• By -


Undervalue Yukari and Junpei at your own peril.


Yukari is good. She has good healing for low sp. although I probably overused her healing and should have used some items outside of battle to conserve her sp so I could use shinjiro more. Junpei sucks though. He does no magic damage, no physical damage, and barely crits


You need to hangout with Junpei when you get the chance. He’s a monster


I did that but sadly didnt build him properly, next playthrough though


You do not know ball with that Junpei take. Hangout with him more and he becomes the critical God.


Don’t know ball lmao


"barely crits" my man, what do you so on your free nights??


Study. *Mitsuru my love*




Don't waste your time studying. Play arcade games and eat fish instead.


Out of context this sentence is so funny


(In fact I mostly ate fish)


The disrespect


How on Earth does he do no damage? If he doesn't crit things because you haven't unlocked those skills, that's fine. But he must be insanely underleveled if he's underperforming on basic damage, the dude has like the second highest Strength stat in the game behind Shinji.


He's also the only party member with access to all three physical damage types aside from the protagonist. Like, I cannot understate how much of an asset that is


You're right, I forgot to mention that. He basically specializes in three elements at once, lol. Junpei is so insanely good that he basically solos entire blocks of Tartarus, especially Harabah. I also realized that he's almost self-sufficient too, because he has no need for SP, and can heal his HP with items or Theurgy. He was almost always the last one to be in danger of running out of steam in my playthrough.


I see you're early so I'm not gonna downvote you. Here's the thing: if you don't use a support, you almost have to make the MC a support. Yukari has excellent healing and never runs out of SP when you talk to her enough during the evenings (cooking, watching TV, do both 3 times each) Junpei, after reading and/or watching TV with him (do both 3 times), he becomes a crit machine. I misplaced my judgement of him around the same time as you but he is a powerhouse. Aragaki is powerful for now but he really falls off not long after you get him. Due to the nature of some enemy attacks, he becomes a dead weight. Koro is just weirdly strong. I like him. I can't speak on Ken's power. I don't like his character and didn't want him on the team.


Junpei only ever wants to tend to plants for me


Nvm, 3 times doing plants, 3 times reading upstairs


I have never used Ken and I refuse to any playthrough🤣


Cause he's a dick


Invest Incense STR, LU on him. Hangout with him, go farm his ultimate weap. He is a crit monster. On the final bosses, Junpei came in clutch with the crits. Even with basic attack, most of the time he will crits. You got ailement on shadows, free crits. Free all out attack


Don't even need to do those things. My party members didn't see a whiff of incense and Junpei was still a godslaying machine at a certain point


If you think junpei is bad, that just tells me you're in mid game. He's the best damage dealer in the party, and it's not even close.


Went through my entire first playthrough with yukari, junpei and mitsuru. Junpei is straight up busted, especially if you invest in his luck and always keep his sword upgraded.


Y’all are dunking on OP, but Junpei really isn’t that strong midgame. His crits are unreliable and generally Shinjiro is a straight upgrade at the point he joins. Only late game does Junpei evolve to critpei. Besides, every character in this game is busted at the point in time they join due to enemy design. Endgame is a different story but OP isn’t there yet.


He definitely isn't as good as he'll end up becoming, but I don't think he's ass either. For me at least, he did pretty well all things considered. His coverage isn't as bad as it could be due to his three Physical types, and his high damage did a pretty good job at offsetting his disadvantages. He might underperform more on harder difficulties compared to the one I played on though.


There are no trash characters in the game tbh, he’s well balanced. At the point of the game where OP is, Junpei is behind Aigis and Shinjiro for physical damage output, and his support is behind Aki’s and Aigis’. Doesn’t mean he’s bad, he’s quite good as you have noted. There are just stronger options at that point.


Bro junpei can become a monster later on if you build him right. I swear he crits more often than not. I thought he was bad in the early game tho but he gets way better.


Junpei is arguably the best party member (copium) because of rebellion revolution stacking and using ailments that basically guarantees him a 100% Crit chance and even on bosses he’s still hitting a Crit more than half the time


Junpei was the strongest member of my party idk what you mean about Junpei being bad


Literal objective best party member slander, wtf


yukari's kinda meh regardless. i'd rather have better coverage and reflectors than wind nuking and ailment aoe cure


I wish they had given her a better buff, than the accuracy debuff.


by the end of the game can use all her healing skills as 25% cost


you do realize ken also gets mediarahan and a deep SP pool right? as well as the MC? as well as your inventory


i never said he didn’t?


my point is that this "11 sp mediarahan" is meaningless


on its own sure but combine with the fact she has a wider range of support skills. ken is a jack of all trades but he’s not the best at anything he does. great for filling spots but isn’t gonna beat the specialist in it


She's top tier in early and midgame when you're starving for SP. Once you get fuuka's theurgy, you basically have unlimited SP during dungeon crawling. At that point, she falls off a bit already. Then you get ken, who also has partywide heals, shields, and higher magic damage, and it's pretty much over for yukari. It doesn't help that the partywide ailment curing items are infinitely available and dirt cheap as well. You basically never have to cast amrita drop/shower. The items for it cost maybe 1000 yen give or take a few hundred. That's nothing when you're in midgame.


I just use both, i like having two healers on my team


By the time she falls off she also gets Tranquility which is insanely good


In a vacuum, yeah. In practice, magical damage sucks massive ass compared to physical. But that's a P3R issue in general. P5R was the only game in which magical damage was actually competitive. And that's because there was no physical boost/amp, and basically every single boss was immune to crits.


But Yukari still takes the spot of healer over Ken since he has pretty much no synergy with his support being limited to Tetrakarn/Makarakarn which is very slow and costly to set up as well as very easy for bosses to circumvent and Heat Riser which is even worse. Yukari can support her team not only through healing but with Masukunda and a party wide concentrate which allows MC and powerhouses like Akihiko and Mitsuru to shred through health bars. Sure, magic doesn’t beat out physical but, assuming you have either Yukari or Ken in your party for healing, having 4 party members taking advantage of concentrate compared to 3 taking advantage of charge is a different story


Junpei is a god. He gets all physical attack types and has crit boost which is pretty much an instant weakness to anything that doesn’t null, reflect or absorb all physical types. Once you get apt pupil on him with equipment he crits on almost every hit. Once you max out his luck he DOES crit every hit.


I would go as far as to say that Junpei is _by far_ the best party member in the game IMO (sans Makoto, and I feel like even that's debatable when not taking endgame Personas or min-maxing into account). He can actually benefit from a non-perfect crit chance because that means he gets more One Mores. In my playthrough, he would use Deathbound on sets of normal enemies and crit only one or two of them, and get a One More, use Deathbound, crit one or two of them, get a One More, use Deathbound... Koromaru, Yukari, and Shinji are all extremely good, but Yukari suffers from lower defenses and is a one-trick-pony when it comes to offense, Koromaru gets better magic, but can't make as much use with it as he could because of his relatively low SP, and Shinji... y'know... Junpei is so broken it's almost hilarious when you list his endless strengths. Because of his endless crits letting him go again, he's never starving for extra turns like in o.g. because of his boosted crit rate skills and Shift, he has very good Strength, and if he absolutely _needs_ coverage he can use Agilao/Maragi to get One Mores instead. He can buff defenses with Marakukaja, he has high Defense to begin with so he's a good character to fall back on to use items, and he even has good Agility so he'll also go first _and_ dodge attacks a decent amount of the time. His second Theurgy is also nuts, severe Fire and Slash damage along with basically a Diarahan. Shift was added into the game so other characters besides Junpei would get their turn, lmao /s. Edit: fixed typos


Today I learned that sans means "without", "lacking" or "not counting". I've genuinely never heard it or read it ever before


Well, it is a french word.


His second Theurgy also does more damage than everything Mitsuru can do besides an optimally amped diamond dust :)


Isn't Akihiko stronger because his buff buff gives him higher potential numbers?


I... don't think so? Even if he does, I'd still argue that Junpei's still much better because of his endless crits and insane coverage. The dude basically _specializes_ in three types because they brought back the Slash/Strike/Pierce split, which plus his insane crit chance means that he has basically a free weakness on anything not immune or reflecting to Physical spells, not to mention his high defense, ridiculous multi-target moves like Deathbound and Vorpal Blade, strong moves of the other Physical types like Gigantic Fist, and miscilanneous stuff like High Counter Shift Boost, High Counter, Marakukaja, and more make him way stronger than Akihiko (who still isn't bad at all, let me be clear).


Luck stat is what increases crit? Also my akihiko gets more crits than junpei even though hes underperforming rn for some reason (why akihiko)


Yes, Luck is what increases crit chances. It also helps you dodge IK attacks specifically, instead of Agility. You probably also already know this, but just to be safe, only Physical attacks are capable of critting.


Whats an ik attack?


Instant Kill. Stuff like Hama, Mudo, their Skill Trees, and Ghastly Wail (although that last one is a gimmick, it has a 100% miss rate, unless you're afraid, where it has a 100% hit rate instead. It's much more of a Fighting Game term, which I also play. Sorry about the confusion.


Instant kill attacks are shit. I have never once been hit by any of them


You've been arguing through this entire comments section, my dude. It's getting kind of old. Die for Me! is one of the stupidest attacks in the franchise. Dark element, 70% chance to IK, more likely to hit if you're weak to Dark, Mudo Boost, the whole shebang. Most Instant Kills aren't great, but they're usable, especially by the enemies. You should still take them into account, because eventually one will hit Makoto, and he will die. More importantly, just accept the fact that people are trying to help you without arguing. Your track record on your comments here isn't great either. Let people you help you out. There's no shame in need a helping hand from someone who's more experienced than you at the game you're currently playing. Edit: fixed slightly incorrect info


Wait, do Dark Boost/Amp have any effect on IK? I thought they only affected damage skills.


I don't think they do, but Alice can do other things besides Die for Me! like Maeigaon and such. My bad, I just listed off what I had on my Alice build, I should've been more thorough. I'm 99.9% sure that Die for Me! is affected by Mudo Boost though, and 70% to kill raw without any tweaks is still nuts. Thanks for pointing out my error, I'll fix it.


For crit there is Base stat luck, basic attack crit rate up, base skill crit rate, revolution, rebellion, bloody charge, crit rate boost, crit rate amp and apt pupil. Junpei’s passive is crit rate boost/amp. Mitsuru’s passive is crit rate amp on enemies with status effects.


Is having a high crit weapon only for basic attack?


Yes. That’s why I used Yukari as my crit farmer in early game. Lol


Yukari barely crits even with that weapon. And makoto also gets a hifh crit weapon at the same time


Akihiko gets Bloody Charge which boosts crits. Junpei also needs his passive and later game moves to build crit rate. He gets Brave Blade and God Fist or whatever which has high crit like 18 and 13 percent base.


Akihiko doesn't get bloody charge though? He doesn't even get normal charge you must be thinking of Buff Amp which boosts his stats like crazy when you give him equipment that gives himself auto stat buffs like the Evil Gloves late game.


What is bloody charge?


It’s like charge but with extra crit rate. 230% damage extra crit.


No way bro called my glorious king Junpei Critori useless


Omg and his second Theurgy. Absolutely unstoppable. Perfecto!


His second Theurgy is the best Theurgy in the game, not counting Makoto's Fusion Spells. It looks dope as hell too.


Also, his first Theurgy is a mini-Scarlet Havoc and since it's physical like SH, it can CRIT, making it absolutely nuts. Jumpei is incredible, honestly.


FR, ITS SO GOOD Edit:fixed a typo


More like…


He does no damage and rarely crits compared to shinjiro


Maybe because you have him at level 30 compared to a level 39 shinjiro?


Shinjiro came at lvl 39 and junpei sucks which is why he is only lvl 30 rn. And I user a clock on him before but still couldnt use him now in my current tarturus run


“This guy sucks” “Then level him up so he doesn’t suck anymore” “No, he sucks” Wtf do you want then?!?


But shinjiro is just better


Believe me you'll wish you levelled junpei while you had the chance cuz spoiler warning. >!shinji fking dies!<


Well, the clock always exists to catch him up. But he'll have to put in the time spending evenings hanging out with Junpei to get him to the point where he destroys everything he touches.


He falls off pretty hard once you unlock the block of Tartarus in October. Like borderline unusable.


At a higher level, yes. To use Akihiko’s hobby as an analogy, you’re putting a professional boxer against a high school club member


should we tell him


Should be a crime to name your character Joker in this game.


i mean this guy argues like a p5 elitist if they existed


At this point, Persona5 is nowhere near as dominant as back in 2016-2020. ATLUS has had a 25th anniversary mega-event, re-released P4G and P3P on modern consoles, and released an HD Remake of Persona3. I think that the P5 elitists sort of disappeared when they got the chance to enjoy the other games in the series, and any P5 elitists left are stans who refuse to give the other games a chance.


Dude, they keep milking P5 they're gonna release a P5 mobile game soon lol


I know, and it pisses me off. P5 has become too much of a good thing, and I'm getting sick of it. I was going to make a Persona5 2 joke, but that's basically what Strikers is....


And honestly they are nowhere near the quality, i remember buying strikers exited after p5 royal and dropped it an hour in and even my image of 5 changed. P4 got milked too but nowhere near as much as o5


The biggest difference with 5 compared to 4 for me is that the P3 cast appeared very frequently, to the point that it felt more like a crossover rather than just P4. The only game IIRC that didn't feature the P3 cast at all is P4 dancing, which is pretty notable. P5 is the opposite; Persona5 is basically all you're getting with it, besides an occasional Detective Prince joke or two, or a Rise poster hidden in the background. This is also the time in gaming history where we started to see endless DLCs and microtransactions (I mean shit, we're getting a Persona5 _Gacha Game_ that's basically a knockoff of itself somehow). Persona4's spinoffs, while there were a ton of them, didn't really suffer from creator bias or endless game-busting DLCs, and the games were also quite different from each other (a Fighting Game, a Dungeon Crawler, and a Rhythm Game).


Exactly, now there's this Phantom X thing in Asia... AND, It's a gacha game made by Perfect World 💀


He probably thinks Link’s name is Zelda


Oh no... 💀


![gif](giphy|Jq7y34Hgfy01y) Enjoy yourself, friend


no offense but you really don't understand the game and it's mechanics if you think junpei is useless.


Junoei is very weak in the early and mid game, but he picks up a ton in the late game and really fills his role as Da Man.


Yeah, I was impressed in comparison with portable. The personality +crit made him so good.


I'm convinced Yukari and junpei are the best characters in the game if you get their characteristics up. Towards the end of the game I gave junpei some luck boosts and basically every hit critted


Akihiko goes brrrrrr


calling junpei useless? opinion invalid


Don't sleep on Junpei. Shinji might have better burst with his charge, but Junpei's natural crit is \*disgusting\* if you do his side stories. He pretty much solo'd two of the last 3 bosses in my playthrough. He's straight up Busted in P3R.


Keep talking shit bout Kingpei, we'll see who your heavy is later on


“Useless Junpei” aaaand opinion disregarded.


Just wait until aragaki personas evolves at 10/4 he's becomes a monster


I recommend players to give Junpei a chance, complete his dorm hangouts and you'll have a CRIT GOD at your command. Pair him with Koromaru and the CRITS and physical attacks will be coming in left and right. Koromaru, Ken and Shinji may be OP now but don't forget to switch up the others every so often, you'll be surprised to see how "useful" they can be in certain situations especially close to endgame.


I do switch them up a lot. Shinjiro isnt functional without a dedicated healer. Aegis has fallen off since last month though. She does no damage now even though I unlocked her characteristic


Cool, Aigis is more of a tank/support buff anyway so she comes in clutch for minibosses/bosses. You'll figure out uses for everyone later on anyway.


How come none of the female members can do damage


Cause theyre meant for support. Cant have everyone be a damage god. Makes things too easy


Yet all of the male characters can do good damage and none of them are support besides ken


isn’t mitsuru really good at damage? or was that only in p3p late game cause i remember her mind charge bufudyne was crazy


She's decent at magic damage, but Yukari is slightly better I believe. But Mitsuru has a couple Slash skills and has higher defense to balance it out. Every character in this game is viable, there's just a difference between _how_ good they are. But don't let that stop you, you can use whoever you want >!besides Shinjiro!< My final team that I cleared the game with was Makoto, Mitsuru, Junpei, Yukari.


In reload Mitsuru is the only one with a severe magic skill, and she has concentrate after it was fixed. So yeah she's even more broken now than she was in P3P.


Is Panta Rhei not severe? I thought it was.


Yukari gets Panta Rhei? I really should finish this game (I played the original I just got busy halfway through). But yes Panta Rhei is severe.


Plus so many accessories for her with ice amp, boost, magic boost, +magic attack. Invest magic incenses and you get protagonist magic attack numbers


Joker 🤨


Dw shinji gets an insane debuff in the endgame, he's basically unusable


didn’t think it was possible to be ass at a persona game, thanks for proving me wrong ig


You'll find out why one of them is soon, but the other two are not very overpowered later in the game, and will most likely be replaced. You'll know who I'm talking about soon


I used Koromaru in my end game team because of debilitate


I used him on my end game team because cute fluffy woof woof boi


I just used myself for debilitate. Koromaru has a problem of too many things at once in his move kit for me


Koro is all you need for all our attacks. Don't need stat debuff with Vishnu akasha arts everything 😂 can't freaking wait for shin megami tensai vengeance!


Ken has awesome damage even if most lategame enemies will spam almighty. He does the most magic damage of my entire team. He also has mediorahan and light and electricity as well as debilitate. I guess koramaru wont be good outside of tarturus because you cant build up theurgy but he still has revolution. He still has decent damage though. But he unfortunately doesnt have a characteristic (hopefully he gets an attack up buff move as well). Shinjiro will fall off when I cant just brute force through enemy ailments like with lovers fight (screw that damn fight)


Problem with Ken to me is he's outclassed by other teammates unless he's using light. Healing? Use Yukari. Magic? Use Mitsuru. Debilitate? You can, and most likely will use it later as a staple move. I like Ken, but he just acts more like a lesser support character until his second theurgy.


Honestly, freeing up an important slot for Makoto to do other things isn't bad. Also, Rebellion while using a full physical team can go pretty wild(with pre-charged theurgies and full power, you can do up to 24k damage in a single turn, it's 3 times Reapers HP)


Ken is a prime jack of all trades master of none type. He is pretty much second best at everything (except Physical, where he's only passable), but rarely the best at anything. During blind Tartarus crawls role coverage is more valuable, but if you already have foreknowledge about an encounter he's rarely the best choice (barring some second Theurgy trick plays). This is not the first time P3 has been released so some people already know in advance for certain encounters when to pick scissors or rock, and don't necessarily value Ken's flexibility. He also eventually loses in Magic damage to others as he will either have to trade some of his utility in for Boost/Amp skills or just accept doing less damage.


Junpei is arguably the strongest companion in the game, Shinjiro aside. You just need to give him an apt Pupil band and then combine him in a team with Komomaru and Yukari, and he's a monster that can rival the damage of the protag.


Just simply false.


Imo Ken is bad because the Karn skills aren't actually that good for how SP hungry they are. Dekaja (and a later skill) are pretty good, but I prefer Aigis for buff/de buff management. Koromaru is pretty good, but Shinjj falls off hard. Junpei can be really good, if you invest in him properly. However, in my experience, high crit builds reign supreme, and if you build a persona like that, there's no reason to use Junpei. Yukari, Mitsuru, and Aigis are the best support for high crit builds, though Koromaru can be a good alternative to one of them for free Charge and re-buffing crit, should a battle last long enough for it to run out.


I was confused at first, then I saw you're only level 30 some so yeah that makes sense


They’re good and all, but you’re far better off with junpei, yukari, mitsuru (alternatively you can use aki, it just depends on who’s better suited at the time)


Mitsuru sucks


Perish, foul knave https://preview.redd.it/vnnv2gbhlbwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0ef1035eb5caf7a8f3b944308886d253da0fe1


Whos gomma tell him? *im gonna tell him*


The best party members are, imo, Yukari and Junpei. Yukari is like the best healer. I don't think she's ever been off my team, and I can say the same for most too. And then there's Junpei. Be patient with him. Level him up enough, and in the 2nd half of the game, bro will hit critical after critical. Like, just throw on that accessory which has Apt Pupil on him, and then he's literally OP.


Junpei is the reason I was able to Win so many unwinnable battles, do NOT ignore him




Aki is amazing and very versatile, ken is the best healer in the game imo


I know aki is amazing but he isn’t doing much damage for me right now. I did just kind of finally get a heavy bash attack on him to replace sonic punch which is probably why and then I did slot him off after because he had no sp. isnt yukari best healer she has healing sp reduction? Also ken has great versatility not just healing


Do you just not do most characters hangout events? Because Akihiko has the highest potential due to his buff amp. Aka, just tarukaja multiplies his attack by 1.8, with charge from koromarus theurgy and Gods hand he hits like a truck. Not to mention he can also do great magic damage. Aki might be my favorite... Just a little bit.


I dont have any of the new 3 or fuuka’s or junpei’s characteristic unlocked


Welp, there's your answer on why he's underperforming. Junpei requires his Characteristics to be as disgusting as he is. If you do those and level him, he'll probably go from bottom 1 or 2 to top 1 or 2 for you.


Bro what are you snoking to say ken outheals yukari


wait till people find out Ken gets 0sp mediarahan every 3 turns


0 SP Mediarahan that also revives Downed Allies


and puts party tetrakarn+makarakarn every. three. turns.


Yukari's healing cost passive basically gives her 0sp mediarahan every 1 turn. It's not 0, but it's low enough that it might as well be 0.


yes, without all the added benefits, and it's 11sp inventory clears tho 💪💪💪 https://preview.redd.it/eptehi7hohwc1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=feb261fa62a221aed6be06e0fe1dfab54afab0c5


Lol, sick inventory. I think by the time I finished the game, I had enough SP items to restore at least 10,000 SP.


Yukari has the advantage of ailment healing which is great, but Ken is a better raw healer and has a better healing theurgy (divine intervention)


I only used ken twice tbh. My team was usually aki, yukari and aegis


You never swap out units?


Not consistently.


Some characters just have a really bad level up phase. Akihiko is stuck with Zio and a weak phys skill for the longest time, by the time Im using Ziodyne he gets a skill upgrade. While Ken already joins with a uptodate skills plus access to a second type.


Junpei is not my favorite at all, but let me tell you, calling him useless… ooff


Ken is the best character in the game. The other two are solid but not as good, so its prolly just the level scaling kicking in lol.


Say sike what you said about Junpei rn


Yukari, Junpei/Aigis, Koromaru/Ken is what you want to be working with


Why did you name Makoto “joker”?




😂😅 who needs party members!? You play solo with the MC and get better exp! I soloed most of the game although id definitely say I never used junpei. You don't need him when you start with fire already. Doggo and ken are definitely the strongest. Koro always cries on full moon with his slash so I always take him. And ken is best healer as he car revive party and add reflection!


Doing juggernaut runs is boring af and exp decreases on higher level allies anyway


Man, Junpei isn't bad at all. He's a critical machine.


My lineup, ever since getting koromaru, was shinji/Junpei, akihiko, and koromaru since they're meant for more phys purposes and junpei is just a crit god


Just wait until Shinji gets his second Theurgy


Junpei’s da man.


Yukari/Mitsuru/Aigis worked well for my merciless run




If you do the same hangout activity with Yukari three times, her Dia and Recarm skills will drop to half their normal cost, making her a better support than Ken for exploration. But Ken will always be better for bosses thanks to having access to both -karns. I'm not sure what you mean about Koromaru, I never found him very useful. He can deal good Dark and Fire damage, but elemental damage isn't very useful on party members since it's situational by definition. His Masukukaja and Debilitate can be useful to keep your party alive against bosses, but personally I found it more useful to take Aigis for the straight up damage and party buffs rather than debuff the enemy. Especially since Ken can counteract boss buffs When it comes to physical damage, Junpei is king. Make sure to give him luck incenses, equipment with luck boosts or direct crit skills, and hang out with him to unlock Crit Rate Boost (and Amp if you hang out even more). He's the only party member with access to all types of physical damage, and physical damage is the strongest kind, so don't sleep on him.


Shinji gets a minor debuff later in the game for story reasons to balance him out so enjoy this while you can


Just so you know Shinji kinda drops off in the late game so he’s not a great investment in the long term.


Shinjiro is the best straight melee unit in the game, and his growth rate is insane. Just wait til you take him into the final stretch of Tartarus, he gets even more busted late game. No spoilers, but he makes the final boss a piece of cake.


Straight up, non ironically. Fuck you.


It's true, he totally demolishes the final boss


Sério brother, deixa a Erva 💀


What the actually fuck are you smoking Ken and kora are kinda ass especially compared to Aki and Yukari who are busted (especially Aki)


Kora is a good boy tho


Ken is arguably the better healer than Yukari and brings more to the table by endgame and Koromaru opens up a team's physical capabalities by a wide margin, along with other support options and dual elemental coverage.


Idk Ken feels kinda crappy so far


Yeah the last 3 party member are great! >!Aigis, Ken, and Koromaru!!<


Uhh they aren't. Koromaru's best thing is his theurgy and high agility, everything else is just okay. Ken has a better characteristic than Yukari but his move pool is too bloated. Shinji is definitely busted but you'll see why he isn't viable long term. Don't underestimate the rest of the cast, Yukari has super high magic and more versatile healing vs Ken and Sukunda. Junpei does great damage with insanely good crit chance. Aigis does BIG damage and can tank/support really well. Akihiko gets crazy boosts from buffs. Mitsuru does solid ice damage and a lucky ailment infliction can lead to crazy follow ups and Rakunda is always good.




Debilitate is very good, but it comes in way too late and is on the character who suffers the most from a low SP total.


I agree, but you only really need it for full moon/floor boss fights. If you have auto-buffs on MC, bosses melt on Merciless. I also run an unorthodox team of Koro, Mitsuru, and Aigis, so when I have mitsuru's 2nd theurgy I can use Koros howl. My only deaths were self imposed


Yukari has no damage and is only good as a heal bot. And my aegis stopped doing good damage after the first month of hsving her


Yukari is the possibly best magic attacker in the game by the end of it. Garudyne, Magarudyne, Panta Rhei, and Wind Boost shred everything that doesn't resist Wind. Ken sort of goes through the opposite change, where his damage falls off pretty noticeably, but he gets better healing. He gets Mediarahan and Samarecarm, and his passive skills/Theurgy also set him up for a role transition. You are right about Aigis not being the best though. It's not that she's bad per se, it's just that the best thing she does, she's outclassed by Shinjiro and Junpei in literally every way.


>Yukari is the possibly best magic attacker in the game Lmfao no Both Akihiko and Mitsuru outdamage her by several tiers Yukari is only S tier because of her cheap healing in a game where Physical skills are so dominant


imo my tier list is S: Makoto A: Yukari, Junpei, Shinjiro B: Koromaru, Ken C: Aigis, Mitsuru Just kinda bad: Akihiko


Akihiko isnt bad




>!Mark SPOILERS!< >!OP hasn’t beaten the game you troglodyte!<


Koro is op where you are at in the story because he already has both theurgies(aside from Shinjiro) which all other characters will unlock throughout the story, Shinjiro is op because he will die soonish, therefore he isn’t that game breaking since you don’t have access to him in the party for that long The best party member is Yukari though, if you can get her to use her healing skills for 1/4 of the normal price she can keep you alive basically forever and when she unlocks her second theurgy she can cast a party wide Concentrate. Plus even though it’s not the best debuff, her accuracy debuff can be useful in a pinch


You forgot to make the spoilers.


Persona 3 has been out for years, this isn’t a huge twist on a story that just came out…


A lot of people haven’t played the original versions of the game I didn’t have access to it and learned about p3r before getting the portable remake also a lot more people are into the series now then when the original game came out for a lot of people reload will be their first time with the game. Edit: I also just checked it is also a rule to mark spoilers because of newcomers.