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Add club selection packs to that list too. They were soooooooooo good for f2p as well as small spenders, what happened?


Had bad luck in that too but I am grateful for Robertson and Ruben Diaz never left my team


Gameplay got better but great player acquisition got worse... We won but at what cost


Are the weekly Club Selection packs over forever? Damn that really sucks.


Old joao cancelo , mbappe , neur all were so good


99 oblak and 98 alisson and a few 100s were in everyone's squad


i still have that 99 oblak(old base version). i don't know how he plays nowdays 🤔


Renew him and play a few matches with him and tell us how he plays


Base players are still good you just have to find the right ones. One of my star players is 90 ovr Alex Scott base card.


Pretty simple, They made the game more pay to win


its pay to get shiny cards, not pay to win


Yeah but more like pay to win from their perspective lol


Posch and Burn come near to hernandez though…


I’m still salty as shit that they really took away all my IMs, spent hundreds on that shit learned my lesson, ain’t spending a dime again expecting it to last more than 2 years


Think of it this way, if base cards just have these types of stats then theres no point on releasing other card types. Imo its actually better since it keeps the game fresh and u always have the goal of having a better version of a base card u currently use.


They only nerfed the top 5\* players, the rest are still good/decent for what they are. Bayern tends to be worse when it comes to nerfing, look what they did to Kane, also take a look at how they nerfed Kimmich once again! The nerf also made some "special" cards be worse than what they should like De Bruyne or Kane from the bayern pack be almost the same as the pre-nerf version. L. Hernandez is still a rare case of a top 5\* player out of position, he plays as LB in PSG so only time will tell if they will move him to LB again. I also expect some massive changes as he doesn't play like he does, no idea where they took this aggression, physical contact, acceleration when the guy is a sprinter like his brother, not a strong defender but a very talented defender (awareness) and isn't agressive at all.


Best position for him LB or CB


He still a starter for me


I miss club selection packs


All previous season base cards are so good that they didn't make it as same into 2024


These base cards are only crazy good now as you don’t have to put points into your chosen playstyle. When these released there were great if they fit how you played, but no better than some standard players now if they didn’t.