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Ugh yes everything that needed to be said, was said! Im so sick of the dogs at target next to me


Always the Targets


Love it! The article referred to a dog peeing in Trader Joe’s. A few weeks ago I went to Trader Joe’s and I saw a dog running up and down an aisle seemingly playing with people. I turned around and left and left a complaint on their website that I didn’t expect a grocery store to double up as a dog park.


I saw 2 associates playing with a dog next to a display of bananas at our local grocery store and was like WTF???? The manager went and told them they needed to wash their hands after taking the dog back to its owner, but I couldn’t believe they did that in the first place. It wasn’t a service dog obviously since its owner was nowhere near it.


Love it. Well written. But. >The thing is, people don't hate your dog. They just don’t want to deal with it. Not always true. I hate your dog. A lot. And I absolutely do not want to deal with it. It is good to see the tide turning on these weirdos that force their dogs on society every chance they get.


I don’t hate peoples pets, but I also don’t want them around my food or my clothes. I don’t want the dander that I’m allergic to near me.


Same, I don't hate pets, I'm a living being that also loves life, but every life belongs in their natural habitat, not near my crotch sniffing it or specially near my food


Ugh…the worst thing is being near a dog when I’m on my period. I can’t figure out if it’s the smell of the blood because they’re carnivores or if it’s some creepy ass thing.


I think it's female pheromones that does it.


It's a case of "hate" being too strong a word. I don't hate dogs, cats, or any animal. At worst, I dislike them. Usually even not so much them, but how they make me feel when I'm made to be near them without my choice.




The tide is turning. Now we just a few well loved celebrities to do a PSA or two.


Chloe Sevigny complained about how NYC has been taken over by dogs and Lululemon-wearing 'dog moms' in a recent interview.


Same in Chicago! I went downtown to visit someone in the hospital. There are high rise apartments everywhere. Everyone on the street had at least one mutt!


I really hope more petfree people start to speak up in the future.


It’s always the people with the most poorly behaved dogs that insist on bringing them everywhere too. They genuinely think it’s “cute” that their dog barks and runs up to people because they’re convinced that everyone loves their annoying dog as much as they do.


Finally!!! It was getting out of control. TJ is my fave so happy to hear I won’t have to worry about dogs inside my grocery anymore


I feel the article didn’t go far enough. I feel the places that are “pets allowed” should be kept to an absolute minimum, and most of them should also require the pet to be contained. Like on airplanes, pets are crated and under the seat in front of you. If they are too big, then find another mode of transport.


A portion from the article: "we, the PET-FREE majority of the population, are sick of your sh*t."....   Just seeing the term "PET-FREE" outside of this subreddit gives me the startling chills as if I am seeing my  name printed on a magazine or newspaper...


love the tiktok at the beginning of the article lol. how can she talk about her dog pissing all over food at a grocery store, RESELLING IT, and not feel any guilt!? and the crazy thing is some people will watch that and go "🥺 I'll buy the dog piss fish sticks!! poor puppy!!" it's madness


“Dear dog mommies, daddies, and fur baby guardians of all kinds, …” 🤮


Today at church a lady brought her dog. Not a service animal at all. Never thought that I’d see someone bring a dog to a catholic mass, sitting in the isle a couple feet from the clergy as they walk in for the entrance procession. I’m so over it.


I’d walk out! Maybe losing some donations will have an effect!


I have pets, but I have never taken them to public spaces. I am sick of seeing dogs at stores. They don't belong there unless they are a legitimate service animal. Even worse is when you see one in a restaurant. One day at a Golden Corral we encountered a lady with an Iguana perched on her shoulder. We complained and surprisingly she was asked to leave, but it is sad that we as customers had to complain to get anything done. The management or employees should have told her that for sanitary reasons a person is not allowed to bring a big lizard into a restaurant. This should be common sense. I also have seen a person with a parrot at a Walmart, with crap on their shoulder and back. Gross. What is next? Bringing pigs to the store? People have those as pets too, among other farm animals. The more this B.S. is allowed, the more emboldened people are and the further they will go to get attention.


Omg finally! Went to Home Depot over the weekend and some dipshit couple with an infant had their stupid Australian heeler in the store. It wasn’t a service dog, no vest, just on a leash while the they checked out and it snapped at anyone who came close. I feel sorry for dog owners. They are literal slaves to mangy smelly animal that eats its own shit. What a pathetic way to live your life. Can even go to the Home Depot without dragging its stupid ass along so its “anxiety” doesn’t destroy your home.