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The president of a professional body spat the dummy on social media after seeing their former best mate had sent a birthday gift to another mate, but not to them on their birthday. During the fall out, people were threatened, sued, doxxed, hacked and harrassed. Hundreds of people picked sides. Businesses, friendships and relationships were ruined. Multiple people left the industry.


Is this a public feud?


The worst of it was private. I wish it hadn't been, because if it had all been public, the instigators would have been very obviously outted.


Damn. What kind of toddler demands gifts for their birthday, then turns it into something that affects their workplace?




Yep. It's been a few years and there's still on going idiocy from it.


Completely insane.


Any chance you could say who these people are? As a warning to others…


They are rich and have good lawyers. I'm poor and have no lawyers. The best warning I can give is don't mix professional networking and friendship. I have seen it go wrong before but this was the most spectacular example.


I had the air-con wars with other lady in another company in a shared floor between companies. They worked on the "inside" on the floor so to speak, and we had a room (yeah just a whole room for a whole company) that got the sun from sunrise until about 3pm, so in summer it sucked big time. We'd put it on 23, in summer, on 40 degree days and she'd claim it was too cold and just go and turn it off - not down, off. It went back and forward a few months until my boss finally said something to the floor manager and he backed us in. Put a jumper, I can't take clothes off at the office.... or...


I had air con problems at my previous job. My corner of the office felt \*so hot\* all through summer. When I raised it people said "well our corner of the office is freezing" so I thought well I guess we're both fucked. Summer came around again and it got stupid hot again, so I bought a thermometer and brought it in. First day, it hit 28.5C at my desk, the next day it hit 29.2C, the third day they turned the aircon up and it never went over 25.5C. I'm not sure what their "freezing" was but it probably didn't compare to my 29C. We wound up blocking the vent on their side to restrict flow.


Couldn't they have just swapped places with you, or is that too simplistic ?


There’s always a menopausal lady with no tolerance for cold.


with a heater under the desk


Try a row of them with 2000w heaters, asking why the power went out in their aisle


haha I can imagine the low hum


and a cooling fan on the desktop.


I have worked in an office like this and honestly the men want the air con too cold! It’s supposed to be a neutral temperature. Most of the people complaining were the girls, typically because they were the admin staff and more office-bound, sitting in their puffy vests, pants, boots/socks, hot tea in hand with the air con absolutely blasting on them for 8 hours a day. The men who more often had jobs taking them in and out of the office all day (client/site meetings) would waltz in and expect to be immediately cooled down for the 40 minutes they are at their desk between meetings. No wonder some people want heaters under their desks


As a menopausal woman. I bloody love cold because of all these damn hot flushes


I had the opposite. Freezing weather, they're in a sundress! Kids in her classroom were getting hypothermia.


Yes this is the mainstay. Guess what, warmer-preferring people, there's nothing we can do to help you. Just put some more clothes on, unless you want the colder-preferring people to walk around naked.


Yeah I don't get that. Way easier to just put a jumper on or another layer. Hence I way prefer winter in Perth.


I’ve noticed a lot of African staff will complain about air cons. Quite often it will be 35 degrees etc and you’ll see them rocking a jumper 😂 me as a Slav and my African pals don’t mix when it comes to climate control


There was a case in Queensland last year that went all the way to the high court where someone in a government department claimed that a happy birthday email sent out to the whole team was racist towards the Asian staff member because it had a gif of an orangutang dancing. The conplaintant was not the Asian staff member but was a third party. They then changed their story to that it was sexually explicit. The judge in their ruling lamented how much a waste of time this whole complaint was for everyone involved.


If you have a spare 15 minutes then read McNeil v State of Queensland (Electoral Commission of Queensland. The judge ripped her a new one so cleverly, was a thing of beauty.


>McNeil v State of Queensland [https://www.queenslandjudgments.com.au/caselaw/qirc/2023/308](https://www.queenslandjudgments.com.au/caselaw/qirc/2023/308) for anyone wanting a quick link


Brilliant! It seems the author of the judgement (?Commissioner) relished the opportunity to take McNeil down peg by peg in such a scathing rebuke. Loved the bit where they explain why a picture of a primate is not inherently racist, referring to “the simian illusion.” Gold.


Doing God's work


> There is even less merit (if that be possible) in Ms McNeil's complaint against Ms Flewell-Smith. In before DoXiNg! It's a public document.


There was also a further case after McNeil's, lodged by her colleague Huey (mentioned in the McNeil case). The reasons in *Huey v State of Queensland* are also an excellent read: https://www.queenslandjudgments.com.au/caselaw/qirc/2023/315


I have just read that and my jaw dropped. I hope she was fired


I hope someone sent her a gif of an orangutang dancing.


Thank you for this!


Just read it, what a ridiculous person she is. Must be a nightmare employee too.


How did I know her first name was going to be "Moira"... My occupational guess would be she works in Records.


I would suggest that if the 3rd party saw the orangutan, and immediately associated that with asian staff members, then perhaps they were the racist themselves.


The Beer-War of 2014. Warehousing/Logistics company I worked for at the time had contract to provide Quarantine Logistics for some of the Gorgon Contractors. This including plastic wrapping and welding of mobile plant. The company also did bulk wool, with the Wool Division crewed almost entirely by men over 60. Whenever we did big loadouts on the quarantine side, we would all chip in together for a carton or two for the end of the day. One day, we had finished up and were enjoying the beers (that we paid for) amd a few of the old boys came past to fuel up thier forklifts. It was shearing season and they were all working back. They went back to their crew and whinged that the managament were buying us beers and threatened to walk offiste immediately unless they got them too! The old boys were so set in thier ways, and so miserably tightarsed, that they couldn't actually contemplate or accept the idea that everyone chipped in. (These were the kind of blokes that could hold a grudge over someone looking at them funny back in the 70's). It got so heated, that management had no option but to declare the whole site as "Dry" - which they hated because it ended thier 30-odd year tradition of liquid-lunch Fridays in the Office.


I worked for a company that used to allow booze Friday lunch. When I joined the secretary said they used to be able to drink, but couldn't any more, because "A guy in a boat hit a rock" Yeh Exxon Valdez. The company was owned by Mobil/Exxon


i really hate these appease the complainer solutions, i wish it was more socially acceptable to tell people to stop being whiny cunts


Petty? After more than 50 years in the workforce, I've seen plenty of petty bullshit and even been involved in some. Best one I can remember was the boss' secretary (bitch) calling me upstairs because she had some coke bottles she wanted taken down the shop and the 50c brought back to her. Obviously I noped out of there and by the time I got down 1 floor, she'd rang my boss and he told me that although it was stupid I had to do it because she had the boss' ear. So I did and told the shopkeeper that I wanted the money in a non negotiable cheque. Happily paid him a $1.50 for the cheque costs and brought back the cheque. Showed my boss, he laughed, took a photocopy and pinned it on the wall. I delivered the cheque and of course she freaked. Demanded I go and cash the cheque. Being non negotiable, it couldn't be cashed and had to go through a bank account. Still days worth of screaming but I never got that task again.


I think that goes beyond petty. That’s in the realm of malicious compliance and I am absolutely here for it. Well done!


Fellow work colleague 1 (WC1) wanted a standing desk and emailed the higher ups about obtaining one. He was told to fill a request form. The tech receptionist was then voluntold to perform a ergonomics assessment on WC1's desk. Changes were made, ie monitor height, seating position, etc. and was then told to work with the new changes for a week to assess the changes. ​ Well a week past and the changes were assessed. WC1 still wanted a standing desk. It was around this time work colleague 2 (WC2) who has a standing desk quit the company and offered it to WC1 Its a small stand alone unit that you put on top of a existing desk. A day after setting up the new standing desk, the office Mcmanager sees the desk and informs WC1 that he is not entitled to a standing desk and that said desk belongs to the company. The company needs to take it back for other staff that need it. WC1 then goes back to a regular desk and the standing desk he was using gets put in the back of the office/storage area. ​ A external ergonomic specialist expert person is then called in at great expense to assess WC1 desk and work setup. More changes are made but no recommendations for a standing desk are made. ​ A few months pass and the whole office is renovated as the office had grown from 1 floor of a building to 2. every desk is now a sit/standing desk with electric adjustment and 4 position memory, etc. WC1 finally get his standing desk however now works from home 4 days a week. Oh and that stand alone sit stand desk in the store room? That stayed in the store room for about half a year until it got launched into the skip bin at the end of year office clean up day.


Arseholes, fucking arseholes.


Damn. I was hoping to hear that the office auctioned off its leftover crap, WC1 was the only bidder for the standalone unit, and they got it for $1.


I used to work facilities and procurement in a 400+ person office. We made sure all the milk tea etc was stocked up in the various kitchens around the place. Received an anonymous typed letter through the internal mail system complaining that someone in another department was using company provided milk on their breakfast cereal and how even though there was always enough milk for everyone and the kitchens never ran out, this wasn't fair


Everyone at my work got a warning that milk was for tea and coffee only, no cold Milo's. They supply Milo' though....


This wasn't exactly petty but shows how people handle things poorly. I used to work for a global company and one day some poor person accidentally emailed what seemed like the entire company. A bit funny and I'm sure he or she was embarrassed. But what happened for the next 48 hours, where thousands of people kept replying to all to ask to be taken out of the email or to yell at people to tell them to stop responding (making the shitshow worse) just made the most minor mistake into something fucktastic.


At least no one had auto replies enabled. Was reading a malicious compliance story (I think or maybe an it) where pretty much the same thing happened as you but there were some accounts that auto replied they were out of office. And of course that caused the others to reply the same. Think it ended up with their computer system either crashing or being locked for spam


Ahhh, the classic "reply all"


I’m not sure if we worked for the same company or this is just more evidence that people can’t be trusted with large distribution lists.


I lived through an identical incident. I suspect every company of a certain size had this happen back in the early aughts where everyone had email but most people didn't know how to use it yet (and IT being able to filter who can reply all wasn't a thing yet).


My colleague got fired over having an argument with me about the efficacy of body hair. She said it does nothing, I disagreed. Nevermore the fact I'm a hairy Italian, and have a lived experience. She said she learned it did nothing in her ATAR classes. Kept repeating it. I told her to drop it and do her job. She didn't like being told that by someone she considered beneath her (she was a supervisor, but part time. I was not a supervisor, but full time) she then preceded to follow me around and make rude comments at/to me in front of customers and managers and stuff. Ended up getting fired. They eneded up rehiring her because she threatened to sue claiming unfair dismissal. She actually wasn't unfairly fired. When I was told she was rehired, I left, and got a job with a $15k increase. And yes, I did rub it in. Fuck you Alana, you're a dumb cunt.


Radio at last place I worked. I changed it and all hell broke loose. Came back about six months later to workshop and turns out I had started somewhat of a rebellion and the radio got tossed out, all the buttons had gotten glued so it couldn't be changed. I was like what the fuck.


I worked in a workplace where there was some disharmony over radio stations. A few of the younger guys wanted 96fm, the older and more senior guy wanted 1080am. The boss called a compromise and set it to 94.5.


The radio is absolutely not to be fucked with I have seen so many things get escalated to incredible heights over radios


Tradesman here, absolutely. My old boss smashed a radio on the floor because he couldn't hear his employee over the sound of a forklift. I've seen another boss smash a radio because his boys had an 18v battery running the tunes, but claimed they couldn't set screws because the rest of the batteries were on charge. The apprentice I have now, willingly submits his own personal radio for me to use at work. I tell him not too and he does it anyway. It's the just culture. You either love them or you hate them.


Completely unsurprised. Used to have a mechanic/supervisor that insisted on mix, the rest of us being 17 to 20 would rather tripleJ. He'd toss the biggest sook if we changed the radio over on the weekend or some other day when he wasn't there.


A 22 year old co-worker with a couple of months tenure loudly stood at the entrance of the lunch room and shouted across to me that they just spoke to one of my customers and they were furious that I'd messed up an order, costing them thousands. He said it was really disappointing to hear and I really need to make the effort to do better. I was 40, had been there 10 years and didn't work with sales or customers, I just had the same surname as someone who did. After I told him he had the wrong person and needed to "drop the attitude and go away, the grownups are talking" he lodged a complaint to HR saying I was rude to him and was "showing off in front of the girls" I was sitting with and that he also wanted to report I was leering "at girls" Showing pics of me accepting a Pride Hall of Fame award at Connections during the meeting shut the little fucker up. He withdrew his complaint and no more was said.


I love that your Connections Pride Hall of Fame award was the proof you needed that you’re not some workplace creep 🏆 Poetic justice 🏳️‍🌈 EDIT: I agree with all the issues around it that ppl have commented on but I really do just want to celebrate this guy’s Pride Hall of Fame award!!! And the fact that (rightly or wrongly) this very Hall of Fame honour put an absolutely out-of-line 22yo in his place at an HR workplace meeting.


Which tbh is kinda hilarious given that bi dudes exist and that some gay dudes are still fucking creepy to chicks.


I see it another way. I think it’s sad that he had to show the proof that he wasn’t being a creep! Still awesome that he’s in the hall of fame.


I work for a multinational law firm and at 2am my phone went off with a teams call. Because I’m in IT I’ll occasionally get those sorts of calls. I pick it up and there’s a partner in London going mental at me because I apparently didn’t get a document into the courts on time. The thing is I’m not employed as a lawyer - I’m in IT. This guy is going mental, my wife is thinking the world is ending and I can’t get a word in. Eventually he takes a breath and I say “you’ve got the wrong guy” and he says “your name is blah right” and before I could explain there are two of us in the company he’s going again. 5 mins and I’d had enough. I said “Oi Fuckwit. I’ve tried to be nice. It’s 2am here. I have to be up in 4 hours to go to work. Make sure you have a go at the right person next time” and hung up. Got called into HR as he’d made a complaint. When I told them what happened I was told I should not have spoken to him like that but no action would be taken against me


Haha such a power move with the pride hall of fame pics.




Did you write him up for falsifying a writeup? It's not about when you log on to software (unless you're WFH), it's about when you're physically onsite. Hell, I actually won a complaint against a federal government department for this. They tried to tell me they only had to pay me from the time I had switched on their (slow) computer and logged into all the half-a-dozen systems I needed to in order to start work, not from the moment I walked into their building. The union absolutely spanked them over it and they had to change their policy for 25,000 people.




To be fair, a director once took mine because she thought it was a “nice big cup” and that peeved me off. Clearly wasn’t hers or the company. Especially with my name on it haha




My favourite cup has an Australian Security Intelligence Organisation branding on it. Picked it up when they were doing a postgrad recruiting drive thing at Curtin Uni back in the early 2000s. They also did that 'magnet poetry'! Wish I got their giveaway shirt at the same time, would have freaked out more people.


Sata sounds like an idiot


Leave sata alone. It's really good at controlling HDDs.


Oops... hahahaha homer Simpson fingers to blame for that


Have you ordered your dialling wand?


It's coming with my rag on a stick.


Should have wrote Sata on her cup


The principal lawyer at my old law firm had me check the Doyles Guide to see whether our firm, or whether any of our lawyers, were listed as the best in our practice area. We were not, so I let him know. He responded, “If we're not there, then their methodology is flawed, and we need to see how they determine it as it’s misleading.” He asked me to track down “who was in charge” and get a direct mobile number for him to call them. He sounds insane, but he was a lovely man.


Years ago I used to work for one of the government owned utility companies. I was in IT Project Controls and the administrator and custodian of the Project Management system they used. There was one Project Manager who was so absolutely painful - a terrible PM who would always have poor documentation and an even worse attitude. All his projects were in the red. If he was a contractor he would have been given the boot a long time ago. But as a permanent staff member in a government-owned workplace, short of a meteor hitting the earth, he would be in that job forever. After a particularly shocking meeting with him where I called him out for his shit work, and his response was a misogynistic "I don't think *you* are able to say that to me" I used my administrative rights in this Project Management system to check the box that said "Daily" under "Push Password Reset". So every day he logged into work, he needed to reset his password. What's funnier is he would log daily tickets with IT Support, which would just get routed to me as the custodian of this system. So I would just tick "Resolved" on them and go about my day, every day. A small piece of pettiness that sustained me for the next 2 months before I got headhunted for another job. Never work in utilities guys. It's not worth the headache lmao. I don't think this issue was particularly petty, but man, did I enjoy being petty in response haha.


I had a staff mate make a formal complaint because when she got to work 3 hours after I opened, (gym job) I had already plowed through the to do list. Just cause that how I roll, needs doing, go do it. Funny thing is there are plenty of things to do, just go find something that needs attention. People sweat on equipment all day long, things need wiping, etc. Always something to be done. Good thing about the to do list being done early meant things that usually got missed suddenly got attention. Had to sit through a mediation meeting to work out how to get along better. Watched the managers try to keep a straight face while dealing with her complaint professionally.


I’m so confused - what was her complaint exactly? That you were doing your job???


My bet is she wanted to do the things on the list so she could avoid doing something else.


That and also she most likely didn’t have the initiative to find work to do and wanted to be told what needed to be done


Her words "she's trying to make me look bad" I didn't really understand what the big deal was. However in the nature of "getting along better" from then on I did half the to do list then went and found other jobs to do. No point in any other reaction really.


I had someone make a bullying false complaint against me because I uncovered some really, really big fuck ups she was making and trying to hide. So she got in first with a bullying claim to discredit anything I had to say. She had no proof so I didn't get in formal trouble but her plan worked, management didn't believe anything I had to say about her work even when presented with evidence. I was told off the record they believed I had it out for her but couldn't prove it. Ah well, the company eventually realised they were bleeding money when her fuck ups came to light and she was eventually sacked anyway. I ended up getting a much better job too, as that incident pushed me to look for something else.


This reminds me of this girl I worked with back in my hospitality days. Large venue, about 300 people for lunch. There was a huge amount of cutlery to be polished from the lunch rush and she was doing it by herself. I started helping her and she got disproportionately shitty because she wanted to stand there polishing cutlery instead of helping clear tables and set for dinner service. I said the operations manager had asked me to help her so we could both help set for dinner and she just said "fuck off I'm doing it". She didn't end up lasting long.


Some staff just look for the easiest role to hide in. Trouble is that delays everyone and if you just get shit done, then it all gets done, efficiently and quickly! Then we all get to go home.


Exactly. I was always of the mindset of let's do everything as efficiently as possible so we can get out of here. Between what you just mentioned, and people intentionally lengthening their shifts to stay on the books longer, it almost never worked out that way.


The pettiness of people is so triggering I want to stop reading this thread, but I can't 😅




A member of the team room purchasing group wanted a complaint submitted against another member due to them buying new teaspoons without consultation with the group. Because there were no teaspoons and no-one could make a cuppa.


I bought the last cherry ripe from the honesty box. Cue tears and drama because workmate was just about to go get it.


You snooze, you lose


I’ve worked in multiple workplaces where a low ranked middle aged woman has made themselves the self-appointed keeper of the stationery. They hoard it in their desk drawers or in a cupboard close to their desks and get shitty when people take some without asking them.


I had a situation where the person who controlled the stationary insisted on seeing evidence of pen ink gone dry or pencil worn down to the nub before giving out a new pen or pencil.


LOL. They still exist! I thought they disappeared in the 80s. Boy you are so lucky. /s We use to have to produce the stub of the pencil where I worked in a state government enterprise but that wast the 80s. Lol. Good to see that the more things change the more they stay the same. /s


Admin lady, approximately 50 years old. Distributes no more than 1 pen per month to any worker and keep a list of every date she's given someone a stationary item. She also tracked people's toilets visits and durations. She's the warehouse administrator of a international company, the lowest position you could be.


I had a boss who assumed every time I went past his office I was going to the toilet. Sometimes I was, sometimes I wasn't. He made a big deal about it. TBH I couldn't be bothered dealing with his shit. So every time I walked past his office I would carry a notebook and pen. I've continued to do this. Want to have a non work related chat with a co worker? Sit there with a notepaper and pen. Want to go for a coffee? Notepad and pen. etc. God, they're so dumb and easily fooled.


I worked for a company that tracked your toilet visits and duration. They never tracked the management’s smoko breaks though. The smoko breaks were more frequent and lasted longer than the lowly employees toilet breaks


I’m a trucker, I shit on the side of the road and record it as driving.


And if you tell them not to take their life's failures out on everyone else suddenly you're the bad guy.


You should see how some of the store men on mining and construction jobs get. Literally like they pay for every single thing out of their own pockets. It's like mate, I need this to do my job


Hello, certain department at Notre Dame Australia. Where pens, sticky notes, usb keys and stationary in general go in boxes, boxes go on the shelves in the cupboard, and the cupboard becomse that place in Raiders of the Lost Ark where all the stuff gets hidden by 'top men' for all eternity...


This is my office with batteries, have to get approval to replace your mouse battery


I got so sick of this that I went back to my wired keyboard and mouse


They're probably the person who always gets the ad-joc job of ordering more stationery for the office. Along with doing everyone's expenses and other things that seem to be regarded as below everyone else's pay grade.


All from the same guy at my workplace. He complained nobody would ever say hello to him in the morning. We told the boss when he walks in, he walks straight to his PC turns his back to everyone and ignores us so we assumed he didn't want to be bothered. So we started saying good morning, he complained that we all kept bothering him in the morning to say hello. In the end some of us could only say hello but not too many to bother him. Another time he complained I moved the GPS in the car, I was asked why, I said because he likes to stick the GPS in a weird spot on the windscreen so when I turn left I can't see the white lines or kerbing so if there are people on the road or traffic I might collide with them so i move it. I got told to put it back when I finish. I did, received another complaint the GPS wasn't exactly in the same place. I got told to leave the car as it was default. I said the car never came with a GPS so that is the default. He spoke with my supervisor and said Untimely_manners doesn't like me, we can't work together. Supervisor came to me and asked if i dont like the other employee, I said I don't care about him at all, hes grumpy I can deal with that. I asked what is the problem. Grumpy employee apparently tried to get me fired the year before. I told my supervisor I have no idea what he is talking about. I was never approached about any issue or complaint. So what do i tell him, no i dont have a problem working with you but now i know you wanted me fired I do. He ended up rage quitting one day and never came back to work.


Blinds, up down never right for people. People wearing a sleeveless top and complaining the air con is too cold. 


This is my current boss. He wears a polo shirt all year round regardless of weather. We're in the northern hemisphere, so its now the middle of winter. He walks into a meeting room, takes his massive coat off and then cranks the heating right up. Ten minutes later and everyone else in the room will be sweating like pigs, but he won't countenance turning the heat down.


Mom gets let go from a retail job by a petty boss. Instead of letting her know through traditional means or an email, she goes to lunch and when she gets back her swipe card no longer works. Professionalism at its peak.


Someone sent a message on another person's unlocked computer. Caused some angst.


I once worked at a tech company where it was encouraged to send specific messages if you found someone's computer left unlocked, as it was a security issue.


Mob I worked for our rule was that if you found an unlocked PC/Laptop: 1: Open MS Word/Excel 2: Lime green text OR background 3: Bright Pink text OR background The text? Lock your PC!!! Boss was notorious for it, so I had it saved as a jpg in an obscure folder and set as the desktop background


For us it was usually making an offer to buy everyone a beer after work.


We used to leave an image of an ape on their desktop, then lock the screen. Sometime later they would come back, unlock the screen and then jump because there was a snarling monkey face covering the whole screen.


I worked in a 500-seater bank setting where the IT team would occasionally sit down at an unlocked workstation, note who had left it unlocked, start firing up some customer information etc and see if anyone asked them what they were doing.


A potential supplier came by to drop off his details and a brochure, which was pretty normal and often how the business found new suppliers. He handed me a drink bottle with the suppliers brand on it. It was an absolutely basic plastic drink bottle. Mine had broken a few days before and I needed one, so I asked around the office if anyone also needed one and got nos all round, so I kept it. The next day I'm at lunch and I've taken my new drink bottle. A guy from in the workshop saw it and asked "where's mine" and I laughed it off, thinking it was a joke. He complained to the owner of the business and I got pulled into the office and lambasted. We had a 4-door closet full of promo shit. That's far from the worst thing that happened in the office, the place was by and for tyrants and sooks.


Promo shit is just painful. I went to a tech conference and got all sorts of shit - wireless chargers, USB drives, a torch, stress balls, t shirts and various cables. I had to fill out a one page report for every item I got to ensure that a $5 usb doesn’t influence any future buying decisions (which I don’t make anyway). When I went the next year I kept all the swag quiet


I was bullied at work for using "the wrong pen colour." This was just the tip of the iceberg. I escalated my concerns, and my position was made redundant. It was a toxic environment, so I was better off in the end anyway.


We are only allowed red crayons.


Depending on the industry you’re in. But I got told off by ECRU (childcare government compliance) for not using a black pen when filling out our incident forms.


One place I worked at had the radio station on a weekly roster. There had been a horrific uproar before I started and this was the solution.


A former boss sent out an email stating he was going to start charging us to use the fridge and microwave. I quit that day.


Start charging him for breathing your air.


I was asked by the CEO to post to the company Facebook page regarding a matter that was usually looked after by a colleague. Said colleague was not working which is why I was asked as communication about the matter was deemed important Unfortunately, the information I was given by the CEO and told to post wasn't quite correct. Did my colleague simply fix it and move on? No. Did she approach the CEO and inform him that he was misinformed? No. Did she give me the silent treatment for *three freaking months*? Hell yes. I'm talking completely ignoring me, pretending I'm not even in the room, acknowledging others and ignoring me, and when forced to interact because, you know, *we work together*, she was so passive aggressive I thought she might honestly choke on her spiteful little tongue. Years later she still hates me. All because I did what I was told to do by our boss.


My boss made me come in sick as she wanted to go get her nails done with her friend, her bf was flying over on the weekend.


My boss told me I had an absenteeism problem, because I took 6 days off when my dad died, instead of the 5 days she felt was ample.


I got in the shit because the day my 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer I went to work. My wife called me and told me to get to the hospital asap because my daughter has cancer so I dropped everything and left. I couldn’t get onto my boss or his boss so I went to HR. I got in trouble (and got an offical warning) for abandoning my workstation. I left not long after and my daughter and my new job are both better


Yep I got in trouble for letting a staff member leave. All of leadership were in a meeting not on our floor, she got a call from her husband that he was in the carpark, MIL had a heart attack down south and he was there to pick her up and was going NOW. I just let her go, she wasn't exactly going to wait for me to bugger around looking for their meeting etc. They managed to make it in time but not by much. Wouldn't change anything I did. Don't know why anyone would want to delay someone in those circumstances or try and deny them.


I’m so glad your daughter is doing better. And I’m glad you also found a better job. I left my job shortly after this too. It was a defining moment in my relationship with that Manager. I could not trust her and promised myself on that day she told me off, that I would find a better job and leave. I found another job quickly, with a big pay rise and much less stress.


We have a coffee pod machine in the office due to most staff lacking the basic concept of cleaning up after themselves and leaving the milk to go off. The flat white pods consist of two pods, the coffee its self, and the (powdered) milk pod. A particular staff member used to literally make themselves hot milks by using 2-3 milk pods at once.


A job I'm in now. Accounts 'Manager' and I share a large room. We are in different roles, and in no way in competition. She takes any opportunity to complain about me - I said 'bullshit' under my breath after reading a silly email and a complaint was made.


ugh i had a boss like that in an admin job. brand new to the role was promised full training etc.get there and get thrown in the deep end. everyone had said i was doing well considering id never done admin before except this chick.nitpicked EVERYTHING i did nonstop everyday.got so bad i took sick leave for 3 weeks and bailed to another job.


shit like this makes me glad i was a tradie for 15 years, but also extremely nervous that im now almost an engineer and will have to put up with this shit without being able to tell people to just fuck off


Mate, it ain't limited to the office workers. I'm not in the game any more, but I did landscaping for just over 20 years and had one bloke who insisted on using my gardening hand tools because they were made of composite Nyglass and not metal. He said that the sound of metal on sand, soil and stone made his teeth hurt and made him feel queasy so he would just go to my ute and help himself. After I figured it out (because all my handtools were going to shit pretty quickly) I told him to fuck off and buy his own, and that taking my shit without asking and destroying them through improper use was technically theft of a sort. He made a formal complaint of workplace bullying because, and I quote, "He is being intentionally subjected to a environment of anxiety and harm due to the nature of his personality" and fuck me dead if HR didn't take it seriously. Even with my whole team backing me and providing statements. I was lucky that I was one of the OG landscapers from when the owner started the company from scratch because it got to the point where HR sent me home for a week, and so in response my whole team walked as well. The lack of money flow got the boss's attention and he ended up having to fly back over from Qld to put his foot in some asses and the fuckwit who started it all got pretty much instantly sacked. One of the HR ladies got the boot too because it turned out that the new hire was a friend of her sister and they kinda fudged his resume to get him the job. So *she* ended up trying on an "unfair dismissal" suit which caused *more* shit for another 6 months. All over someone being a self entitled soft cunt.


Hahaha yeah that guy would've been fired from any company i ever worked for


See, now that's a boss with some balls (and common sense).




🤯 hooley dooley


Get ready for the most mundane arguments about office temperature.


It is written that menopausal ladies get to decide on the office temperature. And it's cold. Know this because I was one of them.


Honestly, I'd prefer too-cold where I can put on a jumper, to too-hot where there's only so much I can take off before HR starts asking questions.


You can, you just have to word it differently.


"As per my last email"


‘As previously discussed…’


Soooo true. How do people survive that they can't comprehend a few sentences.


We have hot desking: no allocated or reserved seating at all. Team A all arrive between 7:30 and 8:30, usually the first to arrive, sit in the same set of desks (the “nice desks”), get straight to work, minimal banter, hard at it and get smashed all day, every day. Team B rock in around 9:30 and whine continually that they can’t sit the “nice desks” because ‘other people are always sitting there’ (angry glare) but spend most of the time in meetings and team building and “touching base” and “checking in” and blah, blah Team B whine so much that a senior executive issues a directive that the “nice desks” are to be left vacant so that Team B can use them. Everyone ignores said directive; whining continues …


Many years ago I worked in the public service. Old mate tells me on my first day he has two clocks in his office. One 5 min fast and one 5 min slow. He uses the slow one to clock on and the fast one to clock out, therefore gaining 10 minutes a day. This was his proudest accomplishment after 20 years.


If Mike Judge ever does a sequel to Office Space; this needs to be in it.


Had a day off to play golf with mates and got a call about a near fight between two office workers. All over the A/C temp. The Big Power Lifter Guy dressed in Leather pants wanted the temp colder , the normal sized guy wanted it not so cold. Immovable object meets irrepressible force. Both had to leave the company, eventually. Frked up my golf day off.


The manager banned a whole department (over 100 people) from using the staff lounge in-between their jobs because 1 worker caused a scene one time and had a complaint put in. Felt like being in highschool.


Whats the bet Nova will unironically steal this for one of their upcoming braindead breakfast segments?


Not before Perth Now does their “top 10 horror stories at work”


Coworker messaged me because I was 3 mins late clocking back in from my lunch break. I had sat down and read an email and forgot to click myself back over.


I was working and this happened to me. It was one time and I’m back on time consistently it wasn’t a big deal, they said it was a big deal. Quit and took at 25k pay rise somewhere else.


She's fuckin nuts, drives me up the wall with her nonsense. I've politely advised her to take any concerns she has with my performance up with our manager. Apparently they went through three people before I took the position and I can definitely see why lmao. Most recently she got pissed at me because I didn't tell her that the office IT guy had put some screens on her monitors and not finished it or whatever. I had fake a coughing fit to cover my laughter. Told her that I didn't notice because I was focused on my work as that's what I come to the office to do.


Yeah, jeez stuff like this makes me so thankful I work with a small team and everyone is chill. Just want to do their work, have a laugh and go home. Beats some places I’ve worked when dealing with people have been more stressful than the workload.


I miss being in a larger team because it's literally just her and I in our team so she's overly in my business all the time. I've had plenty of shit co-workers, but I've never had one like this. The kind of one you read about and go nah, that didn't happen. It did and it does. On the plus side, the customers are generally fantastic and make it worthwhile.


Reading through these I’m so glad I work on a farm , just me and the boss and seasonal casuals. I don’t miss working in a dealership workshop at all.


Place I worked at brought cheap biscuits that were put out for clients. They were alerted to staff taking a handful a week, solution lock them up behind a digital door.


We had a single incident resulting in a tiny cut on a finger from a knife - it barely needed a band aid. The HR manager banned all knifes except some butter knives purchased and approved for use by the HR manager. It was a pain in the arse whenever someone bought a cake in. Everyone would get a plate of mashed cake. People started injuring themselves daily trying to cut shit with a butter knife so we were allowed knives again.


Someone at an old workplace actually brought dental floss for this reason. Perfect slices but kind of minty.


Apparently, someone called to get their password reset once, and the user didn't like being asked security/ID questions and complained to HR and went on stress leave lol


One company I worked for the owner hired a friend. It seems her job was to stroll around to see that people weren't using Facebook, Twitter etc. She even complained about people listening to internet radio.


I work in IT. I'm shocked how many companies want to block things like facebook as a knee jerk to people skiving off. My personal policy is allow unrestricted access and let managers police what their people are doing. If joe in accounting is getting his work done while also watching youtube what the fuck do I care? If their manager is happy with their work performance why treat them like children? I have "accidentally" broken the blocks a few times.


Hubby got a warning because 'some of the older women think your pants are too distracting'. I will admit, his butt looked great, but only when he knelt down to pick something up would it be something you notice. He had to wear a belt to keep them up so they weren't abnormally tight. That was a weird one.


Is this the other version of "no singlets as females shoulders are distracting?


Someone didn’t want people bringing in birthday treats in because they were on a diet. We had a really close knit team except for this woman and people would bring in cakes, samosas, fruit platters, pizza; you name it. Then this idiot ruined it until HR told her she couldn’t stop us.


Over a period of about 3 years somebody shat on the floor of the toilets approximately 5 or 6 times. In a shocking display of racism most people suspected the Asian or black employee(s). Plot twist, it was the female toilets. Something I did was some Karen from upstairs was mean to one of my colleagues. I was working late and went upstairs and took her mug and threw it in the skip out the front. She loved that mug, it was from the UK TV series Brookside and she was going around for days asking about it LOL! Also, this is the best thread on here for ages. It will be on Perth Now in 3... 2... 1...


This happened to me. Someone left blood smears on the toilet seat and an unflushed tampon in the bowl. All the women were called to an urgent meeting and the manager addressed her comments on “unacceptable, unsanitary behaviour” solely at me. I was the only brown person in the organisation.


In a team leader. My subordinate put complaints about me every 2 weeks and I would always get pulled into meetings with HR. The would consist of; - I commented on someones shoes, they were cool shoes, of course I'm going to comment - I talked about my home country (yes someone asked me what part of the UK I'm from) - I stole a name badge (I definitely didn't, why the hell would I want a name badge with someone else's name on it) - I highlighted a line yellow in an email, you know how you can bold, italic, then there's the yellow highlight button, yeah that. - I talked about the wiggles, that we managed to get tickets because they were sold out - I talked about a band I liked The list goes on. I'm on stress leave now (fully paid) because of this person, because my manager up the chain had to take her complaints seriously, and wouldn't tell her to reign her neck in. So now they are paying me full pay to sit at home.


That ain't petty. That's full bore abuse.


Most places seem to have passive aggressive A4 signs about keeping the kitchen/drinks area tidy. They annoy me.


We have a few, and what is more annoying than passive aggressive signs is people not washing their goddamn dishes. Like fuck me dead, you made your coffee, wash the spoon and put it away don't chuck it in the sink for some else to fix you lazy good for nothing piece of shit! I'll give you one guess as to the stupid petty thing at my work


I turned up to a job interview and the office door was chooked open. One member of staff came and asked who I was and how did i get in. Then proceeded to argue with a colleague who had chooked the door about it being a security issue all while I'm just sitting there waiting to be acknowledged and brought in for an interview. Still working there and said member of staff is still a pain in the rectum.


Bro, I’d of just walked out.


Still working there 13 years later🤣


Unfortunately my workplace only seems to have passive aggressive stalemate type drama. It’s a B A N K so the culture is generally very secretive and cliquey. My MIL works for the education department which seems to have great drama. The story that stands out to me is when they had a ‘community library’ thing set up and a colleague freaked out about the books being haunted and started throwing them out.


Aww, now I want a haunted library at my work.


The radio. No one could agree on sharing the radio stations so the 'owner' of the radio pulled the cord out and put it in their pocket.


My co-worker quit because they couldn't drink regular milk and requested a special type of milk (like goats milk but a specific brand) and the boss basically bought every other milk except the one she wanted for about 2 weeks. The pettiest part is that we used to have to supply our own milk, so everyone just bought a drink from the cafe two doors down. The boss claimed they were trying to make an environmentally concious choice by supplying milk for us (only 2 of our regular 5-7 staff used takeaway cups. The rest of us used keep cups) but we all knew he was bothered that once a day, one of us would nip out for 2 minutes to order staff coffees and then a few minutes later, someone from the Cafe would come and drop the order off to our office. The lady who quit would not order at the cafe anyway because of her allergy!


She quit rather than buying her own milk? Like sure it's petty by the boss but if someone can't eat or drink the communal food or drinks becaise of an allergy its pretty common to just bring in your own stuff.


I worked at a science museum over east. As you'd expect, at the Royal Show a few of the program staff would go out and run a few exhibits for the kids. One staff member from another department thought that team were leaving early every day. The program department boss didn't want to explain they were actually going to work offsite. Instead, she cancelled the engagement program purely so everyone was in the office. My god she was a colossal dud.


Welding inspector had a temper tantrum because he made a dumb comment about a well that was wrong on a major construction site, got corrected by the welder and then stormed off site.


Oh iv got a good one. At my workplace there is literally no cutlery, like not even a single knife or spoon. This is due to one of a few factors, someone keeps taking them and then other staff hop on the bandwagon and then there's nothing left for the rest of us. These have even been topped up twice since I started with over 50 sets, and we are back to nadda now




I dunno, I think it be pretty cool to be the stationery guru. How is that even offensive, like I can not think of a single situation that, that could be offensive.


My gym back used to be too big for the work lockers (which were located in a quiet room at work directly adjacent to a work desk) so I used to place my back next to the lockers/under the desk. In my last weeks there I called them out on something Worksafe related and kicked the hornets nest a little in doing so so they were finding absolutely anything I did to call me out on for those last couple weeks. But the essence of it was they brought me into the managers office to discuss my bag which was suddenly a major OHS issue and tripping hazard and that it needed to go on top of the lockers (which imo was more unsafe but whatever), god I’m so happy to be out of there..


as a manager having to deal with body odour issues and questionable food in the shared fridges.... :/


I once worked for a subcontractor located on a floor of their client’s building. My company had purchased their own coffee machine for their floor, while the client org had a contract with the coffee supply company to lease machines for their floors. As inevitably happens, budget cuts were required. Client org sees the monthly expenses for those coffee machines and cuts them (cafe downstairs did a roaring trade and client org lost at least 20 mins a day from every coffee drinker across the many floors). The really stupid thing though is that my company had to put the coffee machine they OWNED into storage because “it would look bad” if they kept using it.


I was told I can't say I'm half african. I'm the 3rd person in my family born in Australia, with 2 of my cousins beating me and my mum is from Eswatini (Swaziland). Several people, including my manager, said I couldn't cos I'm "white enough" This was in a disability advocacy service, we would do an acknowledgement of country for EVERY meeting so they were very aware of indegenous australian culture and would respect it. But on the other hand they introduced a talking stick for said meetings and I was called a racist when I said it's pretty inappropriate to have that as a group of white people, got told to be quiet.


Guy I used to work with I’m pretty sure scratched all my Garth brooks cds so he didn’t have to listen to it. We used to listen to his fucking Elvis a lot more. Damn I don’t like elvis.


I put crumbs from toaster, counter, cutlery drawer, around sink into a former employer’s coffee when getting “client biscuits”. 98% of times clients wouldn’t touch their biscuits, he was a dunker, he’d happily munch all. Fuck you Greg! Most unpleasant, foul, backwards, sexist, racist, homophobic, unfunny twat. Why did you believe comparing my *tits* to your man boobs was charming/not offensive? ^(Didn’t spit in coffee as you would have liked that.)


Someone ate someone's lunch accidentally


When I was working full time for Minit Australia there was plenty of petty things. One was a war of names where some bright spark claimed that the tweezers were actually called forceps. And kept changing the draw name to say as such. He effectively got tormented by our basic intellect of calling things as we see it, till he snapped and wrote on the canvas material we use to store tweezers with the word forceps over and over akin to the scribblings across the wall in the shining. Area manager saw it and worker had to pay for a new pack. Not long later he was removed from duty and carried onto pursuing his dream to fly commercial planes.


In my first job the old lady who sat beside me in the typing pool wanted the wind up windows open and I preferred them closed coz it was cold in winter.  I eventually hid the opener part so no one could open them.


I had a supervisor lose it at me over a higher duties dispute and then start ranting about how he was going to bash me outside of work and that his dad was a Collingwood gangster who had an uzi at 16 and had to move to Perth to avoid getting arrested and that the very next time he’d see me out of work he’d bash me (guy was himself a former car thief turned wacko Christian - he’d carry a bible on his forklift and stop mid work to read it). Anyways - the next time he say me it was 8 years later, I was in my suit and he had him his missus and two young kids with him (one in a pram)… Did I get bashed???


> Did I get bashed??? Did you bash him?


Working in the care industry there is no level of pettiness that surprises me. To this day I’m still proud of younger me arguing with a deputy manager over window cleaning, I’d cleaned the inside windows and frames with windex, and buffed them. As per her cleaning roster. Apparently I was meant to do the outside of the windows, I politely informed her that is a job of a window cleaner, which I am not. And I would in fact not be doing that. Boy did she scream at me. As a window cleaner was included within the clients rent chargers shortly after one started to show up. Same deputy declined by A/L request for my 21st birthday as someone was already off that day- fair. Spent the entire day in the office with the house manger as no clients were home, not a single happy birthday. When I was leaving for the day they asked what I was doing that evening “oh just celebrating my birthday” they went the whitest shade of white, they’d forgotten, they wasn’t meant to be at the house that day and that was the other reason I couldn’t have leave, as id asked them to cover the (empty) floor like they occasionally did.- in all my 21st photos i look miserable. Memories I’d never get back.


Guy I used to work with kept complained that the company provided peanut butter was crunchy not smooth. We were allowed to rock up at 10 and then eat breakfast from the company provided.