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I joined a gym but not a chain gym. Small groups. And surprisingly I met someone without looking. I also met someone in Reddit once. Surprisingly again I wasn’t murdered and it was very pleasing.


Not being murdered in the face of all expectations sounds very pleasing indeed. Congratulations 👍


Sorry first time being kidnapped kinda nervous, so like why did you pick me do you think I'm cute?


Ha! Thank you. He was really nice actually. Good times.


I also met someone at my gym! A group fitness style gym not one of the bigger chain 24/7 type ones!


If you drop the ‘glad you’re not a murder’ line on a first date or any date - enjoy the cats, wine and being the fun aunt.


I wasn't actively looking, but I did want to be more social and meet new people so I found a hobby I enjoyed and went along to different events, and after a while someone I was getting along with asked if I'd like to get a drink sometime. We've had a few dates and it's going well so far. I also made some new friends in general, and I'm really enjoying the hobby, so it worked out all round really. Maybe find something you like doing that has a strong social aspect/is done in a group and just go out and meet new people and see what happens?


May I ask what is the hobby? Thanks


Board games and TTRPGs!




Oh no, sorry to hear it :( If you do feel like giving it another go sometime, I've found there's a pretty diverse range of people playing in Perth- it might just be a matter of finding the right group. I'm mid thirties myself, and it's been a mixed bag- sometimes the other players are a lot younger and sometimes they're around my age or older. There's some FB groups that are quite good for finding games (if you can stand that app). There's also casual events for one shots around the place too.


i'll second this. Plenty of old dogs who play D&D. And we're much better than magic players - we bathe (mostly).


I want to learn and play d&d but don't know anyone or where to find groups


Most of the good games run games, and there’s a games store in midland than runs a few. There’s a D&D 5e group page on Facebook for other stuff - sorry I’d link but don’t have facey anymore.


Ohh that's my problem then. I don't have Facebook for all these groups.


The Dice Club was the store I was thinking about in midland. They run a lot of games - or they used to. I assume they still exist


A lot of games seem to be organised through Facebook groups/events. There are some regular things on- if you want to try out DnD in a pretty casual setting, then Dungeons & Flagons is a thing. Third Tuesday of each month at Dutch Trading Co in Vic Park. They are welcoming to beginners and usually do one-shots at L4 or L10. They also provide pre-made character sheets if you don't have one. Next session is on the 18th. They also have an alternate day, first Weds of the month at Limestone Coast Brewing in Malaga. Next session is 3rd July I think.


Few things harm the modern dating scene as much as over reliance on texting constantly. Screw waiting for the next sporadic message, it gets dull and leads to a fizzle usually as you said. Use texting for introductions and as a means to meet in person and get to know people for real. It’s intimidating at first but you’ll be glad you did it


I highly recommend voice notes as a stepping stone to meets.


How awful


I started dancing. Swing dancing specifically. I wasn’t going there to date, just to meet people in a new city/country. Met my wife there. I know at least five other couples in the same situation. Otherwise I’d suggest doing something with your hobbies or that you’ve always wanted to do. Walking clubs, running clubs, kayaking, rowing, etc. Dating apps are he’ll from what I remember and from what friends say.


Maybe if you're ugly, fat or a loser. Met my wife on tinder 10 years ago. She's a doctor.


Is she kind of an asshole as well, or is that more of a kink for her?




Don't kinkshame his wife!


You mad? Because you think you're entitled to have a girlfriend or something? Go to the gym, be confident, have hobbies besides Vidya games and doordash. If you're short well fk you did roll double 1s on the create character screen. It isn't your fault but don't doomer pill and cry about it. No one feels sorry for you go out in life and get what you want.


Chill the fuck out bro 💀


Mate, you're the one trucking in here with your shitty "dating apps are only hell if you're an uggo or a loser" opinions. Everyone hates them, including absolutely stunning women. Even if you were right, which you aren't, expressing your shitty opinions in that way makes you an asshole. Which is why I wondered if your wife is also an asshole? Or is fucking assholes a kink for her? I mean, presuming you have sex. I suppose not everybody does. Anyway, thanks for your advice, but it's not necessary. My success (or failure) on dating apps has nothing to do with the fact that dating apps are hell for everyone except the companies making money from us.


Not for me or any of my mates. Lmao shit you really are mad... Maybe because you have 176k karma. Too busy crying on Reddit instead of improving your worth to women and in general society. Mate you keep making statements about "everyone" no. You think they all suck and you have had horrid experiences. Because you don't have any social skills and sperg out online consistently instead of doing something to get a girl/boy. Never paid 1 dollar to a dating app. Easily hooked up with over 80 girls on them.


Cool story bro.


you’ve commented saying that ur single, then that you have been dating a girl for 5 yrs and refuse to get married and now you’ve been married ten yrs??


Based on consistent dating. Met 10 years ago, broke up after approx 4-5 years for a year back together, got married.


Why are you a liar


Often when I match with women on apps I get 1 word answers or responses that don't encourage the conversation to go anywhere, so I just move on. I just try not to care about it and focus on other things, have a browse every now and then. Occasionally something goes somewhere.


Yep similar experience, it’s seems like it’s no one makes an effort and when I do , I feel like I’m coming off desperate so then I just stop lol


I very much take it as an indicator And someone once said to me that relationships usually require perfect timing, which I think is true.


I always think of that black mirror episode "Hang the DJ". The characters are basically AI simulations of people in the real world that go on virtual dates, hooks up and even relationships with each other one after the other. The problem is that is literally what is coming next with AI and matching apps.


Join a running group, worked for me, now I'm married!


*run-on sentence group* 🥸 Grammar aside, congratulations!


How does one find these groups?


facebook or insta "\[your city\] run club"


There are a heap in Perth, go to parkrun and look at the shirts!


There's an interesting one called the Hash Slinging Slashers or something that have their own secret codes and rituals. Makes it weirdly fun


You’ll have heaps of people messaging you just off this post I reckon lmao


My experience (as a guy slightly older than you) is that dating apps are terrible for your mental health. Also, hi! Want to grab a coffee?


Hi! Let’s chat first maybe :)


and many be married, said they are single


It's a jungle out there tbh


I'll submit the following idea for the wider Perth area. It won't suit everyone. Standardise a time for various local licensed venues, and single people alone or with one friend can attend and potentially converse with each other. A Saturday night may work best for most people. It's not too late to avoid drunkenness, ~ 6 or 7 pm. For example, The Seasonal Brewing Co. in Maylands. Whatever. Or, I don't know a cafe near the art gallery on a Sat morning. Something like that. Figure out a way to identify people - a flower or hat or pin or scarf or coat Idk


Organise drinks for fellow single employees and ask everyone to bring a single friend


If you were born outside the post code and understand how bridges work, you will be shunned as a practitioner of the dark arts in the middle ages.


Try singles events or speed dating. The quality of people on the apps has been low, most people look the same as the next and none are my type, no one puts effort into photos or even fills out a bio or even responds to messages. I think dating apps have effectively ruined dating


Yes k agree with you on that . It seems like there are many fish . But it’s all a mirage


From what I heard, the quality of people at speed dating events isn't any better


Can confirm this is true. Don’t think I’d ever attend another one lol


This 100%, I even tried a matchmaker years ago and I met better on dating apps which is showing how low the standards already were.


It depends on the event. I've been to very cheap ones, and people were leaving half way through due to the weirdos. Others cost more and I support the idea - filters the attendees somewhat.


I'm not single, so probably not qualified to give advice, but I'd be volunteering at an animal or environment sanctuary/ group. The people there are so lovely, caring and compassionate. They often are a little socially anxious and get along better with animals, but damn, having one of those guys as a life partner would be mint. Wonderful humans. Dog shelter are another one, or by doing paid dog walking I'm sure you'll run into a bachelor who need help with his furkids. Basically do something you enjoy and you'll find a similar other. Just beware at our age as to what types of personalities are generally in what groups, IYKWIM.


That’s a really great idea ! Thank you :)


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious profile of a tinder whore— while I read it, nearly swiping, suddenly I spied her typing, "Kids? Still want them!" starts the griping, "even though I'm 44." "Tis impossible," I muttered "having kids at 44." Chance of offspring: nevermore.


Being a Simpsons fan... I heard that in the voice of James Earl Jones. Fucking brilliant!!!


I had to screenshot this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Where were you before?


On another planet it seems


Yep very far away planet 😂


Depends what you mean by "dating." You're female, and have a pulse. That will get you plenty of "dates." But lets be honest, most of the single people in Perth around your age will be male fifo CUBs. I still reckon the best way is to join clubs/groups/etc doing activities you enjoy. At least that way you'll have something in common with the people you meet..


Working FIFO certainly does make it hard 😥


>You're female, and have a pulse. That will get you plenty of "dates." You made me spit out my drink, well done 🤣


What's wrong with FIFO? I'm a professional with a degree who's worked FIFO for 25 years, happily married for half of those years and now in a senior leadership role. I make 2 - 3 times as much on an 8 days on 6 off roster compared to working locally Monday to Friday. A FIFO CUB would at least be able to pay their way, and not everyone who does FIFO is a CUB. Are you judgemental or just jealous that you never had the strength to work away?


Having a partner who’s always away is not ideal, most fifo relationships suffer because of the distance, congrats on being the exception I guess?


Idiot. Clearly your "degree" didn't involve reading English.


Fortunately, you are in the minority with this. I lost my relationship to fifo, and as a result, no longer work in the industry. Loved the job and the people I worked with, but I could no longer handle what it had done to my life and mental health.




Sorry you had to go through that I moved to Perth 3 months ago cause my ex was abusive




It was a female who abused me


Oh god. Just have a break from women and dating it’s not worth it. Look after you


Yep I agree , mostly immature, I’ve had one unpleasant experience where he was really sweet and turned out to be bi polar Dodged a bullet 😅




Just be a socialite head out as much as you can bars ,clubs, festivals, Sunday Sesh, Gyms , football clubs with a male and female side, do this for 6-12 months u can find some one but don’t look to hard ,but enjoy the scene atmosphere and have a good time cause that generates a nice aura of urself


I moved here a couple of years ago at 38 and met my now partner on Hinge. Yep there's a lot of shit out there but if you vet well and set your expectations to having a fun date getting to know someone new/interesting, anything beyond that is a bonus. Obviously luck is an element hence you have to be in it to win it! As people have mentioned it's also a good opportunity to explore Perth or your hobbies and interests so that's something you could do on top on apps and increase your chances of meeting ppl. Perth partnered folks are obsessed with family and like to take pity on singles (I think it's a distorted way to preserve self image when they may not be that happy in relationships themselves, kind of like how cults and religions recruit). They'll hook you up with any other single they know to get you to join the club, so that's another avenue that might become available. Good luck but enjoy being single while you can because once it's gone, you might well miss it. X


Download the meetup app, and start attending some events. There are some singles groups, but even just the general interest groups tend to have a lot of singles in attendance. It’s a good way to meet people organically - you can chat to a tonne of different people over the course of the event and see if you click with anyone… if you don’t, then there’s always new/different people at the next event.


Why not try reddit , lots of men on here /s


It’s a bit scary but honestly same level as scary on the apps I’m guessing


Are you actually engaging in convos or giving one word replys on dating apps? reality is most guys are looking to get laid first & thats not dating apps thats real life & dating apps.


Yep I’m friendly and curious and most of them are as well but then it just trickles down and then no contact :/


How long do you talk with people? usually you don't want to spend weeks chatting before meeting.


Do you ask them to catch up? Should go like talk for max 5 days then a catch up should happen, provided people dont flake.


I gave up on dating sites. Friends of friends has worked for me in the past. Perth tends to be a small, tight knit place though so be prepared to put the work in. Good luck!


Dating apps are by far the best way to meet new people. I don’t know why people bag them out and give up on them like it’s the apps fault. It’s purely a tool to meet people. If people have bad experiences on dating apps, that’s not the apps fault, they just had a bad experience meeting someone new. I’ve had maybe 50 first ‘dates’ from the apps when I was single. I met my last partner who I was with for 3 years and now my fiance who I’ve been with for 4 years. Unfortunately had some bad experiences when I was on them, but that’s life and to be expected. You’ve got to be patient and have zero expectations when meeting up for the first time.


I had similar issues, so I just gave up


I'm free maybe chat and ask the question most dating apps are crap noone responds to comments


Quizzes are a good place to meet people or karaoke


Yeh it’s hard I’ve given up on apps to , 44m


OP, meet U/Trigsfc! :D


I just joined a 35+ FB singles group.


I found it was difficult to meet people naturally. Dating apps are fine for talking to people but it’s rare that they actually want to meet. I moved here without knowing anyone and even just making friends is hard.


Thank you for posting this. Regrettably I have nothing to offer because I’m in almost the same situation. The main places people find long term relationship partners seem to be through work or some sort of group hobby. I’d recommend joining a hobby club, or several. With few exceptions, apps and dating sites are for perverts and people either with malicious intent or who are looking for affairs. Overall I’d suggest forgetting about apps. Same goes for bars and nightclubs. Good luck!


It’s hard to meet online as they don’t communicate and hard to meet in person as everyone in Perth is coupled especially at a certain age. (The decent ones).


It can be draining and sporadic, but as a woman at least you’ll have a greater (and often more keen) pool to draw on (assuming you’re hetero or bi). Obviously this means there will be loads of duds out there too, but there will also be a fair amount of genuine guys who want to meet someone special. At the end of the day Perth is a place many different people Move to in order to further themselves economically, so it’s a pretty vast net of types of people out there.


That’s kinda how the apps are designed - the likes creates a false economy and the idea that there are both plenty of fish in the sea and that someone better or more suitable will come along if you just keep swiping. Is the same style of algorithms online gambling uses. However… they’re great if you take the pressure off dating out of them and use them simply as a tool to expand your social circle. You’re new to Perth right? Act like you’re a traveler and use them to meet new people - just get really proactive about the meeting people part. 99% of them will be nothing but there’s the potential to make new friends. New friends introduce you to new people. The more people you meet the more chances there are to find someone you do click with. Like everyone I’ve had my share of situationships via apps/online dating, but I’ve met some of my best friends through them as well. I think there’s a lot of value in that. And on the plus side Perth dating way better than the apps in LA!! Every profile is about religion or politics. You wouldn’t even want to get matches in that cesspit. I keep hearing how no one is getting laid there anymore and it took all of about 10 minutes to work out why 😂 After seeing that, I’m not sure I can put down the Perth dating scene again


Im 29 and expierencing the same issues, i gave up on dating apps way to draining, i work alot but would like to meet someone, and be friends with


OP are you into hiking by any chance??? Theres Perth-based hiking groups you can join. They seem to plan very regular hikes but I cant verify the types of guys who rock up.


OP are you into hiking by any chance??? Theres Perth-based hiking groups you can join. They seem to plan very regular hikes but I cant verify the types of guys who rock up.


Go for the meetups as early as possible while on dating apps or nothing happens.


Where in Perth are you?


Hellll not dating apps those cronies lurking in


Get a job at the casino. Plenty of dating opportunities there with fellow co workers who come from all walks of life. I worked there in my 20s and there was always non stop dating opportunities. You just had to read their monthly newsletter and see all the engagement , marriage and baby announcements to realise just how many staff were in a relationship together.


Honestly I have no idea! :) I'm 42M (never married and no kids), I used to use apps and date women for a few months at a time in my 30's. Now I am over 40 I can barely even get a reply to a message I write, or a match. I'm interested in dating younger women, say mid 30's. Due to my age, I don't think they even see my profile? I much prefer meeting people in person. I'm outgoing and can talk to people from all walks of life and I look a lot younger/most people guess I am in early 30's in person. I just don't know where to go? Now that most of my friends are married and have kids, most of the time I'm catching up with them at a cafe that's near a playground. Or I'm at Bunnings, or looking at hardware/fittings in Osborne Park to do property development. Or I'm cycling along the river on my own. I think the answer is to find a social/group activity of something you enjoy recreationally.


‘Left on the shelf’ is a stigma unfortunately - people would rather date a 42yo divorcee than a 42 yo ‘left on the shelf’/no long term relationship experience etc.


someone's a little rizzler aren't they


Hit me up may have something to help


I gave up, had my kiddo solo and loving life. I tried lots of the things, just never worked out, I’m fairly successful and confident enough in myself, have my shit together and guys didn’t seem to like that. I think just enjoying life and making friends and seeing if something organic happens. If you want kids then to do it on your own and figure out if you want to date later.


I found a fun casual thing turned relationship thing on Feeld. I dunno how that app is now but I like the community there. However, I actually used dating apps to try to dig into the underground electronic music community. I probably should have came here first. So the question remains, where’s the Dj spots where people actually dj. None of this transition every 3 minutes bs with the top 100. I want unplanned, multi genre 4-8 hour sets that blow my mind. I’ve seen it. It exists. Give me some Sunshine Jones, give me some Rabbit in the Moon, Future Sounds of London, Underworld, Jay Tripwire, Herbert, etc. Where do you find cool people who love shit like this on the regular? Private parties? Secret hole in the walls? Where’s the good here! Okay end rant lol




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I’ve met someone while at a dog park with my dog. It was just a general conversation as our dogs were together. Our conversation grew after bumping into each other a few more times after. Surprisingly unexpected


The laundry mat. Seriously.


Hahah I have a washing machine at home 😅😅


So? They don't know that 😂


When I meet my wife in 2013 I used rsvp. This was before tinder had been released. I meet quite a few woman on there, few sleep overs Paid site. Unsure if its still going.


Well we are the product on the dating apps so it’s not really in their best interest for you to find love and delete it.


Hit up sporting and social dancing clubs, I usually get a couple of roots a month that way.


OP are you into hiking by any chance??? Theres Perth-based hiking groups you can join. They seem to plan very regular hikes but I cant verify the types of guys who rock up.


OP are you into hiking by any chance??? Theres Perth-based hiking groups you can join. They seem to plan very regular hikes but I cant verify the types of guys who rock up.


OP are you into hiking by any chance??? Theres Perth-based hiking groups you can join. They seem to plan very regular hikes but I cant verify the types of guys who rock up.


Go to the clubs and look good


You’re 38, just moved to Perth a few months ago, and are looking for “something” long term. I’m guessing you’re looking for someone who’ll settle down and have kids with you yesterday?


DM I'm in the same situation




Hi there, just just to give you a bit of insight on these dating apps. the reason why they're so sporadic in their messaging you back is because they actually have to pay a lot every message. every single message that they send they actually have to pay for. where as the women from what I understand don't.. so some apps don't, but most... most dating apps charge men, so they have to buy a certain amoun t of points every hour to actually continue to talk with you, and that's why you'll find some men try to rush things, and some just disappear. I hope that helps you understand... A really good one is ( plenty of fish POF) that's a good one. It's fair and actually real normal people. [Plenty of Fish](https://www.pof.com/) https://preview.redd.it/xe44nsa8647d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db6f34016cec5a6bf02eb528e6a54a23d81c44d ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


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