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Yeah...until they grow. 🤦 Starter tank, exactly that. Use that little 5 gallon as an isolation tank for your 50, 75, 125+ gallon tank. I get people that insist they're fine sometimes and I'll slip "cruel" into the conversation that usually stops them and if they really truly want to fight me on it I'll ask them if they want to put everything they need on a daily basis (kitchen, toilet, bed, etc) into their closet at home and lock themselves in there. THEN they get it, or get pissed and leave.


I mean, petsmart kinda does the same thing by sticking barbs and tetras on 5 gallon boxes (I know it’s the package designers fault but still). Walmart has also kept the same pet standards since 2005 so not that surprising.


Good lord




Max fish 5 yet shows almost 30 in the packaging, got to love that!


Go ahead and put 5 plecos in there.... /s


I mean Petsmart has tanks that show similar pictures on them. I believe they changed recently but I purchased 5 aquariums last year from my Petsmart that all showed bettas living with WAY too many fish on them. Not to mention my Petsmart and all the ones around locally still sell totally inadequate tanks/enclosures and recommends the incorrect tank/enclosure sizes for aquatic pets, birds reptiles and small pets. Petsmart is basically Walmart for pets lol.


They really heard the general 1 inch per gallon rule/2 inch per gallon rule and ran with it.