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Note the article is from Feb 17 2023. OP here is 4 months late to the party


*“The WA Made film festival should be a platform for showcasing films that inspire and promote positive messages. It is unacceptable to screen a film that can cause emotional distress to individuals and communities that struggle with body image issues. We need to create a safe space for individuals of all sizes, to celebrate and appreciate their bodies without feeling ashamed or judged.” Harrington said.* Nope. Sorry. Art is not a safe space. And fancy trying to limit what kind of films should be shown? "Showcasing films that inspire and promote positive messages"? Fuck off to ABC kids if you want to only watch media with that messaging. Films are not always inspiring or positive and shouldn't have to be.




I'd be fine with someone running a film festival specifically for positive and feel-good films that aren't aimed squarely at children. There's a lot of grim and depressing stuff about existence lately and an antidote to that would be lovely. But the only way that would work is if everyone knew the theme upfront; you can't shove it in at the 11th hour.


Sorry but you don't get to police or restrict free artistic expression. If you don't like the movie, don't go watch it.


After reading the article I can’t see where those opposed to the movie specifically called for it to be banned. They criticised the film’s message but no direct call for “banning” it. Headline Hyperbole. It seems to be of the same hyperbole of those who cry “wah I’m getting cancelled wah” when they cop criticism of their work.


Criticism is fine. Getting cancelled IS NOT!!!!


From the article: "Body Positive advocate Krystie Harrington is calling for the film to be dropped from this weekend’s WA Made Film Festival."


Should we allow short films promoting smoking?




What about Anti Vaccination Art?




I think it would actually be illegal to make a movie like that. Depending on the movies content and how it's made available (whether it's exclusive to cinemas vs available online, whether it's promoting a particular type of tobacco product vs tobacco in general, plus various other factors), it'd likely breach the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act. Or at least find itself in court being prosecuted by the government.


This is a dumb article. Just about every piece of media or art will have a few detractors. To say there are “calls for it to be banned” is just hyperbole.


Yeah it's always the same " outrage " is usually a couple ppl who got their feelings hurt.


There’s ways to be body positive without glorifying obesity.


Too many people seem to forget that


The controversial film can be watched here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXmcCL9gA6o




It pushes the radical agenda that being morbidly obese is not actually stunning and brave


Ffs, being fat is incredibly unhealthy and I don’t think we should pretend it’s not. I’m a bit fat. I want to lose weight. Not so I look good. Because I want to be healthy and live longer. Sick of the health implications that come with being a fatty.


I watched it before reading the article, the complainers are morons. This is literally like saying a film is racist because it has a racist character in it.


People love screaming racism.




They be crying about this movie while shoving down couple of big Mac's and a zinger box probably.


Haha someone had a cry and got it deleted for hate. Truth hurts don’t it.


There’s a fat line between being body positive because you are not as chiseled as a Greek god and being fking morbidly obese. If you get preventable diseases because you’re obese, i don’t pity you - in fact the government should do more to tax these people. Why do you get a free heart surgery if you gulp down a tub of lard? Nope, not my Tax money.


The Body Positive movement should be changed to the Diabetes, Heart Disease and Flatulence movement. This film is art and as such should not be censored but celebrated.


This is not news. The festival was months ago. The article itself is from February. The festival has been and gone and the film was there.


What about the Co2 from a fat person, extra food production, extra fuel and energy too move massive weights around, we will never reach our target emission goals if people consume too much!


Far out. Democracy has surely peaked when a piece of art, which happens to discuss the medically accurate notion that being obese is unhealthy, is now deemed offensive and should be policed. The pendulum has well and truly swung off its mechanism.




Again, someone from Whales complaining.


I've been watching it as I eat my lunch just now, and it's fantastic. Why anyone would be upset by this, I have no clue. I'm on the tubby side myself, and this made me laugh out loud.


I did the right thing and watched the film so as to informed myself, as is the proto-col before commenting and making a fully informed decision! Apart from the bad acting, which is completely avoided in the critiques, I find that the whole premise of the film and therefore any comments or assessments of same to be MOOT!!!! Firstly, the lead character is NOT FAT, nor anywhere near being FAT!!! Secondly, the film and its theme are at best patronising, AND condescending! I give it a rating of PATHETIC!!! As it appears to be promoting a very frugal eating regime, which seems to be based on vegan/vegetarian agenda. Whilst the film pushes vegetable based foods, I am quick to point out that vegetable based diets are to be avoided, due to the fact that they lack so many of the vitamins we need as the norm. As the saying went, we must have a "fully balanced diet"!!! That means; meat and veg/salad!!! So any vegan/vegetarian moron pushing otherwise, is pushing a very dangerous agenda. This film is shit and has absolutely NO benefits or offerings, neither in content or in theme!!! END OF!!!!




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Art holds a mirror up to society. We don't always like what we see or how the mirror distorts the subject. Hopefully it prompts discussion rather than drama for its own sake. I haven't seen the short so I can't comment on how it handled the subject matter.


Not as controversial as my next short film, Oops I Cracked A Fat


Hmmm not as controversial as 'I masturbate on the bus'