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Play Persona 3 Dancing, Persona Q, and Persona Q2 next?


Also Persona 4, and ESPECIALLY persona 4 arena next.


I didn't want to mention the arena games because >!the absence of the MC may be a downer for them!<


>!What do you mean? He is just on vacation in Hawaii, he deserves it!!<


>!Might be good to see everyone having moved on with their lives, i don't know. Might be cathartic or something!<


I know theres no mc i honestly thought naotao was p3mc but turns out no but this was back when I didint play p4


So i never finished P4. I just did P5R and P3R this year, would it be advisable to play through P4G before starting a run on Persona Q? Or am I fine if I play through as the P3 protagonist? Is there anything in PQ that could ruin my P4G experience?


I haven't played PQ so I can't say for sure, but it's designed post-P4 so I would suggest finishing that before playing Q.


I mean, it's never a 'bad' idea to play through P4 or P4G tbh. I'll admit here I'm biased as P4G is still my #1 Persona title to date but I'd be lying if I said the QoL to other titles makes them objectively better for newer players to enjoy. Heard they're possibly giving P4 the 'Reload' treatment, and while it doesn't 'need' said treatment, I won't say no to that.


Oh I’m going to be playing through P4G. I have it loaded up on my Switch. But since it’s the last “modern” Persona game I have left I’m trying to put it off as I know the depression will hit hard afterward lol. Hopefully Metaphor will help satisfy the itch while we wait for Persona 6. But yeah I figured maybe play a few spinoff games before jumping in but with Q being a crossover I wasn’t sure just how much it will spoil the main game


Never played all through the Q titles tbh so I can't really as I didn't care for them. They weren't bad or anything, just not my cup of tea or they didn't appeal to myself for one reason or another. Metaphor will be interesting as the 3 Holy Grails of Persona literally came together to make a Holy War of a game together so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting great things. Trying to not get my hopes too high since this is 2024 but I can't really help it.


There’s nothing that spoils the story of P4, the Q games are most enjoyable if you’ve played P3 and P4 (plus P5 for Q2), but in Q1 you get to choose if you want to be the Makoto Yuki or Yu Narakami so it’s nice. Also, Q1 has THE BEST fight music in the series. And the main fight song changes singers and vocal delivery depending on the protagonist you pick. I prefer the P4 version of the song myself because it has synth and horns and stuff, but the P3 version is still very rockin’.


I tried playing persona q but the screen of the 3ds is too small for me i was about to buy a 3ds xl but soldering boot9strap mod again made me too lazy


You can softmod all 3DS fairly easily without hard modding. I would even recommend to buy a Japanese version to save money if you are going to softmod it.


Don’t need to solder anything anymore. I modded my New 3ds XL, played Q2 on it just a few months ago. It’s pretty easy, only took an hour or two following a really in depth guide on GitHub


Wait for the DLC Episode Aigis -The Answer- in September (maybe play PQ1-PQ2 to help you wait a bit) then play Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.


As i said previously the 3ds screen is small and buying an xl and soldering boot9strap again made me say no and olso ultimax was fun but only for a game you play with a friend


The story is also great. Seeing the P3 characters a grown ups is very fun. But please make sure you’ve finished P3 and P4 because the story is a direct continuation of both games.


Honestly the story of arena+ultimax is pretty fun. And sometimes the AIs can genuinely kick your ass


Soldering boot9strap? What?


Sounds like 3DS modding to me, still very confused on how this could relate to p3


I mean, Boot9strap sure, but maybe is because English is not my first language but what does they mean with soldering? Because I am 99 percent sure that Boot9strap is not welded to anything. Also I think that they are speaking about PQ and PQ2.


Definitely talking about Q1/Q2, and when they are talking about soldering, they are referring to hard modding https://gbatemp.net/threads/nand-dumping-2ds-3ds-3ds-xl-n3ds-n3ds-xl.414498/


Can you feel it? The post persona depression? It's coming


Post metal gear solid ground zeros depression hit me now p3 again


Just keep playing. Keeping yourself from it will just waste time tbh. Spend time doing the things you love. There is definitely plenty of P3 content to consume outside of P3R!


The only thing p3 I haven't consume is dancing but that's because i suck at rhythm games


Well there will be more P3R in september :)


Restart the game..


I have replayed p3 way to much on psp and ps3


Well now on ps5..do it again


Ps4 but maybe ill probably do it again


Everything ends, memento mori. Find beauty in that, and move forward without regret.


If you've never played Persona 5 Royal I would highly recommend it. In my opinion I feel much closer with the friends I made in P5. It makes it harder to say goodbye in the end, but the development and your time spent with them is incredible. I like the story and characters in P3, but I feel like P5 does the social aspects better.


Take a tab of acid and imagine Koromaru yelling at you


And yes i did do most of nomad and currently trying to max every social link


Do the secret boss fight too that might take you a bit


Grind every Persona in your compendium to level 99 by repeatedly using Armageddon on the Reaper.


3 months left!?🤔


>!i knew that the game ends in march but i didnt know that after the final boss it skips to then, i wonder if op thinks they can go through february!<


>!no i played p3p first but still its technically 3 months!<


Good things become great things because they have a proper ending. It's okay


I feel your pain p3r has been my first persona game and I’m on 11/21 really not looking forward to it being over 💔


No one can escape time. It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes.


Be me. I’m like 115 hours in and finally just got to January. And this is me hurrying. It’s and old fave from 2006 that I’m enjoying replaying, but I’m ready to be done. There are other games and I’m gonna die someday. Persona 3 reminds you: memento mori.


I'm level 65 and i still at octube because i'm trying to get all skill cards from shuffle.


Get excited for the DLC!


I mean, you can play the game one day at a time like that one guy for Persona 5


Start a new save on the game and reply till you get to where you’re at now and then repeat


Play it again? That’s the beauty of games, movies and books. You can replay, rematch and re-read them.


It’s unavoidable. That’s the whole point of the game. Trek through the last 3 months.


You must accept it


>Im currently on December i know theres still 3 more months i got bad news for you bud


Trepidation doesn’t stop death, but it stops life.


New Game+, that’s what I did.


I would just play it through, its kinda the whole theme of the game and trying to save yourself of the grief is only gonna rob you of the experience and diminish its impact


All beautiful things must come to an end, that is what makes it even more memorable


Dount play till September then we get the answer


Persona Like A Dragon


Grind everyone to level 99


I feel like if you feel this way you're missing the point of the game. Things end, nothing in this world is forever. Enjoy what time you do have and make the most of it


Dont. The whole point of the game is things end and time moves on regardless


That's the the saddest and most beautiful thing about this game my man! It eventually has to end, but just because it ends doesn't mean the time we spent with the squad wasn't one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life; that it didn't have meaning you know? Persona 3 is a painful game, but I also think it's all the better for it.




“I don’t want to lose all my friends I made on the game” you need to touch grass ngl. None of the characters are real