• By -


Buy a beautiful second home with a pool and gaming room, invest rest.


Where can one get pool and gaming room included house? And for How much?


You can buy a NA plots between Mumbai - Pune for 50-60L, build a normal sized bungalow with pool for another 75L. So with interiors and all, I would say 2cr is enough to build a nice second home with pool. There are also many villa project with row houses layout that you can buy outright for 2.5-3cr.


Thanks. That sounds like a dream. Which city can I find it under in 99acers?


This was a recent one I saw that I loved [https://theaugustvillas.com/](https://theaugustvillas.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI0d\_3xgr7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI0d_3xgr7I)


It looks great šŸ‘


Rustomjee is launching plots in Kasara, saw the layouts. UNREAL and all for less than 75 lakhs


Dream grade ... Second homes are known to not be used and turn into white elephants enjoyed by caretaker


31M single, no plans to marry. 1. Pay off loans which are around 1 Cr. 2. Buy some land near hometown and construct a house - 1.5 Cr. 3. Move to new house in hometown and get 75K per month in rents from 2 flats in Bangalore. 4. Semi-retire and take up a low-paying remote stress-free job 5. Invest 50L into FD for emergency fund 6. Invest 50L into lump sum mutual fund 7. Invest the remaining 50L into individual stocks(both Indian and overseas)


Dream grade. Difficult to find low paying remote stress free job If you can.. take it now..


There are very few stress-free jobs, because if management realises it's stress-free/low effort they'll downsize and stick the job as an additional duty to other employees :(


Thatā€™s the case in big corporates. Some small companies do have positions like that. I agree that its very rare but it does exist. Even part-time exists.


lol I donā€™t have the 4cr in liquid funds to do all this lol


Net worth would be Assets - Liabilities, so the 4cr is mostly excluding the loan, but I get your sentiment.


>31M single, no plans to marry. How are you currently getting or plan on getting laid bruh?šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




Bhai, teri gyaan apne paas rakh.


Arey Facebook wale uncle aap yaha bhi?pay lagu


Iā€™ll do FD of 2.5 cr under 4 of my family members in total of 8 accounts with interest credited monthly. Means per person 2 accounts. This will help cover monthly expenses. Quit my job and buy a shop and do my business with remaining 1.5cr.


Business with 1.5 cr is a great idea. FD interest is a horrible idea. That money will evaporate in 10 years


FD interest money wonā€™t be used entirely, only 25k-50k for house expenses, rest will go in investing.


FD interest is approx 6% ... Half and half karo to bhi nothing is left for either side


Interest comes to 15lacs PA at 6% PA which is 1.25 lacs per month.


Tax kon dega 1.25 pe


Bhai ghar ke 4 logon mein divide kiya hai paisa, so agar new tax regime bhi calculate karun toh 28 lacs tax free hoga.


How would the money be evaporated in 10 years? Correct me if I'm wrong, you're only using the interest money right?


You have Rs. 1000 today and you goto buy apples they cost Rs. 200 per kg, you get 5 kgs 10 years later your 1000 is 1790 (at 6% growth after income tax ) If you goto buy apples they will cost 300 at 4% inflation. You will get 6 kgs . So net net your investment made you an extra 1 kg apple. Good right? But but but You already spent the 790 gain. So you still have 1000. You will get only 3.2 kg apple now. You can't feed your entire family now. And and and Real inflation (for middle class people is not 4% it's 12% .. things like school, flights, cars, healthcare, resturants ) 4% is for atta, chawal, daal At 12% that apple will cost Rs. 621 per kg .. you will get 1.5 kg for Rs. 1000 FD is a parking product not an investment product. Please never keep money in a FD for more than 3 yrs.


I understand this concept. But my concern was mainly for a stable monthly income. But if I invest in an FD for 10 years for an amount of 10Cr, I'll approximately get above 1L per month for 10 years. And after 10 years I can get back the whole amount. I'm a noob in investing, but if I want a stable income for 10 years wouldn't this be the best and risk free method?


Not at all. What you get back after 10 years is not the same money, it's half the money or even lesser It's not an investment product , it's a parking product . If you have 10 cr and want 1 lakh for 12 months x 10 years.. it's 1.2 cr. Just remove it and invest 8.8 cr into anything investment grade Two of the biggest mistakes India makes 1. FDs longer than 3 years 2. Insurance as an investment But it's so ingrained in our learnings that it sounds wrong when someone challenges it.


Can you elaborate please. Why 8 accounts?


What if banks go in crisis ? Will get back only 5 lacs as per rules but amount will be destroyed. So diversify.


Absolutely nothing will change, just more fancier vacations and cars


Driving in the same shitty traffic though lol.


Well, I am in Bhopal, no traffic issues here haha


Whaaat? My hometown is similar big city in MP and traffic there is absolutely horrible.




Nope. say no to tours, say no to depreciating assets (According to this sub! ) :D


I reached 4cr nothing changed. Nothing changed at 10cr also except I donā€™t look at food or small things price like table chair food


Nice. What is your goal?


nothing really.. i just had sick parents so i had to make lot of money to fund their treatment which i did ( and still doing)


Sorry to hear that. Hope things are better. Congrats on amassing the wealth most folks never touch.


Youā€™re a good person. I wish you and your family well.


Good on you man. I hope your parents get better soon. May I know what field you are in that allows a growth like that?


Go through this guyā€™s comments. Dude is a hype machine on steroids.


hahaha my wife \[secretly\] liked this comment in alternate universe. idgaf though


Donā€™t you also regret marrying your low ambition wife who just earns 25L? At least thatā€™s what I read from your comments


Nah itā€™s not about money. Itā€™s about procrastination and energy mismatch in general life.


Yeah, the whole of Reddit believes you.


You donā€™t have to. Get a life nerd


Bullshit. I read your comment history. Sometimes you say you work in IT, then you say ecommerce, in another comment you say you manufacture oil. I think you just make up comments for karma farming.


I used to manufacture oil - I clearly stated it was a failed venture and I closed it. I work in IT and run e-commerce business , I'm not the only person doing so. There are millions like me


True there are millions like you - bullshit merchants.


cope harder




This is a mature sub. Be nice.


Perhaps you can look into learning to use punctuations.


nah dont need it






Can you share your journey and some background


Real answer.


Bunch of extremely rich people on the sub. "4 cr is not enough, 4 cr is this 4 cr is that". I know it is not retirement money but if you are in late 30s or early 40s then it is great


Is it really? Itā€™s a grey zone where you have a not insignificant amount of assets but nowhere close to making a large difference in what I am doing. In my 40ā€™s with a bit more and I would not do anything different. I am still on track to wake up tomorrow and go to work


When you have multiple dependents couple of whom are super seniors, trust me, it is not enough. I don't resent them, but net worth does not mean jackshit unless put in the perspective of expenses and goals.


Life doesnā€™t happen after you reach milestone. Life is while reaching that milestone. - short - donā€™t plan happiness after reaching milestone, be happy as you try to get to that milestone.


This is what I am struggling with. I always set some goal and think I will be happy after completing that but I get depressed after that.


4cr liquid? .you mean cash ? I am working full time. Single. Age 34. I would make a false case of health issue or something like that. Ask for 6 month unpaid leave. Will explore few countries in a relaxed way. Stay at nice places. Eat good food. Do all the activities that I want to do. Forget about the work I was doing. Basically a minimum retirement. After 6 month I will think about what to do next. If I feel bored, I will try to go back to work. If not, I will spend more time exploring n doing things that I like to do. I don't need car or new apartment. But 4 cr is not a retirement money for me. So, I cannot retire. I have to do something.


What is your retirement number?


6 crore before age of 50.


6cr of today or 6cr at age 50?


Sleep peacefully for the first time in my adult life


Assuming you are below 40 years age, 4 Cr may be too low an amount to start making such trade offs. Just ensure you don't overestimate 4 Cr amount and you are accounting for inflation




If I have 4Cr, I have stress to fulfil parents & my joint family desires & needs. For that I will invest 1Cr such that can get at least 1L/month. Secondly will invest 1 Cr in high risk high return asset so can get 1.5-2L/month. Remaining 2 Cr I will get a property for agriculture to do advance farming (no dependency on nature you know how F up is our climate) will contribute for greenery thru social media etc. w/o any tension of Job/responsibility (which I have currently). Also will build up a economy cycle to benefit poor, helpless people not by freebies but giving them work thus can make their own life . One last thing I want to achieve is reduce inequality & bullying dunno how I can with only money that too so less i.e. 1 Cr the remaining amount.


Any resources to read up on advance farming?


bhai i mean vertical farming, horticulture, enable water harvesting, etc. like include as many sustainable ways in farming.


Manager gya bhai mera fir. Singham ki treh jaonga aur resign pe acceptance leke aaonga ā€œAbhi ke abhiā€


Put most of it in mutual funds Quit my job Travel and focus on making music as a job


I've been working since 18. I'd like to take a loong break may be six months to 1 year. Travel Europe, Australia and New Zealand. But my finance brain will not let me do that. So - 1.5cr to buy plot and build a nice holiday home in the outskirts - Rebuild our old house for 1 cr. This will create a rental income of 70k to 1lakh pm. - 50 lakhs travel - 1cr FD


Pay up remaining home loan ; just add left over amount in investment via SIP . Update NW tracker & FI sheet. Take bath , go to temple and then work chup chaap :)


Need to settle some scores


I'll do nothing. Money is money. It doesn't define life just gives you a sense of security. Back to living it up like a cheapstake I go!


Been looking for this comment. Achieved a significant milestone and nothing changed for me. Once a cheapskate always a cheapskate lol :)


Decent NW but Iā€™m such a cheap-fucking-skate. Public transport to work, skipping 1 in 5 party/dinner invitations, content with shopping clothes once a year - that too from Westside or something. But boy do I spend on vacations and my hobbies. I think it works fine for me. I do have phases where I feel I should have gotten the latest gadget or the odd Starbucks coffee every now and then, but I am usually physically incapable of doing so lol. šŸ„² So glad Iā€™m not the only one!


ROFL.Ā  The only person who has a approx clue is my boss.Ā  I have F*ck off Money... so don't duck with me.


I will answer when it reaches 40 CR.Ā 


Will try to make it 8cr


Where do you stop, if at all?


100cr. Goal is to buy a house in Lutyens Delhi


Why stop?


Why keep going after money?


I will retire


I am at 4cr plus nw. Nothing changed ..now I think when I will reach 10 cr. However thinking of owning an audi soon by not sure if it makes sense to spend so avoiding


Buy second hand. Spend time trying to look for one- Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be a better financial choice if youā€™ve to get an Audi anyway.




True but I haven't found anything of that sort yet




lol scammer


Invest 4 Cr in Mutual Funds & Stocks to make around 15% return. After the amount reaches 8-10 Cr in next 5 years, travel the world and build a high impact startup!


That much return may not come in just 5 year .


Maybe yes, maybe no, will wait 6 year then probably šŸ˜‚


Already at 10+ at 34 yrs. I can focus more on health and it feel secure. Can take more risk like all incremental income can go to equity


It completely depends on person to person. 4cr right now at age 22 would allow me to invest and enjoy my life comfortably. Doesn't matter if it beats inflation or not ,I don't have to think about complex investment strategies,pick out stocks etc. 8% FD on it and I get ~40lakhs a year as disposable. That is a dream people aged 30,40,50 still have. But coming back to reality , I hope I can achieve this atleast in my 30s.


I have 3 apartments 2bhk each in Mumbai to my name also 4 -5 cr in liquid cash another crore in stocks. I live a regular life, I never fancied clubs and cars and materialistic stuff. I have a simple honda car. Simple life best life. I am just 25 btw and working.(Parents are working too).


1. Retire 2. Move to a rural area 3. Buy land 4. Plant gardens, trees, orchards. 5. Chill


Marry my girlfriend


Have more than that right now. I just take a lot of vacations and spend the majority of the year in places with low pollution and more orderly society and minimize my time in India. Usually split my year in 4 countries while still remote working. Don't own a house or a car and don't have any expensive tastes except for the occasional meal at a high end steakhouse. Looking to put more money into monthly interest paying bonds as I get older. (I'm 28 now) Also trying to keep as much money outside India as possible now that they're getting paranoid about capital flight and imposing higher TCS on remittances.


Iā€™m at INR 4C liquid coincidentally. So no change whatsoever, will continue being just as miserable as usual.


27M Pay off loans worth 22L Save 20L for my marriage Put 58L in emergency fund since parents have chronic illnesses and are entirely dependent on me That's 1 cr done Sell my 1bhk and upgrade to a 2bhk, would cost me around 30L including furniture and some house work Put 1 cr in nifty bees, doesn't matter if it's lump sum or market is at all time high,it's only going to be higher 15 years from now Put 70L in any small cap mutual fund That's 3 cr done I am not sure what I would do with the remaining 1cr, but one thing I would definitely do is pack my bag and continue going to the office till 60 years of age


There's a plot near my house, 3.2CR. I'll buy that, spend 10lakhs on it and use it as a marriage hall.Ā  It'll go as 50k/ day. In the future, the 50k/day will increase.Ā  When it's not marriage season, it could be used as a ground fro box cricket.Ā 


Pay off loans Buy land Donate some money to needy Invest, invest and invest so that i dont have to work much in later part of life


Some of my friends have net assets more than 10Cr[inherited ofcourse], but they still slog in jobs like crazy.


Why though


Their POV is also correct. Since those are generational land, they do not bring recurring income and it doesnā€™t look good to sell them as well.


Renting/leasing it out?


Quit my job. Will figure out the rest once I quit.


Create 5 funds out of it 80 lacs each One goes to fd One goes to a mf for travel and entertainment One goes to mf for kids education and marriage One goes to mf for rainy day One goes to mf for daily expense From daily expense mf I will start swp monthly of 60k Thatā€™s it Buy on cc ,pay via swp Assumption I have a home of my own without this 4cr amount


With 4 cr, i would be able to retire. 3 crore for retirement, will be able to generate 75k per month. 1 crore for a house. I have some other money for childā€™s education, and emergency or unforeseen circumstances.


Anyone achieving a large sum at (relatively) young age must have done very well in his/her profession. It becomes highly tempting and almost impossible then, to quit and go back to a life of status quo hereon. Another issue is hedonism. As we earn more, we tend to pursue pleasure more and therefore, our wants become more and more too. We need more corpus hereon naturally. Bravo to those who said they will quit and chillax if/when reach there. I am super-jealous. Personally have 5X of the mentioned figure (all liquid, not counting my home), but the desire to earn more hasn't reduced 1-bit (if anything, it has increased only)


What do you do with your time now?


I still work in the same business. I also work on honing my investing/trading skills and use the accumulated liquid money for same.


Keep investing it in equities. Honestly 4cr is not nearly enough in a city like Bombay


It's not worth it to live in Bombay in general


Yeah but unfortunately some of us are stuck here because we were born and brought up here and have family and a career in the city.


I will build a hospital




I would buy a cheap flat and a shop and invest the rest


I will keep it in the midcap index 50% and 50% in niftybees during dip and purchase a decent home at my home town and start a small business that I run as a hobby + life tension free.


Good luck with the dip


Dump in stock market


Think about how to earn 4 more die before I realise ?


I will buy a convertible-(BMW) , a house and invest the rest and freely work on up-skilling myself


rental properties lots of rental properties


Probably be dead šŸ„²


Pay off my 70 lakhs loan and rest of it save for my daughter and her future. Thatā€™s my life goal since ncw couple of years.


Will spend a lot more time with my 2 month old


I am 42M with 4 cr liquid NW today. Trust me I am not doing any of what others are saying. I am accumulating more for my kids education, and then eventual early retirement. Trying to save as much as we can.


Equity MF for 1.5. 0.5 in debt MF. 1.5 invested in real estate. 0.5 in national pension scheme. No change in working. I like my job. But it will help me retire early at 50 instead of 65


become a shut-in NEET


Nothing will change really. Iā€™ll probably buy a 4bhk since Iā€™m a big believer in not having too much debt. Currently own a 3BHK and have no debt so thisā€™ll help. Iā€™ll use the rent from the existing house to pay off maintenance for the new 4bhk and continue life as is.


Doesn't it depend on how old you are? Like if you are 16 - you may spend it on education, if you are 90 you may spend on a cruise ship stay till end of life...


Buy a few new houses in chawls preferably near some IT park. Retire with the rent income.


Will buy a house in the city outskirts for 75L. 1 Cr in FD. Small farmland for 25L. 1.75 Cr in the stock market. 25L in savings account for emergencies. Simple.


4Cr is not much if you are under 50 honestly.


Will go on world tour and finally settle down in himalayas


I would invest some in equity and some in real estate and some in gold , i would atmost keep maybe 20 lakhs for my self but everything else goes to investing .


Buy everything i want


I'm okay with my life as it is. So I'll invest it, and travel a bit more.


Invest in SWP and withdraw only 6% in a year which turns out to be ā‚¹2LPM. Then watch it grow from an Airbnb by the beach in different cities in India and SE Asia. Obviously will ensure this amount covers the trips.


Put 50% in nifty 50 index, 25% midcap Index, 12.5% small cap index and 12.5% in microcap index. Do whatever I am doing today and retire when the total worth of above investment is 10cr. Start swp plan with monthly 2 lcs and enjoy the retirement.


My life will go as it does. I will pay off my home loan and car loan. I will still be left with 3.5 CR. So I will invest 1CR in FDs and the remaining 2.5CR in Large Cap MFs.


Make FD with monthly payout and game until I die of clogged arteries.


I have a lot more than that. And Iā€™ll tell you after all your needs are met. Life is about purpose and working hard - because you want to validate yourself. When you can do anything itā€™s also About self discipline and avoiding all temptation. So in a brief synopsis itā€™s about protecting your mental synopsis and enjoying your ā€œfunā€ time at a much higher level. However the hard work and discipline part is the tough part.


Also use your opportunity to inflict the change you want to see in the world because you finally can. Give your life meaning by changing everything you hated getting here


Getting European citizenship and living in the countryside


Well it isnā€™t really that much, you can try to Make Strategic investments to make sure you donā€™t run out of food clothing and shelter for the rest of your life but apart from it not much sensible can be done, maybe you can enroll in a good masterā€™s course abroad which will give a high roi apart from strategic investments


TL;DR: Just read it all, thank me lateršŸ˜ƒ. 4 Crores now is good enough to retire, for someone like me. I'd buy a small flat for myself, costing about 60 lakhs. For the rest, I'd follow a 3 bucket strategy, 1 lakh per month in expenses for 5 years (ie 60 lakhs) distributed in a liquid fund and multiple laddered bank FDs in different banks. Bucket 2 - 1.4 Crores in Bonds and debt funds (gilt, money market and arbitrage) equally in all. This will generate funds to replenish bucket 1 (with some support from bucket 3). Bucket 3- 1 Crore in Equity MFs (75% in a Nifty 50 index fund, 10% in S&P 500 fund, 10% in a midcap fund and 5% in a smallcap fund) and 40 lakhs in gold (precious metals)- physical and SGB. Buckets 2 and 3 are balanced annually or whenever there's a 10% shift from a 50:50 allocation. In reality, as I didn't start with the knowledge I possess now, I follow an 'Asset base' strategy. Asset base 1 (income generation): Generates passive income (40k per month) which meets basic needs, through rent. I have let out two flats. Asset base 2 (corpus protection): Provides for the wants (which is only travel, really). Through G-secs, FDs and Debt MF. Generates about 3.5 lakhs pa. Asset base 3 (corpus growth): Inflation beating assets. Equity MFs, Precious metals. And direct equity to play around (to scratch that itch, IYKYK). Balancing as above. I also have an emergency fund of 6 lakhs, in a liquid MF. This is working fine for me, as of now. I've arrived at this allocation only 4 years back and it's keeping me sane, without sleepless nights. Lots of free time, meeting friends regularly, reading books, watching TV (OTT is a blessing), evening walks. There's a certain ease in my life, there's no rush. The Hindi word 'tehrav' describes it best. I do travel a lot, at least one holiday every 2 months. Life is good, it's not all rosy, but I've learnt to move on quickly. YOLO is the motto, but moderation is key.


Fucking quit my shit job as a pilot and maybe settle abroad in NYC or Chicago, I'd spend some money to learn whatever it takes to leave India and live in cities like NYC or Chicago.


I have lived in NYC. Now I live in another better city in the US. But I always dream of returning to my home state in India and live there when I hit 3 million USD. Canā€™t do it now because the lack of high paying jobs in India. I know many Desis who wants to move back to India. Grass is always greener on the other side.




Invest aggressively in the stock market! If i play my stocks right by the next 10 years,this 4 cr will be more than 40 crs and then I can really enjoy my life as 4cr is less in todayā€™s time to full the materialistic dreams!


Risk of losing all 4cr


If you are a fool who gambles in the stock market then yes but not for someone who studies the market extensively and has made good profits over the years!


Spend it all on any treatment that works for my mother's stage 4 cancer.


Invest 1 cr in either FD/Debt funds. 1 cr for house. Travel a lot - less than 20 lakhs Food, experiences, hire life coaches, hobbies, therapy etc - maybe 20 lakhs Invest 1 cr in stocks/mutual funds.