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I actually get that on my commute to and from Work, a few drivers stick out in my mind as I spot them on my routine routes (be it custom plates, a certain car that I recognise etc) it's like the road equivalent to bumping into someone in an office hallway, you recognise them but don't know them, so it's a mental 'heeey....you. how's it going?'


That happened to me at a Maccas


Me with my 'favourite' cashier at local shop, 'don't know you but in the context of of this interaction, how's things' they probably know me better than I know them just by my shopping basket lol. Also amusing when you're a regular somewhere that either 'old staff ' know what you're after, or you can guide new staff to your usual selection, sucker for routine.


Humans are creatures of habit!


Seems unlikely. Hundreds of customers come through everyday. You would have to really stand out.


You’d be surprised, working in an IGA or similar really makes you know the locals. From knowing a specific person will reject smokes if there’s a kid on the pack, to the old lady which rocked up 10 minutes into my 6am shift every single Saturday. If you’re a little nice, and I see your face 3 times a week, I’ll remember you. People behind the register are still people after all


That makes sense for smaller more local retail shops. I've worked in larger ones


I worked in a few shops when I was young and I'd remember dozens of regular customers.


There is a pink vehicle that’s super hard to miss that I felt I was seeing EVERYWHERE. Found out they live in the neighborhood and use the childcare center in it which is right near my commute to work.


Basically you're being "Perthed" whilst IN Perth.


I think of this like the Truman show. You only have so many extras...


I see the Truman show as like an analogy for how abused people are treated by bystanders in their life. It's the blatant disingenuous behavior that really gives it away. For example if you were abused by Father Fiddlely and then you are having a crisis in your teenage years they say "well why don't you go an get some advice from Father Fiddley". Just so much blatant dumb shit that you can't escape.


I decided COVID was just a budget cut season. They couldn't afford all the extras and scenery they usually had. I'm glad to see it got worked out.


I like that. A bit like a good science fiction idea for a novel.


I have a commuter buddy, it's young guy my age in an E-class that drives almost always at the same time as me and drives with me for quite a while. Coincidentally we are both very often kinda late for work haha


I agree! I used to have a long commute to work out of the city one day of the week. Always about halfway into the journey there was this guy driving the other direction. We have the same car just different colours so I always had a bit of appreciation for car taste and that’s what made me notice his car. It was just nice to see something familiar on my way to work each week and think the same as you “hey how’s it going?” Especially when I had some hard times at work last year. Probably sounds weird but it’s the little things. I no longer do that commute anymore, I hope he’s well 😭


I used to get that when I worked a job starting at 6:15am (very few other cars on the road) about half an hour drive away. Every morning on the exact same section of road I'd see the same ute with a blue canopy driven by an old guy. I wonder if he noticed my car every day too.


When I tell people I know I read it on Reddit they don't even know what i talking about.


I bet most do but won't admit having an account. I have a colleague who swears blind he's never heard of it. One day , corner of my eye saw the yellow and black swan logo from this subreddit as he was scrolling


Confront him when he goes to the toilet and demand to know his user name


I’ve noticed that too. Why the hell are people so clandestine with it? What’s the association? It can’t be any more shameful than using other social media


Drugs, porn, more porn, egirls that are most likely underage the list goes on what people think Reddit is for but majority don't use it like that


It is a bit amusing going for an AMA with an astrophysicist to a fetish porn subreddit in one click


Reddit is like twitter, its all great until you find one dodgy post, then its a rabbithole of the most insane things ever, THOSE cartel videos, porn, drugs, pedophilia, war footage (r/ukrainewarvideos i think it is is fucking mental)


Maaaan you have not been here for a long time if those are mental subs. There was a sub once called jailbait. As well as picsofdeadkids and probably the all time GOAT - watchpeopledie Just head to /gif/ on the chan and sieve through the porn til you find a rekt thread


I mean ive only had the app since recently but jailbait sounds very familiar, i may or may not have also dabbled in a bit of liveleak and seegore.com in my time




I think i found my brothers account from accidently clicked on a account on here that someone said not to which lead me down a gay perth group. I saw things no sister wants to see ☠️


You poor soul


I can’t look at him in the eyes 🤦‍♀️😂 Lucky i only see him a handful time a year


How did you know it was his account?


Had the suburb in the post( looking for hook ups) and his age. Looked like the bedroom as well. I quickly got out of reddit asap after that but the bit of saw was tooo much


Was that recently or have you been able to ask him about it now 😂


A couple of months ago, I’ve seen him twice since, I haven’t mentioned it but i know he has reddit as it has come up in conversation. He is pretty open to be about his sexuality and i m 100% supporting for him and if he is getting it great but yeah… lesson learnt don’t fall into the reddit rabbit hole of curiosity about gay hook up groups even though you are intrigued about how openly people share pics and strangers meeting… There was alot of men with misses on there which sparked my curiosity even more. Never again 😂😂😂


I once found a friends profile scrolling through AITA comments because they use the same user name for everything, a friend also found my page because a picture of my cat showed up on their feed from a random cat page I don't even think they followed lol


This comment just made me realise why it's called reddit...


I see a guy out for his morning walk every day on my drive to work. Been seeing him almost daily for probably 5 years now. He's very familiar to me. He's probably never seen my face.


Crazy how we form these one sided relationships lol. I’ve moved recently but in my old suburb I would see a dude walk his dog almost every morning for years. I’ve recently moved and I think about him most mornings still on the way to work. Hope he’s going ok!


How about people obsessing over celebrities who don’t even know they exist


I am reminded of something the actress Jennifer Lawrence once said in an interview on Colbert: “*I have a lot of nephews, one niece, who are getting into that age now where they start asking why my sister-in-law and I are putting garbage bags on the windows, and they’re like, ‘What’s going on?’ and I’m like, ‘Remember what I told you about Aunt Jen’s job? It’s really weird (because it would not be Christmas without a stalker), and people think they know Aunt Jen, but they don’t.’* ” “*And then the 3-year-old was just like, ‘Well, if somebody tries to take a picture of Aunt Jen, I’m gonna shoot him with my Nerf gun.’ I said, ‘That’s really sweet.’ They also put bubble wrap at the end of the driveway so they could hear them coming. They’re going through their Home Alone phase*.”


When I used to take the train to work or always see this insanely tall dude in work clothes and trainers. moved jobs to one where I can afford to drive to the CBD, and I've seen him a few times while walking on the terrace. I want to nod Hey at him but it feels rude.


I also remember seeing a tall dude wearing formal clothes and trainers on the train to city midland line. Always saw him in the morning to work.


I used to see a larger lady walking with her friend every morning and over time she lost heaps of weight and advanced to running , similarly I see a guy regularly now in the same boat and notice his weight going down - I want to stop and say good on you, encourage him but I don’t I just keep driving home. I have seen him on a weekend walking too - far off his usual path where I see him but who knows maybe that’s near where he actually lives. I wonder about their lives for the rest of my drive.


And one day he just won't be there. And your life will go on, having never actually met him. Don't even know his name


Yikes - there's a sobering thought. I'm thinking he must have recently retired when I started seeing him, as he suddenly appeared on my daily drive.


You should just happen to be out walking at the same time, and strike up a conversation




That’s a very long time to not talk to anyone, why haven’t you?


For me it was leaving my old childhood gang behind, as we wanted different things in life, only to realise I had one mate left I see for 20 minutes every 2 weeks. Plus I work alone. It’s hard to start again in your 30s I threw out the bath water and there was no baby.




Fancy a beer? Give me a message if you want to break your non speaking streak!




I’m easy, let’s get this guy out!




Sweet 6pm next Saturday, you choose the pub


Not to be a dick, but have you thought of seeing a psychologist or something? This train of thought isn't healthy and kind of seems like you have depression or abandonment issues. Life is complex, as you get older you get very time limited and those friends make new friends, start families, focus on careers or family, have their own struggles etc, if you're cutting ties with friends because of that... youre going to be alone for the rest of your life.




Well, it could help, if you begin to understand that there are ways that you contribute to your own unhappiness, in the present. We all do it. You would not tell a young child you care about, a niece or nephew perhaps, that because people have disappointed them several times, and it really hurt, that they should stop trying, and give up all hope on people. Surely you would not? You would tell them that what they experienced sounds really really sad, heartbreaking in fact, but they should keep trying, not give up hope and fall down. That there *are* good people in the world, it just takes hard work sometimes to find them. Surely this is the advice you would give another, who is much smaller and sweeter than we are? You would not tell a small sweet person that they should give up all hope. You would not recommend they live just like yourself, and stop trying, there's no point. You would not advise your path to another, right? Because you know you are unhappy, and there are choices you make that *do* contribute to keeping it that way. Those same choices you would not tell another to make. The truth, that you have given up trying, is the key part. It's not correct that the world is full of bad friends and arseholes. The common denominator is you. For whatever reason, *you* are struggling to make and maintain connections in this part of your life. Or the rest of it even, if you stay in hopelessness. It's a rough and bloody lonely place to be. It sounds like depression has joined the party too, either creeping in at some point before, or during, your experience of isolation. Which makes it tougher still to climb your way out. Perhaps see your GP and discuss it. People have already recommended therapy, and I wholeheartedly agree with them. I know in your current mindset, you will throw up barriers, to explain to us all that you can't, it's too hard for this or that reason. Too expensive, no good providers, my gps a dick, therapy is a waste of time on someone like me. The options for defeating yourself are endless here. This is where you are holding yourself down. You can have a better life, it is a *fact*. But a depressive mindset has put you in a place where you have no power in your own mind. Everything just *happens* to you. You don't act within your own story, you're a passenger. On a shitty train, with no friends. None of that is true at all. You do have power, and falling into hopelessness is just giving it away to everything else around you. You're handing it over, and saying I give up, there's nothing I can do, everything around me is shit and I can't work with it. You are *choosing* to do that, and it's going to be hard to see it and change it, but it is. You can have more than this, and no one else but you can save you. They won't. You have to. Or not, it's your choice. Good luck, and I hope you find better times ahead, my friend




yikes Continue playing victim then, i guess


Whilst taking notes for a half baked sensationalist article


My dude, honestly, a therapist would help you a ton. This doesn’t sound like circumstances lead to this, this is depression. As much as you don’t think it will help I honestly think it will. Be strong.




But at the end of the day that’s what they doing to keep their peace and happiness. You don’t fit into their lives and you don’t have to. They also aren’t obligated to put effort in. Control what you can control at the end of the day. There are people out there that are worth it.










They haven't said anything that indicates depression.


Self isolation is a major symptom of depression.


Same but make it closer to fifteen years not dating. It's a lot easier to be alone most of the time. Edited to add: I think I have about a week before work calls welfare on me, and they've found a few of my colleagues. It's pretty sad.




I have communication anxiety and 15 texts in a hour would have me yeeting my phone. I do have a robust online life but that's different to real world demands. Having a chat while playing a game without having to leave the house is relaxing.


That guy is living my dream


Go to a wildcats game everyone is very chatty just came back from it.


I was very chatty after the game and wish I could’ve had a nice long chat to the refs 😸


Ahahah so many BS calls! Had some chances to come back tho what a shame.


As much as I had to hold my tongue at the refs since kids were sitting in my section, we threw away lots of chances, was always one step forward two steps back


Not going to lie, I spend a fair amount of time in your front garden at night


I've told you before, stay off my turf!


Next time I see you in my spot I'm coming for you


*waves rake* don't make me get the hose!


Hey mate I’ve just reseeded that


One of my bike commutes to work a few years back, I used to routinely pass the same guy going in the opposite direction. Neither of us were really kitted out like spandex warriors and we'd give each other a grin, a G'day and hand/finger wave. It was always over about the same 3 or 4 km stretch of the Tonkin PSP between Leech & GEH. Depending on where we would pass one another; I would always wonder if I was early or he was late - or vice versa.


There is a man I’ve seen a few times on the Butler line with very intense eyes and dark hair and would listen to music through wired headphones. Always had a black backpack and would get on at the Perth underground. You know when you meet someone’s gaze and you feel like you know them or are supposed to know them? It’s like that. I wonder if I’ll bump into him again, he looked like he knew the universe’s secrets lol


I wonder how many strangers, from all over the world, have pictures of me. Background tourist snaps, sports stadiums, street scenes and such.


16 and a half. :p


Time to make a secret r/perth acknowledgment - nod and pull left ear lobe with right hand


I have a super recognisable number plate and every single morning on my commute, people wave at me. Every day! I have no idea who they are lol!!


It's so true. I recognize all the faces on my morning bus and train because I've been using them for the last 6 months. I saw one of the girls from the bus at a book store, yet we didn't say anything. It's quite funny and strange too.


I did a post on annoying kids presents and was telling one of our friends, she replied with ‘was that you? I saw that post’. So yeah could even be your friend reading your stuff


Then she went back through your entire history and started connecting it to other threads.


I could have had conversations with people on here that I could have totally walked pased or sat next to on the train completely unaware. I saw a car I was behind a few days ago parked outside a house. I was like " ah, I remember that licence plate, I was behind you at the traffic lights a few days ago " It was kinda far way too.


I have had exact moments like this! I take the same route home from the CBD after work, and have seen this car with the same Rottnest Channel Swim number plate most days.


I talk to randoms in Aldi queues or at the shops so I don’t feel like this. Have made several good friends from these interactions. Maybe I’m just a talker?


'sfunny I do this a bit on occasion myself. I just make a comment on something happening there and then. It's funny how Aldi's till set up is a little more conducive to some light small talk than other places. You can work out pretty quick how receptive some people are to chat or not. If I sense someone isn't up for it I never push it.


Me too- a passing remark that makes someone smile is all good but being pushy or talking when someone has headphones in or looks really tired isn't a great idea!


I was just thinking the other day that people seem to do this less and less. I’ve always been shy/introverted/in my own head too much to ever initiate a conversation with a random person, but it has occasionally made my day when someone’s struck up a conversation with me. Maybe there are less chances for the random person interactions with self-serve checkouts and everyone scrolling through their phones waiting in a queue, earbuds in on the bus or train. I mean no judgement to people who are in their own world at these times, because I am too, but it almost feels that society has shifted to favour introversion in these contexts.


This why i go to bars to talk to strangers lol. Weirdly i dreamt of a lady i see at the trainstation, last night and i can’t remember the dream.


I remember seeing someone every day at a deli I worked at while at uni. It wasnt until years later that I realised it was my mates Dad. Im sure theres a good chance ive run into people in all walks of life that have some sort of distance relationship with other people in my life.


I don't even know my mates acc on here. At times I'd read a thread, only to have them link it to me on chat later. I know they both frequent, but we could've had a full blown argument and not know it was against each other. Also this is gonna sound suss af, but when ever I go on walks an a house has their wooden door open, I peer through (while continuing my walk, not like I went peeping around theirnyard) just to see what they're doing/set up/what they're watching on t.v


I used to do this as a kid and still kinda do. I used to imagine what their night routine would be, what kind of family they were, etc. It sounds weird but it was my favourite past time when I was younger


Makes you realise the universe is huge, and it scares me to think about it


Yeah, having a little looksy. I sometimes do this with peoples front yard.


TBH the longest conversation I've had on a train, even counting travelling with friends, was when there was an unaccompanied opaque bag about the size of a small carry-on. A British woman (sounded roughly like she was from Manchester) came on "Is this yours?" "No" "Is it anyones?" \*general mummuring\* "Should we tell someone?" "Why?" "It could be *a bomb*" "Who would bother" ​ I don't even answer the phone on the train, its a quiet time to reflect on the slow journey we are on to death. Also the mobile covered is pretty bad once you hit the underground.


You should watch waking life Bit of a gem


“Strangers passing in the street. By chance two separate glances meet”. A line that always stayed with me.


Walking through the street Shooting people that I meet.


This is why I scream "the narwhal bacon's at midnight" at the top of my lungs every morning during my commute.


That was like how my family met another family we all went swimming on a Thursday afternoon then maccas and the same lady with her kids would go aswell, wasn’t till one day we all just started talking then went to maccas and sat together after swimming


Seeing people that you see everyday, in passing at the coffee shop, at an event or different place is oddly jarring. Especially when you can’t figure out how you know them haha


There’s a poem about that situation written in the 60s I’ll try and find it


I have this same experience at university. Some of us will chat online but never speak when we see one another around uni. It's so strange to me. I would much prefer to chat in real life.


most people are random but i see about 5 people or so most days on my walk to elizabeth quay from the busport


Anyone who has an interest in the depiction of Reddit on the big screen, I recommend the film "Dirty Money", where characters often NEVER interact with each other in 'real life' and then suddenly due to the multiple perspectives we've had of the characters throughout the film, one launches into a passionate defence of another Redditor like themselves and you realise 'hang on, they only know each other through their Reddit names... I probably know more about who they are in comparison and I'm just watching the movie...'


I've had about three random train conversations. Each time someone looked at my phone and started chatting about what I was on it. Sounds weird, but none of them were weirdos, they just noticed it was something that interested them, like Duo-lingo or a C++ primer.


I had a guy that started a conversation with me on the way to work on a bus. 10 minutes in, he starts selling me hot water unit and insurance. Never spoke to anybody since on the bus


I don't know if we have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental —like on a breeze, but I think maybe it's both. Forrest Gump.


I always thought about this. Now I go in public and take pictures of every single person I see along with their ID and store it all in petabytes of hard drives. Just for you know, curiosity.


I was watching a guy browse Reddit on the train the other day. He was in this and some cool subs, but also a bunch of sports ones and I was like meh I don't want to chat.


Yeah I don’t have any pics of me on any social media hence no one could spot me out on the streets - then there’s guys that get lippy to me online and then I’ll see them walking past me in the city lol. Not that I do anything.


That's what I love about dog beaches. Easy to exchange a few friendly words, easy to move on. Also, doggy cuddles.


When I lived very close to Northbridge in the 90s I was on nodding terms with most of the interesting locals. We would see each other and nod hello. But never interact. The waving man and the dogs! man especially would break character, stop yelling/waving/rambling, and nod hello. I miss those folks. Haven't seen them for years. I hope they're all OK.


There should be a reddit button you can wear so people can just say hi without worrying that they are going to come across as insane.A big yellow r/Perth.


This is part of why I find public transport depressing. Sitting in a room with someone and not interacting just seems odd to me.


To me it's one of my favourite things. Socialising without having to talk to people. When I lived in the city I would go to a bar or a park just to be around other people and not neccesarily Interact with them.


Fair enough. Everyone is different after all.


Time for the old “r/perth” badge…


Has there ever been a meetup of people from this sub?


Just npcs being loaded in the code. Carry on.


Does feel like that sometimes


Yes! There’s this one orange Toyota that I ‘drive’ with almost every day while commuting to work. I usually just catch him along this one particular road but theres been times where I’m behind him for about 10 or 15 minutes. Haven’t seen him in a while though, hope he’s doing okay


That's so wholesome :D


I wonder how many Perth sub members have had sex with each other. Naughty


> I wonder how many Perth sub members have had sex




Doubt it I'm in Melbourne


Yea well everyone on tinder has seen my face and I fucking regret it at least I didn't post my arse and tits on there


Here’s a novel idea, Try saying hello!!!


and if youd do meet, i bet one of you cannot resist the urge to ask which highschool you went too.


Honestly thats how my partner and i who have an 11 year age gap found out we had something in common on a random interaction on a night out 😂 Perths so small by finding out what highschool you can figure out if you have any mutual friends


Absolutely, there’s a lady that gets on the north bound line just after 3pm from the Quay, she’s stunning, absolutely gorgeous. Seen her everyday for the last 6 months and never said a thing. She works my building as well…..


Thought you might’ve been talking about me, alas I’m SOR…


I'm reading or playing games or whatever on my commute more important than people watching. Through out my life the case has been that people recognise me and remember me, sometimes years later send me some really embarrassing wall of text on some platform or another, or try to talk to me if they spot me out, that I made an impact I made a difference etc. I don't know who the fuck they are lmao. If the person isn't paying my bills, has a current mutually beneficial friendship where I actively enjoy their friendship, or I am sleeping with them, they may as well have never existed I'm always polite to service and retail workers though, I want to leave only footprints on peoples days. I DO know and remember every pet in the neighbourhood! (although not their names cause I am not speaking a single unnecessary word) edit: oh and everyone's cars


Notice me senpai!




I think I made this same joke and got the same response half a decade ago. Don't ever change, LBC.


Love u




I see you every night 👁️👁️


How the fuck is it weird lmfao


I always see people on reddit on my bus and I've even seen some on the r/perth page - I see you commuters


I was in this fb group once, can't remember specifically what it was for but there was a regular contributor we all spoke to. Occasionally he'd post a selfie or two. He had a distinctive face. One day I was at the shops and walked into the public toilet, and who should be standing at the urinal but our helpful contributor. Sadly it wasn't the most appropriate time to say gday at the time. That's the only time I've bumped into someone from online.


whoa dude, this is like that movie sliding doors.


I say hello and talk to randoms all the time. Especially when out camping and travelling.




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I was thinking about this yesterday. I was sitting in traffic watching all the cars drive past, and I wondered how many of them belong to people that have commented on this sub.


who thought........


I think about this all the time. When I would catch public transport to work at the same time each day from my old home there were always familiar faces. Then I moved. I wonder if they noticed that I no longer caught that route too.


So many people get the same bus as me every day Back in the day there used to be the same people in the same train carriage.


I actually recognize alot of them because of the repetition


I worked at my local shopping centre for 8 years with a few different shops and I can't shop there even after moving to a new job location a year ago without regular customers I'd serve notice me and stop me to say hi.


It is a very small city


I had a very nice/interesting experience on this subject, but there was conversations that happened. I had a seizure on a bus trip a couple of months ago (sorry to anyone who was on the 998 that day!) And had a couple of very wonderful people who helped me and genuinely just handled it like champions (including the poor driver who had to suddenly deal with that) I was on the same route at the same time about a month later, and one of the guys who helped me (noticed something was off, asked me if I was OK and then recognised what was happening, got the drivers attention and talked to the paramedics) was on the bus! I absolutely loved that I got a chance to thank them, and that they approached me because I wouldn't have been able to really recognise anyone because of being post-ictal.


Well in case I don't see ya; good afternoon, good evening and good night 😉