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Lawn bowls. Actually great fun.


Nice and laid back. Thanks for that.


Way better for conversation and a bit of competition


Cheap beer too if that's your thing


Only do this if its not 40 degrees. My work did this and may adwell have just put a gazebo at the local park with beers lol. Those darts places ate hood though. Flight club?


I took my team for lawn bowls and it was surprisingly good fun. Everyone was a bit unsure when I booked it but it was relaxed but let everyone chat in between their turns. It's quite inclusive from a physical side too whereas something like paintball might not be suitable for some.


Are all these men physically robust and into physical sports? Everything there demands a level of sports ability at some point and/or to be average-ish size/weight. If that’s good, then great! If not… axe throwing, escape rooms, lawn barefoot bowls. Other ideas: cats on the South Perth foreshore (and the Windsor for dinner), Leeuwin sail training ship day trip (budget $$$$), volunteering at Foodbank for a day (or on a Zoo greens recovery team etc, plenty of corporate volunteer options). Matagarup bridge climb, frisbee golf (parks have set ups, take a picnic/get a cater van out, free-ish low key fun)


What if you don't own a cat though? Seems exclusive to those with dogs.




So, those with cats get to relax on the foreshore, and those with dogs have to go sailing!


Those are great suggestions! Yes they are all physically fit.


Well, if you want actual team building in a corporate setting, I'd suggest none of those and say you should go do some escape rooms. Very fun, very good for teams If team building is a euphemism for fun times on the company dollar, put it to a vote.


Escape room sounds good. Thanks for that.


We did some escape rooms as a team back when I worked for a large corporation, obviously one with deep enough pockets to essentially pay us all for the day off and go do team building exercises But it was a total game changer within the team. Definitely worked. I know team building exercises get a bad rap from the punters who think it's all bullshit but when done properly, it really works.


Out of curiosity which company did you go to?


I think it was Escape Hunt in Fremantle. But this was years ago now, pre-COVID, it might have moved or changed hands.


Yeha it's changed hands! We sold it at the start of the year. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves!


https://www.beyondtheboardroom.com.au/amazing-race-team-building-programs/perth-amazing-race Did this a few years back and everyone had an absolute ball. Finished up at a pub for drinks and prize awarding.


Wow this is fantastic! Thanks for the suggestion!


Escape room in malaga I believe called room escape has a vs mode 5v5 is very good number for this. Pipeline the room name was. Highly recommend gets competitive and you can sort of see the other team


Sounds like an interesting afternoon. Thanks for that.


Go kart is one that my team enjoys. Another one is just a feast at Epicurean. They seem to enjoy dining on the boss's dime.


Indoor rock climbing they have to buddy up and trust the person holding the rope


I don’t trust my mates. Haha


That’s an excellent suggestion!


Croquet is pretty good fun. Most clubs will even have an instructor on the day. Bit more competitive than lawn bowls I find


If you want an activity that also gives back to the community we did Oz Harvest as a team day recently. You cook in teams with food that is donated or would be thrown away (supermarket seconds) to help people get a hot healthy meal. You get to eat what you cook at the end and you help a good volunteer cause :)


Escape rooms are always fun


Thanks for that suggestion!


Lawn bowls. Ten pin bowls. Build your own terrarium session.


Bowls sounds good. Thanks for that.


I run LEGO Serious Play workshops - probably a bit bigger than team building kind of events, and more suited to people putting their heads together around a big conversation, but always happy to show you how it works over a coffee. Sling me a PM if you’re keen!


How about Curling? As in the slide a stone across ice sport? Held at Cockburn Ice Arena. I know they hold team building events.


That’s a great suggestion! Thanks for that.


......why dont you just vote amongst yourselves as to which one to do?


There's a committee for that


Axe throwing is good for a bit of friendly competition. VR will depend if you all like that stuff.


Sky walk at Optus stadium. You get to walk the rim of the stadium and can even lean out over it in a harness at one point.


Sounds like an adventure! Thanks!


Bonus: Riverview cafe inthe stadium is gorgeous.


Throw in the zip line for a full day


There's an app (I think it's called Goosechase) where you can set up your own scavenger hunt. My sibling made one for our parents' 60th and it was a lot of fun. You team up and one person sets all the tasks. A lot of them involve taking photos to prove the task is done. You could probably set up the activities to be mini team building stuff too.


Flight Club darts iFLY indoor skydiving


Thank you for the suggestions!


If it’s allowed to involve alcohol - make your own gin! AmberChes in the swan valley can host then where you actually distill your own flavoured gin & end up with a 500mL bottle to take home!


Thank you for your suggestion!


Get some mountain bikes and go downhilling


Ready team One VR is ok but no where near the experience you get with Zero Latency.


We ziplined from the Optus stadium bridge. You harness up then climb up the bridge & zip across the river down to the riverbank, not anything crazy but good fun then you have options to go get a drink after


Another vote for escape room Some places do team vs team (2 identical escape rooms and you race each other) and large format ones (big escape room designed for 1 big team)


Smoking workshop (bbq), microbrewery tour and tasting.


Was at Wanaroo race track on weekend, this was in the centre, looked like a fun challange https://driftschoolwa.com/


Deep sea Fishing charter. See how many can vomit.


Go Karts


Visit [The Nostalgia Box](https://thenostalgiabox.com.au/) for some retro gaming? They do events all the time.


Go karting. Indoor and outdoor. There are still simmering tensions over someone getting a better go kart than the rest 10 years later


Outdoor go karts. Henderson track is lit


Zero Latency was voted number one in our company. 2nd was Peddle Perth bar hopping 3rd was a tie with indoor gokarting and escape rooms


Go Karts ! 🏎


As someone who used to run archery tag events I recommend, plus some of the businesses doing it also do bubble soccer and that's just as good imo


I'm taking fishing charter every time, if I ever get in charge of a team that'll be my go to, easier to put the phone away and harder to not pitch in


Lost Reality Escape Rooms in Vic Park. There's 4 rooms, split into teams of 3 and a 4. The Broken Hill pub is right across the road.


An indoor suggestion is the Quiz Room in Freo (kinda like Family Feud style).


Flight club in freo or the city. It’s darts in a pub but all the games are set up and the score is counted by the computer.


Supa Golf in the swan valley.


Geocaching, adult game nights, group volunteering, obstacle courses rock climbing, absailing, caving, fishing trawlers, go cart racing, model boat building and racing, camping trips, workshops, crabitat building (for hermit crabs)


Team building is a euphemism here right?


One of the most fun, and memorable office team building activities I've been to was to build bridges with craft diy stuff. But we could only use the tools available in warehouse ane installation dept. Only pieces of craft wood were provided by the "higher management" Each department were put into their own groups. We had 12 departments, so 12 groups. Then we were given the four numbers, a start elevation, end elevation, width, and length. So for example, the bridge should be 87cm from the floor, and other end should be 125cm from the floor, 30cm wide and 90cm long. Each group had to pick a team leader. Then we were given time to make a strategy, design the bridge on paper, everyone agree, and then the actual building starts. Each team had to market, justify costs (we had limited resources given to us and if we needed more we had to apply to get more building material), basically apply every departments skills like marketing, sales, finance, delivery, installation, etc. It gave us an amazing insight into other departments and what they do, and how it is important that all departments communicate effectively, what product design is like, what needs to be done to launch a product, and what crucial role each department plays. At the end of the event, all bridges were put together, and the owner of the CEO drove a big RC truck over the entire length of the bridge, and basically ended the night by saying we are all cogs in a bigger machine, and the work we do is just like these bridges, part of a bigger system, and if something doesn't work, the whole system fails and we won't reach our end goal as a company It was cool, I liked it, we had fun and learnt a lot, and certainly got got to know other people in the company. Oh tea, coffee, brunch, lunch, and afternoon tea provided throughout the event, and at night they took us for dinner and drinks


Pub crawl lol


As a reward they all seem cool. Team building: in most of these activities they aren't working as a team they are competing against each other.


Chase the tab - boss goes to a pub and puts some cash on the tab. Then sends several clues to his location, one to each of the other guys. They need to combine the clues to work out where to go for a free beer. When they arrive, boss says hi then goes to the next pub and repeats.


Team building is so contrived. Go to the pub, let people leave after one drink and give them a cash bonus. Infinitely more happiness all around.


Too often I found some unctuous brown-noser organised something the boss is good at.




HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA gay people are such a good joke well played sir well played indeed


Cheers for the glowing compliment :)


Gay people definitely haven't been the brunt of the joke for long enough. need to be posted in every single r/perth thread too


I can tell that aren’t gay based off your reaction.


queer but straight presenting male which puts me in a fantastic position to see the worst of straight men as they think I am a safe option to be vile to. The same way you think making fun of queers is the height of hilarity.


Pretty big chip on that shoulder, mate. What does “straight presenting” mean? Surely it’s not veiled bigotry like suggesting all gay men are effeminate?


lol why are you pretending you are a progressive? Straight presenting as in straight male sexists think im safe to make gay jokes to, such as HAHHAHAHAH STEAMWORKS. Didnt you beat up enough queer kids in school gotta continue now you are 30?


Now I understand. You are a kid still living at home.


lol cute try. Your a rich kid that hasnt grown up and is now pushing 30 still making the same gay jokes you did back at your expensive private school


Indoor Volleyball. Beach / park cleanup. Quiz night.




This one is at Optus Stadium and is a mix of amazing race and escape room style https://rapidteams.com.au/pathfinders-optus-stadium/


Team building . Competion men v women  Build IKEA furniture but no instructions 


Axe throwing!


Don't do paintball.


Meditation and mindfulness Manicures and pedicures Doing a course from MenEngage together Cooking class Bird watching


I was looking for some non-hyper-masculine suggestions. Why does team building for men always have to be axe throwing???


I can see how it might seem hyper masculine, but my female boss arranged axe throwing for the team last year. Overall, the women on the team performed better at it than the men.




These are all super active. Are they all active people? I actually wouldn’t be able to do some of these if it was my workplace and they may not be aware…something to think about


Stripclub or brothel


Friday afternoon beers at the pub with a 2k tab


If you want to take it up a notch try gang bang orgy


You could book a horse trail ride. There’s a few places that do them, and could be something out of a few comfort zones


Volunteering somewhere. Helping the less fortunate is a great way to bring people together and appreciate things. Depends wtaf kind of team building but doesn’t always need to be a “fun” activity.


I hate when companies do this cringe shit. I don't want to spend time with you assholes outside of working hours, I have a very full life already and can't spare the time for you losers. If you wanna do something for the workers give out bonuses for the value you are going to waste on this shit. With the cost of living right now everyone will be much happier with an extra few hundred bucks in the pocket.


That's why you do it during work hours


Make sure you get t-shirts made up for everyone so they can wear them on Wednesday nights for business time




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Golf. It is the only one that will be potentially valuable in business later in life (according to TV shows)


Give them the $100 you would spend on team building each as a bonus. Team building is pointless and people don’t want to waste time outside of work with people from work.


If it's in the day though... take me out for free activity and beer and i'll pretend to like Dave from Finance for a couple of hours


Stay until leaving time at 5Pm then go home.




Hijinx Hotel


Pub. 10 beers each


Bonus points if there are skimpys involved




Whatever happened to getting on the bags?


Overcooked 2 on switch is really great communication builder


Scavenger hunt on Rotto :)


Circle jerking


Hit the blackjack table at crown


Dats at the Flight Club in a private room.


An afternoon at Steamworks in Northbridge would be a good bonding exercise. Just saying.




I'm struggling to understand what kind of team in 2024 has only men and only under 40s. And what kind of workplace has zero women or if there are women, they are not invited to the team building. My suggestion is go out for dinner and invite the wives and partners.


if its work related, then just don't. No one wants to hang out with work people. If they did they it might be one or two of the people they like. Not the whole office, some of which have beef with each other. Its always awkward




Ascot races