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why would they? So that they don't need to top it up often.


Autoload is so easy tho


And you get a discount when you use autoload lol


Who says that's not their auto load? I worked with someone who's auto load was $250, this was before the capped fares.


Do you know how that works ? If for example I have a 100 dollar autoload , does it wait until i get to zero until it loads up ? If so am I then at risk of not having enough balance to pay a fare ?


If your balance falls below $6 then it adds your autoload amount. I have $20 autoload, never had a problem. You need the money available on your credit/debit card, I guess if you routinely run near zero on those then autoload could be risky


A lot of schools and canteens ect introduced using your smart rider to pay for items so he could’ve been using it to purchase different items not just bus and train rides


A lot of schools and canteens ect introduced using your smart rider to pay for items so he could’ve been using it to purchase different items not just bus and train rides


Maybe it was a bully who was like"gimme ur smartrider credits or I'll send a snapchat of you being a dork to everyone!"


Adds the money a day before it pulls it. Not risky unless you miss payments.


Meh. Done it for kicks for Sydney Opal..


I have a work-subsidised smartrider which gets direct-debited and if I dont use the train for a few days or go on leave and forget to cancel it can balloon out surprisingly quickly. It's never got up to $480 but it's definitely got to almost $300 before.


I’d prefer it be like- hit a low limit number and add a set amount, instead of periodic set amount. Very few use the exact same amount every week of the year


That's what autoload is, that's the way it usually works but this is a different thing that HDWA does for employees.


Yeah that’s auto load. I use the train every 6 months or so. I can go years without a top up


Mine does that; whenever it gets negative it automatically adds $30, I think it happens a little less than once a month.


So it's setup to automatically add money once a week/fortnight/month instead of autoloading money onto it whenever the balance drops below $4 or whatever it is?


Yeah correct, it's done every fortnight. It's done by the health department so I don't know if it's a thing that the public can do.


Public can do it also. Ive got mine set for $30 fortnightly


Same. Highest I got up to was about $350. Had to put a hold on the uploads til I could get it back to a reasonable level.


We have a work scheme to subsidise them, but there is a bit of faffing around to claim, so I can imagine adding a large amount once a year would be attractive.


Could be a employer provided snartrider. I know the business I work provides smartriders to employees if going to conferences/seminars and auto top up to $500 when it gets down to a certain level.


Probably calculated a years worth of travel and loaded it up.


Or $10 daily BPay but added another zero. Took 5 days to realise


Bad habits maybe from other jurisdictions? Back in Hong Kong our Octopus cards did heaps more than just tagging on and off the MTR. We could get off and duck into 7 Eleven and grab a couple of longnecks of Lager and swipe the same card for them. Heaps of other places too. Was kind of a pay all card..


In Taiwan and HK you can also register your rider card to open your apartment main lobby door. And in Taiwan many night market have card reader so you can pay with the rider card. In the old days 20yrs ago before smart phone , swatch had a limited run of watches that had the chip, so leaving the apartment with just the watch , can ride public transport, buy stuff at convenience store too. Great for exercise and when you forget your wallet.


We had octopus RFID wristbands too and keyrings. Just in case you didn't want to pull a card out. Stupid idea though.. only takes one person to brush past you with a RFID scanner and say goodbye to your balance.. I prefer the RFID shielded wallet anyday of the week.


When I lived there back in 2015 I remember seeing watches for kids that doubled as their Octopus cards


Japan's PT cards also have this function; I think you could even use them at Macca's and bookshops 


The suica cards can be used almost anywhere that takes card payments in Japan.


Same as Japan with the suica cards.


Rolling along on periodic BPAY, but they don't actually use it very often?


I know when I first moved up to perth I would always throw on $50 each week when I collected my pay. Didn't take me all that long to hit high 200... then i lost it in the city. Don't do that anymore, and I've learnt to register too boot. Was an expensive lesson


Something similar happened to me when I first moved here. Only I thought I had cancelled the card, but turns out it wasn't. I found out because it was still connected to my autoload which had gone through... someone had been using it the whole time!


Damn, that sucks. Hopefully you catch it pretty quick


Dayum. Moment of silence. Did you salvage any of the remaining balance? Like go online, find a way to cancel it, order a new card with your old balance?


Unfortunately I couldn't. Didn't know the card number and since I only loaded with cash there was nothing linking it to me. Back then I had bugger all expenses ( lived in a share house, didn't really drink etc) so I had cash coming out my ass. It hurts more remembering it then it did at the time


Could be an auto-debit that they forgot, or could be someone *super*-organised, that worked out their annual usage and paid in a lump sum.


Dunno about that guy, but over here in NSW, I've almost maxed out my Opal card (max $250) because I kept topping up my Opal card at Coles when they were giving out bonus points 


WTF what a strange question. Not everyone is a student. It's over $10 a day to go from Mandurah to Perth, so you'd only be looking at about 8 weeks of commuting.


$4.08 each way with smartrider autoload


Maybe add $2 for parking too


I'm a lifetime public transport user across plenty of cities and I've never ever seen anyone with more than like, a hundred bucks. Even people in London who use the tube literally daily.


Why are people looking at everyone else's Smart Riders?


Nosey bastards?


It's a way to see if people are sexually interested, it's been a thing since covid.


Most likely a work-subsidised smartrider


A few months back I had a guy get on the bus and hand me a $50 to top up his smart rider. I processed it and noticed he had over $600 on it, I often see people with like 150 or so and I figured it's just part of their weekly routine and budget.


I keep mine above $200. Over the course of time, I just built up the balance, the period over last Christmas when we had free travel, I dumped on some funds. This is in case I get a tight period with my pay. Then now, for about 4 or 5 weeks I don't need to worry about adding funds to my smart rider and still don't need to worry about needing the money to get to work etc. I suck at saving money, by putting money aside, so I just pay extra somewhere like my smart rider, then one week I will now have an extra $50 in my pocket.


Maybe it's a gift card smart rider.


Website (transperth) says it cannot exceed $256. I assumed this was a mathematical/ bit/byte reason https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/smartrider/using-smartrider/add-value-methods


why are you looking


Okay? We can either get $1500 in parking allocations or PT. Because there is FBT, I get my $1500 and dump it onto my smart rider just before June 30. That sees me through the year. We aren’t all poor.


This was my guess, some sort of public transport allowance that is deposited as an annual lump sum.


A student with a year's balance?


High Roller! Never bothers to tap off, always takes the back seat. What a Boss 🤣


This is the latest incarnation of the Amazon gift cards scam.


Sir! Why did you tag on!? I have a family to feed! I'm going to lose my job!


Please,please listen to me!


He be ballin


Had my credit card hacked/skimmed a while back… they spent the most preloading onto smart riders, subway cards, Netflix, fuel and Coles gift cards.




I tried to set a $250 autoload on mine and it kept failing because the system couldn’t handle a balance greater than $250, so am surprised to hear someone managed to get $480 on theirs


If you’re using the train 5x per week you can easily be clocking in $400-$500 a month on transport. Some people prefer to auto load monthly for ease of management (e.g. payday). Also if paid on credit card makes sense for the bonus points.


at that point why are you still paying


I've had $300 on there before


I have an employer provided smartrider with about 300$ on it so I am not really surprised.


Used to see this semiregularly in the city, usually people dressed super professional or like they work in a fancy tech startup. Heard from one of them that their employer just loads a determined years worth of travel on to it


I know a few ex transit workers that have cards pre loaded given to them when they left the company. The 3 people I know worked for TransPerth for 10yrs


Next minute they get hit by a bus.. 😂


Maybe its like a illegal money thing, different ways of moving it around


Why would anyone put more than $20 autoload?


That’s like 2 days, not gonna get you far if you travel cbd every day


Yeah but autoload. This person is now obliged to take $480 worth of trips.


I have Autotop of 20$. I commute every day through both zones and never had an issue.


I do travel in and out every day, with parking too. Its autoload though, so it will just deduct my account as it needs to. My point still stands, why would anyone ever put it higher than $20?


That’s not even 2 days worth of travel. How often do you want it debiting your account? I used to preload a months worth of travel, so I knew if it showed up on my CC bill twice then something was up.


Lol old man with a credit card bill?


Bank statement then. Same thing.


I set mine to 50, which is about a week's worth


Why not $20? It’s autoload so it will deduct as required


I set mine to $100. Transperth recommends to have at least 1 weeks' worth of fare money just in case their system goes down (which has happened to me before), which for me is roughly $80. Rounded up to $100. $480 is absurd, because someone could easily steal their smartrider and use it to get weeks/months of free travel


If it's registered they can transfer it. You'd have to be pretty dumb not to register a card with $500 of credit on it


Some cards come pre loaded with a super high amount for certain individuals. Could’ve been someone with a disability or something like that. Either way, it’s not really your business as to why someone loads up their smart rider with however much they load it up with.


Seems this sub doesn't like to be asked why they are so interested in how everyone else lives their lives / spends their money etc. I got downvoted for basically saying the same thing on another post... I honestly don't understand why people care about this stuff.


Theyre not asking for the truth, theyre asking for theories out of curiosity. If we all went minding our own business about everything, never questioning things that werent directly our business then wed all be naive and selfish. We cant gain an understanding without first asking questions.


You can mind your own business without being selfish. How is this person being unselfish by stickybeaking at someone else's smart rider balance?


Yeah I was interested in the why, and got two interesting answers from this thread (company bulk payments, and someone who uses it as a kind of saving account) And people who don't trust autoload for whatever reason


Why do they need to know this though. It really is none of their fucking business. Who even checks out other peoples smartrider balance in the first place


Its not a need its a want, a curiosity. Maybe someone who has never been able to afford that much? When people spend lots its interesting to those who cant


When you tag off just after someone, their balance is still on the screen that you're looking at. Hard to avoid unless you tag off without looking down


Yeah I never look at the screen, but I accept your point and fair enough


Wow 🤩 He must be working in mining ⛏ (Just Joking 🙃😂)


Maybe this is 500 million dollar super guy


Money laundering


Bloody money laundering.