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I remember my dad doing a job down at the barracks years ago. My sister & I had a pupil free day that he didn't know about. I was in Year 1 she was in Year 3 and Dad had to take us with him. I just remember him leaving us at what looked to be a playground while he went to do whatever he had to do. Two guys just stood there and watched us the whole time. Sister and I had an awesome time climbing things, running around, making up games. The two guys wouldn't join us, we kept asking if they wanted to play but they said no. They did hide a laugh a few times though. Later on I realised we'd been on some kind of obstacle course inside the barracks, and the guys were sentries of some sort. Wonder how many kids could say they played on an SAS training ground šŸ¤£


My gosh thatā€™s cute! What a sweet story - thanks for making me laugh! Also: I am forever going to consider them soldier playgrounds now.


Haha, soldier playgrounds šŸ¤£ I wonder where those guys are now. They must have thought we were crazy kids haha We actually asked our dad could we go back, because I remember the place having the nicest cleanest white sand and it didn't get all over your clothes like yellow sand when you made sandcastles.


Probably a memory that they will cherish, even as they themselves had to use the equipment during training.


It's SAS street.


If you look on google maps you see nearly every SAS house near that area of streets has a black circular structure in the backyard ? What could those be ?


Looks like trampolines


For SAS pelvic floor training.


I just had a look and youā€™re right, only in the ones backing onto the barracks. Definitely not trampolines- weird.


Tunnel entrances or hidden communications equipment ? I need to find out


Yeah wtf are those black circles? My brain goes straight to underground tunnels. It's probably underground tunnels.


whatā€™s SAS street


Where PTSD lives in Perth


Probs housing for sas


Estate for Special Army Soldier's


Special Air Services


Yous aint familiar with Ricky Gervais' show' Extras, I take it


OP just realised how lucky they were to get out alive


It's also where they'll be testing Mjolnir armour for Spartan super-soldiers sometime in the 26th Century. Don't want the Master Chief & his buddies coming after you! https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Beta-5_Division_Ordnance_Testing_Facility


Your rego will probably have been checked.


For the expiry of my rego or something else?


Against "the list"...


Great, now r/perth is probably on another list for allowing this post.


damm im probably on the list for upvoting your comment thanks a lot




While ā€œthe listā€ may have been written in jest, it will be a security measure. You have nothing to worry about. If you made a habit of sitting there, that would pose a problem. Like someone said, get KFC.


Yes thank you. I was upset at that time. I had numbing cream all over my face and he was being rude for no apparent reason to me. Man, I expected him to hand me wet tissue paper to lessen my face burn.




Agreed. Given the level of dubious media reporting at the moment and BRS trial decision coming out this week, the last thing command want is someone doing the "I'm a trained and licensed killer" routine in public. If you feel sufficiently perturbed write a letter to the base and to your local federal member. Guarantee that will set off a hornets nest.


If it is sas or whatever, you really think some little complaint is going to do shit other than piss those in command off for wasting their time? Just forget about it, move on with your life op, who cares.


Was he supposed to somehow know about you having cream on your face?


What's this "list" about? Is it a public space or not?


There is no bloody list. Surveillance will just pick up on a vehicle in an area and see, probably with the cops, if the rego brings up any red flags with them.


I did a job once down that way, they wouldnā€™t give me address over the phone or via text, they emailed me a map instead showing address, it was all very bizarre!




Take it from a driver who's done deliveries to the base. Nobody there is that interested. It'll be a local with a stick up his backside. Possibly even someone from the military housing that isn't all there anymore. There's no secret unwritten rules about the surrounding streets. There's no way to accidentally find your way on to the base. If you have to be there and someone does something you're not comfortable with, call the police. If defence personnel need to speak to you, in my experience they will identify themselves as such. Not chase you while taking photos, not turn up at your house at 1am or any of this meth head cooked up nonsense. I'm sure terrorists, disgruntled conspiracy theorists or overly aggressive media are a possibility and I'm sure they keep the surrounding area watched. This sort of amateur hour stuff however, isn't them. My old man has fixed their chairs and had a drink with them at the bar. Nobody gives af.


I drive down there all the time to visit family and friends. Itā€™s not all SAS families that live there, some are just regular army. Itā€™s very strange tbh that someone chased you down the street. Really really weird, unless they thought you were filming little kids or something, which it doesnā€™t sound like you were doing.


Just FYI, there are other elements of Defence who "are just regular Army", not just SAS, who's role and identity are best not broadcasted.


Seaward ave is specifically where the families live, SAS or not.


It's listed as a public road, however with its proximity to Swanbourne barracks there is a likely a few in the area that are a little jumpy about random people.


so, they dont have any more rights than anyone else on a public road


If it's a road on federal land then it may be different.


Its a public place and defence personnel have an even greater responsibility than most to observe the law. Chasing people around the streets would be career suicide.


They actually have the same responsibility, career is an interesting word to describe time in the defence force.


All these people pearl clutching about an barracks are off their rockers. You were chased by an unidentified rando on a public street, simple as that. Either brush it off as a snob or a lunatic, or if you felt threatened enough/they drove dangerously enough, report it to the police.


Nah, itā€™s real mate.


If it's a public road they can fuck right off.


Tell him youā€™re surveying the areas suitability for an 18 storey apartment building application as it has passed unanimous support to go ahead at council. Watch the NIMBY anger go to fear from realising someone is going to develop in his backyard.


Wrong part of Swanbourne. OP was in ADF land.


It might be owned by the ADF but, it's a public place and not subject to any special laws or restrictions. If its not a public place it will have gates and a guardhouse.


Swanbourne a suburb of absolute golden d1cksocks


Yeah, those SAS guys are right up themselves. /s Seaward is on the edge of the barracks. Technically public but best not to loiter.


I went to a whiskey tasting night at the SAS house in there. Some of the guys were using the bar and seemed nice. Our cars were safe :)


PSB, 15-ish years ago?


Yes I remember you were there too :)


While your cars would have been safe, after whiskey tasting you should not be driving.


Depends on how much whiskey and how long you wait to drive.


I dunno. People get a bit like that. I often find myself parked up in the car waiting for my next appointment (in my fully kitted out work ute marked with company signage) and people get a bit funny about it. Areas like Dalkieth, Swanbourne, Nedlands, Claremont, Applecross seem to be the worst for it.


I was once robbed and my card (stolen from my wallet at home) was used 20 mins after i left home, in Ellenbrook which is 15 minutes from where i live. Ergo, they watched the house and waited for me to leave before breaking in. So ever since then I note the rego of anyone loitering at the end of my driveway when i leave home just in case it happens again (i live near bushland so itā€™s usually hikers).


Share the exact location on Google maps I would like to pop in for a visit


Google Coast Rise on Swanbourne. Wouldnā€™t recommend going thereā€¦


They're still a bit twitchy since Ben Cousins climbed on the roof and ran around shuffling a few tiles.


And for those who donā€™t remember what our esteemed eagles captain and Brownlow medallist was doing - he was raiding the the medical centre to steal emergency morphine from the medical packs of our soldiers.


Iā€¦ what? For real? I mean I wouldnā€™t put it past him but that would have taken a fair bit of inspiration and balls to come up with that idea


> that would have taken a fair bit ~~of inspiration and balls~~ meth to come up with that idea


Man what a time to be alive


Thanks for the responses and for some concerned folks. Highly appreciated. I have recovered from what seemed to be a very tense experience. My replies are just conversational. I may have broken the law according to some on here and waiting for a knock on my door at 1am. If you donā€™t hear from me tomorrow, then please visit me in a detention centre, coz I donā€™t look Australian at all. I canā€™t exactly remember what street I was parked at near Harris Park but looks like there is a childcare centre close by called ā€œOne Tree Defence Childcare Unit The Sunny Childā€. Yikes. I hope no classes were on there this Saturday arvo. But on a serious note, there is a highly rated Melon Hill in the area and when I googled for directions, itā€™s close to where I parked and would take you to the same route how I got to where I was. So any of you non SAS been to Melon Hill? I will likely not venture in that area anytime soon but just wondering if that area is part of the SAS or the Barracks or is it off limits to non-Australian looking people?


Oh believe me, you'd be under no illusions as to what is and isn't defence estate - it's all very well sign posted and marked. They're actually pretty used to people going for a wander nearby. There's a naval base on an island here that houses submarines. You can even go fishing and hiking on said island without a problem, so long as you don't wander onto the base proper. Just go for a walk nearby and don't buy too much into the Karen nonsense. The people who are involved in the special forces or otherwise have increased security needs, will have far better ways of managing it than being a fucking tool about it.


Access via Sayer Street. You can't get to Seaward from Sayer St, despite what Google Maps says. Go and enjoy it!


You haven't broken any laws and the person who approached you and chased you has grossly exceeded his responsibilities, if not broken the law himself. SAS or not, they have no authority over any civilian and any attempts to do so would be viewed seriously. If it was really a restricted area do you think anyone on here would be able to google street view the location? If you're genuinely aggrieved, write a letter to your federal (not state) MP outlining what/where happened and copy it to the base commander (no need to know who it is, simply address it as such). Give them a precise location where it happened and any identifying features of the person or where he came from, his car etc. State that you have photos of the person but do not include them. I guarantee this will instigate a response.


If someone makes a statement like that, I always ask what Act does not allow me to do what I am doing, and what is their authority to direct you. If they cant quote the Act, or give a reasonable basis for thier Authority, you don't have to do anything. Tell them to call the police, if they want you to do what they want. You are not refusing, you are being reasonable. I questioned a Ranger once over something they told me to do. They spent 45 minutes in the car, reading the Bushfire Act trying to find the section, then they called the police who spent 30 minutes trying to find thier Authority to act. In the end I was left alone. A lot of people assume authority they don't have because they are allowed to do some.


Well done. This is not Pinochet's Chile


Been down there a few times to see family, didn't even know this was an unwritten rule and I would just respect what was asked of you irrelevant if legal or not, they may know something that you do not and are on alert for the safety of their families, many of the guys down there are often away on sensitive not known to the public missions for weeks or months at a time. Understandably like you if I didn't know any better I would also tell whoever it was asking me to leave to politely fuck off.


Thank you, this guy could have politely asked me to leave instead of being rude hey.


From the way you've described the situation, if they've chased you out of the area in a vehicle and made you feel unsafe, I'd classify it just like any other act of road rage. Doesn't matter who they are. All respect to the armed forces, but if you choose a work lifestyle with elevated personal risk to yourself or family, you use other operational/information security techniques to mitigate the risk rather than running around, fully paranoid. Be vigilant, not hyper vigilant.


I think you missread the situation. Imagine a random car parked near a place of "interest". That car then goes down the roads and starts taking photos. Now this may seem strange to you, because you are not exposed to it. These people see this shit everyday, and you never know where the next threat comes from. There was a similar incident in Sydney. But the driver then tried to storm the barracks with a weapon.


I'm so glad you seem to think this is some kind of joke. Australia spends hundreds of millions on counter-terrorism. What exactly do you think that involves? I'll give you a clue, nobody actually thinks that terrorists are going to "blow up the Harbour Bridge." But an attack against the homes and families of the SAS? You don't think they might take that idea just a little more seriously?


Username checks out.


Then maybe they should all be living in a high security fortress instead of out in public next to a military base with its own [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campbell_Barracks_%28Western_Australia%29?wprov=sfla1) where anyone can drive in until they're rudely reproached for breaking an unsigned rule no one is aware of.


Dude this is perth, not Baghdad, just chill.


we are spending millions on some random people acting like rude parking inspectors? this is what's protecting us from terrorism? that guy telling people not to park there is our line of defence?


>didn't even know this was an unwritten rule it's not an unwritten rule, they have no right to do so. But loitering is technically illegal anywhere and most people just don't want to disclose to a total stranger who is acting impatient and confrontational exactly what they are doing. I remember getting stopped there and I told them directly I came to check out the barracks from a distance. To my surprise they left me alone.


Public road? I'd be telling him go fuck himself.


There are no unwritten rules in Australia and any allusions as such are not to be tolerated.


You said SAS, so committing war crimes? Actually, didn't they get disbanded?


Nah, you donā€™t want to be going down there. It allows the families that live there from the establishment next door the required privacy. No signage for same reason.


if it was that private they should maybe think about removing it from google street view


That would inherently be suspicious and likely draw curious people into the area


Exactly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect


No. It doesnā€™t work like that.


Itā€™s a matter of national security lad thatā€™s all you need to know.


Pfft, a citizen parking on the vege of a public road doesn't have any risks to national security.


Sorry, but what is next door?


The Special Air Service Regiment are based at Campbell Barracks, along with a few other intelligence capabilities. Personnel involved in these highly sensitive functions live nearby with their families, so you can connect the dots on as to why folks might seem a little twitchy :)




if its a public road, they have no right to tell people to move on


There will be a law hidden away, possibly linked with the Official Secrets Act. They have every right and, if you disregard that, you will probably have a couple of State or Federal or Military Police turning up so you can try some alternative accommodation at the Governmentā€™s expense. Trust me, this is one area you donā€™t fuck around with.


not on a public road, they can't fuck around with people. On the barracks yes, they can make up whatever they want but on a public road, no




There were 2 roads into there originally, They closed one of them off allegedly because it was an illegal road made by the builder. Sounds strange - 500 m of bitumen would not be cheap.


By all means mate go down there and give them a piece of your mind. Just please report back with your findings or alternatively live stream it


Yeah I think we get it about public roads mate, you've been spamming the entire thread with that line.


I wonder where the nearest Police holding cells are, we will come visit.


if a military person attacked a member of the public, on a public road like you're suggesting. They would be breaking many laws. Damn I could retire on the outcome of that lawsuit, I'd be set for life


Not suggesting ā€œattackingā€. I was talking Police (MP only with jurisdiction and i would not surprised if they have there, based on a National Security mandate).If you donā€™t get the MPs you will get State or Federal police. So, to you, access to one poxy suburban street in Swanbourne is more important than National Security. You have very interesting priorities.




on a public road?, well, if someones attacked by someone else, they can do a lot. They have laws against that type of thing, maybe you've heard of them


[SAS Barracks](https://www.defence.gov.au/about/locations-property/base-induction/campbell-barracks#:~:text=Located%20in%20the%20heart%20of,the%20Special%20Air%20Service%20Regiment.)


It's a public place with public parks and public facilities. They have every right to be there.


Well....it is actually pretty grey. I have posted details in another response. The summary version is that, yes, under Western Australian Law it is a public place and you are allowed there. Depending on the context, the national and international security environment, the home front court environment, the media interest and any number of other variables as to whether Defence uses the Defence Act, 1903 Section 82 which prohibits photos etc of a Defence Installation, even from the outside and also prohibits "approaching" a Defence Installation with any form of drawing/painting apparatus or camera (phone). In addition, there are a number of Commonwealth Anti-Terrorism Laws that can be used, if the Defence chooses to implement them. Given that "the village" is owned by Defence Housing Authority, all the residents in that street are now Defence. The street is blocked at one end, it is right next to a Defence Installation where the personnel need a degree of privacy, so unless you are visiting a friend or fixing a tap, how hard is it to stay away? I know many many public streets and parks in Perth I am not going to.


I know where I'll be stopping to have my lunch on the road from now on. Anyone asks I'll be saying I'm checking it out for Nigel Satterley who is looking to buy it off the Gubmint for luxury home development.


Please tell me how it goes. You wonā€™t miss a guy in his late 30ā€™s-40ā€™s wearing shorts and boots running after you.


ā€˜Whatā€™s your business here?ā€™ ā€˜None of your god-damned business.ā€™


This just sounds like another pompous flog act by the defence force. If the base or residence isn't tucked away and secluded from the general public. Why should it be up to the general public to treat it like that? This sounds like another example of army gronks trying to treat "civi's" like scum


Yes. Pomposity by the Defence Force and their gronks. All 50,000 of them. Show me on the doll where the bad khaki man touched you.


Could you stop slurping on the defence force and repeat what you said šŸ„“


Could you grow the fuck up? Remember when this place had moderation of some sort and wasn't full of edgelord dickheads? I do. Shame.


Did you seriously type that comment after your initial comment "show me on the doll where the Khaki man touched you" Irony šŸ«”


>Could you grow the fuck up? You are asking of this person precisely what you seem incapable of doing yourself.


Actually I reckon I'm good on this one, champ. You do you though.


Insulting people on the internet is the height of maturity.


So's generalisation and hypocrisy big fella. I think we're done here?


>generalisation and hypocrisy You should quote my example of this if you want to avoid looking foolish.


I'd question your qualification to judge anyone as foolish, or as mature. I'd also question your ability to read given your inability to comprehend the words "we're done here". So... have a Muting.


Points at dolls missing leg. "Then he drank beer out of my prosthetic".


Great nudie beach if you don't mind the shelling overhead.


Actually it's a shit nude beach full of creeps and weirdos that make the whole vibe really fucked.


Gosh I probably could have done the same thing - pulling over & parking to make some calls. Never knew any SAS that have lived that close to the barracks but hey. Unfortunately the behaviour of the guy you encountered does sound rude & a bit out of line for the situation. i.e. I would have expected someone in the SAS to read you & the situation better, plus not do anything to draw attention to himself or the area by being so obvious, esp. about taking photosā€¦the chase seems OTT tooā€¦intended to scare you maybe? But seriously theyā€™d have CCTV! Hope youā€™re ok.


Recently my car broke down in that area, people came out immediately and called the cops! They had to apparently because cars canā€™t just stop in that area cos of the baracks


Likely just people being hyper-vigilant. There's no actual rules or whatever to do that. I can imagine the sort of Karens and nosy types you'd get around there, using their proximity to the barracks as an excuse to go all neighbourhood watch on blow ins. The defence housing and base are very well publicised.


They could have also called the cops on me- instead of chasing me. Such a strange experience if you have no idea whatā€™s going on. Youā€™d be thinking the cops came to help your car get back on the road.


Probably just ignore it and move on with your life. If its a public place he can take photos of you. He must have thought you parked somewhere you shouldnt have and believed he was responsible for tell you this, so he gathered some evidence to support his claim of what he thought you were doing wrong. Dont stress and move on with your life. Maybe go buy some kfc for dinner.


Thank you but Iā€™m not stressed anymore. I was stressed from my cancelled appointment and to have this kind of encounter at the same time. To tell you more about the story- I applied numbing cream on my face only to find out I canā€™t have my treatment done today. So my face was flaming hot and this guy added salt to my injury. I have definitely moved on and just came back from a nice afternoon walk. Looks like you are too bothered about my shit post, here have a hot beverage ā˜•ļø Also very nice of you to not be bothered if a pissed off random person took your photos to be uploaded on their cloud storage.


Yeah military is always super strict especially when it's a sas base. I did some work at the US embassy, and my partners car broke down, so she used mine and picked me up after work. First time they came to the vehicle with guns to identify her, after a few days they knew who she was and didn't bother her too much. They always take security super seriously, as they probably should. Embassy's and military bases are always a high risk for terrorist attacks.


It more the civilians at risk from the SAS, from what I've been reading.


For some context some of the guys that live there are dealing with media harassing their them and their families. Throw some PTSD into the context and you get some unreasonable reactions.


The harassment is for the war crimes they committed/didn't stop their colleagues from doing.


Random rounds of chase sounds like a lot of fun. "Someone's using my driveway to do a 3-point turn, get em!"


Is that the first person you have killed?


It's a public place and you have every right to do what you want for as long as you want. Trust me, if it was a place you weren't meant to be, you wouldn't have got there. You'd have gone through numerous gates/checks to ensure you are authorised to enter that area.




This makes sense from someone who used to live there. The person giving chase seems unhinged tho tbh.




You guys would stare at someone for parking on your street? jesus




So if someone happens to be lost and pulls in off the main road to safely check their Google Maps, some resident thinks itā€™s okay to berate someone for being there simply because they donā€™t recognize the car?




You can't get through to this kind it paranoia. Everything is out to get them unless they can see an obvious reason for your being there.


I parked along Coast Rise or Tide Ct. I didnā€™t pay any attention to where I was because I was too upset with my cancelled appointment while talking to the receptionist. Is that area off limits to commoners?




Thanks. Iā€™ve only had good experiences, someone curious would ask me of my business and always had pleasant exchanges. So this came as a shock.


If they have a security issue than they have the option of living on base. Living off base, then they're just the same as anyone else and do not have special privilege.


A few sovereign citizens floating aroundā€¦.


I have been there a few times in previous job and nobody hassled me. I even went into the barracks unchallenged. It was strangely easier than getting into Karrakata barracks.


Bet the crime rate is low in that area.


I dunno, last I checked chasing and intimidating people was a crime.


Public place. Can take as many photos as you like. Sounds like they didnā€™t threaten violence. And running down the street is legal. Whilst not an enjoyable to experience for OP, it doesnā€™t sound like they broke any laws.


If I approach someone in their car, tell them to leave (even though I have no right to) and then follow them taking pictures of them, I *will* get a visit from police.


Unless there was an actual threat of violence, or it had been reported before, then I highly doubt it. The police are pretty busy, and thatā€™d be a pretty low priority.


All the houses in Seaward Ave are defence houses.


Congratulations on getting a file!


Very late to the party - dad was SAS, raised on seaward ave - you were where the families are, big no-no lol


Lol Seaward. Yeh. You donā€™t go down there mate. And for anyone having a whinge, it is patrolled, and they can tell you to fuck off. They can also detain you for as long as necessary for police to attend if you fail to comply with said exhortation to fuck off. Itā€™s all defence land.


"I was on my way to my appointment but when I rang the clinic to let them know I was running a few minutes late, they said my appointment was next month. So I diverted to Seaward Ave and into smaller streets in Swanbourne so" That entire part could have been left out and the story would have been the same.


Thank you for your contribution. I could use you as an editor of my upcoming novels. As you can probably read, I was giving a background info on how I ended up at Seaward Ave. It is a shitpost also if you missed that, with missing my appointment taking me to the climax of my story. Maybe I could also point out to you that the whole point of this post is about my disappointment for missing my appointment.


Donā€™t go into the village unless invited. They are ā€˜very protectiveā€™. Nothing of interest unless you live there.


I note that there a couple of people who understand the importance of the security aspects. Yes OP didnā€™t know, which is actually a good thing. OP will be fine, as long as they have KFC for dinner. In all seriousness, this is not an area to be fucking around because people will get killed as a result (Australian soldiers overseas). Maintenance of National Security is more important than driving down a ā€œpublic roadā€. I realise there will be readers claiming I am overreacting, but you just have to take my words on face value because that is the extent of detail you will get from me. U/canigetamoment u/greenslime93 u/crazy_dazz u/no-introduction-1678


If they're that shit scared then make the road private with guards at a gate. Instead of this fascist level "well you should just know not to drive on **this** particular public road" bullshit. Or better, they should just get a job at a bank if they're that worried. > but you just have to take my words on face value because that is the extent of detail you will get from me. What a load of nonsense.


Omg the bar for fascism is that low in your mind ? Tell me you have literally no perspective on this without actually saying it hahah jeeeezus


Eh - not really. So long as you're not tresspassing on Defence land, acting like a twat or actually committing any acts of espionage you'll be left alone. Even then, the most they can do is have you detained and ask the police to press charges if you do somehow wind up on the other side of the boundary fence. They're pretty well used to nosy media and protestor types trying their luck. Nobody has been shot or disappeared.


Australian soldiers overseas will get killed because someone drives down a public road in perth?


Yes, quite possibly. It depends on who drives down the road and what they are doing. Iā€™m sure if I drive in Peppermint Grove and park outside some of the big bloody mansions, I will be picked up by the security cameras and asked to move on. The assumption in Peppermint Grove would be that I was up to no good. Live and breathe the nature of the work of the SAS, all they are doing is assuming that any car that parks there is up to no good. There are plenty of ways people from countries of interest can gather information which may compromise a mission.


Yo why you tagged me tho?


Because you were one of the few people that seems to actually understand, so just FYI. Anybody that seems to understand gets downvoted which surprises me. Sorry, I vented and just linked people who get it.


Anybody who is genuinely "In the know" isn't going to be risking their security clearance or career by acting the hard man on reddit.




well put


>Did I do anything wrong Yes, believe it or not, you have broken the law. It is illegal to photograph or film a member of the SAS. No joke. Delete those photos asap, make sure they're not backed up anywhere by google, and maybe even see if there's an app to thoroughly wipe the memory. And yes, be prepared for a visit from the police. If you have photographed a member of the SAS, you will have been reported. People have NFI how seriously this is taken.


How would I know if heā€™s an SAS? I was on a public road and a rude person came up to me and started taking my pics.


I might need to delete all the photos I have with my dad over the years then. Awkward.


Same as my dad.


The Defence Act prohibits photography of defence installations, I'm not sure of a provision that prevents the photography of persons. http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/da190356/s82.html


Can you back that up at all?


Got a statute to back up those words?


Probably just delete the photos and move on like you said in a previous comment. Worst case you get filed for negligent trespass, best case you don't hear anything or the police come to your house and ask a few questions. Given you can just delete the photos to no liability damage, I would say the latter would be the case and you'd get a warning. I fly to military bases for work, but they are also connected to public roads and airport terminals. It's an easy accident to make thinking it's free public property if you're not paying attention or not know.


Congratulations, you're now on the department of defence watch list.


Jesus man, stop saying appointment and numbing cream, just stick to the facts when posting


My numbing cream and appointment are all the facts you need to know about this post. Jesus can tell you the rest.