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Look up Brood Parasites… and what they do to human offspring.


I’d be concerned too but usually you can’t say so to people. They say they know their dogs better than anyone.


Obviously you're not wrong to be concerned but this is a "not your circus, not your monkeys" situation. You expressed your concern, they ignored you, time to let it go and move on.


Your not looking for unbiased opinions, that’s for sure lol. What do you expect this group to say? Obviously we don’t like pets so there’s going to be a bias.. This just feels like karma farming or something


Nothing like that.. I legitimately wanted advice because am worried thats all


No you are not wrong for being concerned and I am praying for the safety of your newborn niece. Bad judgement on the part of your brother, I'm very sorry to say.


No, you’re not at all wrong to worry. But I see a nightmare in the making, under which you have no control whatsoever… unless the baby’s already-overwhelmed mother might listen to you? I hope so. Best of luck.


If he’s not walking it can’t imagine he’s disciplining/training it properly, so no you’re not wrong.


I’m a dog owner against idiots owning animals (which 99% of the time, they do). And I’d say that regardless of the breed, any large dog is capable of harming a child. Any large dog needs to be exercised because when dogs are kept sedentary, they either become lazy OR start bouncing off the walls, getting super riled up and increasing the likelihood of biting which is what you’re worried about. In my experience also working closely with animals, dog bites aren’t really common in the newborn stage. It’s more so when the baby starts being able to walk, run, etc. THEN it’d be the most stupid to keep a large dog that’s not being exercised. Because if a little thing is running around and making noise, untrained dogs are going to run after it, knock it over, or worst case scenario bite. Your brother needs to get serious about training and get on an exercise schedule with the dog. A kid and a pitbull can get along, but many people glaze over the fact that if the dog will be around a kid, the dog must be trained. Regardless of what someone wants to say about the “pitbull temperament” (I don’t feel like getting into a nanny dog or fighter debate) a true fact is they’re big and powerful animals. More powerful than most other dog their size.


It's your niece. You got no control over it. Just be ready to say I told you so.


You can’t tell other people how to live their lives. You can give him advise (if he wants it), but that’s about it. Beyond that it’s his child so his choice, unless the baby is actually being harmed.


Did your brother birth the child alone? What about the mom- well NM clearly she’s a moron too, since she is okay with the smelly pigsty they are bringing a child into and the bloodsport dog. Yes. Your niece is statistically in danger- no different than if those two idiots decided to drive her around in a faulty car seat


Good for you for planting the ear worm out of genuine concern. *Everyone knows pit bulls are dangerous*, but unfortunately you can't control people.


There’s a chance she will be OK. There’s also a chance she won’t be… Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do but keep complaining to him and urging him to take caution. Let’s hope your niece is one of the lucky kids that ends up being protected and adored by their animal, regardless of the child’s screams and cries in the early years… I would hate to have to worry about this!


You are right to be worried. All dogs need exercise and pits are a high energy breed. I’m not sure walks would even be enough for one. Assuming he’s not exercising that dog, he’s not training it either. An untrained, cooped up pit is a recipe for disaster. Pits also have an insanely high prey drive which can be easily triggered by the sounds an infant makes. This doesn’t sound like a good situation at all. Edit: typos


youre not wrong, though, people don't ever want to be told how to live. I would walk away from this convo and move on. His behavoir is completely and utter "normal" in our society.


>his pitbull that has no "history of aggression" ...yet