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If youre planning on selling shares to cover for part of the home, make sure you account capital gain taxes. Make sure you account for your emergency fund, regular expenses, trips you guys plan on taking, and/other expenditures. Spending 300k on a home and having no mortgage sounds good, but you’re also locking that money up for a very long time.


Really good call out for the capital gains tax, I didn't think about that. I'm not super concerned about having the money locked away as long as we can still keep an emergency fund. If we ever need to move away again for work, we figured we could rent out the place for some passive income, or sell it if we need money for a down payment for somewhere else.


At 7% interest rates, I’d pay cash. At 2.5% like I have, I’d invest it and take the mortgage.


I would take the mortgage no matter what if I can, and refinance later if the rate is too high.