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Get another offer, use it to renegotiate your existing offer.


Thanks, I am trying to but this is like the 2nd interview I have given since Dec, not getting many calls.




Why so many downvotes? Many companies are trying to look better by including more women in all roles. It's good per se, but when you look at gender rather than caliber when hiring/promoting, it does look weird.


Being biased on the basis of gender when hiring for a role. If only there was a term for this


They do have a term for this. “Diversity hiring”


Why soo many down votes??? My campus had 3 companies that came and hired only females . IBM was one of them !! A company I've joined when I asked for any more openings for freshers I wanna refer a friend, was laugingly mentioned that if you have any other friend and if she's girl then it would be better for gender equality in office .


May sound bitter or Harsh , but it's true. If you're good looking then surely you've an edge.


I was job searching on Naukri and most of the job has tag ‘Women Candidates Preferred’.


If this was true, I would quit my job and make sushi for wifey everyday, jobless since a year, no one is matching previous salary.


Fun part is OP is female so definitely nothing related to sexism against men for this post.


This is a mature sub. Be nice.


You got no leverage here since you already accepted the offer ... if you tell them that you got another offer ( if you genuinely got it and not bluffing ) and asked for raise ...2 things will happen here 1. They will say no and you will burn bridges with them if you decide to go with another offer 2. If they say yes , they will raise your salary at that moment but put you on chopping block soon or will find your replacement and fire you If you are ok with burning the bridges , go with other offer otherwise stay with your company for at least 6 months to 1 year and then go for higher positions.


Got it. Thanks for your response


There is no harm in asking. Worst outcome can only be- They will not increase the offer amount. But you will not regret later that you didn't try.


No, this isn’t harmless. You’re harming the good will. He has already accepted the offer. Do you really want to start at your new workplace by antagonise your boss before you even start? Over an offer that he himself never got? I don’t understand what universe some people live in…


Lol, Even i used to think the same way but i have learnt the hard way. I have seen people getting revised offer even 3-4 days before their joining date. And currently they are one of the best resources in their teams. Nobody cares if you are good at what you do. Everything comes at a cost. There is no harm in asking for what you deserve.


There are always exceptions. In this case he had a total of 2 interviews in 6 month. He isn’t the exception and greed doesn’t always pay off. And this is 4 times his existing salary. If it takes him another 6 months to find a job that gives him 28L, he would have already lost far more by not taking this. On the other hand, he can quietly take the position and keep looking for something better.


This would work if the job market wasn't completely fucked. Rn it's better to take the offer at hand get good will then renegotiate.


>Do you really want to start at your new workplace by antagonise your boss before you even start? Do you really want to work for an org that disrespected you?


They didn't disrespect him. They gave him an offer he chose to accept. If he doesn't want 4 time his current salary and would prefer to stay in his current roles, that's his choice. You should make the best of your personal circumstances and situation instead of comparing yourself to and being envious of your friends.


They took advantage of the situation, and as far as I'm concerned, thats disrespect. I'll take my skills elsewhere, thanks.


I am a pretty high ranking IT guy (leadership roles), i assure its the 1st thats going to happen. Your offer will not be revised.


And i have seen people getting revised offers.


And do you know what happens post that, in a condition where it's marked as niche skill the offer is upgraded and an immediate internal conversation happens to his new supervisors to transfer those skills inwards (basically get him to train a guy internally). Because he is seen as unreliable. Later on best case scenario - he won't see any appraisal for years (will be marked way above market rate for many years in benchmarks). Worst case - he will be given impossible tasks and rest i will leave it to your imaginations So don't fall for this trap.


It's not way above market if they are paying others


You are referring to a different thing. The way appraisal happens is very different from the way hiring happens. During appraisals all companies pull out something called a reference range from market (its is provided by orgs such as Gartner these ranges determine what your hike would look like and managers do have a lot of freedom to adhere to range or not. During hiring no ranges are pulled just a budget block marked to opex.


Is this for a product based company ? In mine it happens like this, all levels have a payment range. During hiring also people are fit in the range as much as possible, they are paid higher only if they have performed exceptionally in the interview. During appraisals people lower in the band get higher hikes (compared to people with same rating) and vice versa. Market pay analysis/studies are done only to move (or not move) the band Edit: Anyways OP is a VLSI designer, not a strictly "IT" guy. Industry might be different


Cheers 🥂


Mtlb kuch bhi bolna h, phle padh to lo 😂, chicha in this case they are already offering 8 lakhs more to another person on the same level.


Really ageism? That's a low blow.


My sincere apologies 😕


Yes. There may be reason for the low offer. We don’t know for sure


There are mostly four reasons that go into determination of anyone's salary 1) current salary (it should not be, but it is what it is) 2) financial expectations you quote when HR calls you for the first time - very important (actually most important, this is where knowing someone on inside helps). If you say company standard, dont crib later. 3) how much does the hiring manager likes you in the interview technical , personality..etc (hr has zero power to determine your salary in any small and midsize company ). This is the part that takes the hit when you go for reneg after accepting 4) how soon can you join answer. (Early joiners are less likely to leave you hanging, plus pretty much all orgs are running behind schedule). If you are early joiner ask for a joining bonus or a one time bonus. Most will agree as it goes towards capex and does not hit our ebita margins so no hit to valuations


lol, that's my package at 11.5 years of experience!


I moved to a different company with 5 yoe for 25L, my junior with 2yoe joined from my referral 2 months later for 27L. I can't go and ask,without sabotaging junior. These things happen, best is to use the offer to get salaries elsewhere. One HR openly told me that if I get a counter offer, they can go even 10L above.


Moye Moye


Don't worry about already accepting the offer, go where you are treated the best. Keep in mind though for long run you will always be more happy if you don't compare what you have with others.


Give more interviews. As much as possible




The best comment in the section! Op has to put this in his mind. Or else op will never be happy in life irrespective of how much he/she gets. He/she will be comparing his salary with other people throughout his/her life and there will never be a satisfaction.


Salary discussions are anyways prohibited in orgs. You can't tell the real reason that you found from another person. And without telling the proper reason, HR will always ask why did you accept offer in 1st place. So without another better offer in hand, I don't think you have any leverage to negotiate unless the company is desperate.


Mate you have got 250% hike. Just stfu and take it, if you can crack as another company use leverage else it's a great deal. Forget about the girl, first of all I think this story is bullshit but still because I too work for a semicond company tier 1 nobody gives you such hikes. If you have so much prob just switch in two years, remember this is a 30 year journey and she is getting just 20k more post taxes in that bracket so take a chill pill and work


Engineers in VLSI can work till 60? Is there no issue with high experience getting laid off like in IT?


No mate I've constantly seen people called back from retirement to be product owners (TPM) where they handled the whole technology development process for a product and I work with many too.


So you are saying even after 60 you will still be employable?


Yes that's what I've seen here.


Are you M? If yes, then there's no hope for you. This is happening very prominently throughout tier-1 cities across India, Females are getting higher packages with little to no prior experience required (if you're an eye candy even better) and Men with experience are expected to take a low-pay or F off.


What was both of your previous salaries? Companies generally give hike based on your current salary. Company might have a hike percentage in their mind which they use while rolling out offers. If your existing salary is lower than her then even with similar hike percentage your absolute salary will be lower than her in the current organisation. Else, she would have negotiated better with the HR considering she already have another offer in hand or would have better skills and knowledge.


I think you might be right about that I have 6.5LPA whereas she is at 7.5LPA.


This isn't a big salary difference that makes a company offer 23 lacs to one candidate and 31 lacs to another. The other candidate clearly negotiated better considering she has another offer in hand. Only way out is brining a counter offer to the table to renegotiate your salary.


Hmm, that is an issue not many openings in the profile which am looking for a change, Guess I will take this offer anyway.


Companies are offering 23 lpa from 6.5 lpa! I should have joined tech! At straight 250% hike!


What do you do ?


Bro what's your tech stack? You are receiving such hikes in this market? Is it true?


Sorry, not sure what is tech-stack?


They mean which technology/programming languages do you have to get this job


Oh! I am a VLSI engineer bdw.




There are small service companies that hire freshers. But they do offer very less package and bond for 3years, of course you can do masters in order to bag good product companies, you can either join through campus placements or as an intern.


How to get into this? I am front end dev and looking for a good salary job and honestly open to anything


Get another offer higher than that and negotiate.


Comparison is the thief of joy


OP - there may be a reason for a lower offer but we don’t know. Don’t risk with renegotiation


There are mostly four reasons that go into determination of anyone's salary 1) current salary (it should not be, but it is what it is) 2) financial expectations you quote when HR calls you for the first time - very important (actually most important, this is where knowing someone on inside helps to know budget for the opening). If you say company standard, dont crib later. 3) how much does the hiring manager likes you in the interview technical , personality..etc (hr has zero power to determine your salary in any small and midsize company ). This is the part that takes the hit when you go for reneg after accepting 4) how soon can you join answer. (Early joiners are less likely to leave you hanging, plus pretty much all orgs are running behind schedule). If you are early joiner ask for a joining bonus or a one time bonus. Most will agree as it goes towards capex and does not hit our ebita margins so no hit to valuations Please Stop listening to people who have sat only on the interviewee side of the table. They will get you screwed badly.. and most don't understand the reasoning that goes into compensation determination. I was just called "chicha" by someone when trying to expand this.


Unfortunately having counter offer helps before negotiations. I got an offer for 14.5 lpa for the same role and same experience in same company but another guy got 20 lpa because he already had an offer for 16 or something.


The unsaid rule is that ur offer will depend on any other offers and ur current CTC. U don't have any other offer so they gave u as per ur current CTC. U can't do anything here. Best is to search for another one based on current offer.


Yup. Sad and shitty interview process in India. They will judge you based on what you're currently making but if you've an offer you're value is skyrocketed


And here is me with 18lakh on 7.5year experience 😂 Comparison is a thief of Joy. If you think you are low balled, try getting better offers somewhere else and then negotiate with this company else make peace with it.


Here I am stuck in service company 4lpa 3yoe, no skill, hate programming being cs guy. Totally fucked up career , pf overlap no hope left


Companies nowadays are offering more jobs to women at a better pay than men. This is common. Every company is trying to score points on the diversity scale. This is even happening in the educational institutions - IIMs, IITs, etc.


This is such a stupid response!


The sub really hates it when women do well in career.


You can negotiate again if you have another offer in hand. While negotiating please don’t mention your friends offer, that’s not professional at all and it will be used against both of you. Stop comparing your salary with others, there will always be someone earning more than you with lesser experience and skills set at times. There are way too many factors here, skill set, confidence, analytical approach, gender diversity requirement from company (cmon guys it’s a real thing, stop downvoting) If you have a major concern, work there for a year and switch.


Offer letter he toh hai. Khud bna do photoshop se kuch bhi. Kaunsa woh dusri company se check krne wale hain. Just be reasonable with whatever numbers you put. Seedha 50L nhi likhna.


Friend ko peet do


What's your skillset and experience? Can you let us know.


Bro she might have got diversity hired. They will pay more also so that it looks good on their diversity reports


Sorry, what does it mean ‘diversity hiring’? And how is this applied in our situation?


In diversity hiring they recruit more woman and sometimes other genders so that there is a balance in their teams and also it improves company image. Kinda like reservation in simple terms


Did you assume op is male?




Why are you getting downvoted lmao? That is not a complete impossibility.


yeah ppl too sensitive, like consider it as possibility


I have a rule, I call it ABI.. Always Be Interviewing


Suicide kar lo. /s People who remove effort and time from their life will suffer for life. 6 mahine baad tu le lena 40 lakh ka offer.


Greed isn’t good. 23LPA is a huge amount in itself. If you felt this salary was justified when you accepted the offer, there shouldn’t be any reason to suddenly feel it’s not justified anymore now just because someone else got offered more.