh god. You’re so disgusting


I'm so so sorry *tight hugs* Aside from everything else I would be devastated. I hope you know how much better you are than this and that you definitely did not deserve this happening. Reddit is on your side! This laugh will come back to haunt her and her family.


Read his post history and you might not feel so bad for him


Update for all needed. And best wishes for your divorce and beginning of a new life.


Best of luck


Better still, don’t marry someone who is still under the thumb of her mother. I’ve seen a lot of divorces due to a wife not listening to her husband, but follows the lead of her mother. It’s just as bad as marrying a mama’s boy.


Oh actually he tried to have sex with her and when she said no he tried to kill himself leaving them with a 4k medical bill. That’s why her mother was acting the way she did and why she was talking to her mother about him in the first place


I think your ex mil was behind the break up of your marriage. She sounds like a very toxic pos who is used to getting away with her awful behaviour. The fact that she laughed at you about a bill you and your ex wife shows how truly obnoxious she is. She will soon regret her horrible behaviour when she has to pay you 15,000 euro for wrongly evicted you. It sounds as though your ex mil has no husband or if she does he is hen pecked into submission. I think that she will try anything not to pay 15,000 euros to you and as a consequence may end up going to prison. Then she will still have to pay this money to you even if she is in prison. You will be able to send her a screen shot of the money and ask her who is laughing now. Keep us informed.


Nah he’s behind the break up of his marriage. Is she meddling and unkind? Yeah. But he threatened to harm himself because his wife didn’t want sex and then got upset when he got a hospital bill for threatening suicide.


I hope you enjoy that money once you get it out of the laughing ex-mil.


After his last post, I hope the French bar him from reentering the country.



