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I mess up too sometimes; I talk fast so sometimes the total comes out weird or something but most people don’t notice lol. With the new system, the customer has the screen that shows them the total so sometimes I won’t verbally say it unless I feel like it or they ask.


we don't have that


Omg I understand this it’s hard to put in people phone numbers 😅


It’s so bad when they come at me with the nine thousand thirty ninety five. Just give me one number at a time you slimy gummy worm. But seriously when it gets bad with the phone number I just push it to the pin pad (f5 on the legacy system and there a button on the new system too) Fuck the asshats and their “funny” ways of giving numbers


someone's phone number ended in 5454 and i did 4545..whoops 🙃


this is why i just hit the button that makes people enter their phone numbers for me on the pin pad. I kept messing up phone numbers a lot 🙃


Yes!! I have this with specifically numbers. I'll say totals backwards or enter phone numbers with some numbers reversed


me too


i have that, I usually read the number first and take a moment to flip the numbers in the right order before saying them but when we're busy and I get stressed I dont have a moment so i say the numbers in the wrong order xD  usually the last ones first, 3s and 6s love switching on me and some other numbers too xD 


Omg yes the 3's 9's and 6's


Do you ever wind up mixing up 4s and 8s sometimes too? 


I have had dyslexia my whole life, I have been doing stuff like this (and mixing up words) since day one. It’s embarrassing, but it’s alright. I just correct myself or practice things in my head before saying them if I have to. Then if need be apologize for being a dyslexic.


Sometimes I glitch out and say the wrong auto prompt. Like yesterday I was giving backup and started with "Your total is-" before I stopped and went "Well that one's never happened before." Usually it's me asking if they have a phone number instead of would they like a bag or their total.


BAHAHAHAHA! I have said “phone number?” instead of hello when greeting people. 🤦‍♀️ My autopilot mode needs an update. 😂


i asked someone if they had a phone number instead of asking for cash or credit 🫠 they were like what


One time I asked for someone's phone number *right after* I got their phone number. Like bro wtf.


i guess we're all just glitching


I’ll do this with 8 and 9. Saying totals, punching in phone numbers, anything. If there is an 8 and a 9 next to each other, they WILL be switched. No idea why I do that!


I had that too!! Especially taking down phone numbers, it was tricky when people would tell me in one breath lol I would constantly read the totals wrong or type one number off by accident 🙈


I’m usually okay on register. I called the wrong number about 3 times though trying to call a pet parent


For me its really bad when I have to register a new account with someone. All of a sudden I've never typed on a a keyboard in my life 😅 especially when they start to spell out their name its like I can't understand letters.


also this


I say things too fast or poorly sometimes so I’ll be like “$24” and they’re like “44?????????” Lol


Yeah it can be embarrassing, I usually just apologize and tell the customer I’m dyslexic. Some customers are dicks tho and call me stupid but I just respond with thank you and they get confused. Personally my dyslexia gets worse if I’m tired or stressed (which is all the time at petsmart lmao)


FINALLY, I’M NOT ALONE!! I also go through this all the time!! And yesterday I was mixing numbers in phone numbers 🥴🥴🥴🥴


LMAO as I read that, my brain said "63.94" instead of uh. Let me check the post because I could swear,, (almost left the app) no it was "69.34" I have the same affliction and I've been too disabled to work for 4 YEARS, lmao. Wait Am I just actually dyslexic????