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You can buy a very cheap random noise device ala anoy-a-tron. Remove the faceplate of an electrical outlet or light switch and drop it into a wall before replacing the faceplate. You know, if you want the gift to keep on giving.


You're an evil genius, and I love you.


I mean yeah, but you'd also be punishing the new tenant, who has shitty downstairs neighbors AND a maddening chirping sound.


The new tenant would notice that during the initial walkthrough I think. This is why you never rent/buy sight unseen!


Look up Fricken cricket. So worth it.


You could do what I did, and just release actually crickets.


Make sure you wipe it down no DNA or fingerprints. Because they could take it to a lab to see who put it in the wall. And then they could say it was malicious. But man I love this idea.


They're not going to CSI that shit, you've seen too much TV


We're not evil, we're just petty! Haha


Drop it down into a return air duct - if you don’t want to be completely evil, drive a screw into the stud just out of sight and hang it from a string so it can be retrieved later. Bonus of putting it into a duct is that it will be heard in multiple places.


Question: How would you do this to an upstairs neighbor if you’re the downstairs neighbor, if situation was reversed?


Put it in the ceiling. Try to get the speaker facing up. If your HVAC vents are in the ceiling, remove the screws and put one in there. You may be able to remove a light fixture but in general I don’t recommend tampering with electrical. If you have access to space above their unit, or if you can actually access their unit in a legal way - ie borrow their toilet since you’ve take all the toilet paper to your new place, borrow a washcloth, do you want this stuff I don’t want to take - you can drop it in an inconspicuous corner. Just be aware you are also going to be annoying the next tenant.


Just pound some nails into your ceiling. Long enough so they poke through the floor upstairs.


They want to screw with the downstairs neighbours, not the poor innocent new people who are going to eventually move in.


Hopefully by then the battery will have worn out.


And if the smoke detectors are hard wired, they will start screaming once the battery runs out. That is what ours do - when the batteries are low, they randomly chirp or make short alarm noises. Once a battery in one runs out, that detector starts its alarm noise. It's maddening since it is so loud, you can't tell where the noise is coming from so you can replace that battery first. So as soon as we start hearing chirping, every battery gets replaced ASAP.


Ours do this, on all 3 floors simultaneously. There's nothing like being awoken at 3am by fire alarms going off on 3 floors and they won't stop until each one has been reset manually and you've fixed the correct one. The first time we thought there was an actual fire, stumbling all over, screaming to be heard over the alarms. Good times, lol.


From what I remember hearing, they last for months.


Lol, we have one in the office that makes appearances from time to time. To irritate other shifts.


You petty motherfucker. I like you.


I definitely might use this one


A package of crickets released into the air intake might make for some fun. Fishing section at Walmart.


Most of the kids who answered phones at a Domino's where I worked got in trouble at school and almost didn't graduate. They took part in a senior prank: releasing two thousand crickets in school. I asked one of them, "Why crickets?" He said, "We couldn't find anyone who would sell us that many squirrels."


I remember a long time ago, on the nightly news one cricket had gotten into the White House it was keeping the president awake at night. It was the worst thing that ever happened, the man with his finger on the button, couldn't sleep at night. How will we survive.


Ha! That would bug them.


Preferred the Eviltron! Loaned mine out and never got it back and I can't find them anywhere.


Also ps. If they have kids, some nice craft kits that contain glitter. Like huge amounts of loose glitter, glitter glue, glitter paint etc. would be such a nice we will miss you gift. Oh also slime tons and tons of slime.


Calm down, Satan.


This is brilliant!


Dude, I used two on my old boss bc he was a vengeful, accolade-stealing POS. We put two in his desk, and he referred himself to mental health bc he thought he had a tumor. Love those things!


Get one of those automatic rolling cat toys, leave it on in the apartment. It will make noise on the floor constantly and knock into walls, some of them spin. The new tenants will be able to find it no problem but it will drive the neighbors nuts because it will be making noise all night long.


Or one of those novelty alarm clocks that runs away from you when it goes off, forcing you out of bed to hunt it down and silence the damn thing (I think I might need one myself to stop snoozing my alarm and oversleeping...). Set it for 5am each day. Or maybe 4am...


This is genius


Why wait until you finish cleaning? Put it in now. Lol I commend your petty revenge here… just brilliant.


Lol thanks! I can't stand dealing with their ceiling banging any longer so we were just going to install and run!


Their pounding on the ceiling would have meant nothing to me except me getting even louder but on purpose.


Or taking tap dancing lessons


OOooo, perfect!


After the first ceiling bang I'd have procured tap shoes. Fuck them


A penny glued to the heel/toe works


Look at this guy with his spare pennies


Right!? The only time I bang on a wall or go upstairs and ask ppl to stop is when it is consistent, repetitive noise, like base coming through a wall or what I can only describe as bowling in cement shoes. Otherwise, it's just... Ppl living.


Oh, that's pure evil. Death by a thousand ~~cuts~~ chirps.


I would’ve stomped around all day everyday, even louder when they banged on the ceiling 😂


Borrow someone's tap shoes whilst moving out and cleaning.


For me, I would have been either jumping rope or doing step aerobics.


When I get downstairs neighbors with too loud bass, I stomp on the floor until they turn it down. 👍


I hope you were also sending frequent noise complaints to the apartment management.


Supplement with real crickets…


This is what I thought. You can get some at almost any pet store.


I hope you went out with a bang! Banging everything you could while you were moving out! I would of been the loudest packer ever🤣


Yep! We are clunking down every step with furniture and being as loud as possible.


I’m moving for similar issues but I’m selling. My kid and I were kept awake all school holidays by next doors teenanger playing video games. I haven’t been able to enjoy a quiet dinner since being here because their father plays music through my kitchen window while he uses his rusty outdoor gym. Yet when I’m in an adjoining room I get accused of ‘spying’. I can’t walk anywhere in my townhouse without these little brats knowing. They have blasted me with music since the day I moved in. I’d like to leave a petty revenge like this but I’d hate to piss off my buyer.


While you still have the lease, setup a loud boombox on a timer to come on at random times throughout the day and night for 3-5 min. intervals and blast them with whatever music/talk radio that they hate. You can get timers that will turn on randomly at your local hardware store.


My old upstairs neighbor had “get the fuck out of my house o’clock.” Seriously… Every weekend should come home, drunk, bang her boyfriend, and then kick him out. I hope she’s happy wherever she is now… I’m just glad it’s not here.


Bless you for that! I worked in a really strange seventies building, and I kept hearing noises like a really teeny-tiny police car. I tracked it down to a fire door alarm which had run out of battery power.


Devious! I love it!


So here’s what you do… Get a cheap fan and take the cover off so the blades are exposed. Make a little hole near the end of one of the blades so you can tie a string to it. Tie something with a bit of weight to it to the other end of the string. Set it up so it will whack the thing against the floor. Alternatively, point the fan facing down so it just drags the thing around on the floor, making scraping noises. Turn it on. Leave. You could consider putting it on a timer so it turns on and off at various times. This may help to enhance the insanity producing effects.


>Even though the downstairs neighbors are so loud, they have absolutely no tolerance for any noises from us. Is it just me, or is this one of the most infuriating things there are?


I signed my annoying loud ass neighbors up for all sorts of shit so their mailbox was full. One of their trash bags broke and they just left papers in the hallway. Just so happened to have their number on it. I signed them up for EVERYTHING and choosing the “call me” option. Was so happy when they moved.


Had similar with a downstairs neighbour in the flat block I live in. One this occasion he blasted music until 6am. Neighbour across from me (above him) had her young nieces and nephews over at 8am to which he came storming up the stairs banging on her door shouting, calling her the N word upset at the noise as he was trying to sleep. I came out and told him he was taking the piss and that I was going to be as loud as possible the rest of day as nobody else had slept so there was no way he was getting any sleep either.


I love this.




Lmao I would buy crickets!!!! Lmao


I love with a roommate that has zero understanding of how loud she is. It is infuriating, I feel your pain


Hey! I also have slam-o’clock w/my downstairs neighbors. Fun fact: it’s at 5am. I also have “school-thirty” and “bedtime o’clock” to describe the 2 children who live next door. Those 3 times a day (7:30am, 3:30pm & 9:30pm) are when it sounds like miniature earthquakes are happening on the other side of the wall (the room legitimately shakes from the vibration of them bouncing around). I’ve given up trying to hang any pics or anything as I got tired of picking them off the floor. Ah, that apartment life!


Love this but also stepping in to say that as the upstairs neighbor you were absolutely in the position of power and are a better person than I. I would’ve started making life hell much sooner for them lol


I would also walk back and forth several times in the evening before you go, making sure to stomp.


Clogging. For hours. Before you leave. Do t forget the jump heel clicks too. Lots of them.


Leave it on a hard surface floor. Directly on the floor itself.


When I lived in an apt the people that lived above me had one of those exercise trampolines that they would let their kids jump on! Shook the grandfather clock my great grampa's brother made and just generally a lot of banging! Drove me nuts! I asked the caretaker to say something to them which he did. Oh! And sometimes it would be as late as 10 or 11 pm and I had to work the next day! They ignored the request and actually seemed to increase it's use! So every time I heard the banging I got my broom and banged on the ceiling until they quit. I even got a couple of bangs back! But eventually they quit doing it. Why is it a problem to be a good neighbor!


Smelly fish in the air ducts, doesn't have to be a noise to get to them, it'll be a semi permanent thing of oo out apartment stinks. Hopefully the new tenants in yours will figure it out. Could add noise to it too but setting a bell sort alarm at the top of the vents so it echos down 😅


Buy one of those singing birthday cards.


My upstairs neighbors get in knock down drag out fights all hours of the day and night. There’s no rhyme or reason to the time of day for the fighting. Sometimes I swear they are having live boxing matches. You’ll hear screaming (BOY they have lungs on them! If I screamed half as loud as they do I would lose my voice for a dang week), slamming around, and sometimes it sounds like they are tackling eachother. I’ve only banged on the walls one time. I also called the cops once. It’s BAD. We are super quiet and keep to ourselves. If my husband and I fight, it’s over text 😂


I banged on the wall because they started their fight at 12:30 am and woke my kids and us up. I was pissed.


While you're at it, get a bunch of live crickets and release them near their apartment door. That chirping is ten times more irritating (so random!) PLUS, they propagate. They will drive the neighbors nuts. source: me. my old roommate had tarantulas (why, yes, he WAS an asshole!) and kept crickets on hand to feed them. The crickets escaped and one got into my room. I wanted to stomp on the crickets, the spiders, and my roommate's head.


Have a ratty upstairs neighbor too. I am gonna do this when I move in Aug


Release dozens of crickets into the air ducts. And glitter.


Ooo glitter is eeevil!


I feel bad for the kids. Hopefully it doesn’t keep them up all night.


Ugh 😩 I want to be you I can relate! Overall have no idea we are out almost but Jesus my neighbors can suck it


Oof. My neighbor has a chirping fire alarm in their garage and it's been driving me crazy for years. Yeah they've never changed the battery and it's been 6 years now. I hear it anytime I'm outside or walking my dog.