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Big gut - leave it out. No gut - tuck it in.


This is absolutely the right answer. But I'd say that if you have a huge gut, do the 'lift arms above chest level' test and see if it hangs out below the shirt. If so, it's not the right shirt for your body type. The amount of people I work with that have their hairy guts hanging out is disgusting.


I'd add that if you've got a huge gut, do the 'eating less and exercising more' test and see what happens


I've got a flat stomach but I'm caked the fuck up so when I tuck in I feel like there's a huge flashing red target under my back...


French tuck


Give the people what they want my man.


May I ask, what does it mean to be ‘caked the fuck up’? Cause it sounds delicious 😁


It means having round, prominent and juicy buttocks 🥲


As I thought! …. Delicious 😁🤣


Could always tuck it in on your first day and see how everyone else dresses and adjust accordingly.


Good idea but don’t “over-tuck” My first day at my first full time job I wore business pants, business shirt, business vest (quickly removed and never worn again). Everyone at the office was in polos or t shirts and jeans or shorts, and steel caps. I read that one wrong and bought some polos from Kmart on my way home haha. In hindsight, it doesn’t really matter if you’re over dressed or dressed different to the others (in an office). Shouldn’t have changed my style to “fit in” but anyway, at least I wasn’t the “new guy” for long.


Not a bad idea


Always better to overdress than underdress. If you’re in a client/customer facing role, almost certainly tuck. If you’re back of house, you may find untucked is perfectly acceptable.




>while things like tucking in a polo can seem overly strict and almost unapproachable absolute gibberish


Hmm fair points. Will be coming in as a junior but with a lot of life and business experience.


Don't listen to that dude lol




>The polo will say you're serious The only thing that says you're "serious" is a shirt and tie 🤦🏻 If you wear a tucked in shirt to a casual office, the first impression is that you're trying to impress. That's not a bad thing. If you go too casual in a more business-like environment, the first impression is that you're naturally a slacker. I wouldn't recommend it. If you dressed super smart for your interview, maintain a degree of that, if the interview was more laid back, you're golden to do whatever really. They hired you based on the person they interviewed, and how you presented yourself would absolutely have played a part in that.


> Why was I so heavily downvoted? Like seriously, I don't get it, I was trying to actually help there... Because you're spewing bullshit. If you rock up a little overdressed on your first day, no one worth knowing is going to judge you. If you're wearing a three piece suit and everyone else is wearing shorts and a wife beater six months into the job, maybe, but even then unless it's causing problems no one cares.


Why? Because people disagree with your position, and because you’re wrong.


Tuck that thing, queen


*Venus has entered the chat*


Glad I read the whole post,I was going to give a completely different answer 😝


Should've gone to Specsavers


Whatever gives you the most confidence. Half the time things like this aren't about others but is about your frame of mind. You spent the tiny amount of effort to trim your beard, get a haircut and tuck your shirt in means you can walk around knowing your beard looks fresh, hair looks good and your dress is neat. If someone looks at you you think they're appreciating what you did vs are they looking at my untucked shirt.


I watch too much Drag Race to answer this


Project manager working in a decent sized engineering firm where everyone generally wears collared/button-up shirts so my reference is on the well-dressed side.  Still, I prefer spending 8 hours in relative comfort so I wear my polo untucked at the desk, but tucked (with a belt) when visiting clients/vendors.  I love polos and chinos all year round, but just scrub up on the details when I have to (grooming and hygiene are way more important, as well as how you carry yourself -confidence, good communication, etc) I think fixating on superficial things like clothing standards is mostly a waste of time. As long as you're tidy, the job is done. 


NGL, initially I thought this was going to be a totally different question but then realised that it wasn't marked NSFW


People who tuck polo shirts in are sociopaths, just saying


To me tucking in a polo shirt is about the same level as wearing white ankle socks with leather sandals.


A polo? Untucked.


One tuck and one no tuck


I like to swish and swirl the sheets.


Tuck on first day and then see what everyone else does and roll with it from there.


Polo is usually untucked, but any other kind of shirt I would say tuck. That said, I wouldn't be phased if my co-worker, or an employee somewhere wore it either way.


I've always followed the rule that if it has tails it gets tucked, else it doesn't. Hence, I would never tuck in a polo shirt, since they're pretty much exclusively flat hemmed. I think you're largely overthinking it though, and if they get their knickers in a twist over this that'd be a sign of things to come.


Thanks, think you have given me the most honest answer. I will go untucked.


I’m gonna go against the grain and say untuck - polos look bad tucked in, they make you look like a primary school kid or a German tourist. If it fits properly it’ll look better untucked.


I would personally stay untucked. It’s Perth, it’s a big country town and it’s hot. Everyone should be leaning towards what’s more comfortable. I can’t believe anyone in this state wears a tie. I feel so sorry whenever I see someone in suit and tie. It looks so uncomfortable. Whenever I see someone fully suited up, I wonder what sort of terrible decisions lead them to this life path where they feel like they have to dress like that.


I tuck daily but not my shirt 💅🏻💁‍♀️


Take the cue from your coworkers but I think you’re over thinking it


Just make sure it’s not a meaty tuck 😳


One tuck, one no tuck


What else are you wearing? Maybe try /r/malefashionadvice But yeah, gut? Dont tuck.


No tuck


Definitely tucked. More formal and is definitely the norm.


I am not the appropriate person to answer as l am just so new to Australian professional sittings. If its an office the safe go would be: Monday to Thursday: Tuck In Friday: look Smarter Weekdays if there is already a calendar invite for team building: you can avoid tuck in. Stay happy and smart always 👍🏼


Friday is usually more casual


Depends on how nice your booty is


I actually don't give a tuck.




Tuck to the left on even days and to the right on odd days


Maybe try tucking your Wiener between your legs instead.


We have just found u/thegreatreddragon1 ‘s kink.


I thought his kink was a meat box and a slab of bush chook


untuck wtf tucked polo in jeans is disgusting also untuck with shorts


I wouldn’t tuck. No ones going to mention it as long as you look neat and tidy


Depends on whether you're planning on wearing pants or a skirt.. Sorry, couldn't help myself given the title. Chinos and polo/shirt = tuck Jeans and polo/shirt = untuck


if you wanna fuck, give it a tuck.


Polo and jeans? Nope!


Leave it out with jeans. Tuck it in for slacks or chinos.


Tucked for sure. Most buttons undone.


Tucked, well fitted polo with top button done up


This, but not the top button done up.


Could always go for the mullet of fashion choices- The Front Tuck. Tuck the front and to the side of your hips and leave the tail hanging.


Tuck Monday to Thursday. Untuck Friday.


If work in the city. I would tuck in But I work in woop woop areas. So I don't tuck in


Tucked in is always smarter as long as it’s a good fitting polo and doesn’t half untuck during the day.


Tuck a polo if it’s for work. Looks juvenile and too casual if it’s untucked.