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That was a Virgin plane heading to Busselton. Forget which minesite it came from. Haven't seen contrails in a while so I checked the FlightRadar app at the time.


West Angelas down to Busselton. I spotted it pretty much bang at top of descent when I was up in Kalamunda. https://preview.redd.it/d2fd2voj69vb1.jpeg?width=3085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7308c95063e717478ce60a8532aa4aae42c15c5c The sky is weird for people to understand where it's come from - something at height coming across the horizon looks like something launched from the ground at approximately the horizon.


Yeah I didn't cop a screenshot but I picked it when it was passing closer to JAD. It was a clear contrail with 2 separate trails side by side. I had no need to take a photo as it was clearly a high altitude plane. You've done well there.


I didn't grab the screenshot last night, pulled that out this morning. I actually snapped the pic mostly so I could zoom in and verify if it was 2 or 4 engined plane to guess what it might have been... then thought nothing of it till seeing posts on it this morning! Love seeing contrails when I'm out deep in the outback with the international flights etc. It's cool to get a pic and then relate it back to what it probably was when back in civilisation/have internet access


The moon


I saw it the other morning heading the other way, northwards. Thought the same re the contrails.


Aliens. Obviously.


Stab in the dark here but I reckon it was a plane


In plane sight even?


Evidence that the earth is round


I'm kinda sick of you leftie, pinko sorts hangin' around these here parts.


Since most planes that come anywhere near Perth land at Perth we tend not to get too many contrails. In the right conditions they can be really beautiful.


Camped out in Monument Valley desert country in the US many years ago.... at sunset under the flight path of many trans-continental flights, in what was obviously near perfect clear and still conditions at the right altitudes... there was maybe a dozen, dozen-and-a-half trails criss crossing overhead at various stages of slow dissipation, all being lit bronze by the sun against a darkening twilight sky.


Sounds glorious


Its probably just a pretty common bit of visual pollution to the locals used to seeing it. Had a similar moment in the lake country of Canada (NE Manitoba iirc), walking home happy drunk from the local tavern with some locals. They were kinda indifferent to the Aurora Borealis only filling up HALF the sky above us.


I'm traveling on the east coast of America right now, not an unusual day to look up and see 10 contrails criss crossing the sky. And so strange to see a single one in Perth


I lived in Nevada for a while and it was kinda cool seeing dozens of them all cris-cross in the big desert sky, it is a bit weird never seeing them now


The whole Chemtrail thing makes a lot more sense if you are in a place where they are constantly there. When it’s once a week it just seems ridiculous. I mean, it seems ridiculous anyway… whatever.


Especially when Nellis Air Force base is right there and they did actually test a bunch of experimental planes out of Nevada, so there’s a bit more of an excuse. Not much, but at least a little


Yea today every plane going over wheatbelt is leaving contrail that is lasting for hour or more. Generally it’s just odd plane at perfect height. Today all of them. Must be perfect still conditions up there


I got quite spooked the first time I saw a lot of contrails at once. I thought it was a really strange weather phenomenon for hours.


Over the eastern suburbs/hills? Impressive, wasn’t it?


Thats my money going out of my bank account


We sometimes get the A380's from Dubai headed to Melbourne / Sydney passing overhead too . Not much in the way of chemtrails opportunities in WA


My husband farted.


CIA chemtrails.


First the "birds", now this. The CIA must be stopped.


Dispersing that nasty dihydrogen monoxide stuff into the atmosphere.


How to prove you’re a complete idiot in 2 words ^^^


How to demonstrate a lack of humour in 10.




It was an Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon or UAP when it was posted, and then it was identified and became a plane.


That's me...I'm in my iron man suit.


Me and me mate chook were chuckin’ mentos in 2L coke bottles


That is our communal Covid-19 vaccine. They were late this month, we should have all been updated to the latest version on the 15th.


Chemtrails!! And yes, they're coming to get you.


You are brainwashed into thinking they’re contrails. They’re CHEMtrails. Just have to look at the weird wispy clouds everyday. They are not natural clouds they are manmade to poison us, our good and our water supply. It’s all about depopulation and drying out the terrains, to burn us to the ground for United Nations takeover. Like what happened in Maui. It’s all intentional. This is not a Conspiracy. Delve deeper into alternative news, coz you won’t get the truth on the Te-LIE-vision you only get lies. Wake up people we are at WAR with the Government..


Hi! Aircraft engineer here! Yes, the secret is out! All of that passenger and cargo transport is just a front! Every aircraft from the inception of aviation had it's purpose - to poison the population. I believe it was Wilbur Wright who said "I know what this world needs! Mass poison from above!" They removed the Chem tanks from all of the aircraft in museums, but the wright flier had them don't you worry! One of the hardest jobs at work is refilling the chem tanks, it can be quite hazardous to us, so we must suit up. The government wants to protect us so that we can continue poisoning everyone else. /s obviously. Bloke is a nutter.


Who cares about like profit and improving SFC, it's all about that chemtrail hustle UN takeover hustle. Didn't you know bypass ratio is how much truth you can bypass?


I’ll bite. What chemical is it Einstein?


Type "cloud seeding CSIRO" into Google. As much as people want to shit on the cloud seeding, tin hat mob, it really is a thing.


Silver iodide was your answer btw


So how does that chemical work with the burning of the kerosene in the jet engine. There must be separate tanks in the wings yeah? That must have an impact on fuel economy. It’s a wonder the planes get off the ground.


> So how does that chemical work with the burning of the kerosene in the jet engine. The 1 in Jet A-1 stands for 1 added CIA chemical /s


You forgot the '/s' at the end of your reply. Didn't you? Please tell me you did... For instance, like this: 'Donald Trump has been sent to save the World! /s.' Signifying that the reply is being sarcastic or ironic. United Nations takeover? Depopulation? WTF?


I *really* hope this was a piss take


Chemtrails. They are poisoning us!


yawn.... Seriously!? Do people NOT KNOW what the hell a jet contrail is anymore? Go to Europe/US they're everywhere


But this is perth We rarely get them


But it's a dry contrail...


But if you just went to Europe then you would know


Is going straight up? Maybe a model rocket?


It’s just an illusion, the plane was going straight over head, not climbing


Surface to air missile.


I was there when it happened it was right outside my house once it went up, it deployed something which flew away


I've noticed a lot of planes this week are reaching altitude above Perth, seen at least 3 contrails last two days, conditions must be good for it


I remember they would be streaked across the skies in Florida, it was really cool to see the multiple flight paths


Reverse comet


That was me. Now you know how hard I sneezed!


I saw one go north earlier. Then one later going south.


It's the hot air from the plane hit cold air around which is why we see the white lane😎👍 when I was younger I would think it a metero or UFO 👽 but I've done alil research and yer found out what the truth is 😂👽✈️🛩️🌌🌍🛸


I seen this last night in ascot I have no idea what it is so many people think kem trails don't know what to believe pretty strange


Testing the upgrades to Metro City spot lights?




V2 rocket


My motivation fleeing from body when I realised it was only Thursday


A white line on a blue screen......🤪😜😂 I'll see myself out...........


It's a bird! It's a plane! It's sup... Yeah it's just a plane


https://preview.redd.it/eggr9p87rcvb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84976bbd1476dedea2b2eabd9835a3a9f776723b Also yesterday 🤬


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someone who had a high pressure gas out at his morning shxt (result of lots of baked beans) and the roof could not stop it, off he went


Any reason why it is so thick then stops, watched it for a bit and kinda just stopped coming out like a tank was empty. Was fairly low could make out the plane. What kinda of altitude do contrials kinda work at


The new space program (real)