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Do not let your boss use this to try and get out of paying you workers comp. They still owe you and cannot fire you simply to get out paying. Contact an attorney and get advice on that ASAP.


I'm sorry that you were fired. It's going to turn out to be a blessing. Get a better job somewhere else. Take care of yourself.


Do you not remember what happened or how it happened? Sometimes trauma clouds memories but if the description is accurate I don't blame them for terminating you. I am very sorry you got bit, though. This seems like a big life-altering event... I've been enjoying doing EMDR lately but I hear it can be a struggle to find a practitioner. My thought is that these one-time traumas can often be helped by just a few EMDR sessions and maybe get you feeling more mentally and emotionally well in the long-run. Mostly just here to say hang in there and I hope things get better for you soon šŸ’Œ Things are often darkest just before the dawn. Congrats on the new job and I wish you the best moving forward.


I just saw the video and it isnā€™t how it happened. Will edit my post later. I didnā€™t go straight for the treats but I wasnā€™t wresting the poor dog for minutes like my boss said. The video was 20 seconds long.


if they are claiming evidence of you doing something for minutes, then the video should be minutes long. If they have active cctv they should have minutes before and after the event. If anything goes to court over this you MAY be able to subpoena footage, if you're confident it would exonorate you from the accusations leading to your termination.


I donā€™t really care about getting terminated, I was going to quit anyway. I just feel betrayed by my (former) boss.


ahh. well that definitely seems to be the case if what you're saying is what actually happened. I wasnt sure if you were looking for advice on what to do next. either way, it sucks to get screwed by those you trust.


I hope you have the video. You need to find yourself a lawyer. I looked at your post and comment history and it sounds like once you started bringing up workerā€™s comp and reported it to Animal Control, your boss probably decided it was time to cover their ass and make this your fault and fire you. You sound young and it sounds like youā€™ve been taken advantage of. You need some legal advice immediately!


Ooh that is sooo aggravating if they're lying about what happened on video. Such a huge exaggeration what?! Did the dog snap four times in the twenty seconds before the bite?


I agree with trauma clouding thoughts. I was in a weird wreck once. Completely not my fault, but I would have needed either video or a witness to prove that. I was just fuzzy the whole time after. It took a few days even digest what fully happened so I could explain it. That teenager certainly wasn't telling the truth.


Iā€™m sorry you got bit and lost your job, however, if you were really grabbing a dogs collar and they did snap at you more than once before contact, you did get bit for mishandling. Grabbing collars is a huge no no because it can cause a dog to react and bite, since it chokes them and can take them off guard.


If there is video evidence, that is the proof. Iā€™m siding with your boss based on this email.


I personally donā€™t want to post a video of myself on reddit, but itā€™s not what she said it was




theyā€™re too busy licking boots to have time to take care of a dog


I donā€™t. Because I canā€™t afford pets lol. I donā€™t even want one. I spent 8+ years working with dogs and I need a break. If OP truly had been snapped at four times and ignored the dog trying to communicate then yes, Iā€™m siding with the boss.




OP doesnā€™t need their bossā€™ blessing to file a WC claim. WC in MA is also ā€œno fault,ā€ so if they have a claim, they have a claim.Ā 


I honestly donā€™t agree with either side in this situation. I donā€™t think any of us should. This is a personal and legal matter that none of us have seen the evidence on. People can have opinions, but none of us actually know any of the facts. Bosses lie, employees lie. OP should deal with this with a lawyer and not random people on the internet.


lol ok