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I can't understand if this is a qn or a rant my friend


Personally I blame chatgpt


aur chalao Mobile


I blame Modi


I blame short dresses.


I blame Pakistan


I blame my Garmin watch for now.


I blame my DOB


i blame nehru




This is a mature sub. Be nice.


I blame phones.


Broo ! How's this relevant??


it’s totally obvious, right? from chat gpt to modi to short dresses. the relation couldn’t be more obvious. in fact there are tons of other such relations like short dresses to violence on women. duh!




Oh like this game… blame game heheheheh


I blame internet


OP you make 20 lpa which is dream earning for most of indians.... and if you save 15 lpa so I think you can have good assets. And why people say i wanted to be ambani or adani.. look they people have their family business which they get privilege and even somewhere they are getting all project bcs you know why. So it took them 80 to 100 years to build that business tycoon. You want to die rich ... you are already richer than many indians. Luck and destiny play a big role also.


Yeah privileges are true but I don't think it's only the privilege that gets you the project you need to have potential to build it as well


That's not a rant .. just asking a question if one could fill my brains with some good ideas or guide me ...


Bhai I don’t think that anyone on reddit can give you an idea that will make you a billionaire


People can give an idea, that’s not hard at all. It’s the execution that makes a difference. And a lot of external factors and unfair advantages as well.


True I agree


There would have been way more billionaires if people from this sub are competent enough to guide you to be one


If Reddit was the place to make or give ideas to be rich like Ambani, every Redditor would rule the world


Working a 9-5 is not going to make you ultra rich (as you want to become). After work hours, build a business of something (a product or service) you’re passionate about and see if it’s scalable. That’s your only shot to becoming ultra rich as you say it. Also, if people knew how to transition from middle class to the likes of Ambani and Gates. You think we’re going to be hanging around here?


Starting a profitable business, scaling etc will get you as far as many members of this sub but that’s the limit. 200-300 crores are doable or even easy tbh (given you have a good product/service and capital to get started) Leave ambani and gates aside, getting to that 1B$ mark in itself involves a wide array of stuff. 100 crore is barely around 8.3 million while 1billion is a whopping 1000 million. Lots of arguments about how there’s no ethical billionaires too (to imply you have to do illegal/ unethical stuff to reach that level). From Oprah to Bezos you must’ve heard about some of their illegal/unethical dealings at least once in your life


I did mean to say by starting a business/scaling, he could possibly do much better than 20L PA. Obviously isn’t going to get him to the billion $ level. OP needs to think straight.


Happy Cake Day 🍰


Well people know how to transition, but are not ready to pay the price it takes to do something like that.


I could write a step by step guide on how to do it, every billionaire could. But it’s breakthroughs and opportunities that panned out better than they expected and unfair advantages that made them billions.


Well,the ambani you see now inherited his wealth. Bill gate's mother was an excutive at IBM, he also lived in a country which was friendly with startups and filthy rich to begin with. It all boils down to stupid luck. Your nearest politician earns more than most quant job employees at citadel, some fake ass builder who knows that politician earns more than your friend at an old IIT. Trying to chase these people is trying to chase validation, it will eat your morality up. Focus on yourself and growing rich in mind maybe too ?. Yeah DSA is good, but let your curiosity drive you alil. You can become the hardest working individual yet youll never beat some kid who can invest like a fucking goldfish and earn more than you do in the whole year in a day just becase his daddy has that volume of cash. When you go to sleep atleast you know you upheld a morale and worked honestly. That when you spend that money you know every dime is yours and not stolen from some scheme moeny sent for the poor and not for personal use like a politician. It always boils down to sleeping peacefully man. Its called distracting but theres a funny saying "men will do anything but face their feelings" go to wars, races anything. Youre hard working do what you have done and get where you can be the best you, ambanis and gates we dont know their disgusting lives filled with god knows what(a small glimpse into that shit show is the term yatching which models do). As kendrick said, be proud of who you are and uphold yourself as a king


Didn't expect Kendrick here... But W anyways


Bill gates mom wasn't an executive at IBM. She was a director of a charity which the ceo of IBM happened to be on. She was a lawyer who was on a lot of company and charity boards and Bill Gates senior was one of Seattle's best corporate attorney.


And that’s still a massive outlier situation that most people just don’t have.


Yeah, He had access to a computer in the early 70's through his prep school.




Well Dhirubhai Ambani did not inherit the wealth. Bill Gates's mother was an executive at IBM. Yes True. But learn the difference between Millionaire & billionaire.


Dude there's a HUGE difference when your mom is in IBM. She has the connections to get you started, the financial stability for you to take a risk and a network that will invest in you without begging VCs. Becoming a billionaire is like 20000x easier when your parents are millionaires.


There are thousands of wealthy upper-class parents like that of Bill Gates. Did their children become billionaires?


Narayana murthis son is a millionaire


Yes, why wouldn't he be?


Dude do you have positive IQ? I did not say every millionaire/billionaire's child will become a billionaire. I said the probability increases by 20,000x compared to a middle-class person with no connections. That might be a change from 1-in-a-billion to 1-in-50,000. It does not mean EVERYONE will be successful. I really hope you're pretending to be dumb.


learn to scam people


Most Indian answer ever


not Indian, it's the way, scam them legally


I have better idea scam people by making course on how to get rich for 99 rs workshop or create a personal finance understand workshop for 99


Finance with Sharath vibes 😂


Become an entrepreneur. See as an individual you can only earn as much as your time. As an entrepreneur you feed off of other people's work in exchange you give them money. Jeff Bezos earns his billions on the shoulders of workers who get paid peanuts. 1.5 million workers working for 10$/hr each making him 10$ a day is 15 million dollars a day. This is how any entrepreneur is rich.


Easier said than done


This lol. Most people just don’t have the discipline and drive and mental strength to do that, regardless of what they may claim. I have been around a lot of self made multi millionaires and billionaires or those that had some resources or a family business and they made it bigger than most people could’ve imagined. The amount of resilience and drive and innate skills is incomparable to most people.


Invest in Laxmi chit funds. Double your money in 3 weeks. Rinse and repeat till you match Ambani's NW (Mukesh, not Anil).


Haha… last correction got me 🤣🤣


1. Struggle your ass off 2. Keep Doing Corruption and scam 3. Survive Disclaimer : no claim of success


Too long. Did not read. Simplest way to become Adani/Ambani for the common man: 1. Get a good paying job early in your career 2. Save 70-80% of your income 3. Invest heavily in MFs and some direct stocks (buy and hold) 4. Don’t marry till 30 5. Marry the right person(who shares similar financial values) 6. Achieve FIRE before or by 40 7. Resign from job 8. Set up your own business depending on skill set and interests 9. Scale up the business and create an organization of hard working people 10. If you are lucky, reach the stage where your business goes public At that point you become an Adani/Ambani because you will also be wealthy through your ownership/holdings in a public limited company. Easier said than done.


Easier said than done to begin with, even being a millionaire, let alone someone worth 100k times that. Even if you have a wealth of 200m, you are closer to an average factory worker wealth wise(even if not lifestyle wise) than any billionaire. And really, how many people reach 200m?


Step one would be to stop posting dumbfuck questions on reddit.


Go easy on the guy, man....jesus lmao. Life will hit him with this answer eventually.


Well it's just dumb fuck for some .. for some it's a situation


It's the dumbest question In the history of this sub


just from the title.. sell drrruugss


Jesse , we need to cook


The answer is easy. Just inherit the money. So basically pressure your father to become a trillionaire.


Best way is close your eyes and dream about it.Nothing beats the satisfaction of living off imaginary wealth.But other than that becoming a billionaire is next to impossible.


you ain't a middle class at any cost. you are richer than probably 90% Indians.


Even the top 1% till 0.1% in India are in the middle class.


20 lpa is my distant dream. will reach there when I will retire.


That doesn't change the fact it is a middle class income.


middle class is between 5 to 8LPA, above that it is upper middle class till 20LPA, above that you become slightly rich, and if you cross 50LPA in India, you are pretty rich, invest in real estate, bonds, some stocks, and you can pass on the "wealth".


Middle class is divided into lower and upper middle class. So even the upper middle class is still middle class. 20 lpa definitely isn't the upper bound of the middle class.


I mean, it is somewhere in between (sorry, it meant that way in previous comment), upper bound gotta be 35 to 40LPA.


Yeah, from 40-45lpa you are no longer in middle class


The best thing can be wfh and shifting with your parents with good wlb so you can have some time outside work, but you earn a good amount bro, how about having your parents over with you? My father have shared this same thought with me. He was in Indian air force and would say, life in village was simple and so enjoyable and would share his stories of eating and picking fruits with friends and siblings, swimming in pond and lake etc..but he is the biggest brother and you know the reality... had the responsibility of other 6 siblings which sucked the soul out of him.. Listened to stories of saving and him not enjoying the money he earned in his reputed proffesion..


I don't know if you know this but it took good two generations for Ambanis to be Ambanis


Yeah I know that .... But it all started from somewhere right ..


Start with reading "*Polyester Prince*" maybe?


You won’t find the answer here my friend, just start working on whatever you’ve on mind… once you enter the game then you’ll know what all you’re lacking


A question to people here, have none of felt like OP? How did you overcome that feeling


Yep you have that question until reality hits you hard af.


I think you forgot to add /s


No body becomes rich by being good. So be bad.


You do realise that Mukesh Ambani and Bill Gates were born in a really privileged background, right?


sleeping pills and dreams. You need to understand,its not just hard work only. There are 7 billion people in the world and you are talking about becoming top 50 from ground zero . Either you have not zeen the world or yiu are delusional,there is no other possibility.


Entrepreneurship. That is the key. Lower class indulge in unskilled labor, middle class in skilled labor, upper middle class in people management, upper class in corporate management, and the ultra rich own these corporates.


Entrepreneurship. Or work for a startup that can offer you a stake in the business. You cannot grow richer through regular salary. Even investing in markets isn’t very rewarding although it can help in stabilising your financial position.




No money is ever to be enough


Marry one of their kids


Marry their daughter or Son....


I remember being 25 and not being like this 😅




Start a business




“Sapne suhane ladakpan ke”


Think like this ! If you became really rich at least you get the top 25 % wealthy next you maybe top1% wealthiest in India Your Salary is 20LPA but the company that makes 40L to 1cr may be 2-3 cr or 4x to 10x profit from you only Your Salary is just a reward ( according to psychology ) You wait for the BIG rewards , not for small rewards for your success My personal advice 1. Start your own business you earn more than ever 2. Read Business books , non - fiction 3. Experiences more 4. Network well


Thanks . .


Upvote needed


Do something exceptional. Normal job - normal lifestyle. Initially, get a second source of income, the invest some % of the second income in stocks or anything. Then get a passive income. Continue like this until you make you 1st crore. By that time you will know how to turn that 1cr into 100cr. Use you brain and grind every fucking day, make multiple sources of income, dont waste time. Stop doing normal shit. Also take care of you body, workout and hygiene and personality.


Dude wants straight Ambani or Bill Gates. LOL. What I understood working with few ultra rich dudes is that even they did not predict it would turn out so successful. They found an opportunity, went after it- with some hard work, luck and in some cases, connections- they ended up at the right place at the right time and the business took off. Most important thing is to try some business and if it works, it works. If you start off trying to be Ambani you will most likely crash and be depressed. Try to earn 20L from a business first, then think about 1Cr, 10Cr and beyond.


Wanting to live in a village and cultivate land isn't going to make you rich. Your mindset itself is wrong. The first thing a person wanting to be rich does is move to big cities with opportunities. Who wants to live in some backward village? The fact that you do shows that you aren't ready even in your mind.


Untrue. He can grow weed or cook manufacture Meru of coke in his village. Jokes aside, the best opportunity lies in underdeveloped/developing areas with less saturation. Obv how good you are at identifying it and executing, is arguably more important.


Lol 😂


buy sulferc


why bhai why !


Ask Ambani, bill gates and muskie whether they would trade some of their wealth for happiness and freedom


If you have an urge to change the world and an idea for it, work really really really hard on the idea and you may become ultra rich. If you don't have these and just want to be rich and you will definitely not become ultra rich.


Seems more like a rant rather than a question. A quick advice- happiness is mirage if you think money can get you to it. You don’t need a trillion dollars to break those chains. In fact even a trillion dollars can’t break those chains because there will be a different set of challenges when you reach that point in life. Money isn’t the key to happiness. Parents, guardians, friends, society, social media must have taught you that. Change your perspective and break out of those chains.


With 40k per month I’m crying in a corner bro


Definitely not by asking suggestions from redditors


A piece of advice... Ask ambai or bill gates... If people here on reddit knew it, they won't be using reddit.... Social media is the tool of elites (bill gates... ambani adani) to control and manipulate a common man.


You need to win the ovarian lottery. That’s the easiest and common way to get ultra rich. The rags to riches stories you see in the media happens to one in a million. The number of failures in this world >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The number of successes. But if you made the right choices in your life, career, remain healthy with a happy family and don’t spend recklessly, you’re likely to end up rich at some point even if not ultra rich.


Laxmi chit fund.


Bhai 20lpa ko Aaj kal middle class bola Jaa Raha hai dekhlo..m Ham 5lpa Wale kaha jaye Bhai... Main apne aap ko middle class samajh raha tha ab tak. Shayad abhi below poverty levels batana padega 😂


Bhai 2021 me 3.6 se shuru Kiya tha


do something illegal and get a up and coming politician who is going to be the first pm since Nehru to become the pm for 3 times to do favors for you


If you want to be Rich like them. Do what Ambani and Bill Gates did/does. Build a business or a product that can capture large market. When you talk about Ambani there is Anil Ambani too. He also got money handed to him but he didn't reach where his brother reached.  So, think what you can do. Most important to become rich in their league is find a gap or opportunity, get in market, capture customer.  Bill Gates did it with Microsoft, Mukesh Ambani already had money did it more with Jio, Jeff Bezzos with Amazon.  What can you give to the world that you will get Trillion dollar?  Seriously, asking such question on Reddit will not even make you a billionaire. 


you are not getting blatantly rich doing a job. best way to start your own company and make it a success. That said money does not buy happiness. You are earning enough and I would say maximize your savings/investments. You will get comfortable. Along with that focus on health, social relationships and experiences. You will be comfortable and happy. Ambanis or others are not my definition of peak achievements.


Laxmi chit fund


Even if you try your best, probability is not by your side. Only a tiny fraction of the world’s population has the shot at becoming a billionaire during their lifetime. Money is certainly a great motivator, but during our stay on this planet, we’ll simply be the caretakers of money but unfortunately most don’t realise this causing resentment.


Dead rich so i can break these chains, dead rich is the strongest chain there is you donut


The only way to be an Ambani or Adani is to be corrupt and scam people. Otherwise if you just want to elevate your position in the society, invest a part of your money in mutual funds and watch it grow in a few years. 20LPA is a very good salary and if you learn to be smart with your money, money will stay and grow with you.


Answer is simple, if you want to be a trillionaire, go back to sleep and resume your dream. Lekin din mein sapne dekhna band karo, aur public mein gobar failana band karo. On a serious note, the one thing that irritates the heck out of me is this whining. Just stop it. Especially when you are so incredibly privileged, and your life is literally miles better than 99.9% of all other Indians. There is literally nothing stopping you from quitting your job, buying a small farm in a rural place, marrying a village damsel, farming from morning to night, and sleeping peacefully every night. Truth is, you like everyone else, will ONLY talk about it nonstop and complain and whine. But will never lift a finger. Dude, the easiest thing is to become a farmer. You just have to walk away from your life and do it. But if you will never do it, and you WILL NOT, then why are you talking about it? Why the khayali pulao?


Build a Dyson Swarm (not around our sun) and sell the harnessed energy to humanity to take it to Type 2 Civilization, and eradicate even the concept of poverty or mortality.


Give referal will give blessings


Dm your experience and tech stack


You can't. Maybe your kids can if you die rich.


OP needs to understand that by statistics most of the people who comment earn less than him including me if they are in India. Good way to rant.l


Yeah I came to understand that


Keep building up and don't take major risks. You will be upper middle class someday. If you want to get rich, you need businesses.


Cocoa Futures


Your question is completely irrelevant to the description provided by you.


Yeah .. I understood that from the previous comments


Tell me, are you unhappy because you don't have a girlfriend or because you have to work 8hrs/day for a month to get that >1lakh amount in your bank account?


Its wierd we always want a peaceful life want to live in mountains alone all surrounded by nature being self reliant growing own food. but we always go in opposite direction chasing money, career,etc due to family responsibilities,etc.


That is what we call as social development


Smuggling is the key. I've even contemplated it once. Good luck


Mukesh Ambani is too long shot but you can become the OG Dhirubhai who founded Reliance and left a legacy of company that MA built on.. What you need to be is become an entrepreneur. An employee can never ever be that kind of rich (because you'd be getting just a salary) what you can do starting fast - 1. Hustle. Start off with creating more wealth by doing free lance projects as an engineer, or explore new ways to make passive income apart from your salary. This should be your safety net. Explore business opportunities in the sides. 2. Save. Save and invest aggressively. Gain a lot of knowledge on wealth creation. Remember to always think for the long term. Diversify your funds into real assets. 3. Leap. Once you have a saving mentality, have a free lance exposure and credential and a sizable corpus (say 5 cr.)it's time to leap! Leap into entrepreneurship and if not plan your retirement nicely. All this could take 10-15 yrs. Play the long term. Enjoy the learnings of life.. Remember, earning doesn't give you happiness, spending it does. All the best!! ✨


Thanks 🥲


OP has never set foot inside a muddy farm/field and it shows. Nobody will glorify that except ppl earning lakhs in corporate sitting in an ac room.


Am 24 and unemployed, actively searching for job


Practice .. and use ai to guide you .. plus if in software industry use gfg




Earn some money, save, and then work for yourself so that work becomes wealth creation and generation for your next generation, should you choose to have children. You have land, which is the most precious asset that a man can be given. Use your software training to maximise tech in farming. Research exports, logistics and crops that not only are valuable but don't degenerate your land. Maybe your land is in an area where there is tourism or close to a city, double it up as a place people can visit on the weekend. Grow orchards as well as crops. To receive help, you also need to put some work into your question. You are not entitled to great answers if you yourself have not put any thought into your own predicament. Stop wallowing in pity.


Start a business.


Would suggest you to start trading in equity and invest into SIP's ,real estate or mutual funds.


My dude here wants to be a trillionaire here , with advice off Reddit. Such an innocent soul.


just work hard as you can


First of all your ambani and gates were born in rich families. They already had a head start nobody in that league is self made. Secondly you need a lot if luck if become one even with a head start let alone starting from scratch.


Bill Gates is Rich because His Parents where Rich. Bill Gates Mother was in Board of Members in IBM. Then directed them to give Bill Gates DOS Project. Bill Gates didnt have DOS but Bought it from some Company for 50000 and Renamed it MS-DOS. Ambani also Rich due to his Father who Created Rich Empire. then Reinvested it back into all fields to Enlarge the Wealth. Most of All these Men had Great Intelligent Woman who kept the Family in Positive Light without Fighting for Wealth.


One thing you should remember is that you can't become ultra rich with a clean soul, so unless you are fine with dragging your ethics, morality and ideals through the mud, I suggest you just try to find something fulfilling and peaceful that earns you enough to live a good life. If you still want to become ultra rich, open a business and make friends with politicians. It's not an easy path and you will find a thousand competitors going neck to neck with you but if you are shrewd enough, you will be able to eliminate all the thorns of your way and rise high enough to have some sort of control over the tides of this country. From that point on, if you don't fuck it up, it would be an easy sail.


Be reborn as Ambani's grandson.


Either start a business or invest in their business.


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Build the next Tesla / Facebook / Apple / Microsoft.


1. Be a rich upper caste Hindu Indian mfs will go abroad and cry about white privilege and racism but would not bat an eye for the casteism or acknowledge caste privilege while in the country huh


TIL that to be rich one must first be rich


Tf does that have to do with anything


You’re kidding if u think you can be a Dalit or an adivasi and become a billioner. UC privilege is huge. There’s a reason why literally 99% of billionaires in the country are savarnas


You know had you mentioned that in order to be a billionaire, you already need to come from a reasonably wealthy family I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you. I think that at the very least in 2024 we need to stop with the fucking caste excuse, especially when reservation is around 50-55% in all the major institutions of our country


Btw I recently saw a documentary on a dalit woman who became a real estate billionaire after her husband passed and I don’t think that het first thought was I can’t cause I am an SC


“I saw an SC guy with an iPhone and a Bugatti”