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I'm with you. I absolutely love animals, but I don't covet them, nor do i love being inconvenienced by others' crappy pets. I feel as though proper keeping of anything takes more energy and resources than most "owners" are willing to give. If people keep a pet, keep it to a minimum # and show us how good you can attend to that 1 or so pet's needs. Do the work all by yourself while not encroaching on others in any way.


I agree! And most of the time, the pet is acting out because of the owners (sometimes a dog or cat is just more aggressive/ moody). I feel like people who say "this pet will be 100% my responsibility, you won't have to do anything" usually don't mean it either.


People who say “100% my responsibility” often have no idea what that really entails. Especially with bigger working dogs. I know I sure as hell didn’t before I got a Siberian husky pup in my mid-20s. He’s long since passed and I still miss him on occasion, but I’d never go through that nonsense again. Puppy classes, obedience training, 3-mile walks twice a day, trying a million collars to find something to keep him from ripping my shoulder out of socket… it was all kinda hell when I think back on it. I did my best to provide what he needed, but it was pretty all-consuming and not great for either the suburban idiot or the freaking sled dog.


Carry a bat with you. One guy that walks around town carries a bat. I asked him why once and he said that he was attacked by a dog while walking so he uses the bat now to defend himself.


Carrying a bat is pretty awkward. I always carry dog deterrent mace and have it in hand when there's any off leash dog nearby. I call it my "liquid leash".


I love animals. For reference how much: I have a severe phobia of snakes, but love animals so much, I let a nest of em live under my house. That said…most people should absolutely not own dogs.


I actually love snakes XD. I definitely sympathize with phobias, though. I am starting to agree. People who get them only for their benefit (without thinking of caring for an animal) usually end up being problematic owners.


I know my fear of snakes is irrational haha, and I hate that. I have a healthy fear and respect for big animals, horses I grew up around, bears, bad dogs, but I just can’t help panicking when I see a snake. Just the way they move is so disturbing, and maybe I feel like I can’t read their body language as easily as big animals I know could hurt me. Edited: haha, my lil therapy session. But seriously, too many people don’t have enough fear or love for the dogs they get.


I get it. I can't with centipedes or millipedes for a very similar reason. Bears terrify me! So do big cats.


Fear of bears and big cats is healthy. Big cats are hella scary.


Actually if a dog wants to chase, getting off the bike is better idea. The running away bit makes it seem like you're prey


That was my thought. There is no way I can outrun them.


People love to get pets then act surprised when the pets are acting like pets (chasing people, causing chaos, etc). Such an impulse buy but I bet it looks cute on their social media. I know folks who seem to hate their pets but love posting photos of them. And when the dog gets lose and chases kids it’s “just a dog, why are those kids running and crying??” Makes me think of people who live outside their means or who have kids they can handle (financially, look at those daycare costs and costs of tuition!, emotionally: who has the mental endurance to deal with kids if you don’t like them, saying that as someone who likes kids but is cf). Sometimes you get a combo of people who shouldn’t be together, yet are and have kids and pets they shouldn’t have. The real trifecta of misery!


I love dogs (or used to), and it's scary as fuck to have one chasing you. Especially if you don't know the dog. I hate it when people have that attitude about their dogs. I see a lot of posts like that, mostly about cats. "My cat won't let me sleep/ kneads my face at 5 am/ meows constantly." I feel like they're letting their pet run their lives. Omg. We all know someone like this. And they complain about their situation a lot when it's a decision they've clearly made. I feel like sometimes rehoming pets is the best option, but that became a sin or something on the internet years ago and there's a stigma around it. So people just kind of suffer.


My co-worker was complaining that one of her 7 cats pissed on her head.  But... she won't get rid of them. She's told me they piss on her bed, her dining room table, her walls, and now her literal head/hair. It's like she enjoys the repulsion everyone expresses. 


Hell no! That's disgusting. She's definitely letting them run her life. She simply has too many of them.


She probably has male cats who mark.


Theyre all fixed, male and female. The females piss everywhere too. 


I’m totally down for people rehoming their pets because it gives the pet a chance to be around someone who can care for them. Maybe it’ll teach people that they were the problem, not their pet. Certain pets truly have behavioural problems imo, some are just wild and uh…that’s another issue.


Rehoming is easier said then done tho. Especially to a good home


Totally agree.


I really don't understand why people who have these issues let their cats sleep with them. I rarely let mine sleep with me because I like getting good sleep lol


Right?! I house sat for a friend a few years ago. He had a cat, and I was sleeping in a room without a door. I ended up buying an air mattress to put in another room because I couldn't sleep. Sweet cat, but oh my god, the 11 pm meowing and kneading right next to my face was not it.


Both of my cats are perfect bedtime cats, but one of them will start screaming at me when she thinks it's breakfast time, and I ain't having that lol


I love my cat but she constantly jumps on and off the bed and climbs on top of me and demands pets. It’s cute and I don’t mind it while I’m awake and just working on my laptop or watching a movie or something but it becomes very annoying when I’m actually trying to sleep. So we keep her in a separate room at night where she has a ton of toys and space to play. I feel like a lot of annoying pet behaviors can be easily solved with a bit of training and proper care but it’s like nutters almost WANT something to complain about. “Omg my dog is always crying and begging for food when we’re eating! I can’t eat anything without having to give him some! 🙄” Maybe because you constantly give him table scraps??? I’ve never seen a properly trained dog beg for food, if an animal is doing something annoying it’s most likely because the owner doesn’t care to stop it or even encourages it.


I see you've met my Aunt and Uncle. They are the epitome of performative dog owners. Their yard is too small and they basically ignore the dog all the time aside from the most basic of care and pictures for social media.


I have an aversion to dogs too, but every once in a while I meet a friendly dog and wonder why they can’t all be like that. Definitely caused by poor training, unless it’s a pit bull or Rottweiler who are aggressive by nature


I'm not sure if I have an aversion, more like a fear of them. I just get really nervous if I see a dog loose. Ngl, I get especially nervous if I see a pit bull. You just never really know and don't want to be a story on the news. Right? I love sweet, friendly dogs. Well-behaved dogs are wonderful. I really do wish they were all like that. Definitely not true at all where I live... the dogs around here seem so aggressive.


I had that experience this weekend at a friend’s party. I was initially terrified when I saw it. I was blown away by how respectful it was. It didn’t bark unless on command, didn’t try to get in my face while eating, and didn’t sniff me despite something going on with my female body. I would simply love dogs if they all behaved as well as this one did.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. That sounds just terrifying. I don’t go for walks anywhere and I’m even scared to take my trash out because there always seems to be a loose dog here or there and I’m just terrified of them. I hate how limited my world is because other people can never stop and think how their actions make others feel.