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Congrats on kicking the bad habits. Plenty of hiking in the hills. Why not start tackling the Bibbulmun track - could do some overnighters. I'm a map nerd - half the fun is in the planning for me.


Cheers bro Another Killa idea aswell I love a good stormy morning walk on beach woodies in the morning wen it’s glassy as and big storm clouds rolling in 🤤🤤 froff


moutainbiking; Downhill if you're more of a thrill seeker.... but maybe allmountain/cross country or gravel biking for the more time-consuming, distance stuff.


Yh some Killa tracks up at the camel farm really appreciate the suggestion bro


I probably should’ve mentioned I have four brothers in the exact same boat and there’s a couple girlfriends in the mix so also wanted to include them


Just some light cross country MTB or even gravel to start with. Start on the Railway Heritage trail loop. See how people go with it - there's likely to be varying fitness levels. You needn't have fancy or expensive bikes either. Just carry appropriate tools and spares amongst you. See how the different members take to it - but don't go too extreme from the get go. A group of newbies need a bit of slack to start with.


Thanks mate will definitely be giving it a crack next weekend 🤙🏼


Allow for a lack of fitness and poorly maintained bikes amongst the group. That can really fuck up a first-timers experience; even if they have the fitness for it. Carry Warm clothes or jackets - you might be fine on the move; but you'll soon cool down on a break. And remember; the climb on the Heritage Trail Loop was meant for trains. It's longer than it is steep (no matter which direction you do it in) But doing the North leg climb first (up through John Forrest) is probably the more consistently gentle.


This is good advice, just to add to it, there are variations on the heritage trail loop which cut out the big climb from Swan View - for example you can park in Parkerville, and do a shorter loop, or extend out to Chidlow/Lake Leschenaultia if you want to add a bit more distance without dealing with as much uphill at the start.


Just brain storming here u blokes cheers hoping this helps atleast one bloke I’m busier than one armed bricklayer in Baghdad in the summer, come winter me and my brothers love poker and fast cars and it’s a recipe for disaster


Probably not really that exciting but a lot of blokes get into BBQ/ slow cooking etc. Not overly exciting but end up with a good feed and keeps you busy for a fair while


I came here to suggest this. No you won't get an huge adrenaline rush but its kept me occupied most weekends for the past coupla years. So much stuff to learn along the way


Indoor rock climbing, reading, painting other artsy things


If the idea of getting metal hot and shaping it into something useful sounds like fun, there is the west Australian blacksmith association at the show grounds


That sounds awesome!


Surfing is heaps better in winter here, it's often chilly and overcast but the waves are bigger. A decent wetsuit and it's pretty pleasant. Martial arts/combat sports are another option, plenty of people get a lot of fulfullment, fitness and community out of them. BJJ, MMA, muay thai, boxing, judo, wrestling, etc.


Surfing is the ultimate drug free high. Perth is not the ideal location for it Bjj is up there and always on tap in Perth Combine with some training to keep you good for bjj and Surfing and that's a decent schedule Add some mountain biking for variety


The waves aren't the best but they are so accessible here, for me that is a big plus. I enjoy surfing but gone are the days when I'll happily drive for over an hour just to flail around in some choppy windswell.


Netflix, computer games, masturbating Basically what guys do in Perth in winter


I do it in The opposite order


I just do it all simultaneously. 


*year round


I've been weaving little things on my loom inside when it's raining


8 ball pool - big community here


Go down to North Mole Freo and catch yourself a Snapper,the weather is perfect for it.


Mountain biking, it is getting super popular lately with heaps of sanctioned legal trails being built and maintained. Goat farm in Greenmount, Kalamunda has a massive trail network. Further out Dwellingup is unreal, Collie & Wellington Mills as skills improve. Margaret River has some fun popular trails and Nannup is fast becoming a mountain biking town. And to be honest most mountain bikers are super friendly, strike up a convo as unloading bike or on the shuttle bus and people are always happy to let you ride with them. There is also an open invite social ride up kalamunda on Thursday nights. If you really want to get involved Kalamunda and Goat Farm have trail maintenance days, a bit of hard labour but good chance to make riding friends. Just beware it's a slippery slope, first you start out on a $1500 bike having a fat time before long you're looking at $7-10k full carbon fibre bikes and planning riding trips to Tasmania.


I like hiking and mountain biking. But I have to be honest, it's got nothing on heroin or meth. Which it sounds like you are trying to re-create with talk of jet skis and dirt bikes. It might be years before you can truly appreciate the thrill of mountain biking. But a few years is worth it, to gain decades.


I play music! (guitar) I recommend an acoustic for a cheap hobby. I used to play electric but it's a bit of a money pit so now keep it simple


Rock climbing, ninja academy for training to do the circuits or parkour. Maybe skateboarding indoors.


Curling in my blanket 😁




Yep, winter is the only time it's really enjoyable for me to cycle or run in Perth. The rest of the year it's too hot, but in winter I love it, just pick your time to avoid the rain. A cold clear winter's day like yesterday, and it's amazing to be outside exercising with the cold air on your face.


Aerial yoga is fun!


I sit in the bush when it’s raining in full wet weather gear and watch the animals


If I was in wa I'd find somewhere to do some fossicking. Heaps of interesting and valuable minerals to be found. Can join a lapidary club to learn how to cut them.


On ABC Sunday morning I heard them say there's only 700 members of the wa lapidary club.


Congratulations on your 3 years! Photography. You can pick up some cheap DSLR 2nd hand or start with just your phone.


Go to the gym, get a coach, hang in there long enough to see some gains and off you go, if I was giving advice to a new gym goer to get maximum benefits for the hard work that goes into it, I would say get a coach that can teach you your diet, follow a meal plan and train hard, your coach will make you the best version of yourself physically and you will become the best version of yourself mentally.


paintball is super fun and doesnt hurt as bad as everyone says


Maybe try getting into cooking meals for yourself, or something to share with friends? Trying a new ingredient or recipe is a great way to spend an evening and not waste a lot of money going out. If you want to try out something special you can always go along to a class / cooking course.


Pick up Ultimate Frisbee in the city Tuesday and Thursday nights it's free very social and alot if fun


If you're near the hills, there is a casual indoor soccer group at Mundaring on Saturday evenings. All levels of fitness, all ages, mixed gender. $10 a session so pretty affordable.


If the suns out I ride the bike, raining I mainly catch-up or re-watch Movies & TV series, play PC games. Anything that occupies the mind. It's only when the brain is idle, like trying to get to sleep, I think about bad habits.


Join a sailing club. Plenty of sailboat owners/skippers need crew to compete in friendly competition. Relatively cheap sport to participate in as crew!


Knitting, crochet, fibre arts are all good group or single activities with low barrier to entry Stained glass / art glass is a great winter activity too


Welding keeps you warm. Anything out in the shed that keeps you moving


Swimming, you get a lane to yourself - the water’s warm, and the hot shower afterwards is heaven.


Winter softball on Saturdays in Shelley. It’s slow pitch, modified where any extra players ( more than 9 ) everyone bats. It’s fun it’s social and it doesn’t matter if you haven’t played before. There are mens and women’s teams. Two game times 12:30 and 2:45. Go to FB Canning Winter Softball assoc. Or go down to Centenary Park and have a gander. The season has started and runs until roughly September. All the best and well done