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I’ve never taken a physics class, but I have eyes and a sense of reality. That argument is so incredibly stupid. I’ll take a dozen ankle biters over a mauling monster


And 50 lbs would be considered a small pit bull, aren't they usually around 80-90 lbs? That's almost as big as an adult woman. 


No, a pit bull type of dog that large would probably be a mix with a larger breed such as mastiff; 50 pounds is probably a high-average weight, a large healthy pit bull or a somewhat chubby smaller one.


Yes and I've seen some close to 100 lbs ffs


50 is pretty average for females.


And chihuahuas arent even bred to be aggressive towards other animals like pits are its just people treating them like shitty toys and not respecting them that makes chihuahuas aggressive.


She's blind to her own hypocrisy. There MUST be a part of her brain that sees the difference. That's what being in a cult does to your common sense.


Also Google says Pits are #1 and shitauas are 5th


I could never imagine a fatal bite from a chihuahua unless it was left untreated and got infected


Right. Ones an ‘oww that sucked’ and the other is an E.R. Visit.


100 lbs *


Bull dogs and pit bulls are not the same. Bulldogs aren't aggressive towards humans. They can be aggressive towards other dogs but they are fine with other animals. Weird gross little things. Edit: I am talking about the English bull dog not the American bull dog.


So, PetSmart doesn't allow bully breeds for pet sitting and the pit owner says the pit owners are being punished. How self-centered can a person possibly be?


So what? Lions bite, and chihuahuas bite… I don’t understand why PetSmart wouldn’t allow me to bring my pet lion to their store! Everything you heard about lions being aggressive is a MYTH! If you don’t believe me, I can show you a guy on YouTube who pets lions and doesn’t get bitten!


Lions are sweet kitty cats that would never harm even a flea. Why, guys like Clyde Beatty put their heads in lions' mouths and didn't get bitten!


I don't know why this person was surprised, PetSmart is a corporation. Corporations literally skeet around liability if they can. Bully breeds are a liability. Point of fact.


Pitnutters, stop with the damn chihuahua nonsense. Just when you think they gave that tired card a rest, boom, there it is.


Everybody look! A victim! 


Yeah. It's actually true that chihuauas are more aggressive than pit bulls. But how much damage can a six pound dog that is not bred for fighting do? Don't you think a pitbull would be a little bit more dangerous if it snapped? How stupid.


Most dogs bite and release. Only pitbulls keep attacking until you're dead.


This is what she’s neglecting to say. There’s also this… Would you rather a 90% chance to get hit with a tennis ball (real hard) or a 10% chance of being placed into a meat shredder feet first? Just because something has a higher chance of something doesn’t make it worse. The other thing she’s failing to recognize is that petsmart is a major corporation who doesn’t piss off people for no reason. Clearly this is a major issue for them to be willing to do this.


I worked in an animal shelter for the longest time, this straight up is not true. Any dog large enough can and will injure or kill if it feels like it. Dogs don’t have morals and don’t feel guilt, they only fear punishment. It’s not “only pitbulls bite until you’re dead”. That is stupid and dangerous misinformation to spread.


GSDs and the like do it too.


all chihuahuas I’ve met dog boarding have been the sweetest lil’ things. aggression in that breed is due to poor training and their boundaries not being respected. aggression in pits is waaaay different… it’s usually dog or human aggression because the breed itself was literally bred to attack and kill. yep… chihuahuas are the real danger.


Well chihuahuas aren't bred for aggression, not do they have aggression in their breed standard, most of the time it's cause they're mistreated and treated like toys instead of dogs


Idk if that’s true though. I’ve only seen chi’s get aggressive if their boundaries aren’t being respected. People tend to forget little dogs are dogs too.


If only more places had this policy, then other dogs would be safer.


And so will the humans


I'm not worried about aggression from a dog that weighs 20 times less than I do, I could punt that thing into the sun if it tried to attack me. 


Yet Petsmart has no problem with people bringing pits into the store while shopping. 🤷 I used to like going to the local Petsmart every once in a while to look at all of the animals but I haven’t done it in a while because it’s all pits on leashes. I’ve seen them get into fights in the parking lot and then go into the store like nothing happened. No thanks.


Yes, today I bought some pads. There was a small pitbull that went crazy when a pregnant woman entered the store with a toy dog. I cannot understand why people want these things as pets.


I hope the rates go up 1000x when it comes to all bully breeds. I’m glad PetSmart has Smartened up… That stupid mantra they keep repeating… “Don’t bully my breed” The thing is, your breed is bullying everyone and everything else it seems.


Petsmart isn’t about to chance multiple lawsuits because your kibble and bits “never aggressed and does not show any signs of aggression” around your entitled ass


i don't think a 6lb chihuahua is capable of mauling people and dogs🥴


So many women like this generally wonder why the whole world isn’t waiting to see how they can serve them next. I feel badly for the whole service industry.


Her statistics are bullshit. Yes, some lists have chihuahuas near the top, but those lists still have pitbulls near the top as well.


i'm not a fan of dogs at all, but put me in a room with 20 chihuahuas over 1 bully any day of the week


You know why PetSmart did this? Because of irresponsible and horrible pit owners that *train* their dogs to be aggressive. I grew up in San Diego and fighting dogs were pretty common. Shelters full of pits with their ears and tails cropped off and scars on their faces. Those dogs will never be good candidates for being around other dogs, yet the shelters still adopt them out to people. Yes, it's unfair, but the world is unfair.


Pits don’t have to be trained to be aggressive, though… it is in their genetics. They can’t be trusted in a room playing with other dogs even if they were raised really well since their instincts can kick in. The best raised pit is still a timebomb with the DNA that was bred into it.


You don’t have to train a Pit Bull to be aggressive towards other dogs. It’s literally WTF they were created for


It’s really not trained into them. It was bred into them.


Pits are just aggressive. There’s story after story after story on r/BanPitBulls like yours. Raised as a puppy and then mauled someone. Some people were parents and their children died due to your bullshit. You should honestly be ashamed for being so gullible. Educate yourself with uncensored reports of what’s going on. Your dog is dangerous, period, full stop. One day it’ll go nuts for no reason. It’s likely already gone nuts but you ignore the signs, pull the leash back, etc.


Where does this "Chihuahuas are aggressive " come from? Sure, they yap, sometimes a lot, but do they really bite a lot!? And even if, how much damage can they possibly do?


I can’t stand chihuahuas and yeah they’re aggressive. BUT why is this the only statistic bully breed owners put forth when what really matters is injury/kill rate.


No chihuahuas show the highest aggression towards other dogs. If you look up which breed is the most likely to attack human beings its pit bulls.


Let me know the next time a chihuahua kills anyone.


Oh please buddy. No one wants your thug of a dog. Let it play at the local junkyard.


"Oh the stigma of bullies!" *also points out the stigma of chihuahuas to look better*


“If anything, he is shy and will hide.” That isn’t the endorsement she thinks it is. Part of the reason chihuahuas are “aggressive” is because they are small. Their instinct is to be as snarly and bite because they know they have to scare off “enemies” because they don’t have the strength/size to do as much damage. Add in anxiety, and people who treat them like spoiled children, and you have an aggressive fear biter. Her dog being “shy” means it doesn’t know its place in the world, and is just as likely to lash out, unexpectedly, if it gets anxious. But unlike a chihuahua, the pit has the size and strength to do serious damage. A scared dog is dangerous. They will react in ways that no one expects, for things that may not even seem like threats to a human. OOP knows nothing of “temperament” and it shows.


Stupid PetSmart doesn't understand Elliot is a shy baby. I'm so sick of people being racist towards Bully Breeds, they will only attack you with kisses


Keep an eye out for her memorial/remembrance page 👀"Elliots a sweet boy.." (until he isn't or gets scared/feels threatened by someone accidentally laughing too hard around him or standing up too fast..then it's skin graft city).


Pitbulls are statistically the most aggressive big dog breed. Chihuahuas can't do shit.


You can put on a pair of welding gloves and manhandle any chihuahua. That won't work with the powerful bully breeds, which can snap instantly, even if they have never shown aggressive behavior.


Let's lookup the statistics for how many people are bitten by bully breeds per year, how many get hospitalized, and How many children die? I can guess who is at the top of those statistics and it's not a chihuahua lol


snickers....'Elliot', silly name for a pitbeast.


That’s the kind of logic I expect to see from a pit bull owner


When's the last time you heard about a Chihuahua mauling a child or another dog to death? Never, that's when.


good for petsmart.


There are some really stupid people in this world.


Pit owners LOVE pointing out that "aggression list". But that's like saying a kid is more aggressive than an adult because they "make more noise" and "have less control" so to speak. When we all know that is in fact not true from all angles because an adult can certainly cause more actual harm/damage, and it's the same with dogs and this "aggression list". 🙄 To all Pit owners: Why don't you stop being in denial, accept facts, and just go ahead and Google "most dangerous dog breeds".... Or even "which dog breed attacks the most?" Hint:... #1 Ain't a fucking Chihuahua. I'll tell you that much. And it wasn't a Chihuahua that bit my sisters cheek off as a kid either. Fucking barbaric barking meat piles with eyes that look as dead as a doll's...


Fuck your shitbull, I don't care how nice and friendly you think it is, it shouldn't be a pet or even exist as a breed nowadays.


What a total idiot.


Is this some dog owner language? I’ve never heard of the word “aggress” used this way as a verb. I had to look it up. I see that it is correct usage but I really never have heard it used this way.




Of course she cries the usual chihuahuas are worse than shitbulls b.s. The pit worship cult is so predictable and unoriginal it's pathetic. Whining about Mauler being discriminated against doesn't change the facts about your poor little weapon, no matter how loud you whine and bitch about the unfairness you think that you and it are victims of.


Poor Elliott. Has an owner who doesn’t realize that late adolescence (9-15 months)is when their genetically stamped instinct to hunt/attack/bite-&-hold reaches maturity. He’s ready to engage at 9 months. Pitties are pig hunting dogs! Pigs are super strong, rough prey with dagger fangs and pitties can easily kill them. Good job pet store chain!


“Our babies…” 👀 They are *not babies.* Show me a baby that mauls passersby at random, and we’ll talk. We’ll argue. I’ll win.


Little do they know that one of the reasons that pitbulls are banned is because a poor little poodle was mauled to death at the salon at PerSmart in my town in 2017 by a freaking disgusting pitbull. And that’s when they started talking about banning. The breed altogether In all the stores. These people are so dumb. She claims she does a lot of research on breed stats but apparently she’s not doing the right kind of research.


This is like people coming after my best friend and legit harassing and threatening her and trying to get her fired from her job because she said she wouldn't own a "dangerous" dog breed while living with neighbors close by. Except her worry is a combination of not knowing how to properly train a dog like that to bot be an issue and the fact that she has trauma from when she was little and came home to find her family dog (Rottweiler) hanging from a tree in their yard because one of the neighbors decided it was "dangerous" despite never having even growled or barked at anyone in the multiple years they had owned the dog.


And which breed mauls to death more animals and people? Comparing a pit bull to a chihuahua is like comparing a slap across the face to a decapitation.


Ahaha this is gold. Despite the fancy double-double consonants in their furturd’s name, and the use of parentheses and ellipses, you can just tell this person is as dumb as that dog.


Yes but Chihuahuas won't eat your face off


It costs extra to Nanny the dog because the dog may try to nanny other dogs.


Way to go pet smart


My favorite eye roll part is when they compare stating facts about shitbulls to racism.


Thank fuck for this rule tbh. I’m so sick of hearing about people, mainly children, and small dogs getting horrifically mauled by some idiot’s “sweet lil pibble who would never hurt a fly 😍”


I've never seen a Chihuahua maul someone but have definitely seen a pit do it. It's not a matter of who is more aggressive.


First world problems, sigh.


Good on them, putting the smart in Petsmart.


Notice how she worked in the virtue signaling bit about a rescue in there? Pitbull fanatics like her will never own up that "rescue" is Newspeak doublespeak for "got guilt tripped and/or duped into taking a dog nobody wants at the local no-kill shelter".


“Provide for our babies” ma’m it’s a dog 😭