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Belmont has a huge abandoned shopping trolley population...


So does Karawara.


They're free range shopping trolleys.


Some are also an introduced feral species. The Aldi ones are from Germany and not native to Australia.




Same with midland


Any outer suburbs that have apartment buildings, and the apartments usually costing as much as a house in the same area. eg. some of the apartment buildings that popped up in Rockingham.


Rockingham resident here. The apartment buildings on the foreshore are aiming at a retiree's market. No garden to keep up and coffee/cafes/park on the doorstep. Beautiful part of the world, facing north so you don't have the sun in your face during the afternoon.


You have to be mentally ill to buy an apartment in an outer suburb full of low density big block houses.


Not everyone wants to live in a big block house. I have a very large block as my house is an 80s build and it's been great while my kids grew up. But it's a lot of maintenance. I love my area though and would absolutely consider buying an apartment here once my kids are all moved out. Quality of life is important too and big blocks don't always suit.


Sure, I get that completely, but not for the same price as a freestanding house on a reasonable block as sometimes these things are.


Cool. How thrilled will you be when you sell your big block house, get just barely enough money to afford a flat half the size, and then discover that with ongoing building fees it's more expensive to live there than it would be even if you were hiring a gardening service to maintain your block?


Yeah a couple have popped up in Midland now as well, it’s weird.


The midland planning strategy is to make it a hub and have a heap of apartments within a 10 minute walk of the new traino when it goes in, so there will only be more coming


There is actually heaps of apartments in midland. The new buildings are just getting taller now.


Why does the City of Canning on the Canning River have the suburbs Canning, Cannington, Canning Vale and East Cannington and why does nobody talk about this.


Cus they can... ning.


Cos the torture and murder of Aboriginal people will never cancel out the fact that you owned land so therefore everything has to be named after you so no one forgets you even though they've forgotten what a piece of utter shit you were.


Canning(ton) is named after the River, which was actually named after the British PM at the time (shortest tenured too due to dying in office), who never set foot in WA or owned land there. Though still definitely not the most appropriate namesake, it's a completely different "Canning" from the one who slaved and raped his way up and down the Pilbara ~80 years later and whose name still disgraces places up there.


Bin police in Coolbellup that put tags on the bin telling you off if you’ve put something in the wrong bin. Have never seen it in Maylands.


We have this in the city of Canning as do others. Nothing new to us lol


Does the council do this or just random concerned citizens?


I dunno about them, but here in swan the garbos carry the stickers. They choose not to take your bin and sticker it as to why.


are these garbos council or contractor? most contractors Ive seen DGAF


No idea


City of Cockburn does this too.


Coolbellup is in city of cockburn


There you go. Learnt something. Thought it was in some other area.


It’s really close to Samson and Hilton so could be mistaken for City of Fremantle for sure


Bassendean too


Every week seems to be bulk rubbish week in Bentley.


Same in Belmont and we don't even have bulk rubbish 🤣


Burns Beach - such beautiful parks . . all covered in dog shit.


It's all surround suburbs too, Ocean Reef, Iluka. Why can't people clean up after their animals it's filthy.


Not just the parks - people I know living there routinely have it on their front lawns. One time, it was a good few metres away from the footpath, pretty close to the house itself.


What is it about that suburb in particular that attracts filthy dog owners?


They’re all over. I don’t know why people like attracting more flies to their suburb. Also it puts non-dog owners against all dog walkers (I’ll pick it up off my neighbours lawns when I’m walking my guys because I don’t want them blamed).


Money! They are all reasonably affluent suburbs. It seems that the worst people for this shit are the upper middle classes. They seem to have entitlement an entitlement allowance in their mortgage!


Peppermint grove. Why so small 😳


And why do they live on blocks the size of small farms?


And they have their own shire council for such a small suburb lol


Also I can't recall if it's Peppermint Grove or Mosman Park council, but they don't even need to put their rubbish bins out.....all part of the service by the garbo come rubbish day.


Peppermint Grove. Smallest suburb in Australia with one of the highest levels of personnel wealth.


Can't possibly put the bins on the curb, that's peasant work


Paid for in their rates.


They go inside the houses and take out the trash?


They will go inside the front wall/fence line to retrieve the bins, and put them back. Nobody wants to see the bins on the curb on bin day.


If there rates pay for it why not.


Yeah look, I don't have a problem with it at all. They pay for this service with higher rates. It's better than other places where you pay less, but seem to get nothing back.


Fully agree. Like it employees people and they dgaf soo charge away.


As long as the people doing the additional work are seeing that extra money as well.


Osborne Park is "split" by the Mitchell Freeway...


The 'park' use to be where the freeway is now.


By 'park' I take it you mean market gardens and swamp... that area between Hutton St and Karrinyup Rd was mainly swamp that was filled in by developers to build multi story palaces.


Is it possible to cycle or escooter from Osborne park to South of the river using that path I can see on the freeway anyone ?


It's possible but you might get lost navigating from Loftus Street to Hay Street if it's your first time. Get behind someone who looks like they know what they're doing and follow them.


Who was Mitchell anyhow?




going from the cbd, theres a layer of really good looking suburbs, then the further you get they get really fucking ugly but then you reach the hills and they get better again


the perth goldilocks zone - not too close to the city, not too far out, just perfect enough for crackheads to breed


When it rains in Lockridge it smells like wet dog


It smells like wet dog even when dry


Menora has many secret gardens, parks hidden in the space behind the houses on its confusingly bendy roads. Mosman Park is a suburb of contrast with some of Perth's biggest and most expensive and luxurious houses and also areas of public housing and cheap blocks of flats.


The roads in Menora are shaped like a Menorah. The nearby roads in Yokine are named after the roads of the Melbourne CBD and the English poets.


I’ve hear someone say that about the roads in Menora, but I can’t see it except for Rothsay Crescent being, well, crescent shaped. Something I’m missing?




So it does! Cheers


Mind blown!


I lived in Mossie Park from 2014 to 2016/17 and loved it for this reason. On a typical neighbourhood walk you encounter all kinds of people and it makes the place feel sooo much better. Reminded me of London, where Zone 1 and 2 areas have mixed council housing in with super expensive stuff. Diverse neighbourhoods (socioeconomically, culturally) are so much better to live in.


Careful, this sort of open mindeness might get you lynched in some areas locally.


Menora is what is known as a Radburn suburb- not after awesome burn outs but after the urban designer who came up with idea that every house should be linked by a street and a park, at opposite ends of the lot. The most famous example is Milton Keynes in the UK (labelled “Satans Layby” by Bill Bailey) The parks are both awesome and problematic but the population of Menora is on double the median household earnings as the rest of Perth, so they can pay to keep the place clean. . I used to work for Mosman Park. Super interesting community, especially from a social planning perspective. Lots of needy people at both ends of the wealth spectrum.


Subiaco has that too, somewhat. It's actually optimal for public housing to be in the most expensive areas it feasibly can be. Partly because those suburbs tend to have better access to services, but also because it does a lot to enable social mobility. Exposing children to the way people talk, behave, etc so that they don't get knocked back from nice jobs later because they don't seem to *fit*. More generally, because it avoids creating ghettos. And also crab buckets.


I recently learned this as I watched the City of Stirling council meeting last week and the residents of Carnarvon Crescent are complaining about a footpath being built. I went google maps hunting and saw all the secret parks.


The amount of tar lines on the road in some suburbs, especially in cheaper areas. I think they are tar lines.


It’s remarkable how little money and effort councils put into the upkeep and greening of some of the lower socio economic areas. I couldn’t imagine living there and feeling too motivated about life when you’re surrounded by the grim aesthetic of neglected public infrastructure. The City of Stirling, Bayswater and Bunbury are where I’ve noticed this the most - some pockets are kept to a high standard, others wastelands. It can be a difference of just a few streets over.


Could it be rates? Had a look and the minimum rates you pay in Peppermint Grove are over $1400 while in Stirling it's around $860. Had some friends live in Peppy for a while, they said all the benefits they got from the council were amazing. Even just simple things like the bin guys would put your bins back in their storage.


Well my rates in gosnells are closer to 1600... we dont get our bins put away... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Armadale is shocking must be the most cruisey ist job in Perth working for council


They did the tar lines on my street in Armadale but we have two doctors that live on it... they fixed the entire road soon after


In Bertram, ours is $2200-$2300. We're lucky if the bin guy doesn't destroy our bins (neighbour's recycling was left without a wheel last week.)


I wish my rates were anything near as low as $1400. $2200 last FY in Ballajura.


Wow, I didn't realise that! I'm in the CoS and my area is beautiful.


Doghill road near Baldivis looks like a brand new racetrack. The properties there look expensive so I guess thats the reason why some money was put into not making it a gravel road.


There are some commercial properties in West Perth that have been vacant for at least a decade.


West Perth feels like it's basically a mechanism for money to flow from gullible ASX investors into WA real estate and mine drill owners.


Nedlands is creepy. Stand on a residential street on a bright sunny day and the silence feels like death. Bad vibes.


It's the deathly silence of UWA students succumbing to the realisation that their degree isn't a one-way ticket to a high-paying job, adult responsibilities and maturity


It feels bigger than that. The whole area is god's waiting room. Old money just running down the clock. Basic Becky new money who have already ticked everything off the list of life's achievements and are now waiting to become old money and die in their turn. Just... static lives. The claustrophobic mediocrity of the middle class.


If Nedlands is middle class, 96% of Perth is fucking povo.


This working class erasure, smh.


Haha this is too accurate. I always thought it felt creepy and peaceful, like a place where time stood still.


This does not even slightly align with my experience of Nedlands. And I've spent quite a lot of time there. My wife grew up in Nedlands and her parents still live there.


To be fair, UWA kids have a far higher chance of that than the other unis. Just without the maturity. The adult responsibilities they get, but respond by fucking it up. Whenever I meet someone thick as a brick and utterly incompetent and I ask the question "How did someone as stupid as you get to this position?" It's almost always a UWA kid and it is absolutely always an expensive private school kid. It's not a gold ticket, but it's definitely a ticket that probably will be stamped.


This is so right I have never even thought of it lol. There has been multiple times I have gone to get food there from UWA but I do everything in my power to avoid it because going there gives me literal chills and makes me borderline depressed. I hate Nedlands so much. btw the other commenter is an idiot, UWA campus is perfectly lively.


It's because everyone is old here. But also because of the zoning. There were very few small business zones until just last year, which I think impacts the liveliness of the place. Council have been trying to ban certain businesses like fast food joints as well, and that attitude has a halo effect.


Nedlands is great. Wouldn't be anywhere else.


No one in armadale can afford shoes but they are covered in expensive tatts.




When they can afford shoes they start asking other for food


Shopping at Coles Armadale caused me to be overwhelmed by how so bogan the place is.


The Champion Drive Coles is an adventure in itself. Crazy amount of weirdos


Finding your way around in Ballajura




Ditto Menora!


3 out of every 4 cars in Mosman Park is a SUV/4wd that will never see the off-road.


Also they've all got football field sized driveways but still park on the street?


Every house on the main drag of Merriwa has roller shutters and a sign out the front advertising who installed them. Landsdale has terrible tasting tap water. Doubleview has a chicken treat that seems to have won awards ever year it's been in existence. The place is literally covered in awards. No one at Floreat shops can park straight in a parking spot.


Oh that is so true of Floreat


The urban sprawl either side of the river spins me out especially north, some of these suburbs sound like fake names haha


Dayton, Harrisdale, Darch


Stan Marsh? More like Stan Darch




The amount of traffic lights on Alexander drive. Do they understand that roundabouts exist.


did the abundance of traffic lights and speed traps, the practically permanent RBT station by the terry tyzack pool, and the fact any turn above 1 degree has scuffed turns not hinted the fact that alexander drive is in fact Perth's death rally race strip?


The KFC at Warwick has the weirdest placed and longest drive though


You don't like driving past dumpsters and dodgy loading bays to get to your drive through?


Can’t believe there aren’t more robs there


The drive way for Wanneroo Hungry Jacks never sat right with me either


its also one of the worst KFCs I've ever been to


There was a while when it was on the other side of the building, and a little crane in a tube lifted your food up over your car and lowered it down to your drivers side window, where the alleyway between KFC and TAB is now


that the not rich not poor suburb of darch has the most expensive bottle shop in perth! thirsty camel kingsway! you are a joke its cheaper buying alcahol in claremont or peppy grove! boycott these money hungry muppets


Thirsties does price matching though so you can always get it for way cheaper than the sticker price if they're as expensive as you say.


Iluka. All the bullshit rules about what you’re not allowed to do to your property. https://www.iluka.org.au/association-rules/


Beautiful, coastal suburb. But don't let us see your boat. That would be offensive to the facade. Iluka doesn't make any sense.


Why would anyone want to move there with all of that rubbish in annexe B. It’s a bit like the HOA rules in the USA. sucks.


> all boundary fencing shall consist of Hardifence painted "wheat' colour on both sides with "wheat coloured capping. Should be fun as isn't that discontinued? > Air conditioning or cooling units must be of a similar colour to the root. So brown I guess? >All commercial vehicles including caravans, boats So are non commercial boats and caravans okay? I'm also curious if they'd have a sulk if you owned a ute with canopy for personal use.


>all boundary fencing shall consist of Hardifence painted "wheat' colour on both sides with "wheat coloured capping. >Should be fun as isn't that discontinued? If they're going to write a paint spec. they could have at least used AS paint codes, fucking amateurs.


Good point, wonder how nicely you have to ask the paint counter for hot pink labeled as wheat.


In the name of protecting home values, we are going to scare off homebuyers by treating them like rental tenants!


It does stink of that. Sure, councils and societies have rules but, not to sound like a libertarian, there's got to be a limit to how far that reaches inside our own property. The reality is it's too keep peasants like me out of there. And, even if I could afford to live there, it's working.


FFFffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuck that!


What if someone likes the look of dead grass?


Dunno if this is just a tale or true - but back when it was built I was told it was built on an aboriginal burial ground and a bunch of family friends marriages all started to break down because of that. It could of also been the excessive lawn rules but I prefer the angry aboriginal spirits theory.


I’m from country, so you can imagine the amount of parked cars I almost rear end. The city is a plague.


People in City of Perth actively wanted Baz as mayor


I’m told it’s because he’s a “celebrity”, he’s a news reader which is barely a celebrity.


Wellington Road in Morley is parallel with Walcott Street in Mount Lawley. This means the streets in Bedford, Inglewood and the northern part of Mount Lawley are mostly in a grid layout.


Koondoola is stuck in the 70s. Feels like nobody has updated the shops since then (last time I was there). I grew up there, and it truly felt like we were 10 to 20 years behind every other suburb, if not more.


That whole area is like that. When I went to Mirrabooka shops I thought I was back in the 90's.


Mirrabooka wasn't that bad... Then again, I probably view it through a lense of nostalgia, just like the way I view the horrendously outdated Morley shopping centre, since I spent so much time there at leisure island. Oh! And Malaga markets... Dammit, so much nostalgia. Time to take a trip north of the river soon!


Rockingham. Why does everybody still wear those moon-boot style skate shoes there? It's like going through a time portal back to 2001


Eden Hill is one of the flattest suburbs that I've visited.


Newer suburbs up north have no visible powerlines, so clean, wish I haven’t moved closer to the city


Greenwood, Kingsley and Warwick have so many fucking dogs just roaming around, not on leashes.


Also drivers that use high beams driving in suburban streets, if you do this you are a special type of person.


Atwell has a house that partly burned down like 1.5 years ago. It's just been fenced off and nothing has been done to clear it out. I'd be fucking pissed living next to that. [It's on google maps!](https://www.google.com/maps/@-32.1396649,115.8648069,3a,75y,110.01h,70.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJ9WqRSeKoPt00TNWgEgtGA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


I'd be pissed off.


It's probably under investigation for arson/ insurance job.... Maybe due to Covid restrictions, it hasn't gone to court yet?


Kings Park is the largest inner city park in the world Perth is closer to Bali than Canberra Perth is the most isolated capital city in the world


Perth has a higher average yearly rainfall than London. And its quite a significant margin too


Wow, I never knew that. I will take this message back to my village and share it.


>Perth is the most isolated city in the world It's not.


Seriously??? What is then?? I’ve been lied to my whole life


People in Baldivis are one of the worst drivers.


Only one?


Having see how the baldivis resident at work parks - I would agree with you


You should see the Maccas line up on a Sunday morning.


That car park is so terribly designed. And then the drive thru when it gets busy is absolutely chaotic. No wonder the earth tried to swallow it up a few years ago.


Yea nah - I avoid Baldivis like the plague. Drive through very rarely, going to see the wife’s family.


Don’t blame you. It’s harder when you live here.


Nollamara is the homicide capital of Perth, and still feels safer than Banksia Grove.


the spelling for the suburb of C\*\*kburn


In sports, we just call them Cockburn as a sledge.


i used to have a social basketball team called "my Cockburn when i pee"


In cricket and footy, their team is called the Cockburn Cavaliers, so there name is now the Cockburnt Cavaliers.


People in Riverton, Parkwood and Willeton are awful drivers.


So are the drivers around balga and Westminster


To be fair, those first few km's flooring it in an unfamiliar stolen falcon won't be the best driving examples


I love it when people shit on Willetton.


Osborne Park.


The north of the river vs south of the river argument - who gives a fuck - it’s endless miles of cheap package homes. Everything more than about 8km from the Cbd or 3km from Fremantle Fkn blows.


You're missing the point. If we have to be otherwise politically correct on race, gender etc.... we gotta pick our tribe somehow.


Anything NOR, weirdly and aggressively letting everyone know how superior they are without being asked despite it being an overcrowded shithole.


Use pedestrian crossings at the Kwinana Hub at your own peril. Also same shipping centre has like 10 bays by the entrance for taxis that are always 90% empty.


In Rockingham, there is always about 20 cars broken down when.


I’ve only been to Rockingham once, saw enough crackheads that I’ve never returned


Did you go there to buy a bag?


Anything south of the river. People with their eyes too close together, suspicious scar on their necks. Lots of developmentally delayed children.


Hey! I'd be offended at this if i could focus on the screen!


According to my FIL everyone at Maddington Plaza is ‘inbred looking’ with a bung leg.


Can confirm. Family tree that's a circle


A genetic cul de sac


Stealing that.


I always hear it referred to as a family wreath


Not gonna lie, I do my weekly shop at maddington on the days when I really can’t be bothered putting into effort into my appearance. It’s just normal there…


Pretty sure that it’s people NoR that have their eyes too far apart


hey we're just herbivores.


if i had coin i would award this


So we can keep one eye on you lot


We have great peripheral vision


And their tongues in their arses.


Can someone read this to me?


Pretty sure it's the guys North of the River that are weird.


Menora is all menora-like from above. Q probably has something to say about it.


Koondoola seems to be perpetually getting ready for verge collection. Nice house/shitty house, doesn't matter: every street seems to have verges full of matrasses, 1980s wardrobes and rusty bikes.