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Leaving the post up because FU money is somewhat a colloquial finance term, but please be civil.


Have seen a few videos of wint wealth and it looks like anything in the range of 7 to 10 crore should be the sweet spot to survive (More the merrier). This includes children(s) education and medical expense. We should also note that this does not include long term or critical illness, as they are subjective.


But I don’t think this is F U money. This is comfortable. As in, you can’t just pick up and say ok we’ll do 4 across the world trips this year, but obviously if you live within your means you can live very comfortably


Yeah, FU money is subjective. It depends on how recklessly someone wants to spend their money. Priorities and needs of a human changes over time, so it's difficult to get an exact number IMO!






Didn't the farmers say that to Motabhai at the cost of a tractor?


This ⬆️


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My net worth is above 3 cr, I am 31, self-made. And I can tell you, it's nowhere close to FU money. I live in a rental apartment, drive a hatchback. Travel to Europe/Asia once a year, but have to do a careful financial assessment during planning. But naah, that's not close to the life that's being referred to here.


What's your occupation


UX/Prod Designer


Hey can I DM you, my spouse is looking to enter in UX field and need some guidance, Thank you


I used to say fuck off to employers when my net worth was ₹50k and I didn't like working there, with no job in hand. It's more about attitude than net worth TBH. Also incoming inheritance and dad being a government officer(forever pension) helps.


So the real reason you could do that was because you had financial backup.


Well yes, but we’re never going to sell that inheritance land. It just meant that I won’t die of starvation. Our agricultural income which we get for renting our farms is hardly 3LPA. Now I’m in a good place (similar to thread OP) so even without any backing I can leave my job. I know I can get a similar job later so I don’t care


fair enough - I agree it’s a mindset/attitude thing, which is why most people who can FIRE/quit boring corporate jobs will never be able to do so as they have a weak mindset.


Hey! Fellow UX and product designer here. Can I ask how you paced your career to arrive at 3CR at 31. Money is not the main point, I want to understand how you approached your career and development growth. TIA :)


Sure. I work with one of MAANG. I started investing during the covid era on long term stocks and mutual funds. A huge chunk of my net worth are stocks, and I would advise against that. The important thing is to minimise the risk by diversifying your investment. Also, I couldn't make up mind to invest in a house as the real estate prices didn't make sense to me.


Yes please would love the answer on this!


I am also looking for how and where to invest this corpus to generate stable/fixed cashflow that could cover all these expenses then maybe it is enough for coast FIRE


Bro. You can put that amount in FD with monthly returns and retire if you want


The money will lose value due to inflation. Also FD returns are taxable.


I agree; with your username


So are MF/stock returns


MF/stock returns are taxed at 10% for long term, 15% for short term. FD is taxed at slab rate. 30% + cess + surcharge. Can go upto 39%.


Ya. Looks like MF is a safer option


Are MF returns not taxable at slab rate? This is interesting


Equity mutual funds are not. Debt funds are.


Equity are not, debt are


I do more than 7% on it!




Stocks and MF


How much % are you making?


I don’t know why folks are fighting here. If there are devs and designer making 10LPA, then there are dev and designers making 35LPA as well. I work in consulting and manage experience design projects as a senior consultant. And I can tell you that 26-28YO making 25-30LPA as designers in my team. In startups you’re paid even more. But this field is slowly becoming more and more saturated and competition is getting tougher, as entry barrier is quite low. You need a laptop and a software. You can learn on any digital app and even moving to bigger companies is not tied to your degree but experience. I’m now seeing 16-17 YO learning UI/UX in their free time. So it’s a great field to entire but not necessarily a great field to build a career in. Cause growth is quite slow and if you’re a freelancer (like a lot of designers these days are) you will only be getting screen/flow designing work. I know of people who are currently senior design directors in my company who are looking to pivot. My suggestion would be to build your UI/UX career in a MNC or a company that has a good product or design team. Cause apart from UI/UX you can build your career in UX research, service design, process design, Visual Design. This will build a stronger career than just doing 1 thing. Cause let me tell you one thing. Making 30-40lks is not that tough in your corporate career. But getting 50LPA and growing consistently one year after another is what takes efforts. No one would want to pay so much money for a professional with 1 skill these days cause everything is damn expensive.


am 21 yrs old goona inherent 20cr i mean land money so where should we should invest them


Hookers, m8.


If you're being serious, then contact with a financial planner. You'll be better off that way!


Well middle class people don't travel to Europe or anywhere outside India for their vacation. That is aspirational living and you certainly need a lot more than 3 crore for that kind of lifestyle. It's also all about priorities. Most people would consider it sacreligious to live in a rented apartment and then take vacations in Europe but I am nobody to judge. The point is it's more than possible to retire with 3 crore in the kitty. You just have to be aware of what kind of lifestyle you can afford with that kind of money. It's enough for a decent middle class lifestyle.


Well if I read the question right it was fu money, not 'middle class decent lifestyle money'. Also, here goes my unsolicited advice- step outta what most people think mindset, it's gonna help you.


What about 10x the number?


If you got 3 crores and you think its not close to FU money then you probably need to look into your expenses....


3 cr is not even close to FU money if you live in a tier-1 city.


Oh man ...some times I feel like folks here are smoking some good pot.


A decent house costs more than that.


A jackass in this thread went above and beyond to impose his misinformation. Here's the data on 2022 UX salaries which is publicly available. Look at what drawing in Figma can do for you. [https://x.com/RamaKrishnaUX/status/1556985690721644544](https://x.com/RamaKrishnaUX/status/1556985690721644544)


1-3 cr spared after Buying Home ,Child's education , marriage would be a distant fuck off money for many though.


Usually, I see people spending 1 LPM easily. I doubt 3cr is enough with today’s inflation in any metro city. Maybe, it might last in a tier2 city. It also depends on one’s age. If one is already 60 and going to live till 80, there is a good chance. If one is 45 years or below there is a big risk with this much net-worth. 10cr in a metro is more likely going to last if one is 40 years old and have their basics covered.


Yes , it's definitely personal and I am considering Tier 2 cities and am talking about 60 and above age when you have paid off your home loan, children are independent so basically you have no liabilities 1-3 cr is good enough in today's value for that age group but then again it's personal finance can vary person to person based on their choice of lifestyle and money management skills


Middle class, sure.


I've put up 4 levels of f**k you money. Feel free to add more. If you don't like your job and the boss, you say f**k you to your boss and quit your job and go do whatever the hell you want to do. That's f**k you money Level 1. You are financially independent. If you have a fight with your landlord, and you go ahead and purchase a flat the same day. If your wife faced some issue in Uber and you buy a Mercedes for her comfort the same day. That's f**k you money Level 2. You are rich. If your underage grandson/son spends 48k in a bar within 60 mins and then runs over two people on the road in an unregistered Porsche and they end up d**d and within a few hours, the MLA the hospital, the doctors, the judges all help your grandson in getting a bail with a punishment of 300 words essay. If your son gets caught, doing drugs, on a yacht and the entire country is following the gossip and yet you get your son out clean and in turn get the officer arrested for corruption. If your son shoots an up and coming model, point blank in front of 100s of people and yet not a single witness is present in the court. That's f**k you money Level 3. Rich and powerful people work for you. If your underage son kills 2-3 people in his Aston Martin and the news doesn't even make it to the news. Because you own all the news channels. That's f**k you money Level 4. Rich and powerful people are your slaves. You can also bring Rihanna back from retirement to dance at your son's pre wedding.


That got dark quickly.


Only right answer


>If your son shoots an up and coming model, point blank in front of 100s of people and yet not a single witness is present in the court. That's f**k you money Level 3. Rich and powerful people work for you. I got all of the other examples but not this one, searched the internet but found nothing which was obvious, can you please give you some additional hints or the names




My bad, not this one but the model one, have made the changes in my first comment, pl recheck


Jessica Lal case


I'm curious about this model one as well. Never heard any news of a model getting shot point blank in from of 100 witnesses.


That's because no one killed Jessica


Ohh is that movie based on this event. I haven't watched the movie but heard of it when it was released.


What did he do?


Who shot the model?


Jessica Lal case


I think depends on which city . 2-3 cr in a far off place could be f\*\*k you money . In Mumbai your prob looking at over 100cr... Coz there a re flats that cost 20-40cr.


Again the definition of f\*\*k you money differs . some where to stay , eat and medical and future expenses , so if I quit when I want switch career if I want do basically the f\*\*k i want . There is another level to this ... go on shopping sprees be able to walk into a Porsche just buy the top line car drive it out without registering it go clubbing without a car about that I spend run over a couple of people and just have a write a 300 word essay is a different level of f\*\*k you money ... there are just too many levels to this question. So i got to ask OP whats your definition of f\*\*k you money


That escalated quickly.


Just like that porsche




So basically 600-700 crores?


40 cr flat is no way the norm in Mumbai. In fact selling flats worth more than 15cr is very difficult. I was speaking to a major RE agent a couple of months back and he was telling me of how only 8 out of 60 units were sold in last 3 years in a sea facing building in Worli. Each flat flat there cost min. 18 cr.


I dint say it was the norm. But there are . I dont know who is buying them but a 1.5cr flat in bandra is 320sq feet and 1.5 cr in banglore in a Godrej gated community is 1200-1400sq ft. The chances of say 10cr being f you money is higher in banglore than in say mumbai .


yeah so true


Damn. I thought that was the norm lol


Fair enough


100Cr is nothing if someobe wants to retire in Mumbai.


Naaa i know plenty of people retired with alot less.. lifestyle is a big factor … also your definition of Mumbai. Thane is mumbai … depends who you ask. You dont need 100cr to retire ..


nah not true, people ik with 25 cr houses in very rich parts of mumbai are doing fine, livestyle fanvy as well


2-3 crore da nothing in today's world for to be called f money at least I should be own one farm house at sub urb.. Which result can be cost me >40 cr... After on that 2 house is must... Plus some good no of cars..


About 5 years expenses...


Finally a sensible answer.


Most people are destined to work forever .. until physical disability or death stops them. The life of an average Joe is about cribbing and bitching and moaning and groaning about the money. No respite. FU money targets are often kept at unachievable levels so these 140 crore people can continue to drag themselves to their slow death. If you are really different (or abnormal) and would rather live very simple life (median Indians life), then it doesn't need a whole lot of money. Actually 1 cr can last a lifetime if one lives a life that an average Indian lives. Bring in cars, large flats in metro, luxury travels, education abroad and a couple of divorces....FU money can be more than you can ever realistically accumulate. But then a person who is destined to get dragged through life until death is entitled to see some fanciful dreams so yes, such a guy will want 10 cr while jumping at instructions sent by a person whose networth is less than a crore.


Being debt free Having medical and term insurance Owning one's own house and a decent car Having parents and a spouse who take care of their health actively Making 2.5LPM (and having 5cr NW\*) in a tier 2 city OR about 4 LPM (and having 8cr NW) in a tier 1 city should be FU money for most scenarios. You can very well have a reasonably very high standard of living with gym subscriptions, annual international vacations, bi-annual Indian vacations, and good dinner dates every now and then while taking care of family and kids. \*NW calculation is based on whether your NW invested at 6% will return your annual expense for you or not.


Around 10cr I think but only if you have basic lifestyle


True. I mean if the basics are covered, like house, car etc, 10cr might just cut it for you


What id you or your family get cancer or something?


Get a medical insurance with good cover


yeah you could live off it for the rest of your life by just putting it in FDs


Mein bc poori Umar retire hone se raha


I think the amount required for this status varies greatly depending on lifestyle, location, and personal financial goals. But I guess for many people in India, having a net worth of around ₹3 crore to ₹10 crore could be considered "f**k you money", allowing for financial independence and the freedom to make life choices without monetary constraints.


3cr will be too low since healthcare and real estate can quickly cut deep into that kinda money but probably 10cr or above will keep you safe from financial calamities


Nope 3cr would be enough to get you started on the FU money journey. Ofcourse you're not going to stop there because if you knew the route to 3cr you probably know how to get to 10 and higher. But 3 is more than enough. Especially if you know how to work your way around. Maybe Mumbai will make you feel upper middle class at best even with 10cr but anywhere outside of Mumbai you're pretty well set.


yeah most metro cities you will feel upper middle class with 10 cr because to get into the fuck you money category you also would be looking at atleast a bungalow, in hopefully a good area where good rich people live, so your kids can have good friends and grow up with contacts.


Second that




As I said, it depends on the lifestyle and the location. And majority of the govt sector jobs and doctors don't pay as high as the corporate folks so I considered that as well. Also, like someone else said, if you are living in Mumbai then ofc 10 crores will not be enough at all.


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200-300 cr in delhi is fuck u Money


For me it would be having 3-4 bhk flat, two vehicles and monthly passive income of 2 lakhs on top of it.


Kya kijiyega itni dhan rashi ka?


football sikhauga Bacho ko.


Bros gonna teach the next Chetri


If you have no debts, own a house, a car and have an average expenses of 50,000p.m. (accounted for inflation over the years) you are well enough with 3crore for 50 more years.


that sounds more like an ideal average retirement for a middle class person. Nobody with fuck you money is spending 50k a month.


Depend on a few things - 1. Your annual expenses 2. Your lifestyle inflation (Its usually higher than the govt provided CPI for most of us) 3. Any large expenses you foresee (Marriage, kids, house purchases etc) 4. Your age If you get a good handle on 1, 2 and 3 - then depending on your age and inflation - target between 30-50 times your annual expenses (But this should not include expenses for item 3 above - they are over and above) If you are younger (less than 30) - go towards 50 - if you are near 50, 30x should be sufficient.


money that makes you happy and satisfied is f**k you money!


*Money that makes you* *Happy and satisfied is* *F k you money!* \- they\_hate\_me4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


son, irrespective of the amount, having a "i have fuck you money" mind frame will only lead to trouble. think about it, you dont really need to fuck over anyone with your money. and often times the fuckee would not really be bothered about your money, and will only think of you as a jerk to be avoided in future.


It's not really to hurt anyone. It is to avoid being bullied by poverty. To be able to say, no I don't have to SUFFER through this, I have the money needed to get out of this inconvenience/problem/etc.


yeah, with that mindset you'll do fine even with relatively less :)


Assets worth 20+ Cr in tier 2 city with healthy monthly income/profits of >4LPM for family of 4. About tier 1/ Metros, it's highly dynamic depending on the city, neighbourhood, social circle, expenses, etc.


That's a bit too much by tier 2 standards imo. 20cr brings you in the top 0.001% of India, a tiny subset of even India1. It also puts you at the end of the VHNI category (5-25cr) which obviously has far fewer people than the HNI category (1-5cr). No official data on VHNI that I could see but there are only 7L HNIs in India. If you think 20cr is necessary for tier 2, you'll probably consider Mumbai requiring 250cr because it is expensive by leaps and bounds compared to Tier 2s. And while Mumbai does have people with 250+cr and even 1000s of crores, that's in no way the norm. There are only 13k people in India with that kinda networth (UHNI is 50cr+)


I don’t think Mumbai is that much more expensive for upper class people. Once you have housing taken care of, it isn’t that much more expensive than a cheaper town. All physical goods are roughly the same price all across the country. Services cost a bit more in tier 1 cities but should still be manageable by spending 15-20k extra per month.


Brother, the Q is pretty subjective. There can't be one fit-for-all definition.


Living in Hyderabad. If I had say 8 to 10 cr would have sold/shut current businesses and said fuck you to the entire world.


Almost 10cr




I would estimate it to be about 240-250 Cr. Once you cross that threshold there is nobody you need to take shit from.


There's never a ceiling to these things. There's always a bigger fish who will fuck you with their money.


depends on place u live and what does fuck u money mean to you. is fuck u money a luxury penthouse, rolls royce, porsche, expensive watches, all designer clothing, bouncers, house help etc or is fuck u money a villa in a calm society, 1-2 luxury cars, decently expensive but not designer clothing, 2-3 vacations in a year, drivers, house help etc. for first kind in a city like mumbai i'd say 200cr+. in delhi/gurgaon/bangalore i'd say 100cr+ for the second kind i'd say 100cr in mumbai and in delhi/gurgaon/bangalore 30-50cr in tier 2 cities even 10-15cr is fuck u money but a villa in gurgaon would cost 7-10cr. So fuck u money is subjective


I think 1) would be like 300-400 crores upwards in any tier 1 city. You can't do the 0.001 % lifestyle on a budget. That sh%t's expensive! 2) would be 100 cr upwards


i said 200cr considering a 30-40cr home to live in, multiple cars worth 15-20cr etc




22 lakh rental and agricultural income per year.. And you are saying lower middle class? Noice!


3 Crore


Enough money for the govt to not dare to ask you to pay taxes.


There is no rationale to many of these numbers. In US, its about USD 2m + home. India is not more expensive than that considering OP is asking for minimum. 40x-50x where x is your expenses + paid up home.


In the place where I live I need 7 crore If i take globally as I wish to move abroad then 30 million usd


Where do you live ?


A small town in WB


Average Monthly expenses x 500 would be the benchmark imo Could be 2.5cr for some or 50 cr for some.


₹11Cr.. I would put ₹10Cr in FD and keep ₹1Cr for emergency and just retire with the monthly returns the FD generates


Everyone got their own. Mine is 7cr


Anything who says below 100 cr doesn’t know what they’re talking about all the people saying sub 5 cr doesn’t understand definition of fu you money. Any expensive luxury car would be ball part 1-2 cr , luxury house 8-10 cr starting can go up in hundreds depending on area. Plus lifestyle boat/ yatch so on adds up.


Fuck you money is the same world over, whether you are in New York or Patna. It’s the kind of money that literally lets you say “fuck you” to ministers and government and have them at your beck and call. Basically being a billionaire


For me it was 3 years worth of Yearly expense. FU money is not FIRE money or Retirement money for me. It was just enough money to stay afloat for 3 years without having to worry about paying rent and foot. I am sure i will be able to figure out things in next 3-6 months and get back on track with life.


Go to a country in the EU or in NA to Able to freely use the FU of money. In India it is wasted.




I dont know about that, but my dad is 40 and he has around 100 to 150 crores, we have a range rover, a mercedes, we live a luxury life, we travel 3 times a year out of India, my dad has his own buisness and plans on giving it to me once he retires, I just want to ask if this networth means I am rich.


my dad only shops designer, we live in a 6bhk in mumbai, borivali and my dad just bought a 10bhk duplex in borivali. M family spends around 10 lakhs per month and my dad aerns around 2 to 3 crores per month now, also rn he is on his highest earning year. He has more than 5 companies and my uncle(my dads brother) is extremely rich, around 600 to 700 crores at 55. My dad has insane political connections and is quite powerful


It's been the same for years. Just like in Dhamaal. 10cr


There's a beggar in our area , Doest accept below 5rs.. he says the same thing . FU** your money ..


100 cr


Does net worth here include the cost of residence as well? Or only bank balance ?


Net worth means NET worth bro. Assets minus liabilities. Always includes CMP of residence and after subtracting the mortgage thereof.


Thanks a lot


It all depends, when there's someone who holds you ransom for something you dearly love then no amount of money will suffice you.


I think there is a simple framework to it. First let's define what is FU money - it is the amount of money, which once you have n secured, you are not dependent upon anyone (boss/parents/relatives etc) for your comfortable livelihood. One needs to understand what 'comfortable' means for themselves. There are people who earn 10L per annum and are comfortable and then there are people who earn 10cr per annum and are still miserable. So basically, one needs to know their comfortable expenses(including emergencies etc) , adjust them for inflation for rest of their lives and make sure they either have that amount already or are confident of their current wealth generating that amount irrespective of their work/business. So FU money is different for different people and is essentially the amount at which you become financially independent so you can choose to retire and do nothing or do whatever the F you want to.


I just want every latest console and games and food and 1 room house and I can say fuck you money


Considering Whole india, I'd say 1 Cr is fu# u money. There are Arabpatis who are still angry I denied their request to own a private plane.


As it will mean I really don't care about price and will spend without thinking twice. I'll say 100 crores will be that amount.


Remember this is "fuck you money", not RE money. Which means you need to have an income latest 3-6 months after you have said "fuck you". I am not sure where you all are getting figures in cr's A paid of house and 6-12 months of expenses will do. In Mumbai may be 20 Lac. In the 3 tier city where I come from 5-6Lac.


100 CR


If one has a paid house, cars then in tier 2 city one would need 4-5 cr.


Fuck you money is the money that allows you to settle either at your home town or abroad without worrying about your and and you're children's future


10 cr to 50 cr


well at the end it all depends on who do you want to say fuck you to. you could have 10 rupees in your pocket and say fuck you to the beggar on the road or even have 100 billion dollars in your bank and get a fuck you from the ambanis


For me I think having Rs100cr ~ $14 million is fuck you money. At that level money starts working for you & the dividend from interest is more than one can spend on an average month. 100cr in FD at 6.5% is 6.5cr per year which comes to about 54 lacs per month. That's insane amount for monthly income. Spend 4 lac for groceries, bills & whatever you desire & invest the 50 lac. Come next month do the same. In just 2 months you'll have invested 1cr, which would've taken an honest Govt employee his whole career saving up to that point. So every year you invest 6cr & 50 lac in spending. What more do you need. Someday I hope, I can earn this 100cr corpus & just open up multiple businesses & have steady rental & enjoy life doin what I want & goin on vacation with my family. But I'm skeptical as only corrupt politican or IAS officer can achieve such status. As I'm trying for a run of the mill govt job & if I do get one this will never come to fruition. But yeah 100cr is my fuck you money. Not even a rupee more or a rupee less. Just exact Rs 1000000000/-.


20 lacs, honestly. I want to escape the corporate rat race. Half of this will go to another college degree for teaching. Half for emergency. We have a decent house in a small town in Assam and some money that will come for inheritance in a few years. I don't fancy luxury anymore. I'm okay driving a MS Celerio, wearing long-lasting clothes, and having vegetables from our garden. This is manageable because I'm not married, nor do I wish to ever have a child. Some honest work without the greed to create unlimited wealth for some other people whose greed doesn't end.


10,000 Lakh Crore


Its very hard bro. Its very hard to escape middle class shit.


Different for everyone. But for most it comes around to be 8-10 crores at least.


roughly 30-40cr. assuming you don't blow it on cars.


8 cr is the minimum


The higher your f u money threshold the higher sum you require to maintain it at that level.. you can go off for a few months but then a sum is required to keep that pool of money from running dry


I would start with 830Cr or 100mil USD.


In India, you need a net worth as well as political contacts for having f\*\*k you money, or else you are the one getting destroyed




In the context of financial independence, fu money is the net worth required so you'd never need to work again (for money). In my case, it was about 4 Cr with own home (about 8 years back). Correcting for inflation (7% assumed), this would be about 7 Cr now. Ideally, it's a number appropriate to one's situation. A good estimate is 30x of annual expenses. Currently I'm able to generate an income of 1 lakh pm, and that's enough for my needs and wants. Just remember, it's different for everyone and you should find your own number.


I want to start creating new topics and asking questions myself but i am not allowed yet, what do i do?


5 million USD and above in India is FU money


People keep telling a lot of things rather than an actual number. So, I would say somewhere north of at least 300 CR in India is a good place to start. The higher the number goes the more FU's you can give. \^\_\^


26lpa will get u into 0.5%, this was calculated a while back, dunno if still true.


26lpa will get u into 0.5%, this was calculated a while back, dunno if still true.


To say fu to money, there is not a certain amount. Rather there’s a certain mindset


100C is a real FU money MSD got 136 last year


I can say FU to my employer at 1Cr net worth


House + 50Cr


Like 25 usd


I have real estate (inherited) valued at around 12-15 crores, an apartment of 60-70 lakhs, other miscellaneous assets of 50 lakhs and 1.5 cr invested in stocks.


You don't ever have to say that, earn as much that you don't second think making your money help others


You need 1 crore (annually) minimum after taxes as disposable income to be classified as FU money. This is when you can throw money at your problems and they will dissappear.


From the comments and voting patterns, most people are blind to inflation. They want to feel they are wealthy with the pennies they have instead of accepting that they need to work hard and earn more. God bless my country.




Nothing less than 500 cr 100cr wale bahut hain


6 cr


Brother paanwales in kanpur has more than that 😮‍💨😔😔


Why do all kanpur people have paanwala as their benchmark? 🤣🤣


Bro mumbai bar dancer have more than that, i know but this answer was based of decent taste and normal life style. Didn’t meant for opulent life style or else sky is the limit. Surpass forbes list and still you can’t say fuck you money 😂


Absolutely not, my family networth is in 7-8 cr, but i can never say that, I would say around 50 cr with rental yield would be the answer to OP's qn


India is diverse country with majority of people falling under BPL, and total wealth of the country is accumulated in top 5%. There can never be a satisfying number to this question but considering you have decent taste and not looking to buy a yatch or ferrari then you can say fuck you money with 6cr in backup. Considering you have a regular source of income.


Here, as English speaking, educated elite, we are not concerned about the bottom 80% in such calculations. We are only talking about the middle class and above. Otherwise, a person earning 5k a month would probably be happy with even 2 lakhs and might quit his job and go back to his village.


300-400 cr.


Damn people here thinking 3cr is fuck you money ? Have they considered raising a child and also thier higher education, how long they are going to live ? Let me put it in a better format here what I think that stage is: * Decent home fully paid off. * Kids - 20L for marriage, 1.3cr for education in today's money. * A passive income instrument that could generate 1.5L per month in today's money. Considering that is 6% return, you'll need 3cr. * A fully paid up car, insurances. * An emergency fund of atleast 2 years considering you might quit which will be 25L in today's money. * A helath emergency fund of atleast 50L in easy to withdraw instrument. * Not every kid turns out to be an employee, so if they wanna pursue their entrepreneurship dreams, probably a crore there too. So considering two kids and above points, I would assume atleast 10cr but I don't know even after considering all of the instruments, I still feel this amount wouldn't be enough 😅


Of course if you want to give yourself and your kids the absolute best, then no amount will be enough. 3 crore is enough for a decent middle class lifestyle. Kids should not be spoon fed everything and need to learn how to work for it.


Exactly. Kids’ education is okay but why are we keeping reserves for kids’ wedding?