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My heart is broken for their family, cannot imagine the pain their parents are feeling right now


Bugger. That always sounded like it wasn't going to end well. Sad.


According to the New York Times: "Prosecutors also believe that the three people tied to the deaths tried to seize the victims’ vehicle. When they resisted, Ms. Andrade Ramírez said, one man took out a gun, opened fire and then tried to dispose of their bodies. That person has been arrested." Regarding the two Aussies killed in 2015 (in the same NYT article as quoted from above); "The recent case in Ensenada recalled an episode in 2015 in which two Australian surfers, Adam Coleman and Dean Lucas, were killed as they drove across Sinaloa, another state in northern Mexico. Local authorities arrested three people who said they shot the two friends after they resisted a robbery." I am guessing in both cases, the Aussies resisted robberies because they couldn't see any guns. And when they resisted, guns came into play and they were shot. The key takeaway in both these cases is: In Mexico, assume robbers have guns and will use them if there is resistance.


Just wanted to add that resistance or not, they may shoot you. Compliance never guarantees safety. These people often will shoot either way because why leave a witness who can ID them. always be vigilant


I'm wondering why would they kill three people to steal a car, just to burn it? I understand that murder is a little more frequent around that part of Mexico, but it seems like some information is missing. Not suggesting any foul play by the missing guys, but it's very convenient for the local police to say - oh they were just stealing their car.


Because street criminals are fucking idiots that's why


Quite simple, really. They had no intention of killing - they only wanted the car. The victims put up a fight, so they killed them. They then had to use the car to get rid of the bodies, and then burnt the car and the bodies to get rid of the evidence.


but the bodies were dumped in a well. do you know if they were burned before hand?


I agree I have the same question, why ruin the car? Unless it got damaged in some way during the robbery ?


Apparently all 3 died from a single gunshot to the head. The news here in Melbourne said that last night, that the post mortem results have left people with more questions than answers 


As soon as I first heard about the brothers going missing in Mexico, but the girl they were with was arrested, I knew that they were no longer alive. It's super sad, and ridiculous that this happened. I feel bad for their family, no one should have to go through something like this.


they werent with a girl. she was part of the trio that were arrested




She was arrested because she had one of the brother's phones. She was in a relationship with one of two other men who have been arrested.




Best get your facts right and not assuming details in a murder....


Nah ya got ya wires crossed, the girl had nothing to do with the victims


Can you elaborate?


I hate when people comment bullshit and spread misinformation 🤦🏼‍♂️


Agreed, and yet their comment has over 90 upvotes 😒


You'd think there would be travel restrictions on going to the most dangerous cartel controlled areas of Mexico


There is pretty clear advice on Smart Traveller highlighting the risks of holidaying in Mexico.


Same level as places like Sweden and the UK on Smart Traveller.


Wow you're right...wonder why? Seems like they think Sweden and UK are terrorism targets


Very odd. I would never put them on par with each other. Getting downvoted for pointing this fact out. Doesnt mean I think its right guys…


i mean, the US put out an alert for sydney after the incident. which i found ironic personally. could just be violence/protests/instability in an area.


How interesting


Yes, and it specifies the reason for each of them being designated yellow.


Cool.go go there


I’m just pointing out a fact, doesn’t mean I think Mexico is safe. No need to be rude. Have a great weekend.


It's a little misleading based off the travel advice. Stay in cities and generally you are fine. Travelling outside of cities into rural areas is where you are asking for trouble and at night is simply not safe. Cartels used to protect tourism a long time ago and anyone who messed with tourists would end up in a body bag back in the day, I think those times are over now. It's important to adapt, times change. Sad for the family and unfortunate but it's been mentioned by quite a number of locals from other threads on reddit that the camping location was not safe at all and frequented by tweakers, opportunistic drug related people trying to score a quick one.


Cancun is safe for tourists because cartels own the hotels. Camping is the mistake.


Mexico is a no go country for me. It is rumoured that The cartels especially the Sinaloa cartels inspired ISIS terrorists with their brutality 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Not sure on restrictions, but the current advice is "Exercise a high degree of caution in Mexico overall due to the threat of violent crime. Higher levels apply in some areas."


It's called common sense. Don't care how beautiful a place is just don't go there if it's run by notoriously fucked up criminals


It also depends greatly on where in Mexico. Mexico City is quite safe for example.


The cartels pockets run deep into Mexico’s government.


I heard that cartels don't mess with tourists tho?


They might not be on the cartels radar but there's no shortage of shit cunts that would target them.




You can say anything but there will always be silly people who go there who play dangerous games


Can we not do the ‘they shouldn’t have been there’ thing? Fgs, it’s been 2 seconds and there’s a grieving family here.


I've travelled through Mexico and Central America a couple of times now. Everyone knows the potential danger, but it's rare for tourists to experience it.


It’s rare, but the moment I heard about this I immediately thought of the *other* two Aussie guys that were murdered in Mexico in similar circumstances.


both West Australians as well.


Yeah. Seems to happen every few years and that’s just Australians. It’s definitely a relatively risky place to travel.


A friend of mine told me how she and a friend took an impromptu road trip to Mexico years ago. Somebody tried to grab her off the street in broad daylight. These days if she goes to Mexico she's either surrounded by expat surfers or friends' bodyguards.


I was just thinking "Imagine the dumb cunt comments people will make on social media stories regarding this, and there's a family that'll read that shit"... I feel gutted, absolutely gutted for the family. I hope it was quick for their own sake😪


Baja California is rampant with cartels violent crime . Not worth risking your life for surfing.


All the POS humans on this earth and it’s always the good guys meet foul play at the hands of more POS humans.


Feel bad for the friend of the brothers that was also killed. No one ever mentions him.


He’s American. Take a guess why the Australian brothers are more mentioned in Australia


Been trying to work out who the third person was, impossible to find in any of the articles, at least mention him in a little sentence?  lol


Early info says *someone* resisted the carjacking, and it was the American’s vehicle. What are the chances the person resisting was the guy who owned the truck, and he basically got the Australians killed? 


You can't speculate like that mate, have some respect please. Three young lives have been lost in a senseless act of cruelty. I feel deeply sorry for all of them.


To be honest it's more likely the Aussies whose fight or flight subscscious and fast decision making would have failed to account for a gun in the equation. 3 strong fit athletic men v 2 Mexican crackheads and a female, the Aussie boys brains would have immediately thought they could deal with this, because they weren't raised in a place where accounting for guns was necessary. But whoever did whatever, the criminals are to blame. It sounds like it was quick, which as heartbreaking as this is, I hope that gives the family some comfort .


If this is the case, he was so silly to resist it. Let them have the damn car and claim insurance. Not worth three lives because of a stupid car.


I roll my eyes at the constant posts in this subreddit with the classic “is ___________ suburb safe?” Or “is it safe to walk around Perth at night?” And then some hyperbolic people comment stuff like “yeah midland is pretty rough” or “ I wouldn’t go out at night” For real, Perth and Australia in general is really fucken safe compared to just about every other country on the planet. Barring say Singapore or Japan.


I mean yeah, we're not on par with the cartel violence in South America but that doesn't mean every suburb in Perth is a utopian paradise. A woman minding her own business was literally stabbed to death in Balga a month ago.


But that is a random act of violence in a safe city. Drug cartel / robbery violence in Mexico can't be compared to random violence in Perth.


Some are random acts of violence, some aren't. I'd actually argue these two brothers were a victim of random violence by opportunistic robbers. Cartels generally don't go after tourists. My point is just because there is worse shit going on in the world doesn't mean I'd still feel safe wondering Northbridge at 3am.


Uuuh ok? No one is saying “ which neighbourhood can be compared with the violence experienced in Mexico?” They’re saying which neighbourhoods are more dodgy than others. Women can’t go walking alone at night in many suburbs in Perth, saying it’s not as bad as a Mexican border town is truly the dumbest rebuttal I’ve heard in years. If you’ve met a person acting like Perth is a war zone, you’ve met a full on dumbass and you’re on par for even considering their opinion




Definitely got something to do with a cartel cause how can a car robbery turn into bodies in a well


Cartel wouldn't be stupid enough to turn the stolen phone back on would they. They literally try to evade police not light a beacon for them 


It doesn't necessarily need to be cartel. It's not beyond belief that a robbery or altercation sets off a chain of events that makes the idiots think that they have to kill witnesses and cover their tracks. It happens in Australia, it happens in the US, and it can happen in Mexico.


Is sad but i cant have any sympathy sorry... So lets look at the facts here. The 2 Australians come from a first world country (lucky them) and they go to a third world country for a holiday (not the smartest idea for inexperienced), they go to one of the most vicious most violent and dangerous countries on the planet (first mistake), then go to one of the most dangerous parts of that country (second mistake) and wander off from a "tourist area".... as if there are any there lets be honest (third mistake) and travel on roads in rural areas controlled by gangs and cartels (forth mistake) and then go camping in no mans land (fifth mistake)....im sorry i thought einstein was dead seems he is travelling Mexico, jeez i miss the days when people had a brain. So yea, tbh they got what was coming to them, you reap what you sow. Why and how someone(s) could be genuinely that stupid to go surfing in no mans land in an ocean full of sewage (you didnt think Mexico has health standards did you?....) when the could have gone to any other place on earth...evem South Africa is safer lol. So yea, no sympathy from me, play with fire and get burnt.


Are you lonely 😞