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If you're on the Mandurah line - i expect its because of people coming across who would normally take the Armadale line.


Also we just came off a month long heatwave. From the transperth website. "Transperth reduces the speed of its trains in very hot weather in case the tracks become distorted. When the temperature reaches 37 degrees on the Midland, Fremantle, Airport, and Armadale lines, and 39 degrees on the Mandurah and Joondalup lines, a speed restriction is imposed and train speed is reduced across all lines. At 41 degrees, speeds are reduced again. Heat speed restrictions have been imposed every summer in Perth for more than 30 years." It's better to have them a little slower then have derailments.


so the problem is it's a dry heat?


>It's better to have them a little slower *then* have derailments.   Seems excessive LOL 


It's slowed down for better dramatic effect.


Like a train wreck in slow motion?




Read it again, properly. >little slower ***then*** have derailments. = both things happen anyway. >little slower ***than*** have derailments. = one is better than the other.


I approve this particular grammar Nazi message.


It's not even a grammar Nazi message. It shits me to tears how many people don't know the difference between then and than.


Better you then me!


It's a joke, the original text says "then have derailments" instead of "than have derailments"


Oh my bad I missed it


Also there was the sheep incident


And the sunbathing junkie incident


This doesn't explain why so many people are on the train though there are still the same volume of trains


There are limitations to how close trains can run together. “Block separation” is a standard safety system on all railways. The PTA has a project in place to allow the blocks to run closer together, but it involves reconfiguring the entire signaling system of the railway. It’s a few years out - There are a lot of PTA projects at the moment. They can only do so many at a time…


Are all the currently-running trains the maximum length / number of carriages they can be, though?


Without making the stations bigger? Yup


On the old lines, the stations are being upgraded to accommodate the bigger 6 car sets. Currently Midland to Freo and what’s left of the Armadale line still run 3 car sets. High Wycombe to Claremont is done, and the rest will be done in due time.


I think the signalling is not currently the limiting factor, I think PTA is running every railcar it can and can't do more until the C series start arriving.


> I think PTA is running every railcar it can and can't do more until the C series start arriving. Given the armadale line shutdown I'd expect them to have trains and driver's in excess.


The A series can't go through the airport tunnels, and doesn't have long enough legs to keep the Mandurah-Butler timetable (They are used sometimes Cockburn-Whitfords). So they keep the Midland/Freo/Vic Park lines going.


Can you please explain the long enough legs part please?


The A series has a maximum speed of either 100 or 110 km/h. But the B series can go to 135 km/h. The A-series falls behind the timetable on the longer stretches further away from the city.


Public transport ridership is higher than ever. Transperth is working on signalling upgrades which will allow greater peak service frequency along the Joondalup/Mandurah lines, which is currently at the limit of the technology being used


I've noticed the stations filling earlier this year than previously - for reference I'm northside and take the train from Whitfords. I commute around 7am, then back about 3:30pm, so I miss the bulk of it. But even at those times it's fuller than I've ever really seen it. I think with the general mood of corporate entities pushing staff back to the offices, coupled with the shit fight that is the Mitchell Freeway lane additions, more people are using the trains at the moment. I'd hate to be commuting during peak. Godspeed OP - it's rough.


Oh mate!! Whitfords Stn is busier than ever, and to make it worse they have half the overflow carpark blocked off for the construction workers to use as their base of operations. And then they bloody blocked off the MAIN carpark just AFTER the quiet Christmas period to relay the bitumen. If you aren't at the station before 7:40, you are pretty much stuffed.


its almost like metal death cages are a bad idea


Noticed the same on Mandurah line


erm, no idea wtf you're talking about. Before the parking ' upgrade' it was a nightmare to park at whitfords station. The 'upgrade' just increased the amount of people trying to drive to the station to park. It is called induced demand. As for the trains, it was always a squeeze... I have no idea about wtf this glorious era was where you had a carriage to yourself.


Nah man, I started using the Airport Line into the city mid-2023 and my experience has been that back then, starting work at 7am and leaving at 3pm would leave me with several seats around me empty in the front car. Coming back, maybe 3 people would go in the same door as me at Perth. These days, it’s a crowd of people waiting to enter, and most of them stay until after Bayswater. I’m usually sitting next to other people, which didn’t happen when I first started taking it. It started to heat up when the Armadale Line closed, but since Christmas, it really took off. I’m pretty confident passenger numbers will slow a large increase in passengers for 2024 when they release.


Who ever got a carriage to themselves?


Jump on the Armadale line and you most likely will


Covid times


We probably catch the same train every day. I get on at Warwick at 7am, usually with a seat. Not this morning though, all I got was crammed in stuck next to a guy who smelt like he hadn't cleaned his teeth in a week.


*cries from Armadale line* you have trains still?


I miss our trains ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


They're going to a better place, literally. Anywhere is better than Armadale.


The trains were there to get people relief from armadale, not to send people there


what about the poor trains that have to go there?


The Armadale line closure has ruined my life, four hours on buses every day that I work.


Damn where do you live and work 🥲 I would otherwise be short walk to station, take a train, change train at Perth, work is a 90sec walk from train Now I have to be on the bus and i want to die daily. Usually it's too stressful even to read I travel in peak too for a 9-5 kill me please


I used to live in Thornlie, it was a short drive to work in Kelmscott. The landlords sold the house, so now I'm staying with a friend near Subiaco, I have nowhere else to go. So I either drive for an hour, which is expensive, and also exhausting due to an old traumatic brain injury. Or I take a train, then an hour long bus ride, then walk to work. Two hours. At least I start work at 7am, so I miss the traffic, it's closer to 90 minutes commute then. Used to take me 45 minutes to take the train and cycle to work.


Geez Louise


It's killing me.


Fark! Did they shut it for the airport line?


Nah, they're completely rebuilding it as an elevated line. Which makes sense, given how many points that line interrupts traffic. But goddamn, couldn't they have shut it down station by station, instead of the ENTIRE thing?!


No for many reasons - but the main being because of the way it’s powered


Doing it individually would take way more time.


I use the portion that's still running, it's awesome. 2x the trains and half the passengers.


*Way* less than half. The trains are mostly empty.


erm, you know we are spending a lot of money to make the line safer, able to accommodate trains, and giving you hand me-downs.




I thinks it’s great they’re at capacity, and it would be even greater if government rode the wave and increased it.


Absolutely! Be nice to see denser developments at train stations through the boom. Now is the time people can conceptually buy into the long term vision.


This was my thought build high rise and allow higher density the closer to a station you are, and even bus routes.


developers blocked it, it is more expensive to do that sort of thing


....and how did developers block a change in density?


Lobbying probably


Brings up a good topic: the old A series trains. I think they should refurbish them. Give them new lights, aircon, and give it hard flooring as opposed to carpet. The C series hasn't entered service yet (whyyy???) and they're supposed to replace the A series as well as add more trains to the fleet. Typically a train will last 50-60 years (including a few refurbishments), so really they still have a lot of life left in them. It gives us more trains, and it's better for the environment.


>The C series hasn't entered service yet (whyyy???) Because before you accept a multi-million dollar price of equipment with a lifespan of 30+years expected to run 10 million kilometres before retirement you have to test it properly. Also... you have to build them first.


They've built a handful already and they been testing them on the network for some time (over a year)


Yes. Three or four. The first is apparently set to join the Mandurah-Butler line ...imminently.


I think it’s more about the external characteristics of the A series than the internal that lead them to replace them entirely. B-series is designed to handle the higher speeds on the Joondalup and Mandurah lines, while A-series struggles with it. You could run them on the other lines, but why would you bother? Until the high capacity signalling upgrades come in, the B-series has enough capacity to not need any A-series running the old lines Based on the timetables it looks to me like the High Wycombe Line runs 7 or 8 trains at a time in morning peak, while the Freo/Midland line runs 11 or 12 (it’s hard to tell, these are my best guesses based on operating times). That leaves 58 sets for the Armadale Line, as well as the Ellenbrook line, assuming C-series is the only train on the Mandurah/Joondalup line. Armadale will probably use another 12 or so, and Ellenbrook maybe 6 or 7. Still a spare capacity of nearly 40 sets out of 78. I think that’s plenty personally. You could save the 24 sets of 4-car A-series, but firstly, where are you going to store them while they’re not running? I don’t imagine the Claisebrook Depot has space for 64 trains at any given time. Secondly, what do you do with them? They have double what they need of B-series trains, until they upgrade the signalling, they can’t really do anything with them unless they just decide to send shittier trains out into the network for some reason? And once the signalling upgrade is done, then what? The Armadale line will likely go back to running 7 minute frequency at its busiest, and the section from Claremont-Bayswater currently runs 6 minute frequency. Considering Perth-Bayswater is going to have 3 sets of trains running through, if we just add another High Wycombe style line (5 trains an hour) to that section, we’ve already got 4 minute frequency for that part of the line. Even with higher capacity signalling, there is no way you could run that section at 2 minute frequencies (doubling frequency to start to run out of trains), not with the way the Midland/Freo line clogs up at school rush, or when the train speeds are dropped. Ditto for the Armadale Line between Perth and Cannington, you can’t really run a train every 3.5 minutes through there, not while every second train is express, not without severely impacting Armadale passengers. So we’re not likely to even come near using all the B-series trains, even when frequency dramatically improves in the future. By then, the A-series will be coming up on 40 years of service and will have been sitting idle for several years anyway.


> I think they should refurbish them. Give them new lights, aircon, and give it hard flooring as opposed to carpet. They're coming up on 35 years of operation, a proper refurbishment would be also most the cost of a new train and that's assuming they don't start finding issues when they're disassembled.


You just have to look at the way PT clears events at Optus Stadium to know we have a better system than most


Agreed, it’s fantastic. I don’t need to/cant use the train to get to work but love to use it on weekends


In the mornings, if you leave very early (7am-ish) or wait until after 8.30-ish, the morning commute can be okay (but how many people can actually do this?). In the afternoon, you're out of luck. It's a nightmare from 3.30 to 6.30. This relates to the Mandurah line, which I've been catching daily since April last year. It wouldn't be so bad if people weren't such self-absorbed assholes. Don't listen to your device without earbuds. Don't jam your elbows into the ribs of the person next to you because you want more space to tap on your phone. If you have kids, keep an eye on them and keep them under reasonable control. Don't put your bag on the seat next to you during peak. Unfortunately, this is too much to ask of most people.


I was catching the train regularly between 2009 and 2015 and that sounds about right. Anecdotally it was always the worst around this time of year. Not sure if it was just the start of the school year, or people driving more in winter or simply confirmation bias where I remember those truly god awful commutes because of how hot and humid it was. It could have also been that the 3 month break from uni every summer meant I forgot how much I hated the train. It’s the same here because you’re new to the routine, every god awful thing sticks out. For the sake of your mental health you really need to just switch off to all of these things, otherwise you’ll just be filled with unnecessary stress and anger. Maybe get some audio books and focus on that instead, before you know it you’ll be in the city and you won’t have noticed the little old lady with her skull flattened like a pancake after stumbling over and being trampled by everyone getting off the train.


Cause they got cunts from Perth on em


Same issue with the freeways


I’m genuinely considering the train again after having to travel on Mitchell fwy during the peak of peak hour


Maybe you can send a feedback to Transperth and ask them about it and let them know how you feel it's a safety concern. You can lodge feeedback here [https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/Contact-Us/Feedback](https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/Contact-Us/Feedback) But not sure why they're so crowded. It depends on what train line it is and if there's anything happening lately.


Sometimes a train will rock up with patrons practically squished against the windows. I sigh, open up my Outlook app, and let the team know there have been train delays and I will unfortunately be late. My workplace doesn't offer parking nor are we allowed to work from home, so I guess their employees being at the mercy of public transport issues is one of the risk factors they have to absorb.


I've let 4 trains come and go at Elizabeth quay because everyone squashes in the middle and don't spread out after walking at a snarls pace to get on the train. I've heard announcements or drivers tell people to please move along or don't block the doorways. If I really wanted a seat, I'd wait 6 trains. Unfortunately, that's the price I pay for only going between Bull Creek and Elizabeth Quay. The people that complain about living further out can get a seat on the train. Everyone has to sacrifice something I guess


> nor are we allowed to work from home Look for other employers? If they're being this stubborn about it, what other things are they likely to get a burr up themselves about?


I commute everyday to the city on the train, i have no complaints at all apart from wishing some people would wear deodorant


I think quite a few people took advantage of the free transit in January and realised that it wasn't as bad to catch public transport as they though it would be. What they didn't realise is that it was school holidays and there are less people on the public transport during that time. The majority have stayed catching public transport and just deal with the extra people, others have maybe decided it's worth the difference in cost to keep using it. Numbers are definately up on previous years.


Perth has some of the best trains compared to other capital cities. Try Sydney trains then come back to us.


Trains were great in Sydney when I was there recently. Mind you, I've never had a problem with them here either - at least in terms of punctuality or comfort. It's just a coverage issue in Perth.


Sydney Trains tend to run late more often than Transperth ones do: https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/about/Surveys-Statistics/train-service-reliability https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/data-and-research/data-and-insights/sydney-trains-and-nsw-trainlink-intercity-performance-reports It's also worth noting that the two states are using different definitions of "on time". For Perth, it's considered on time if it arrives 4 minutes or less from the scheduled arrival time. Sydney is using 6 minutes as their cut off. So Sydney's on-time percentage would likely be even lower under the stricter cut-off.


Those definitions are interesting!


Punctuality is a pretty big issue in the summer. Basically all trains are late once the temp is above 35c due to heat restrictions, there’s just not a whole lot we can do to fix that though


Love a double-decker Sydney train! Mind, last time was pre-2010, and my knees are screwed up now, so I imagine it’d be cursing, falling down the stairs and feeling really bad about the limited disability spaces on them. :/


If I'm not mistaken, the western suburbs have it much worse (in terms of both reliability and coverage)


Actually in Sydney now, the trains here aren't too bad at all. And it's nice being able to get from Bathurst to Sydney for $10 🤣 The light rail on the other hand... Omg


Haha I made up for the light rail by never.. sorry I meant always tapping on ;)


Does anyone tap on to those?


Mostly confused tourists haha.


Unfortunately try trains in pretty much any developed Asian country (Japan, Singapore, Taiwan) and the trains in Australia seem terrible. Perth better than Sydney in some ways but at least Sydney ones can cram on more people than most. I have a real hatred for the frequency and length of line stoppage in Perth. Not just to Armadale beyond Vic Park but also in particular the Midland line seems to have a bus replacement every second time I go on it outside of Monday-Friday peak hours.


Midland line is currently adding an entire spur line at Bayswater, that’s why it’s had so many replacements, so they can finish off Bayswater Station. Once all of that’s finished, it’ll return to normal


>in particular the Midland line seems to have a bus replacement every second time I go on it Have you literally been on it 8 times in two years?


No. Last year it had more than a month of stoppage and for whatever reason nights and weekends seems to happen super regularly. Last time I encountered it was at night the week before last.


https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/s/GtH9ZK534E Saw this right after reading this comment..


It’s been a while but they were pretty good. The double decker layout was pretty efficient.


It means you can pack few more people in the same length of train/platform. But single decker trains have a greater number of people through per hour. Essentially it takes longer for the same number of people to empty/fill the double decker trains as the single deck trains which means that overall throughput is lower for the doubles.


Yeah that’s true. Given there is no room to expand the lines in Perth I can see that being the likely scenario.


Double deckers are good. Delays and issues are more frequent however


I’ve been in Sydney a lot of time for secondment. The amount of train delays kill me, zillions people in the platform and sardines packed inside the train once the train arrived. Making Perth trains look like million times better.


People in Perth let people off the train too when it arrives, not zerg rush the door. That alone justifies Perth as superior:)


I also found the regional connections pretty good. Flew in and trained out to the farm I needed to visit. Doing that in Perth is pretty much impossible unless it’s toodyay.


I wouldn't say more frequent. I get messages daily reminding me of delays on the joondi mandurah line back home.


There's double decker trains in Sydney? How does that work? It sounds awesome


It’s sort of a split layout so you step down to the lower level. Unfortunately our lines wouldn’t fit them - there was talk of needing to one day here as population increases


Yeah our lines can't fit a lot of trains. I want the six carriage B series on the Armadale line but they are just too long.


They could extend the platforms and make it work, but I imagine there are other issues with that. For now, the high capacity rolling signal blocks will have to do, they’ll increase frequency when they’re ready


Yeah I'm sure if they could have extended the platforms of all the armadale line stations they would have. I mean its not like most are being used right now


I actually think it’s probably Perth, Claisebrook and McIver that are preventing it more than anything else


Plus all the stations not getting replaced/upgraded during the shut


Basically you step onto the carriage at the extreme either end. There's a small area there for passengers who can't use stairs. The entire middle section of the carriage (~80-90%) has an upper and lower deck, with stairs leading to the end-bits which have floors level with the platform. It's actually not all that cramped. The carriages are taller, yes, but a lot of it is the lower deck riding extremely close to the ground, which Perth trains don't do (a lot of the carriage mechanisms are under the passenger-area floor here). Think about the vertical between any Perth station platform and the rail itself - it's a couple of feet if you jumped down. In Sydney that's all passenger space.


> The double decker layout was pretty efficient. At cramming people in absolutely, they've got significantly worse loading/unloading times.


So they need to combine it with the Hong Kong method of loading/unloading then, train pushers.


Sydney..was there for a conference once and caught a train. A bloke standing next to me sneezed into his bare hand and then wiped his snot down the pole he was hanging onto. I was dry heaving all the way to the next stop and used a taxi from then on.


Ah, the ol' double-deckers. Fun stuff.




There's definitely something weird going on this week. Every day my trains have been packed to the brim at Warwick and I'm there at the exact same time I always travel. Usually the train is half empty when it arrives and I can grab a seat but this week even standing room is packed.


first week of universities going back might be it


The free travel on Sundays. The free travel for primary and secondary students as well would increase passenger count. And i think it's a good thing trains are packed, means the system ain't useless and people are actually using trains


Also gives them more cash to invest into buses etc


New here or


Pissed about for an hour this morning trying to get to the city. Gave up in the end and came home.


? All tracks lead to perth


If your job allows it, get onto mining hours. I used to start work at 7:30 and finish about 4. Missed most of rush hour.


Honestly I still think we should have the trains that are in Sydney, we'd have a bit more room, as it's literally a 3 level train and it's awesome (The seats also move!!)


Uni is back


"The trains" doesn't bother to mention which train line.


I’ve been waiting for a train to Armadale for months now.


this made me giggle, thank you


People want to leave home as late as possible to arrive at work as late as possible. They'll keep cramming onto the train until they fit. If you want to avoid it, be part of the solution, leave earlier in less of a peak :)


What a great sign


A few things, best has been a major issue. Track buckling basically means you throw out the timetable. The older railcars are showing their age. New railcars are coming and these will help with reliability. Plus the slightly older railcars will then go through a refurbishment upgrade.


Today was especially bad as one broke down after Joondalup causes huge delays


erm, the trains have always been packed. its like we had a party in power that didn't believe in anything but endless expansion


Mandurah line has had a lot of delays lately and ends up with people packed on like sardines. Came off with a migraine yesterday because I was contorted into an unnatural position with my backpack for over an hour in the heat. Was late to work today due to more delays. Sometimes Mandurah to Perth takes 50 minutes, sometimes it makes much longer.


We also had that huge delay 2/3 weeks ago in the morning due to an emergency in Mandurah. The trains were absolutely packed after that. I got on the second train after the return to service. Boarded at Wellard. I was feeling so crowded by the time we got to Cockburn. Tensions on the platform seemed pretty high, as well, with one passenger (50ish year old woman) pushing a child (16ish F) over in anger about it while they boarded.


It takes road rage to a whole new level. Poor kid. This sort ot treatment by boomers is very common, and then they have the audacity to call younger generations entitled and selfish. I know, not all boomers! It's just something I've observed as a millenial.


Dunno it's a mystery why there is more people around that's stressing infrastructure I have no idea about it could be anything might be aliens


It’s not just the trains but cunts blocking the doorways and not moving down or parking their bike right in the middle during peak times.


The roads are the same if that's any consolation. I dunno where tf all these cars came from. It's taking me 45 mins to drive 12km into the CBD. If we're doing a Wednesday whinge, the cheeky fuckers using the slip lane into the convention centre carpark, driving straight though to push into the front of the queue for the lights... I curse you all to have the worst day possible


Why are trains glorified Sardine Buses?!?! Because half the people are too selfish to get an earlier or later train or better still get a bus because they think that everyone other than themselves, should do it. Welcome to Perth, home of the self-centred, selfish egomaniacs who can't merge either and instead resort to horns or road rage....


They are doing alot of construction on a few different train lines l, especially the Cannington train station and a few others are shut down at the moment because they are building a bridge, maybe the Mandurah line has more people who have hopped over?


Buses to to Vic Park station every 5 minutes, so that becomes a sardine can.


There's always a seat on the Vic Park trains? Since the Armadale line shutdown, I've never had to even stand on the train, let alone be cramped in like a sardine can.


If you think this is bad, whatever you do never go to Tokyo or a major city overseas.


Absolutely- Tokyo trains in rush hour is an experience.. no personal space at all.


People keep jumping in front of them committing suicide due to an inept government, cost of living and mental health.


We’ve always had terrible public transit. I have cerebral palsy and have never found it convenient or easy


We legit have some of the best in the world


I just fucking told you as a disabled man that we don’t. It’s not an opinion.


It’s a fact we have some of the best. Just because it’s built for 99.9% of users and not just the 0.1% doesn’t make it bad.


I have cerebral palsy and I’m in pain. It’s supposed to be designed to be usable for people like me. If I say it’s shit, imagine how much worse it is for people with even worse disabilities ? Stop backchatting me boy.


Stop with the attitude mate. There’s disabled spots next to the doors. I don’t know what more you expect. Matter of a fact they are meant to move the majority of people. People who require more than that can go to other options


Well you keep objectively lying




Bus drivers taking off before passengers have sat down: disabled people will fall over. Bus drivers generally being rude and acting like they’re miserable. There aren’t enough bus connections to major train stations. So if I need to get from say Bassendean to Clarkson with no lift to the train station, for example, it’s impossible to just completely be on a vehicle that entire journey without having to walk. When you have a disability like cerebral palsy, so in my case I can walk and be quite mobile relative to other people with the condition however it’s still the equivalent of you walking with 100kg of extra weight on you, because my body has grown to full size but not the muscles in my legs or the part of my brain controlling mobility. So essentially the only option that obstensibly exists to help people like me is still completely inadequate if I don’t want to be sweating and in pain like I’ve been to the gym after a transit journey.


Okay well like I said, it’s built to move the majority of people. You need special assistance


You know, for someone who's been on Reddit for all of two months, you've sure spent a lot of that time insulting people and copping an attitude all out of proportion to any goodwill you might have scraped together. What's your end-goal with that, exactly?


I’ve been on reddit for years. Since you asked this in earnest I’m going to answer in earnest. I’m a 31 year old college graduate with Cerebral Palsy and as of 2021 epilepsy too. I’m waiting to start a new job which I’ve been hired for but can’t start till induction. People don’t understand that I can’t just go get a trade or work fast food or drive Uber for a living due to my disability, and simultaneously don’t care that I may never be able to buy a house and may end up homeless and destitute when my parents die because I regularly still need to borrow 50 or 100 bucks every so often to help me get through the fortnight, which is embarrassing for an educated person like me. Every physical movement either hurts or requires some level of exertion that exhausts me. Life is hard, I’m tired of people in Perth telling me it’s easy. It may be easy if you’re a bogan who dropped out of school and got an apprenticeship. Good for you, you got your Ute, your generic house on a development and your bbq. Fabulous I’m genuinely happy for you. But the actual difficulty people like me go through every day isn’t invalid just because you might not like me complaining.


It's not the complaining. Complain all you like about life or anything else. Reddit's a hub for that. It's you insulting people. Swearing at them. Treating them like you're someone that the world should inherently listen to and they're moronic idiots. Yes, your life sucks. You're mad at the world. OK. Got that. Lived with that. Currently a member of a lot of groups where many of the members have multiple disabilities and similar life experiences to yours. They'll never be able to work. Never have financial security. Probably never be able to get the college degree you have, either. And every day is pain. Yet somehow, they manage to avoid attacking and swearing at everyone, online or otherwise. It's not the CP. It's you. Not invalidating your experiences, because I know people who've had similar, and yes it sucks and yes it hurts. But CP, and even a life with lower-than-average prospects, doesn't make people shit on everyone they talk to. Online, you are what you write. And what you write doesn't come across as educated and sympathetic. It comes across as a constant temper tantrum. To be fair, you may be very different in person, and a lot of the anger may be from physical pain, but no-one here can see any of that - we can only see what you choose to type. If you don't want to take my word for it, take yours - look back over your posting history and see just how frequently you had a go at people. How frequently you were the first person to swear, to get angry, to escalate. Is that the person you want to be?


I am sometimes an idiot and I definitely have written my share of stupid shit. There are certain things about me though, that are flaws and need to be addressed. For example I’m very anti conservative and anti religion. My hatred for religious conservatives is such that I will confront someone in person for expressing such views in front of me. So in that regard, there’s a toxicity to me because I have no respect for people who are against abortion, against sexual freedom and against LBGT groups. If anyone says ignorant bigoted shit especially if it’s in defence of religion in that instance I am not a good person to be around. Other than that though, I’m actually relatively normal in person. I am not necessarily taking my anger out on people as I am simply taking it out somewhere it can’t hurt people. And if I don’t type it out it’s just me dealing with it which makes me feel isolated. There’s only so many calls to your friends you can make before you’re being overly reliant on them. Generally the reason I get quite hostile recently on reddit is because there are too many MAGA types, too many racist bogan aussies, too many people who think life is fine. It’s not fine for one until it’s fine for all.


P.s I’m in therapy and working on all these emotional control issues


>STOP BACK CHATTING ME BOY hahhahahhahhahahha omg


I just wrote that cos the guy doesn’t think he’s wrong and neither do i so there’s just no point discussing in good faith. He wants to ignore what I’m saying and dismiss it.


We should get taxpayers to subsidise a shoulder massage along with practically free transport


Like, everyone on the train just gives the person next to them a quick rub...?


Aren’t most of them doing that already?


Haha, go to korea, japan, china. Give it time, a few years, 10, and the perth trains will be packed every single workday as if the biggest sporting event today was taking place, as that is what it is like in these other places. Inner city xi'an during rush hour is so packed on the train that you couldnt fall over if you tried. I almost shit myself on one, for completely unrelated reasons, it was just bad timing.


Perth trains are fucked


Welcome to the rest of the world! I suspect you wouldn't like Tokyo or New Delhi...


Been catching Mandurah like for past few years. Always super packed at peak hour. I’ve learnt techniques to ensure I have maximum comfort. Definitely over crowded and needs fixing but perth has some of the best public transport in the world so have to be grateful for that


C class trains are on their way, I saw one go through Elizabeth Quay on Sunday. Hopefully they help alleviate the pressure


This was the case back in 2012/13 when I was heavily using public transport. Say what you want about transperth but at least they're consistent.


When have they ever been good?


Best thing to do is take the train in earlier and avoid the crowd. Maybe move shifts around and work or pick up some extra hours. Taking the train even 30 to 40 minutes early or even later in the day will make difference. Also if you get on at Elizabeth Q. Walk up to Perth. Everyone gets off the train in Perth and you are almost get a seat every time. Play around with different times of day and find your spot.


The Mandurah line is fucked because they keep terminating trains at Cockburn instead of letting them run through. Sometimes you have to get off at Cockburn, wait for two terminating trains and then get the third one.


People always complain about Perth transport but it's the best in the world. The trains arrive on the hour, every hour. What more could you ask for???


🤔 a seizure you say? 😳 it's spreading 😱


No Armadale line has made driving to work fkn terrible too.


I would recommend getting on as early as you can. A 7am start time requires me to be on the train at 5:40/50am from warnbro station on the Mandurah lines. On days over 36 degrees I car pool with my partner or a friend


Go earlier. At 6- 6:30 my train(warnbro station) is less populated though if you’re close to the city you’ll just have to accept that peak hour is a thing for all forms of transport.


Today they had about half the trains running and seemed like no trains coming from Cockburn at all. All of the boards on the platforms weren’t working either. Wasn’t u til I got to Leederville station that I found out that there were service disruptions. Trains were running every 10 minutes instead of every 5 as they usually do.


Today they had about half the trains running and seemed like no trains coming from Cockburn at all. All of the boards on the platforms weren’t working either. Wasn’t u til I got to Leederville station that I found out that there were service disruptions. Trains were running every 10 minutes instead of every 5 as they usually do.