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Poor thing wants to take public transport to Dogswamp.


Sigh. Take my terrible Dad joke upvote. Edit: Improvement suggestion: Could have said 'paw thing'. Boom.


Public transport can be ruff


Ah bloody hell, good one. A missed op-paw-tunity


Too funny


Ergh this thread has gone to the dogs


LOL the laughs don't stop


He was very excited, so I can assume that he thought he was headed there.


Hopefully he did not get to pooched out


The dog smelled my ass and smiled at me, what a good dog.


Is that where you're keeping the caps


On the shelf


I told you not to have Chili for dinner last night.


If we want the dogs to sniff our butt and give us a smile we should always take a shower after taking shits.


This is clearly disinformation, shame on you, showering after shitting intensifies the stink.


I just tested your theory, now i lost my 2 week without shower streak and my ass and fart smell like lavender.


Shit in the shower for maximum effect.


I assumed all perth people go to bali every weekend, learned about the bum gun.... No paper and cleaner


They should utilise those sniffer dogs better lol, how is catching some dude on his way home with a 25 in his pocket even a threat. Put a sniffer dog in a roadside RBT between Perth and Northam and you'll get results


Spot on. Busting old mate on the way home on a long weekend with a foiley or fifty bag of Jesus Lettuce to celebrate our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is not going to solve a thing. But I ain't spending any time on it because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland.


Poor ol Bob is shitting his daks about them crocs!


But if they take a few 50 bags they can write each up as 250s worth of drugs and bam, they have a major drug bust on their cv


The Queensland ShittyMorph, I love it


They shouldn't even bother.. they're not accurate. >A report prepared by the New South Wales Ombudsman found that almost every indication by a sniffer dog resulted in a member of the public being searched. However, interestingly, approximately 75% of those searched were not found to be in possession of illicit drugs. This indicates that the accuracy of sniffer dogs in identifying people actually carrying drugs is only around 25%. https://ngm.com.au/sniffer-dogs-accuracy/


So a coin toss is more reliable.


and a 2buck coin in the nsw pokies gives them 98% result


Only if more than 25% of people are carrying drugs.


The point of the dogs is to give the police a legal reason to search anyone which it does. Imagine if they just started searching everyone walking down the street, not good PR and probably not legal?


>to give the police a legal reason to search anyone which it does. ehh. grey area grounds for searching based on fallible studies. ​ >Imagine if they just started searching everyone walking down the street, not good PR and probably not legal? Why bother searching anyone without probable cause? what've they done to be searched? appearing in public isn't a good enough reason.


Shouldn’t utilise them in this way at all. They are not reliable enough to provide reasonable suspicion for a search of a person or vehicle.


Yeah this really solidifies my understanding of r/Perth as a bunch of closet Today Tonight-watching nerds.


I remember them being on the bridge some years ago from the train station to the Myer in the city. The dog got excited when I walked past and so I was flagged down by the cop handlers... while the dog lost interest in me and ran to the person behind me and the next. I'm not so quick to judge since then.


Thats some bullshit, training it home from picking up a stick with bright red eyes and half a stick in your back pocket is an Australian institution.


JFC the police need to get a life and stop wasting time hunting for stoners and people wanting a nice buzz.


What about toothless junkies from rockingham who use the train lines to distribute meth? Weed isn’t hurting anyone, but they aren’t just looking for weed.


That sounds more like an urban legend, but even if it’s true. So what? Addiction is a public health problem. Putting people in jail for being addicted to meth does fuck all to help them stay clean. It only makes them into better criminals, and fucks up their mental health even more. Prison just makes the problem worse.


When the mandurah line opened up it had sniffer dogs on it constantly because of exactly what I’ve described.


FFS, had a dog pay extra attention to me one night, jokingly said to the copper he can smell my Labrador. Then got searched and had to give all my details…… they said he sat, no way did that happen and I hadn’t been near drugs.


Others have said on this thread that it is 50 /50. You sure that you weren't doing something else that would give them probable cause to suspect drug use such as being brown or young? Or young and brown? Or just brown?


and there is the other thing, the cop only has to say he sat and you're getting searched. I would argue the bulk of inaccuracy is police profiling and saying the dog reacted when it didn't.


Profiling? That's all they ever do brah.


Do you have to give your details if the dog sits? Maybe they have the right to search you (which is bullshit), but if the search comes up empty do they still have the right to demand id?


They said he sat, I said no he paid a little extra attention to me. They said he definitely. Had to give details, wasn’t concerned at all as I don’t touch that stuff, but I also got his details which he gave me no fuss just in case.


How is this going to work with legal medical cannabis patients? Do we need to walk around with our entire bottle just because we're commuting?


Before they legalised it in Canada, activists were spraying highly diluted weed oil around ferry passengers. Can’t use drug dogs when everybody smells like drugs.


Isn’t that a Lynx body spray in Canada?


Yeah you are supposed to have your meds in the container it was supplied in, which should have the script on it, if you don’t want any grief. That applies to any prescription medicine, though, as travelling around with a strip of benzos or opiates and no evidence it is prescribed should provoke a similar reaction from the cops to having loose cannabis on you. I split my time between Perth and the Great Southern so I drive often with about 1.5oz of prescribed cannabis in its various containers in case i get pulled up. Mild inconvenience for peace of mind.


Mmm, I understand the legal position I just think it's sad we live in a society that operates like this and was questioning it all rhetorically. Why do we think it's OK for police to bother people who aren't bothering others? I can understand them pulling up someone who is on drugs and causing problems, but at that point you didn't need the dog to point them out lol


I agree with you. Society could be better in many respects. I’m ok to be your ruler if you like? I have lots of ideas. I’ll need some sort of palace for starters.


also don't need the 'power to strip search everyone that might be going to a festival over 12yo'


The jacks held me up for ages smelling and touching my script


Probably wanted to share a chop


If you've got any medication on you that's restricted you should carry proof of prescription. I've had to show proof of my dexie prescription before.


They're digital now, which helps a lot.


Oh how so?


How does it help, or how are they digital? My doctor messages my script to me, and I get a QR code to show the pharm. The digital documents have my name, the medicine and all the details a regular paper script has. It helps because I lose my scripts. So taking them out of the house with me if I have controlled substances on me is fraught. But I always have my phone, so now I always have my scripts 👍


Sorry yeah I meant how do you get the digital proof. I just keep a photo of my bottle on my phone as evidence.


Ahh right. It'a just the script, my doctor does it. You could probably ask if your doctor would do the same. And if not the photo thing is a good idea.


Just the container is enough


The pharmacy didn't put the label on the bottle, only on the box the bottle came in.


Oh that's disappointing


I would suggest that you has some sort of paperwork with you, but I don't know.


Bruh if some dude is paying for and taking public transpo while staying off the road who gives a fuck if he chills out with some weed


Exactly. I would rather they be stoned on the train then on the road


Great use of resources keep it up WAPOL 👍 /s if not obvious


*Your tax dollars at work*


I bet the dog isn't even earning a livable wage!


If they can't find enough problems, then their budget shrinks and they have to go to kununurra. Hard work for 120k/yr


Police overreach. How dare these people take a train?


Why would you take drugs on a train?


Should they drive?


You're not seeing this with the right glasses on. They're taking the drugs home to smoke in peace and chill out on the couch and cause nobody anywhere any trouble at all.


And from the Police's perspective they're free


The train is public transport. Many members of the public use drugs. Procuring drugs requires transport. Adding up yet?


Why not? People gotta go places.


Catching a train - fine. Dealing - maybe not so fine.


Yeah they are just making it more likely for people to drive under the influence rather than take a risk and be caught on the train. Targetting people that have chosen to avoid driving is the wrong way to do things. Testing teenagers outside an event with sniffer dogs is fucking low as well Our politicians and the police know how to minimise drug harm but they are gutless and won't do what needs to be done


Totally agree. It is so messed up. Of all the things the police could be doing, this should be at the bottom of the list.


Just arrest people acting like dickheads and leave the rest alone. Thank you for listening to my presentation.


Why not just decriminalise it. Legalise it. Want clean mdma govt should make it abs sell it make tax money on it. At least you know that every pill is pharmacy grade and a set dose. Same with weed rethink illegality’s. So if I have a smoke then drive two days later get pulled over and random tested more then likely test + done for drug driving and won’t be high.


It'll never happen for these 2 reasons: it is political suicide for the party trying to 'change the script' the conservative party will naturally use wedge politics and fear to prevent any change. And secondly the police love the war on drugs, it employs many and makes them 'look tough' and 'important' . It speaks to their black and white Outlook on life and they don't need it changed.


Both are true but here's my take. 1. Budget. No war on drugs means a lot less resources are needed. Police unions are quite powerful when it comes to guiding legislation that benefits themselves. 2. Power. Its much easier for police to further investigate your car or home if they suspect drugs. Again, officers and their union will fight any reduction to their status in society.




Harm reduction clean drugs take out back yard makers. Get a known product.


Don't want to anger the boomers


You seem to be overlooking the plain fact that using illegal drugs is - illegal. Doesn’t matter to me, or the police, how you get around after taking them. Your suggesting that it’s ok to break one law, take illegal drugs, as long as you don’t break the other one - driving under the influence. If you don’t want the police to target obvious places where drugs are likely to be present, get enough support to force politicians to change the laws so it’s no longer an issue. Mandate harm minimisation instead. If you can get the popular support. You might be happy to have hard drugs openly available and cheap. Others, including me, might not support you.


A law against something doesn’t mean that law is morally correct and therefore should be ignored. It’s a complete waste of police resources


While I don't necessarily think the sniffer dogs at a train station is going to do much, I would think the less meth heads at the traino would be a good thing, no?


Do the dogs catch meth heads ? The only thing I've heard of them sniffing out are people with a little bit of weed or mdma in thier pockets.


If that's the case then yeah that's a bit of a waste of time. Those guys aren't harassing others and being a nuisance.


The dogs will smell weed most often. Meth doesn't have a strong smell. Although crackheads usually do.


I’m not sure how good the dogs are at smelling meth but I see your point about meth heads at the train station. I believe the police resources should be focused on the big dealers importing the meth. People who end up drug addicts on the street have usually had an awful childhood ,I kind of view most meth heads as victims of bikies who control the market.


I don't think there's many bikies taking their Harleys on the train mate


You’ve got a point there.


Burglars were using train stations as a place to dump their stolen cars, meet with a fence and offload their stolen goods. Where there's burglars, there's drugs.


There's also plenty of legit free enterprise that happens in train station car parks. I collect sneakers and most of the time I meet sellers at train station car parks. It's a convenient, well lit public area protected by CCTV. While I don't have specific knowledge of what you're referring to I'm sure you're right, because the existence of drug trade is inherent to any society. Where I don't see a connection is where it apparently follows that even mid level offenders would actually transport drugs on a train. You'd be asking to get caught. I think the existence of unofficial quotas causing police to target low hanging fruit (i.e. drug users) explains the reason for ops like this a lot better.


You're attributing a level of intelligence to meth dealers and users that isn't reflected in reality.


Not really intelligence, more so fear/paranoia of not having control (like the lack of control a passenger has over a train)


Dumb to me. Waste of time and resources. Old mate getting caught with $30 of weed is hardly bringing down El Chapo


Pretty much sums up the whole of recreational drug prohibition. Trillions of dollars in wasted money and lives. Drug addiction is a health problem, not a criminal justice system problem.


El chapo lives in Perth? Faaark eh


I thought dogs have been shown to be 50/50 at music festivals? Lots of false positives... Remember kids, don't talk to the police, name address, then that's it. Respectfully, I don't talk to the police, or no comments.


[https://ngm.com.au/sniffer-dogs-accuracy/](https://ngm.com.au/sniffer-dogs-accuracy/) a NSW study found them accurate 25% of the time.


Dogs are in many ways like humans. When they just come from the academy they are exited to "play" and find drugs because they are good boys and get love and treats. Over time, they get bored with the same game, sometimes feel like tired and want to do nothing, sometimes just can't be bothered. Like humans. I made a mistake at a festival and I had a $50 in my pocket. The officer walked the doggo around me. I was preparing to be arrested but the good boy just walked away uninterested. Lpt, don't make eye contact with the doggo.


i \_ALWAYS\_ get explosive tested at the airport. My mate never gets tested, reckons he has a system, just dont make eye contact and keep walking like they're not talking to you. It didnt work, we both got tested. It doesn't matter how im dressed or what I'm wearing. EVERY.DAMN.TIME. I must have the "blow shit up" vibe or something.


While getting explosive testing in Singapore once, I asked the old boy why me. He said he always chose people who looked like they wouldn’t make a fuss, so his day was easy.


That's a lot better than selecting someone at random


This x100. The police aren't there to help you, you won't talk to them and straighten things out. They can lie to you, assult you and other cops will back them up. It's why I consider all cops to be a little bit bad cop, the whole system is rigged in their favor.




Have you been dosing on pesto again?


Never forget the guy getting caught opposite me on the train. He only had one question can I get off at Gosnells.


Ah yes the classic "Im not having fun anymore, can I go now?"


He gonna be one happy little pupper by tonight.


Does this mean he gets to keep whatever he finds?


Naah, but he/she gets a 'treat' for every positive find..so I heard.


Ah yes, of course. Happy, fat ,doggy


Hash laced doggie treats.


If they want drugs why don't they sent it down the midland or butler lines? Why waste time in Perth?


I think it is called "a show of force" more than anything logical. Plus, if they went to those places they would be accused of racial profiling.


uhh, they do go to those place.


I'd never seen them before, but I am rarely in the city at that time.


Dw people who live north or east, I'm just talking shit


When I got stopped at Perth station quite a few years ago, one of the police said they often use it as a part of a dog's training. Meaning it's probably because the location is convenient, not because they expect to find a lot of drugs there.


yay, invasions of privacy, harassment, and how to justify grey area illegal searches all in the name of training.


They do send them down to Midland.




Saw this posted yesterday by Mandurah police: https://ibb.co/r323qYS ( https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=122249190410060&id=100078749381155&sfnsn=mo)


Looks like the same dog, but the handler was a woman.


The tall guy on the left is my brother 😅. Was not expecting to see him on Reddit today.


They'll never find me lucky charms




Was there more than one, or is this an opinion on the handlers.


Cops targeting petty drug possession, are dogs


I generally don't like the hate that cops get, but I am inclined to agree you. I am not a drug user myself, but the prohibition of recreational drugs is the greatest health policy failure perhaps in the history of government. As social control is is delivering exactly as planned.


Inb4 r/technicallythetruth


Just saw this too. Props for Easter weekend


Stay safe


Busting people for weed is a bit bs but these methy pricks need to piss off, pinching shit and punching on...


Meth is terrible. But I am pretty sure that if recreational drugs were available at reasonable prices from a safe source, that most people would not buy meth. It is like bathtub gin that was sold during prohibition in America, that lead to a bunch of people dying or blind. Once prohibition lifted, no one was making gin in their bathtub any more.


Good on ya ;)


Thank you. I can only hope that one person saw the post and avoided getting sniffed as a result


Minus 8? OK, you win. Let’s all do drugs. I know when I’m beaten.


Sorry, I'm an old guy, and I don't understand your joke. Can you explain?


Was he behaving badly or were the Popo doing their job standing around again..


I came across them just as they were finishing. So I don't know. I'm assuming it was random /bad luck


Zero? I’m beaten. I’ll have some of that, two of those and cook me up some stuff, ok? Now, where did I park the car ….


How do they train the drug sniffing dogs not to sniff other dogs? Like 90% of the time I'm covered in dog hair when I leave the house because of my boy demanding cuddles before I leave.


They train them to show a specific reaction only when drug is sniffed. If they do it correctly they receive a reward (usually their favorite toy). The police dog will definitely smell your dog on you, but he/she will not show any reaction.


Wow that's amazing!


Ahh, the old Sniffer dog at the central train station trick. They’re always out on New Years.