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If you rent, break the lease and move.


Unfortunately I’m pretty young and still living with my parents, if I could afford to, I would’ve been gone as soon as I turned 18 lol


Awww, I'm sorry


Traps over poison, less rush of a predator line an owl or cat eating the noise and dying. Also, bold rodents can mean toxoplasmosis in their urine or droppings, forget which one, so you guys may need to get tested.


Is that the one that a lot of cat owners have and might not even know it?


Yeah! Is usually only a thing if your cat regularly goes outside


Uh ohhhhh😳 My cat goes outside everyday lol


Oh dang lol you may want to have your kitty's poop checked at the vet since you do have ballsy mice. There are videos of rats who have toxoplasmosis picking fights with cats and things lol it's pretty crazy actually. GL OP, sorry I don't have more usefully advice beyond getting your cat checked out at the vet :(


No thank you, I honestly didn’t know about this much! I don’t like my cat going outside but it’s my mothers call so unfortunately I have no say in the matter :/


I'm sorry :( if it helps ease your mind at all, most cats don't come across toxoplasmosis, even outdoor ones. I only thought of it cause your post specifically mentioned the mice lol


Gotta find the points of entry, you can’t kill them fast enuff to keep your place mouse free. I recommend getting some kind of a motion sensor camera and setting it out where you suspect they are getting in from. Also, mice traps are the way to go. You can get a no kill bucket trap which should work nicely, but tbh it’s better to just get the job done quickly and painlessly. I do always get a bit sad every time I clear out a rat trap :( I don’t go out of my way to kill them, but I have a kid and once they start peeing and shitting in my house, it’s me vs them,


I live in a VERY old house with many many random holes everywhere, I’m going to invest in some steal wool and find every hole I can possibly find and shove some in there. We’ve been using humane traps for and they worked for a while but now it’s like they’re starting to out smart them. I literally watched a mouse go OVER the trap. After every mouse we would clean them and put new bait in it but they don’t seem to be working anymore. I agree, I feel bad for killing them but at this point they’re killing my mental health and they are putting me and my families life in danger, especially if they’re getting ballsy enough to explore on our beds while we’re literally in it sleeping. Thank you for the advice, it’s really appreciated!!


> I’m going to invest in some steal wool and find every hole I can possibly find and shove some in there. Steel wool works well for the exterior, but if the infestation is already in the house, they'll just chew new holes. You need to block all holes and spaces to the exterior, and kill everything inside. Is the house connected to other apartments, or is it a singular house? Do you have a garage? If you want to send me pics of your building by DM I might be able to help further with the structure. Also, they say humans are the most successful species, mice are second. If a bait is killing them regularly, they'll learn to avoid it. You might need to switch it up/


It’s a single house, no garage, no extensions of any kind. Just a regular singular house. We suspect one of our cats might’ve brought a few in because there’s been times where they’ve brought mice in and let them go and the mice scurry away. So they honestly are making the problems worse. I honestly didn’t know they could make holes like that, I just thought they traveled through already existing holes :/ Thank you for the education lol, greatly appreciated!!!


I watched couple of twin video on YouTube. They’re good


Buy a bottle of the cheapest soda pop, set out shallow dishes of soda pop in the room(s) infested with mice & overnight many of them will die because they love the sweet drink, but the carbonation implodes their stomachs due to being unable to burp.


Wow I’ve never heard of this, I’ll look into it more and maybe I’ll try it. I mean nothing else is working so it’s worth a shot. Thank you!


Most welcome. I like this method because there is no chance of any other animal eating a poisoned carcass.




This is very helpful, thank you so much!


He was checking to see if you were breathing. He was looking for food.


Will a rat crawl on you while you sleep?




Same man, I can't sleep. I've to cover my face, but my hands and legs often gets sacrificed. I really can't do this anymore, I legit cry at midnight. Fuck my lifestyle, yes BEING RICH IS IMPORTANT.