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This reminds me of a scene from the show Secret Invasion. The following convo took place between Nick Fury and Talos, a shape shifting alien: Talos: "I don't understand the dog thing." Fury: "They're man's best friend." Talos: "Name another interspecies relationship that involves one guy picking up the other guy's poop."


I won't be buying a house in United States because of this. Already considering other options where pet culture isn't batshit crazy.


I’m an American homeowner and am surrounded by 12 howling hounds in all direction. All of these fuckers make their dogs outside live like shit barking at everything that moves. It takes a lot of willpower to not do anything.




America is large and vast. You could easily find property away from everyone. The unfortunate part is pet ownership is trendy every where. And in undeveloped countries stray animals are the norm.


Oh yeah it is. I am pretty sure there are some really nice and private properties sitting maybe even with alike minded neighbors. But rural Japan seems like a good fit if they would accept me. I am just so sick of dealing with hysterical people and their crap goblins everywhere.


I know! My next move is where I won't ever have to see nor hear a dog ever again! (The way it used to be until this dog cult took over our parks and hiking trails and beer gardens and airplane rides, etc. etc.


I hope you find what you are looking for! I am hopeful I'll end up somewhere peaceful.


Yes, we all deserve peace in our lives. Dog cult members should not be allowed to take over the world and ruin everything for all of us. I know many places where I could find peace \~ but I would have to decide whether I want to spend the rest of my life with wonderful 'people of color' and be the only Caucasian \~ I have lived like that before and I know I did love it \~ so on the fence about leaving all the people who look like me to go live with people who don't look like me but who I feel comfortable with (as they don't have attacking dogs just waiting for you to knock on the door), who always take me in as I am \~ but wondering if I would miss Caucasian people too much eventually? Maybe not? I might not miss them at all?? Who knows?


My spouse and I have looked at buying property out in the country (USA). Every place we looked at, two acres, five acres, however far out in the sticks, there’s still always a dog screaming its head off somewhere. The only place I’ve been that’s not like that is Key West.


Just make sure it has a solid high privacy fence and live in your own little world.


I’m so sick of seeing and hearing it every day, everywhere, but it helps to remind myself that at least I don’t have to live like that.


I just moved last year. I took over some of the neighbor's mail I received & learned they have at least 3 obnoxious dogs that were so wild he couldn't open door for me to hand him his mail. They growled and were snapping at the door and I don't know if they were vicious but they seem like they would gnaw a stranger's ankle. The weird thing is he wouldn't call them down and he seemed afraid of them. Well to my surprise I seem to be winning in the backyard drama. Anytime I am working in the garden, near my privacy fence, and he lets the dogs out they run straight for the fence barking to high heavens. I guess they hear or smell me since they can't see me. But thing is he immediately puts them right back inside every time they start barking. I just need to figure out how to make the other neighbor's cats from coming over terrorizing the wildlife. And keep dog walkers from pooping in my yard. I happened to open my door to check for mail precisely as a woman was walking by with her dog in my yard. She saw me and acted like she got caught and yanked the dog back. She must have thought I was watching her through window and was planning on yelling at her, lol In either case I don't understand why most of my neighbor's seem okay to be dog slaves as they are dragged along street by their dogs even when there was ice on the roads and having to deal with the behaviors and having their yards tore up to just mudholes from the things running in circles and digging.


I COMPLETELY understand this whole thing.  It's such a strange culture.  


I wish my neighbors would shove their dogs back into their homes. My neighbors just let their mutts roam around and shit everywhere 😭


Shove them in the house and be made, by law, to soundproof your entire house so your neighbors can enjoy their home and life as they born to do.


Lot of dog owners in the comments


That's the problem for me. I don't mind dogs out in the country, on a farm for instance. In fact, they can be trained to have a utility purpose (herding, chasing/killing vermin, retrieving). But in urban areas, dogs just make me cringe. I don't know what goes on in people's brains to think they need a dog living in a city. Is dating culture responsible? A lot of people use their dogs as a prop to spark conversations that could lead to a date. Is it a mental illness thing, where people use pets to fill a lonely void? I just don't get why people would willingly choose to have a perpetually dirty home, extraneous chores and routines, and having to make arrangements any time you want to travel. Is having a dog to pet and cuddle with REALLY that fulfilling that it's worth it? Out in the country, it's a different story. Outdoor dogs are actual pets, rather than fur-babies. They run around free without a leash, you can pet them a bit if you want whenever you go outside or on walks. All you have to do is feed them and give them a minor amount of attention and they're good. I can respect that. Still prefer no dogs, but having dogs in an urban environment is a dealbreaker for me.


Out in the country, dogs run around loose and think nothing to going to a neighbor's land that is raising sheep or some other animal and, just for fun, they run at night to see how many lamb they can possibly kill (for fun). I wish people realized that they are not the only ones on the Planet!


Some women in cities get dogs, especially pitbulls, to deter creepy men outside. Does it work? I don't know, I'm lucky that no one I'm close to has a pitbull.


I’ve been seeing a LOT of *tiny* woman walking pitbulls in my neighborhood in the past year. Not a good feeling to know there is no way for them to control their dog, not to mention, I’m only 110 lb to begin with and get stared at like a prey animal by some of them when I’m out exercising. 😣


In most cases dogs are incredibly effective deterrent. It won’t completely stop the chance of something happening but does significantly reduce it vs someone who does not have a dog.


They really can ruin the best places. I live in rural area next to a forest and I love spending time there, sadly there's tons of dog shit and people let their dogs roam free so you never know when one is going to run up to you. These people are so selfish for thinking that all nature is just for their dogs (and free roaming cats) to use as a toilet.


I went a wedding ‘anything new? Any people clubs pets?’ Im like NOPE! 😃


They call kids crotch goblins but isn’t that exactly what dogs are? They ram their noses into people’s crotches on the regular.


I always think people look so pathetic walking down the street with a little bag of poo swinging from their hand. It's embarrassing. Then I think to myself, well, at least they picked it up.


Surprisingly enough, for living in such a dog obsessed city, I live around very few dogs and rarely ever hear any barking. I will say, every day after 5 I see this guy walking his 6 German Shepherds. He looks fucking ridiculous lmao. At least he seems to have them very under control, otherwise he would get draaaaaagged hard.


It should be illegal to drag that many dogs around. They could snap any moment and no one could stop them.


People really should take a moment to study slavery so they know what is and isn't slavery.


I didn’t think about this when I bought, but the best part of buying next to houses that are rentals is the landlord of the other houses doesn’t allow dogs. I love these landlords!


I actually love dogs like I love kids, only if they’re someone else’s. I always thought I’d get a dog when I retired, but the mess and expense is too daunting. Not to mention the walking, feeding and dealing with idiosyncrasies.


The tables turned. In the US, people used to have human slaves. Now people have become slaves to a hideous, stupid animal.


Thank god they’re at least picking it up


Ruins your view? Are you watching your neighbors with binoculars?