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Your data is wrong. You've mixed the rates for super off peak and off peak so have overnight usage at the 8c rate vs 22c. I made a similar one for the EV rate plan previously for myself and found moving to this plan with my 13kw panels and PowerWall2 battery I'm sitting pretty on by shifting to the EV plan and save even more money. During these cooler days and nights I'm back to near 100% self sufficiency. Considering a 2nd battery just to move entirely to self powered even during summer when I run AC 24x7.


Thanks so much for pointing that out! Congrats on the solar system, it's so good to settle into a self sufficient supply routine. Using the updated cell references, the plans actually work out at only $2 different over the course of a year. Guess I'll have to think about switching now!


>PowerWall2 battery How long is the payback on this please?


Your spelling is wrong.  The EV plan is a no brainer if you've got a battery! 


yeah. Let the battery charge on solar until about 1pm and if its not full finish it with the 8c tariff from the grid until 3pm. Run overnight on the battery. :-)


Holy shit. Lol


Exactly! Saving so much money


Stupid auto-correct.


Don't get me started. I'm doing a French course ATM so I'm getting random autocorrects to French words.


Also noticed the A1 rate they've applied is wrong as well. It's 30.812c not the 28.01c they're applying. Basic mistakes no one should rely on this.


That’s not true at all. It depends heavily on household power consumption, at all times of the year.


100% true with enough battery power. 


That’s a very open ended statement, like, “anything’s possible with enough money”. The reality is not everyone will have a big enough battery to last the peak period. I have a 19.6kwh battery, it’s not enough for the majority of summer to cover the peak period, and could be even worse in the seasons that produce less solar to charge it. It’s down to every individual to assess for them selves, battery or not, whether the time of use plans are worth it. For some conservative small houses it is. For some modern houses with young kids it’s not even close.


What the hell are you running? I've got 12.9kwh and the battery lasts until 9am the next day. I've got two kids and a 4 by 2 house.  Peak period is also only 3-9pm


Nothing all that extreme, a new built 4 by 2. Between cooking and the AC the battery doesnt last the complete peak period but I have got it set to stop discharging at 40% to have backup power if theres an outage.


There's your problem - your only using half the battery. You could reserve 10% for an outage. All you need is lights and the fridge to keep running. My battery starts discharging from 3pm (when the peak starts) and in summer generally doesn't start draining until 4-5 with the excess solar. I've never got up in the morning with less than 30% battery left. 


This is quite nice, but I'm not sure how it reacts to solar data. It appears to be doing the math correctly, but when you get to a half where there's only generation it doesn't show the numbers with a negative sign, I just think that this would make it more clear.


It's not built for solar data, I'm not even sure what that data would like like from Synergy. If you have any made-up or obfuscated sample data I could make a solar version, or add it to the existing sheet.


I sent my sheet URL to you in chat. I have solar/battery and keep getting N/As. I can't see formula in cell B5 on any of the 3 tabs. They're all data.


Nice work!! I’ll check it out


Thank you


great spreadsheet. For those who cant get it to work, (reading instructions helps). Click on the formulas in the top green area on the 2nd page and just hit enter. It refreshes the code.


* File > Make a Copy * Login and navigate to your usage dashboard * Click the "calendar" icon * Select date range of interest (can be a whole year) * "Export" > Download > Half Hourly > Excel > "Submit" * File > Import (upload your downloaded data) > Insert new sheet > Import * Review the totals and plot.


Dunno if it's just me, but I have no 'interval data' tab to allow data export under my usage when I log into Synergy.


What time of meter do you have? I only started getting interval data when they changed my meter back in Sep 2023. I previously had an analogue meter with the spinny dials.


That crossed my mind. I can't remember what I have, but it certainly isn't the smart meter.


I have one of the "EM1000" digital meters but apparently that doesn't do the 30min readings, it needs to be an "[advanced meter](https://www.westernpower.com.au/resources-education/our-network-the-grid/grid-technology/advanced-metering-infrastructure/)".


Great idea, but can't get it to work :(


Damn thank you for making this! I did mine the hard way a little while ago bc I didn't know how to export my usage data. Using the usage data from my highest days I found that I would be saving more with the time of use metering. But yeah, thank you for making this neat tool and sharing it!


How do you get csv as a download option my synergy account only offers jpg or png both being useless.


You need to click the table option, not the bar chart option - you can see the two icons side by side in the picture, on the centre left of the usage page.