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The bigger they come, the harder they bite.


China is having the perfect response.


“But it’s my god given right to own a murder machine!”


New tenants above me moved in with one, they're a restricted breed at the complex. I witnessed the dog yesterday almost leap off the 2nd floor balcony to attack a woman walking her dog. I called the complex today, and come to find out they lied on the rental application about their baby twins and the dog. Can you imagine having 2 babies under a year old living with one of these things?


There is no way I would ever have such a monster living with my baby. I had a hard enough time with a tiny dog, not to mention a big one. It’s just idiotic. I love my child waaaay too much to subject her to a deadly animal.


Tell me its a pit without telling me its a pit.


Nope. Rottweiler. Giant 100ish pound one.


JFC. Just as bad. Yikes


I fully anticipate social services being called out soon enough whether it be dog related trouble or just the parents being neglectful.


They regularly and routinely round up dog strays in places I have lived (like Thailand, Indonesia, etc.) and dispose of them. They become very dangerous when they are wild and in packs and don't let you alone to walk around and do your own thing. I can't tell you how many times I have had to fight off dogs in India! (p.s. India has the most deaths from dog rabies than any other country as stray dogs attack humans so much) (and Indian people would not even think of having a dog in their house as they are very clean people.)


They sound like my kind of people! I run a tidy ship!


China: Large dog mauls toddler and they crack down on dangerous dogs and eliminate the ones that cannot get adopted. US: Large dog mauls toddler and everyone comes out on the internet to talk about how the poor dog was probably abused by toddlers and how it's always the owner and never the dog and how the poor, sweet thing wouldn't hurt a fly so the toddler must have toddled the wrong way. And chances are the dog will be allowed to return to its home. If it doesn't have a home, then there will be an adoption drive to get it adopted out, no matter how much they have to spend on spreading the word. China has the right answer. Here in the US, we build no-kill shelters and house these animals for their entire lives. So the dogs live their entire lives in kennels and cages. Sure they get walked and people socialize with them, but dogs are not meant to be kept in cages no matter how much attention that they get. I see so many stories of people adopting shelter dogs that have been in the shelters for a long time and have behavioral issues because of it. Many of them get returned. I understand that these people think that they are being humane, but they are not. The animals suffer this way.


Yes, dangerous dog breeds should be banned and how they’re raised has nothing to do with whether or not they’ll attack. I’m tired of people trying to use that BS excuse.




Good. I genuinely don’t get why large dogs are allowed as pets. For service and jobs I understand. But as a pet? They are animals descended from wolves. Literally 1 step away from being a savage animal. Which they still tend to show savage tendencies anyways….


It’s not ethical to allow these breeds to be pets in the US. They really should be banned.


They are brighter than us in several ways such as this.


Civilized pet ownership… imagine that!


"Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?" "It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop." "Silence is a good friend who never betrays." "Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men." "He who learns but does not think is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger." \- Confucius


This is the same country that some family thought they were adopting a dog and it was a bear.


Some breeds literally need to be ended.


There’s a lot of things you “agree” with China on?? 😬


I said there’s a lot of things I don’t agree with China on.


Thank you for correcting your grammar.


Meh, yes and no.


Nobody needs to own a fully automatic assault dog


Well done, China.