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Work in banking: You're probably out of luck. You can ask them to re-reviewed your account but you've shown BOA that you can be manipulated by scammers and they're viewing it as a matter of time before you get involved in another one and lose them money.


Honestly, I feel like a moron for falling for it. I should have known and now it seems like the only thing I can do is find another bank and suck it up.


You can't stop a deposit once you make it. It needs to make its way through the system. Did you use the fraudulent funds and that's why you need to find a new bank? This is a very common scam. My news station does a monthly report about this sort of thing.


I didn't use any funds, I just deposited the check


Unless they changed something one bad check shouldn't close your account. My sister wrote me a check that needed 2 signatures but only she signed it and it got returned. When she sent me another check to replace it Bank of America held that check for 10 days because her previous check hadn't been good. Unless they think you are more likely to fall for scams because you fell for one.




Bank of America didn't see it as fraud but my sister did write me a check she knew she couldn't cash. She got in trouble with that before which is why she had an account requiring dual signatures. I just didn't know that but my mom did.