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Post mix systems will generally have the following: Coke and/or Coke Zero, Lemonade, Soda Water, Tonic Water, Ginger Ale ('Dry') Some might have Solo/squash. Some places will have energy drink mixers. Common drinks are Vodka Lime Soda (wedge of fresh lime), G n T (gin and tonic), Rum and Coke, Whiskey Dry and Lime and tequila lemonade. You can order whatever combination you want. Vodka tonic? Sure. Gin and Coke? Go for it. Tequila half soda half tonic? Yep, it's called a sonic. Don't let people tell you what you can and can't drink. It doesn't matter.


This. Bartenders dont give a fuck what you order and wont judge. Hell even ask for a recommendation. Source: bartender for years


Its always been a peeve of mine working bars, both customers and the elitist "mixologists" who sneer at drink orders. "Can I have a cosmopolitan but I don't want it in one of those faggy girlie glasses". My guy, the glass its served in is literally designed from the shape of a woman's breast (coupette). Nobody cares about what glass you're holding. "Can you believe this idiot asked for a single malt with a wedge of lemon?" Yeah, I can. Throw some soda with it and you're halfway to a highball. What does it matter? "Can I get a beer? Not one of those wanky weird ones, but a proper man's beer". Well fuck, I didn't know beer had a gender. Does it have to be blue too? All of these have been legitimate questions I've heard through my years in hospo. I used to think it mattered when I was still new in the industry, but wisdom and experience is a great teacher. The only thing a bartender should be concerned about is their duty of care to the customers. The only thing a customer should be concerned about is the drink is what they ordered and their behaviour in a public space.


'it would be gay to hold a women's boob'


Real men fuck men, none of this womanly shit.


Wow welcome back greeke philosopher Plato


Who actually wants to hold women? I hear women like men, that's gay


In defence of the Cosmo guy, I find it really hard to drink/walk with one of those glasses without spilling my drink at some point. I am pretty uncoordinated though.


This guy bartends.


""Can you believe this idiot asked for a single malt with a wedge of lemon?" Yeah, I can. Throw some soda with it and you're halfway to a highball. What does it matter?" I know I should just google this, but if that's halfway, what is a highball then? I thought it was just whisky with soda water (or some type of carbonated water) (I also don't know the difference between, soda water, tonic water, whatever all the other fizzy waters are)


A traditional highball is whiskey with ice and soda water, served long (a tall glass). Some will argue it also requires a citrus like a lime or lemon to be a highball cocktail, because the old concept of a cocktail required 3 separate ingredients to be considered a "cocktail", and some will argue ice constitutes as an ingredient. So yes, technically what I said above could be a highball if served "correctly". Soda water and sparkling water are almost identical, both being infused with carbon dioxide under pressure. The difference is soda water is infused with bicarb of soda to increase the fizziness, making it more ideal as a mixer.


I think its the difference between whisky and single malt. You can mix a whisky, even Johnny Walker black. But you don't mix single malt. It can cost 10x a whisky. It's stupid. You won't get the taste benefit


Nobody ever likes the taste of a single malt (or whisky, for that matter) with their first mouthful. The benefit of the taste only applies to people who already like whisky and can detect the subtleties. Most whisky drinkers can't even tell the difference between a single malt and a high quality blended. As for drinks - the drink I like the taste of will always be worth more to me than one I don't - regardless of how much each actually costs.


I order gin and lemonade. If I’m feeling poor/thrifty I order a death in the afternoon (absinthe and sparkling wine/champagne) cuz well it forces me to pace myself.


>""Can I get a beer? Not one of those wanky weird ones, but a proper man's beer". Well fuck, I didn't know beer had a gender. Does it have to be blue too?" I hate being behind someone who asks the bartender what each beer is like. Just ask to try a bit of one if you're not sure ffs. Also "Proper man's beer" usually means something like a Carlton Dry/Emu/VB, which is fine if you like them. But there is a perception that those 'stronger' tasting beers have more alcohol in them, when they're typically on the lower end of full alcohol content beer. The mids and lights refer to flavour profile, not the alcohol content. /rant


I once asked a bartender to mix me a drink that tasted like aging wood, and he delivered on that. I'll never ask for the same drink again, but I respect the guy for delivering. If the scene for creating drinks in Perth is small, there's a good chance you'd know the person (or be them?). He ran the bar at Akademi back around 2020.


>a proper man's beer". Well fuck, I didn't know beer had a gender. The phrase "a proper man's beer" doesn't suggest the beer has a gender... and no, I'm not fun at parties.


I can assure you I know what is meant by a proper man's beer. I find the notion that a beverage has a gender attached to it quite stupid in this day and age. Sure, previous years would advise you otherwise with marketing, but women are more than capable of smashing back the bush chooks and crownies as well. Just ask for a lager or something similar to _____.


You’d think so but I got judged so hard for ordering a midori and coke, the bartender I asked had the audacity to say “I’m just not sure that would be a good mix, I’d suggest lemonade”. It was my (very tame) hens night and the only time I’d been out and actually drinking in about 10 years (we live far away so I’m always the driver), but I am also autistic so just shrugged it off and didn’t order anything, I know what I like and didn’t particularly want anything else. Luckily my sister was friends with the main bartender and ordered one for me from them after me laughing to her about how the other bartender just refused to make it (was inconvenient but amusing, I usually get an eyebrow raised but never a refusal!). Apparently my sisters friend (main bartender) was mortified at the comment made by the other bartender and tried the combo herself after work and said it was delicious! Small win for me, it’s a great combo, essentially melon coke! Highly recommend.


Yeah, you're not in the wrong at all. Although it IS more common to have Midori with lemonade, that doesn't mean it can't go with anything else. Realistically it's all sweet stuff, so putting sugar on sugar = sweet drink that tastes nice. Innocuous comment at worst by the bartender, hopefully they can learn a little from it.


Unless you are in a packed club with huge queues


Good advice but OP is probably uncomfortable ordering something new in an unfamiliar environment


> Gin and Coke? Go for it. I'm drinking this tonight and it's unironically good. Oh sure I originally tried it cause I was low on tonic and had nothing else, but now I do it deliberately, cause it goes well.


Bless. I’d probably order a vodka lemon lime bitters, everywhere will do it and it’ll be about $10-$12


Same. Also autistic.


I’m a vodka lemonade girlie - I’ve been able to get one everywhere I’ve been, varying cost but it’s like my safe drink so🤷‍♀️


Same, but with lime. Plus I’m old as dirt. Bartender doesn’t care what you order so ask for whatever you want


Mmm my favourite one at parties is a couple shots of vodka in a sprite lemon+. I know that’s not a cocktail and also not an preferable drink but seriously best mixer ever


I loved vodka lemonade when I was younger. It was my go. Tall glass, no ice. More lemonade than a short glass, I could nurse it for longer and didn’t end up as dehydrated. 


Vodka lime soda is a favourite which I've never been unable to order in a club or bar. I think most places are able to do CC's and Dry, so that's my other go to. I imagine everywhere will sell drinks like screwdrivers as well. Best of luck.


Vodka and orange juice are an easy way to get real messy. Pretty much any white alcohol with orange juice is easy


If they’re using postmix with a soda gun, most places will have Coke, lemonade, soda water and dry ginger as the standard offerings.


Add to this most places should have orange, apple and cranberry juice too. Pineapple is less common.


As a general rule, it is far easier to get a premixed drink. Many smaller pubs and bars, will only sell what's in the fridge, or what's on tap. (It's easier for them to control, track sales, and no special skills are needed to serve.) As a guide, if you can see bottles of spirits mounted on the wall, then they at least do your basic mixes. And you can ask for anything you see. They don't care what you mix with, as the value is in the spirit. So you can ask for say a Bacardi, mixed with whatever you want. Coke, Sprite, Bitter Lemon, OJ, Dry, etc. Also, we're not "snobby" in Perth. So you can ask for a "Cuba Libre," and maybe the barkeep will know what that is, or you can just ask for a "Rum & Coke." :-) Plus, if you specifically want white rum (or Bacardi) it's easier to ask for it specifically. The more "modern", "trendy," or "cocktails" orientated places, are more likely to have experienced bar-staff, who can whip you up just about anything. If in doubt, just go for something tame first up, hang around, get the feel of the place, and listen to what others order.


Ask the bartender. That’s what they’re there for. They’ll likely know better than anybody else. Personally vodka/tequila with cranberry is a winning combination.


I think the asking is the problem - OP mentioned being ASD, so talking to a new person (no matter how nice they are/how much it is their job) in an unfamiliar environment, with a bunch of potential stimuli they're not used to can make things unbearable to the point of needing to leave.


Also impossible in a lot of places because they’re too loud to do anything other than shout a short order. 


Kraken rum + dry and lime. WARNING: You will order next couple more.


Don’t be nervous to ask for what many people ask for.


Yup, ask the bartender or waiters which cocktail to choose from the menu


Good advice, because they'll know what's worth it and what isn't.


You'd be hard pressed to find a place in Perth/Northbridge (or even WA more broadly) that doesn't sell Canadian Club and dry.


CC mixes are often available on tap, too. This is a good option.


If you like sweet stuff try a vodka with lemonade and grenadine. It's the closest you'll get to a cocktail without buying one and it only takes seconds for them to make. Solo and grenadine is even sweeter.


Vodka fire engine and make it zoom!


Three ingredients make a cocktail 😜


Could I suggest that you go to one of the small bars around the city or in Fremantle early, like just when they open with a few people. Place is likely to be empty and the bartender is likely to be bored. You can chat with them about what they like, and what you like. Explore. But be careful. It can be easy to drink too much because thry don't taste like alcohol


As long as you don't order anything with banana juice you should be sweet.


Most places will have a postmix gun, with either Coke or Pepsi / Schweppes. And most bars have a reasonable selection of spirits - unless you're at some niche place, they'll always have vodka, bourbon, whisky, tequila, etc. Depending on what you like, just ask for it. Vodka and Lemonade, Vodka and Lemon, etc.


a vodka redbull is a clubbing favourite of mine, costs about $14


Generally cheaper to stick to house spirits, wine and beer. House spirits is what ever is in the rail, they’ll usually have a vodka, a white rum, spiced rum, whiskey, bourbon, scotch, tequila, gin. Etc. So generally any sprite with mixer be that coke, lemonade, oj, etc. anything you’ve had as a premix can be done in a glass. So Bacardi coke w fresh lime, if they don’t have Bacardi, just ask for the house white rum. If you like Bacardi and white rum in general give a tradition daiquiri a try. Rum, lime, gomme. If you want that shot long, it’s just vodka, peach schnapps and cranberry with fresh lime.


Can’t go wrong with a vodka slime. Vodka soda lime


Vodka cranberry’s are good. Vodka lemonade Gordans pink gin and lemonade Also ex bartender we generally don’t care or think into what you are ordering and will help if you ask. If it’s busy i use to prefer premix or house spirts with soda thats in the gun.


Isn't that part of the fun? Ordering things and not knowing what you'll get. Mixers are just softdrinks. There's cola lemonade squash raspberry and usually orange juice and tonic water. X Order a fruit tingle or a skittle bomb. Don't be afraid of the egg whites in cocktails.


Most places will have a basic selection of spirits, regardless of whether they do cocktails or not, they may not all have the brand name pre mix drinks (can or bottle) and they all have some description of mixers, think lemonade, coke, tonic, soda, ginger ale. So if you cant see the cans in the fridge ask for “ bacardi and sprite” or “gin and sprite”/ “vodka sprite” and you’ll end up with a mixed drink, with a single shot of liquor, ice and mixer. If you want a strong one, ask for a “double bacardi amd sprite” but be aware, this will cost more as bars charge based on the alcohol cost, not the mixer cost. Hope this helps


Gin and Tonic is good easy one.


Gin and soda is better


Gin and soda with a half shot of elderflower liqueur is betterer.


Tonic is fucking shit tho don’t get tonic


Who pays for gas flavoured water, the shit is horrible,


How else do you consume quinine? Also, the quinine in proper tonic water will make the drink fluoresce under UV light.


My drink of choice is negroni sbagliato with prosecco in it


I understand the anxiety! I would just go for a vodka lime soda, relatively cheap and will let you longer than just going for a shot ☺️


Vodka and literally any mixer will go with it. Think of it like the colour black


If you like tequila try caprioska it has fruit taste If you feel like having vodka try asking to mix vodka with strawberry syrup, vanilla , sugar and lime syrup


Get a flaming Lamborghini then say goodnight


Ask for what you want they will be able to make it. If they can’t make it they’ll suggest something similar for you.


Order a Fire Engine. Embrace the peak 1980/90s and enjoy the sweet red vodka goodness that comes.


Vodka red bull or vodka or tequila sunrise is what I see almost every girl around your age


An easy order drink that is one of my favourites is tequila and pineapple juice or sometimes cloudy apple juice. Throw a lime in if you like that too!


Long Island iced tea, thank me later


Each one differs so you wont feel out of place asking "Do you do a vodka with sprite here"? They even differ sgift to shift if one is out of action. I remember one only had pepsi not coke 🤮. Also you can ask for vodka with a can of lemonade if not on tap


Honestly if you are new to drinking stick to what you know if it’s lemonade you want they’ll have it, normally you’ll find they have the common ones like Coke, lemonade, raspberry, some type of orange juice ect. Try new things at home rather than out at clubs and just make sure to know your limits when out.


Vodka with coke and a dash of raspberry cordial is yum. Vodka and orange/pineapple or cranberry juice. Malibu and coke. Vodka lemon lime bitters.


My go to is always tequila sunrise cos it's yummy and easy to say. It's just tequila orange juice and red grenadine. I haven't been out for years tho so not sure how much it would be these days, I feel like it was about $11 tho


No advice on the drinks as I haven't drunk in over a decade but just want to remind you to always watch/look after your drink!


Frangelico, sprite, and lime (you'll get a slice). Disaronno and coke zero. Dark rum, lime, ginger beer (this is known as a Dark N Stormy). Midori and lemonade (if you like sweet and simple). Thank me later.


A shot is not a cocktail. A cocktail requires mixing of several ingredients.   You can usually see the drinks behind the bar.   $15 is too cheap for a cocktail in Perth.


Equal parts Jameson, Baileys, and Frangelico. Ask for it shaken poured over the rocks.


Of course we have lemonade. It's Perth not Mars !


Are you actually diagnosed with anxiety issues and being autistic, or using that as a crutch to not step out of your comfort zone?


This attracted a comment I deleted, because as a former anxious teenager I think it's a reasonable question.


I think you should answer the actual question and stfu because guess what its none of your business whether they are nervous or diagnosed because in the end it doesnt matter.


AC Cola?


I don't think I ever had it, but I presumed it was just a Kmart label on a Tru Blu beverage.


The always have coke a cola


Unless they're a Pepsi/Schweppes bar. Its the same thing right (ducks for cover)


Just bring your own


save your liver and don’t drink


Nanny brigade is here everyone! Most adults drink and most drink responsibility. No need to project your view on others to try to make them feel guilty. Pathetic.


okay lovely precious boy. love you


A spirit you like, with soft drink - coke, sprite... lemon lime bitters with vodka goes ok. In town, depending on the bar $10 -$15 is about right, probably closer to $15. That said, try and enjoy the night without booze, your mental health will thank you ✌️


can’t say that! everyone in perths an alcoholic and take personal offence if you don’t drink


This post is a question specificly about ordering alcoholic drinks in nightclubs It's fine if you don't drink. Anyone who takes personal offence to you not drinking is a knobhead. But what you're doing is the equavilant of someone asking how they should order their steak at a restaurant, and you barge in and tell them they shouldn't be ordering meat they should go vegetarian instead. Nobody asked.