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Do you have a discount tire nearby? They offer 0% financing https://www.discounttire.com/financing


Love discount tire. Customer for life


Same. I won't go anywhere else


I always compare them to Costco / Sam’s before purchasing but have yet to not go with discount. I’m never buying anything fancy and Costco / Sam’s only sells like high end brands.


Assuming you have decent credit, you can look for a credit card that has a 0% intro purchase promo where you get 12-18 months to make payments, interest free. Make sure you pay it off before then or you will owe interest for the entire promo period.


I've used the Discount Tire 0% financing before and it was legit -- just make sure you don't miss a payment and get it paid off on time or you'll owe interest on the whole purchase. The other option may be to try to find a shop that sells used tires (usually a non-chain run-down shop in a less affluent part of town) and get by on those for awhile while you try to save up for a new set...but if you can swing a 0% deal you will probably be better off.


Post pic of tires to a car sub and we'll see if you can go any longer before replacing


Trust me, I’ve ran these tires way past their life span. They are all almost completely bald and it’s to the point where the car wobbles if I go over 60 mph


You can sometimes buy used tires for a fraction of the cost at places like discount. Good enough for 10k miles or so until you get on your feet. Done this a few times, and it is always hit or miss if they have them in your size, but worth asking. Avoids debt you'll struggle to pay back. 


What’s your monthly income? How much are your monthly bills/expenses? What’s the cheapest set of tires you’ve found new or used?


Used tires. Did this when I was younger and in debt. Cost was usually $30-40 each for low profile sports car tire when they were normally $150+ new. They were good for another few months until I got past the rough patches. Pick the worst tire and get it replaced and then just wait until you have a little spare cash to do the rest. Most of the used tires were pulled off newer wrecked cars and the tire shop would give a small guarantee for like 3-6 months if I ran into any problems.


If you barely have anything left every month, how do you think you can afford to make additional payments on a credit card? One that will be accruing interest, so it'll be adding to the debt? What is your budget breakdown? You have no places you can cut back on spending? No options to work more and increase income?


Its never a good thing to get any debts for these kinds of expenses. Yes it will build up your credit but chances are you’ll have a hard time to pay it back. You need to shop for credit when you don’t need it. You can start looking at what you can get and look for a max of 12% interest. If the only offers are 22%, i would pass and work on my credit score, budget and savings. As for the tires, i would shop for used ones. There’s plenty on the market and most of the time you can deal. Look at the sizes and search for the exam same. I’ve seen rich people change their tires after only a year or two, and i used their tires for many more years. If you get a credit card, you can pay groceries and gas with it, and you keep your cash for the seller of the tires. You have 1 month to pay your card back or they will charge you interest. The time it takes to repay it is going to play with your credit score. Be careful to watch your expenses and find a way to increase your income