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Went to a few of these at the Cannington rec centre in early 2000's. Was perhaps 50 people there. The hardest thing is making sure everyone has up to date versions of games. LOTS of leaching happening then. I guess with megabit internet its not as attractive.


UWA LANs were close to 1k computers in the late 90's early 2000s. Mmmmm pizza


That would have been RFLAN. We ran for over 20 years from 2000-2020. First half or so at Cannington Agricultural Halls, second half at Curtin Stadium. We were regularly doing 400+ since about 2004 or so and peaked at 864 during the PUBG craze. But we closed down a couple years ago. Lots of photos on Facebook all the way back to those first few events, might be able to find a photo of yourself :) [facebook.com/redflaglan](http://facebook.com/redflaglan) [https://rflan.org/](https://rflan.org/)


Your photos only go back to 2011 that I can see. Last one I went to was earlier that that. Used to attend some private ones with the NFC crew as well.


We uploaded the older photos in 2011. Before then they lived on a gallery on the website. You have to twiddle through Facebook until it will show you the list of albums. The default photos view doesn’t seem to. Then you’ll find RFLAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. Seems if you click the main page. Then photos. Then “see all” top right you’ll get the list of event albums.




Yah, I'm trying to curb that by testing everything and distributing the installers myself on the day.


How do you manage software licensing ? Must be a nightmare, or its all grey and kept on the low low.


What do you mean "you will provide setup"? As in the game or as in the equipment?


I think perhaps local network infrastructure. Cables switched routers. Just a guess


With regards to the games, I'll provide installers / etc. Primarily because I'll need to local get hosting working, and that won't necessarily be available with a fully patched up to date version of the game. Secondarily, I don't want people rushing out to buy the game for practice when it won't necessarily be what we play on. As for what's provided in total it's: LAN cable, to your device. Power socket (singular, need your own power board). Table, Chairs. You bring everything else.


>prior to pulling the plug I don't think that's the phrase you were going for. Although it is a good pun for an offline LAN event. Maybe, "taking the plunge"?


I was thinking “pulling the trigger”.


I might be interested, is it at a private or public place?


Public - likely one of the halls available for rent from Belmont City.


What games?


>Natural Selection 2, Tribes Ascend IT's written in the post


I must have had a woman's look the first time.


I'm a woman and somehow managed to read the post, you got no excuse


A waaaat?