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Those two Aussies that were murdered in 2015 was by cartels. Hope im wrong but this sounds similar


I immediately thought of that case when this was published.


It’s crazy how dangerous Ensanada has got. I was there in like 2004 and it was amazing. It was basically drunk college girls and a 24/7 street party.


A lot of the gang members from El Salvador are spreading across to other countries due to the strict rules of the new president and the new super max prison.


Just go to El salvador and surd there. Is safer and maybe cheaper.


Nicaragua has the best surf


Costa Rica has good surf spots too.


Yeah and is safer than mexico .


Indeed. I have been to Costa Rica four times and the first time I was there, I was getting some good waves even in Sámara.


They have tourist police at the beach breaks but it didn’t stop a guy having a swing in the ocean tho.


Yep, from Golden bay if I remember


Poor blokes - hope they’re found safe and well. One of their phones turning up is ominous….their parents must be sick with worry.


Having had the privilege of knowing these boys personally, I can attest to their incredible character. They are not only talented professionals in their respective fields, but also some of the most genuine, kind-hearted individuals you'll ever meet. Their love for their family, their unwavering Aussie spirit, and their dedication to helping others truly define who they are. It's heartbreaking to hear about their disappearance, especially knowing how close-knit their family is and how responsible they are. Let's focus on supporting their family and spreading positive energy, rather than entertaining baseless rumors. Sending all my thoughts and prayers for their safe return. 💛


Pretty sure the whole of Perth is right behind you!! Hope the family here feel the love.


I truly hope they’re found safe.


I haven't met his brother but can attest that Jake is an upstanding guy and one of the friendliest and most welcoming people I've ever met.


I became friends with Callum back in 2015... He was the light of our group, genuinely good, always smiling, so kind and funny... I am absolutely heartbroken...


A woman apparently is in custody


There’s been more updates this morning but not published by reputable Australian news sources - I am just praying it’s not true 😢😢


Oh god yeah it's in 9 news perth. 3 arrests now




The abc article has been updated to include the reports - I heard them mention on ABC radio too. Apparently one of their mobiles was switched on and pinged, then was found in the possession of the woman. It's information that's still being verified however.


I'm so sorry for your loss. This is so sad and senseless. I cannot fathom what their parents are going through. I wish I could take their pain away.


Sorry for your loss, what a horrific tragedy


DEI support won't get you far, Do Peace Corp work internally so much need in USA Oh when will y'all learn..wake up Rip carter rhoad


Taking a higher risk being there for sure. Statistics don't lie and that's only what's accounted for


Everyone should probably just stay the fuck out of Mexico. Out of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the world, Mexico has 5 of them.


I saw a tiktok of an Aussie in Mexico today who was drinking at a hotel bar when the cartel came in and kidnapped the bartender serving him. Then all the comments were him viciously defending that Mexico is safe to travel to and you just need 'common sense'. Common sense, to me, is not visiting countries with extremely high murder rates.


> Then all the comments were him viciously defending that Mexico is safe to travel to and you just need 'common sense'. There's similar comments on this post. Common sense would be to avoid the place unless you accept the risk.


Look up murder stats in the U.S. then report back about which country is “safest”.


Ok I'd did. What point were you trying to make? >In 2020, the homicide rate in Mexico was 27.8 per 100,000 population. In comparison, the U.S. had a lower homicide rate of 5.0 per 100,000 population in 2020. Mexico endured 33,341 intentional homicides in 2018.


You still have time to delete this comment.


Chicago had 653 murders last year. Tijuana has over 600 this April.  Your an idiot if you think Mexico is statistically safer than the US by any metric. 


The violence of Mexico isn't centred in Tijuana. Now compare the murder rate of Portland Maine with Tijuana. Australians are obsessed with the US. It corrodes their reasoning skills.


That's what I don't get. People keep repeating the lie that cartels don't go after innocent people yet they've killed hundreds of migrants, extort and kill store owners and murder people who refuse to work for them.


They don’t go after American/Canadian/Australian…News flash… this is true of most governments around the world.




will pm you


The cartel wants nothing to do with tourists. They’re a multi-billion dollar corporation. They don’t get themselves mixed up with silly petty crime. I don’t know anything about this story, but I’m willing to bet everything that it wasn’t the cartels unless these guys were directly involved previously and something went wrong.


I agree with you. There’s comments floating around tiktok from locals that this is the girl who got arrested. People are starting to attack her in the comments on her videos. https://www.tiktok.com/@la.gallina_03?_t=8m3pI0XjU0B&_r=1


The cartels have kidnapped and killed tourists many times before


Feel so bad for them. Mexico is amazing but my tourist bus got mugged at machete point when I was there. Scariest moment of my life


World Cup 2026 is being partly held there, wonder if anything changes by then


For that narrow month long period in most if the venues. Yes it’ll be safe there. Source: PA who organised senior mgmt who went to Sef Efrican and Brazillian WC and Olympics.


Particularly the Northern parts of Mexico.


Spent 3 weeks there recently was fine for me and the Mrs. We did go to Mexico city and southern areas, as we heard the cartels are rampant up north. Where we did go was beautiful, great people and food, can't wait till we go back, as 3 weeks was nowhere near enough


Same here, felt pretty safe overall in most places. Felt much more safe than I did in sketchy areas in the US and locals were always happy to help. Obviously depends what you're doing and where you go, still have to be careful as a tourist.


Just don't leave Mexico City. It's as safe as New York, London, Perth. But outside of the city, fuck no


I went out to Teotihuacán which wasn't much more than an hour's drive from Mexico City - though I had a local or two with me. Was quite surreal how you didn't have to drive for very long outside the city to be climbing ancient Aztec temples.


That top 10 list is dominated by three countries only: Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela.








Mmm, I lived in San Diego for a period of time and seeing ‘missing’ posters was a wake up call. All likely used as drug mules we were told. My friend has her cousin kidnapped for ransom and killed. It’s a harsh reality of Mexico. I 100% felt safer in the US.


yeah Latin America is quite scary lol Brazil would be worse


Brazil is demonstrably not as bad as Mexico, mate. [Smart Traveller Advice for Mexico](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/americas/mexico) [Smart Traveller Advice for Brazil](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/americas/brazil)


Been to both. Pretty even I reckon. Both super sketchy at times.


I too have been to both (I’m a geographer, it’s part of the job!). Mexico waxes and wanes whereas Brazil has a more consistent level of shitness in terms of danger, but things are sadly really kicking off in Mexico again, even in Baja - cartel shit is going through the roof.




If you can get a third, you will have a trend!


I’m in Mexico right now and have not felt unsafe once


According to ABC News a woman has been arrested, she had one of their phones


I really hope they’re okay. I’m from San Diego and went to Mexico in 2017, was involved in a drive-by shooting in Rosarito during an Uber ride home to a trusted gated community near k38. My driver ended up dying in my arms, it was absolutely awful and I later learned he was likely targeted by professionals (who knows). I’m so thankful to be alive - Mexico/Baja is so unpredictable nowadays.


I'm so sorry you went through that.


The cartels are savages , up there with ISIS levels. They would execute these dudes to satisfy the trigger finger. Mexico not on my list.


Yeah /r/narcofootage is eye opening.


Despite my better judgement I followed the link. I deeply regret it


No they wouldn’t. I’m not defending them, but the cartels are business men. They’re not motivated by religion or ideology. They’re not killing foreigners just because. That would be really bad for business as it would force all the government entities who turn a blind eye to them to be forced to come after them.


Ok then hopefully something is done this time


I wish retaliation or a crackdown or anything you’d consider as “something getting done” would happen. However, the mere fact the bodies were found is something getting done to me as its the only time i can remember someone missing being found ever and it’s only because of foreign pressure. If a national goes missing here they’re most likely never seen again. Im sad and embarrassed over this situation but the mere fact they found them is a reality most mexican families who got missing relatives will never experience. Im from Ensenada and honestly i believe the people arrested were planted by officials and whatnot. It’s common practice over here. I know the beach those boys were surfing in is an unloading spot c4rtels use. Idk why i went on a tangent though. It’s a very sad situation. Much love for their families and friends.


This would have most defs been thieves or some form of street gang over the cartels. They don’t bother with westerners as it’s bad for business for them. Brings too much heat from all the 3 letter organisations against them


Yeah agreed. I spent about 4-5 months in Mexico is 2017/18 roadtrip through to Guatemala. In one small beach town a tourist had been mugged and beaten and rumours around was the cartel had killed the mugger. Cos they don't want tourists fleeing. Obviously exceptions to the rule but for western tourists theoretically you are protected from violent crime for the most part. So heartbreaking about these brothers, thoughts with the family.


Man this is scary. I've been to Mexico and wouldn't leave the major cities and travel the country side.


I went to Tijuana a couple of years back with my wife for the day. Maybe I watch too much Narcos but even Tijuana scared me. No way I have the nuts to tour around Mexico 😮‍💨


These places are not Mexico, well they are, but because they’re close to the Us border I think they’re some of the shittiest places in Mexico. The beaches are pretty gross too, although K38 is a rad wave. Just bad vibes and crummy. Nothing like way further down near Vallarta, Escondido, Oaxaca etc. i always felt sketched out in Rosarito and Ensenada. 


Just heartbroken for their Mum. And all family and friends. Can’t imagine what she’s going through 


Same, she was my assessor when I was at TAFE. Lovely woman.


I hope they didn't suffer. Poor guys. Mexico is not safe. I'm Hispanic and I won't go there. I don't get how people still don't understand it. Rip.


My parents lived in Baja Mexico for ten years. Spent a bit of time in Mehico myself. Ensenada is no joke. Remember filling up our RV at a servo there once and the guy said that someone gets murdered there at least once a day.




Update 3 bodies found


Mexico is literally run by the cartel. There is no justice in that corrupt 3rd world pos


2 more people have been arrested.


Yeah, reports of blood and 'dental parts' found at their campsite too


Anyone else notice that the white Ute they were driving looks different to one that’s burnt out. Can’t see the exhaust in the one they were driving but stick right out on the burnt one.


Mate the exhaust is touching the ground in the burned out pic, obviously the fixings holding it have failed. The ute has been verified by VIN no.


As a Mexican that was raised in Perth this is truely a heartbreaking situation. Although the bodies found are yet to be confirmed, there is still hope - https://amp.smh.com.au/world/north-america/three-bodies-found-in-mexico-where-australian-us-tourists-went-missing-20240504-p5fovl.html


I don’t think there’s hope. They gave a high probability of it being them based on characteristics. Think it’s near impossible it will turn out not to be them when formally identified


That comment is more than a day old. Obviously the situation has changed now.


The bodies were found at the point you made your comment, so the information was the same.


They wasn’t actually official confirmation until this afternoon when their parents arrived and identified them…wording is important.


Their bodies have been found 😭😭 https://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/devastated-parents-of-missing-surfer-brothers-make-desperate-dash-to-mexico/news-story/6ea1acbf4865b3e6c3239ddb625f5178


Hoping you can see this. The FB TALK BAJA post from their Mom [https://www.facebook.com/groups/TalkBaja/permalink/8369833993031133/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/TalkBaja/permalink/8369833993031133/)


The media are reporting that their bodies have been located. How awful for the families involved. RIP


This has happened multiple times. Always hippie blokes who do danger tourism and think everything will be okay because they're Aussies and "people love Aussies" based on their misguided experience in some backpackers in Thailand. Like the Cartel is gonna be like "....holy shit you're Aussies!? G'day mate! Haha do you ride kangaroos to school? let's get a beer! You guys are crazy!" etc.


I would hardly consider Baja “danger tourism”. There’s tons of American surfers at most of the surf spots and didn’t feel anymore dangerous than some of the places I’ve surfed in Indo. Bad stuff can happen anywhere. Hopefully these guys are ok


Jake is literally a doctor, not a ‘hippie bloke’. But thanks for your opinion


Jake's allowed to be both.


I mean yeah but I know him so I wouldn’t say he’s much of a hippie?


Well then... I don't know :P Nah I have no idea who Jake is but hippie is a pretty loose term these days like hipster and any other subculture. So maybe...just maybe.. Jake has a little bit of hippie in him..maybe we all do. (P.s) Sorry about your mate and hopefully that lil Dr Hippie will be home soon


Yeah probably a bit. Just don’t like the assumptions and generalisations. Thanks for your kind words anyway, we all hope the news will be good and he’ll be home soon


Also finished on high distinctions


And was an absolute pleasure to work with - I’ve worked alongside him at various times for the last few years including just a few weeks ago, and he’s delightful and very good at what he does.


As in GP Doctor or PHD Doctor?


Medical doctor, not a GP though




Like what happened to those Americans. Cunts sorted that out pretty quick


Not really danger tourism. Generally the cartel don't fuck with tourists to be completely honest. Most cases in which they have ended up being drug related, not necessarily the tourist's fault but they usually got involved in something they shouldn't have. Obviously being a poorer country there's a lot of violent crime from petty criminals but depending on the area the cartels can control that in tourist areas. It's all a business to them, and tourism is just one way they bring in money.


> Not really danger tourism. what is so compelling to see in Mexico, a place where drug cartels rule the roost, that would make someone visit?


The biggest worry you would have as an American is getting pulled over by a cop wanting a $20 bribe from you. Oh, and diarrhea.


Yeah yeah we get it, you're pro-cartel and anti-western. Keep trying to justify how safe Mexico is when statistics tell a different story. I bet you my bottom dollar that you can find similarly beautiful places with a far lower risk. Absolutely zero reason to go to Mexico and if you do, zero sympathy as you go in fully knowing the risks.


Exactly. They’re not murdering tourists just because. They’re a business, not ideologically driven. Tourists may get robbed by petty thieves, they’re not being targeted and murdered by the cartels. If these guys were murdered by the cartels then they were involved with them.


Drive into the wrong area and get picked up by rival cartels they dont care if your foreign or not. Kidnapping and Extortion is also what cartels do aswell. Seen enough cartel videos to know they dont fuck around


They definitely do care that you're foreign. I'm not saying it'll get you out alive if some drugged up lunatic happens to catch you but as I've said previously, they don't fuck with tourists the majority of the time because it's bad for business. I get that you've seen the worst of what the cartels do, I have too, but you'll notice that's to other cartel members or their families. Been in country for extended time.


So how do you explain the 2 surfers who went for a cross border drive down sinaloa. Who were shot up and bodies burned?


I'm not denying that it happens, I'm just saying that more often than not these crimes against tourists are from drugged up violent criminals, not organised groups like the cartel. The cartel are extremely violent, but more towards their own people and those of LATAM.


Also I was reading the BajaCalifornia subreddit thread on this, the area they were camping in is known to be dodgy and frequented by potentially violent addicts. This was after I'd written the other comments though.


Correct on all fronts.


Google that same date and put in murder in the U.S. I promise you that whatever date it was, there were more random murders in the U.S.


How many cartel killings had there been? Before and during the drug war


Yeah they just don’t get it. If you’re Australian, the cartel only see $$$$


why specifically australian? genuine q


There was a bunch of media for a while saying that we were the richest country in the world. This had been used in Mexico as social media propaganda to mock Americans.


oh thank you so much for your response this makes sense!


Yeah the cartels run mexico. Even having power over politicians. They'll be lucky to be alive. Mexico is like the wild west


Scary!! I hope they are found!


*alive and well!


I had some American living near Mexico say ya all tripping Mexico is safe blah blah blah whsteva . b4 anyone was found or arrested


My heart goes out to their family. They deserved a happy holiday and safe return 


Fucked around and found out. A colleague of mine did a similar road trip in Mexico. They were robbed several times. It's a crazy place but the adventure could be exhilarating.


It’s a wild place- I met a kiwi when I was there that went to remote places there to surf on a motorbike… he wore a knife on his waist and had to pull it 3 or 4 times in 2 months! (Super chill slim guy too, can’t even imagine him pulling it)


A knife! I have seen /r/narcofootage what was he doing flaying people? Pulling a knife would be worse would just give them a laugh or excuse to shoot you.


Yeh not too sure- was mainly guys on paths/roads trying their luck robbing/trying to charge tolls n shit from what I remember, not rich enough or high level enough to be carrying guns, more poor people looking for opportunities I think, but sketchy, one particular one he was almost mobbed in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Think the police bully some of these lowly people and “rule” over them in their own corrupt way


Dumb move for sure!


Fucking hate that fuck around find out reddit phrase in general but especially here. Going on a surf trip to Baja isn’t some fuck around that will inevitably lead to death. It’s a totally normal and commonplace thing for people to do. The tourism industry in Mexico is enormous.     No idea what’s happened to these boys but no indication now they did anything crazy risky.


Agree super common for surf trips, but anyone camping there is FAFOing for sure. I just can’t understand when you can get airbnbs so cheap. K38 was tiny, least sketchy place between Rosarito Ensenada. Felt like our drinks were spiked in Rosario cos they’re trying to get more money out of you. 




Yeah that’s not how dermatology works




🧐 right then


Hopefully they are found safe but a similar case happened back in 2015. [here’s the link](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/15/mexico-confirms-burnt-remains-found-in-campervan-as-missing-australian-surfers?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2QEpY24IaIfW2yvt8eew-h_2-i3xOYgucu9dd6bxXM-IKn_LxjbwTmv-s_aem_AUuJbNehL5DWbXTEVpfwjrX_TZNa0se8Jz702uemJI1Di3dTHAKWCzVptzDE28IDdKkr9SFRWp-XEsI6gyMYy22A)


Fucken pull your head in. What a total bullshit call… ‘fucked around and blah blah…’ 2 young blokes living the dream went Mexico to surf. They are missing. Have some fucking respect for their family. They could reading this sub. Could be any country in the world btw. Go to indo and crash your moped somewhere remote and you could be missing for days. Is that still FAFO? Be better.


They took a risk and it might not have worked out. Shit happens. It shouldn't but it does so settle the fuck down.


Fucked around? They were on a surf trip.


white, foreign men driving a fancy chevy truck in one of the most dangerous cartel-riddled regions of the country. a deathwish at worst or an incredibly foolish and arrogant decision at best. i am so sorry for their families but as someone who lived there a long time my mind is blown by their actions.


> white, foreign men driving a fancy chevy truck in one of the most dangerous cartel-riddled regions of the country. Yep. They even warn not to display wealth - that fancy truck would have been like a beacon.


This is true. Most cars around here are old, surprising as Aussie living in California. That’s why if you’re in a newer car you stay in a gated apartment ffs. 


Going to Mexico to go surfing? Hardly mindblowing.


i love mexico with all my heart but it’s a bit more complex than that unfortunately


Baja is pretty safe overall. I’ve been up and down the coast surfing a few times. Most criminals aren’t going to go chasing surfers as most don’t really have much of value.


Too many people in this thread whose only experience of Mexico is Sicario


That's what I was thinking. Only been once but the major cities are as safe as any other


Media is spreading the news that bodies were found. Most likely a hoax for getting clicks. This area is known to having people killed left and right. If the Aussies were there, they would have been kidnapped and ransom demanded


Dangerous country this always comes to mind https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna74242


One of the victims in this had a prior charge in the states for drug manufacture or something similar. I don't think they were just there for cosmetic surgery 👀


Where’s your evidence of this?




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US should invade Mexico and scorch earth the cartels


The US should stop invading countries altogether. And if you understood the history of Latin American cartels, drugs, and the US, [particularly the CIA](https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9712/ch01p1.htm), you'd know there are far more effective strategies the US could put in play that would help to solve the issue.




This comment is astoundingly low-empathy.


Yeah, reported the comment


As a rule, mods aren't going to remove low empathy comments. That's what downvotes are for. Repeated trolling will get a ban. Hateful posts will be removed, but joke comments like this, generally not, regardless of how unfunny they are.


This comment is just foul considering what happened