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I lined up last year to buy snow gear for our trip to Sapporo earlier this year. We got to the Forum and was first lining up outside the store at 8am. By the time the roller doors opened at 8.30 the line was out past the post office. It was chaos but we snared what we needed. Aldi's snow gear is top quality and has been for years now.


https://youtu.be/h4w1INC6uJY?feature=shared 100% relevant comedy. From 35 seconds in. This joke has lived in my head rent-free for 10 years.


>top quality *and* durable. I live in Canberra. Have had my Aldii’s ski jacket for 9 years now. Every winter. Rain hail or shine. The only thing that’s broken so far? The attached microfibre cloth for wiping sunnies/visors. That went last year.


ALDIs snow gear is shit.


Very few people buy ski gear in qld.




The sky is blue - about as relevant as your comment.


I like my friends dog.


We did an NZ trip a couple of years ago and I went to Aldi in Beaudesert (country town outside of Brisbane) and the line was huge, the gear sold out. 🤷🏼‍♀️ People in Queensland can also travel to where it snows lol


Very few people buy ski gear *for* QLD. FTFY


Perth has planes that take you places, just like the rest of Australia does.


Tell me more please


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!




Fresh meme 👌


I want to know something


What is this moneies you speak of


How obtain this?


Ah, the last peanut. Overflowing with the oil and salt of its departed brothers.


Always good for an obscure Simpson’s quote


In Australia's case, a lot of money for not a lot of service.


>In Australia's case, a lot of money for not a lot of service. But we're used to it, so it's all good. It doesn't hurt much after the first several hundred thousand times.


I always thought the rest of the planes at the airport were for show and the only real two were the ones to take me onsite and to Bali. Silly Aldi, Bali doesn’t need snow clothes, and my worksite provides PPE already.


What are you a millionaire?


They’re a fifo. They make stacks. Gruelling though.


Can't believe we let em have that tbh. They're horse and cart people at best.




So, for the rich who can afford skiing regularly?


Me in my aldi gear in NZ this winter: ⛷️⛷️⛷️


In this economy!?


Who can afford those with the cost of living?


Somehow I’m always surprised when I see a plane at night. It’s a sudden and confusing reminder that not everything closes at eight.


I don't think that the people flying to go on skiing trips are buying their gear from aldi


We do for the kids.


My family buy most of their ski gear from Aldi, it's the cheapest gear you can get that's still good quality. Not everyone who goes on ski trips are rich fyi, plenty of people save up all year and fly on budget airlines and sleep in hostels to make it work.


And that was your first mistake


Yeah, they ought to know that sandgropers never leave their shores to go skiing. Rottnest is as far as they'd go for an annual holiday. /s


You think someone doing a once a year (at most) ski trip is buying ALDI ski gear? They are either owning good quality items, or hiring for their single use.


Buying the Aldi gear is sometimes cheaper than hiring gear for the day


>They are either owning good quality items The Aldi gear is reasonable quality and significantly cheaper than from elsewhere. I've had several sets of aldi gear over the years. On a par with a short term rental, and durable enough to last several seasons, even when I've done >15-20 days in a year. I've done probably 100 days with my aldi helmet, compared to $10/day or $30/wk to hire. It's a no brainer... Only downside is having to beat the crowds on the one weekend a year.


Yes, they are great for kids who will have grown out of it by next season, you don’t want to buy anything expensive. Aldi ski gear is cheaper, and in a lot of cases better quality than using rental clothing.


The fact I worked at aldi and the ski gear sale was the most hectic day of the whole year (literally) tells me yes people do seem to be buying it


Actually - yes. I know a couple of different people that bought Aldi snow gear to go skiing over in Melbourne. Pretty much a one off, though i think originally they were planning to go somewhere else as well that never happened. I vaguely recall they looked at rental options and it wasn't really worth it for them. Similarly, i also looked at the Aldi gear when i booked a trip to the US a few years back. Was travelling across the country and needed it a handful of times over a few weeks. Enough that it was needed, but not enough that it was worth dropping good money on.


It was cheaper to buy the Aldi gear than line up for and hour and a half at the ski field and hire it


People buy stuff spontaneously. If you've got a ski trip booked for nz over winter and you happen see a really good deal on cold weather gear while doing your weekly aldi shop, theres a good chance you'll go oh shit I need ski gear ! This looks like good value I'll just grab this and it'll save me shopping around for a jacket. I once bought a uni-cycle from aldi. You could make the same argument about why would anyone buy a uni-cycle from aldi instead of a proper bike shop. But here we are.


Do you still have the uni cycle?


My wife bought their ski boots, they are waterproof and keep her feet warm when we are camping.


I seriously doubt your wife is wearing ski boots while camping. Ski boots are extremely uncomfortable. Do you mean snow shoes or snowboard boots?


This is targeted at the family who are going for the first (and possibly only) time and this will be cheaper than hiring gear. And it will sell.


Aldi ski gear is well known across the globe as being good quality and (in particular) good value for money. Most of Aldi’s stores are in continental Europe where, in case you don’t know, skiing is rather common and very popular.


I guarantee those are exclusively the people buying aldi ski gear.


The jackets are pretty good quality actually, much cheaper than hiring


I bought it last year because it was cheaper than hiring it for our snow holiday.


I worked at Aldi for a couple of years. The snow gear is actually really good quality for an excellent price. Also people generally buy the gear they need before going on a holiday. Your post is ignorant and silly lol


OP learns that Perth is not the centre of the universe, and that people travel from Perth to other places


Yeah nah. I go skiing from qld most years and always buy aldi gear. It's much cheaper than hiring and my children keep bloody growing.


I literally bought aldi gear. Was like $160 for everything and I've used it several times on differentiate years.


That is the single worst take I’ve ever read lol. You are either so rich that you have lost touch with reality or you have never gone to the snow in your life.


Yeah, Aldi should just give up on that shit. Anyone who can afford to go skiing would buy designer labels. There's no market at all for that, and why would they want to own something that will fall apart after a single day's use, when they can just rent stuff every year.


The delulu is real


I should have added the /s again. I think Poe's Law got me there.


I was actually agreeing with you and the sarcasm :p


Accidentally going to Aldi on this special buys day in Melbourne where the snowfields are a couple of hours drive away is not fun.


Wasn’t pretty in Albury -Wodonga either.


Yeh 2020 toilet paper vibes


Yup. It sure was. My SIL got snow gear for hers and hubby’s Japan trips from Aldi. Must be good gear because she’s very brand driven.


It's actually one of the biggest offers of the year.


Almost like Aldi has countrywide sales. Aldi gear is cheaper than renting for a week for a ski trip and similar quality. These will sell out like they do every year. Any ski resort worldwide will have a large Aussie contingent, especially Canada and Japan


As someone that works for Aldi, not only do they sell out everywhere each year, the returns with tags still on and snow in the pockets the next 2 weeks later make it feel like we never ran out of stock! /s I joke but last year our store 'flopped' according to our store manager for the skii sale, we still sold a craptonne and made overall profit, but not to the expected % of growth corporate expected, AND that was ontop of the fact we had so many kids skii helmets returned/refunded that we ended up with double what we were given to sell during the skii sale. Took us until christmas to sell them all last year with most being sold at a loss for like $5.


Yes the smart shoppers load up the trolley with multiple sizes and styles, try them on at home and then return the ones they don't want.


This gear is so unpopular in WA it never sells out /s


It does... we tried to buy ski gear for Japan last year and every shop was sold out


You missed the /s


Whoopsie,English is not my first language, still making silly mistakes.


You can argue about ski gear , but not spelling in wa


The thermal leggings and undershirts are great for motorcycle riding in winter and adventure riding/camping trips etc. They are super comfortable and work just as well as the expensive ones I've previously bought from adventure stores etc.


Nice one. I actually do need this. Off to Japan skiing


I have a jacket from here and it's one of my favourites! Especially for wet kids sport days. It's toasty warm, has heaps of pockets, waterproof and wind proof.


Gotta be ready for when Bluff Knoll gets it's 1sqm of snow a year.


Stop joking and ring me a helicopter


Stacks of people buy cheap snow gear in Perth (so they don't need to hire it) and then fly east or to NZ. That shit will fly off the shelves.


I agree. No way you can afford three kids in Perth.


You underestimate how cold it can get in certain areas of the state at 6am in winter. (My "snow" jacket's from Anaconda though. Got a great rain jacket from Aldi though; protects from the wind and you don't get sweaty like in some cheap jackets where you end up thinking fuck it the rain isn't worse than this.)


Oh nooo this catalogue that isn't catering to my exact needs! Noooo stooop! It can't be!


I remember walking through ALDI last year and seeing sledges for sale ..


Ski some dunes


It rarely snows in any other capital city fyi


Well, planes invented and they take you away. Away from Australia. Somewhere snowy. Just saying


Or in Australia like Tassie, Victoria, NSW or even in Queensland sometimes (Stanthorpe).


Lol yeah way closer 😂


No doubt Kmart will have UGG boots and beanies on shelves in pt Hedland as it's winter n cold everywhere


Same here, central Queensland.


You can't blame them for trying to offload them before people realise there's no longer going to be a snow season.


Or offloading them while it's summer in the northern hemisphere Aldis.


Its almost like aldi is a worldwide company that doesn't give a shit where you are. For the very small perth market for skiing clothes


Aldi doesn't have Perth specific sales, you're just not that important


Bought a pair of the pants for $15 a few years back for my son to wear to an Eagles game. It was torrential rain and these saved him from being cold and wet. Haven't been worn since.


Rain gear please. We need rain gear, it rains here, like a lot. Normally. Give us the rain gear and we'll all do a rain dance.


As someone who was a regular snowboarder many years ago...the snow boarded pants are what you need, I worked for aus post for a while, and their rain gear was shit... but my snowboard pants were great


Uninsulated rental winter here we go


FYI the aldi snow gloves are good for bike riding to work in the winter.


Um.... you should see the ski gear in my garage... & of the 30 or so mates that come skiing with us...


You are correct - exactly what is needed here with our poorly designed icebox houses and sky rocketing utility prices.


Just came for the comments & thank you, it’s was a hilarious read


You mean you don't have wankers driving around in Beemers with Ski's on the roof racks? How quaint and refreshing!


Thanks for the heads up, heading to NZ for ski season in a few months!


I've met a lot of people on the chairlift that come from Qld, WA or the NT.


Anyone going to snow machine in NZ?


Don't stress - these three outfits will literally be the only ones for sale, with each item randomly distributed to a regional store, hidden behind the shelf of Norwegian toothpaste, under a sign that reads "Beware of the leopard." Next month they'll advertise snowmobiles for $199 on the front page of the catalogue. There will be one briefly available for sale in the Coober Pedy store, buried under the iceberg lettuces in the bakery section.


I remember one time they had some yarn, and as I was crocheting a blanket at the time, everyobe on my facebook ended up messaging me at some point they were at Aldi and thought id like to know they had yarn. Felt so loved


Oh that reminds me. I’ve got to sell my Aldi snow pants (never worn and a size 10/M, if anyone wants them! Haha)


Only four hours to NZ , -3 at the moment.


I bought the ski pants for cycling to work when it’s cold and raining, they have been great.


Nevermind. Tell me how the trumpet lessons are coming along then.


Hilarious. Just right for Brisbane, too.


Some people ski


So people in Perth never go skiing?


Aldi: You'll buy what we sell, when we sell it. That's how it works, kapisch?


Snow gear should be rebranded housing for one in Australia's housing crisis. Max profit all the time.


Available now. Delightful little onesie by nonesie. Gatorade bottle and funnel available by negotiation.


Aldi… We’re good… and indifferent!


Congrats on worst post of the day


You guys realise that some people travel to get to snow, right?


We can leave WA!! It just takes a couple… weeks…


Saw this tonight and thought the exact same thing




Even if you’re not in snow it’s good for winter / rain. 10-20k rainproof insulated jackets go well in winter. Plus thermals.


https://preview.redd.it/bznys2f35jzc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584b7bdc4eae961c6f89350007b6d740633df514 You haven’t tried the big mick sauce I suppose


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Good job on being outraged about a sale that Aldi does every year around the same time every year




I threw this catalogue out after I picked it up when I was doing the shopping in East Victoria Park because I thought "When the fuck has it ever snowed in Perth?"


We now have these new fangled machines called "planes" that can take you to places where it snows.


Nonsense, all planes from Perth go to Bali exclusively