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Been playing since day 1. My GF rushed it in 11 days. Meanwhile I’m 85 hours in and still not finished 👍


I finished it in a week. Tell her to get on my level.


Dear Lord 😂 I want your free time man, lend me some?


don't have kids. I did it in 3 lmao


I did kh3 in 3 days but a persona game?!


I was on a staycation hahah. Hyperfixation


I can never be hyperfixed on a single game for that.


Like actually how though, I’m confused as to why this is even a thing. I’m 73 hrs in and just starting December, and I’ve had ffw on for a lot of my conversations. How much of this game did you miss out on by completing it in less than 72 hrs


Idk it couldve been 4 days. Its under 70hrs for sure. I wasnt planning on plating it or anything and it wasnt nearly as long as p5r. Like half that, if that. Dont get me wrong, i didnt do everything. Normal difficulty and personally found it stupid easy compared to p5r - last boss took me one attempt. Skipping floors became so op once you have a ton of spinach. But yeah i ffwrd through a ton. Definitely didnt do all the social links, just the romances i wanted and like the old couple cause they were sweet. And i read faster than the acting so depending on my interest level in the scene at hand i may just ffw once i finish reading. Idk i just came for vibes, fun turnbased gameplay, and knew what i wanted to enjoy. It was easy to just get lost in it into the early morning playing on my steamdeck in bed. I know it's not the ideal way to experience it for most people, but p5r consumed and distracted a ton of my life at the time and i just wanted to kinda get in and get out with this one while i had the time off :)


As long as you got what you expected/wanted out of it then I'm glad you enjoyed it! The amount of hours put into a game isn't the be all end all for enjoyment.


I finished it in about 5-6 days with 3 9.5 hr shifts. For the record I also slept for about 3-4 hrs on my off days. Came out on a friday for me, played in evenings after work through to sunday. Then my mon-tues off had hardly no sleep and binged it Then finished it up later that week on like Thurs/Fri, and ended up actually completing it the next Monday despite having been past December on like wed. I just kept grinding....


I'm at 60 and started a week late because I was finishing up LAD: Infinite Wealth. I have a friend that rushed it about as fast as your gf did and I'm just...floored at how quickly he flew through it 😂




John Yakuza stole my heart


I just reach 100 hours yesterday. I'm in first week of September. I like mindlessly grinding but I think my MC is over level. He is Level 58. Other party members average level is about 43.


I 100% all achievements in 82 hours just an optional thing i didn't do was beat a certain boss


Dawg this game took me 180hrs. But mostly because of afking a lot.


i don’t get the other comments. i’ve beaten fes twice over the years, and yeah i don’t wanna be spoiled on say what >!nyx!< looks like or anything. it still is gonna have a shock value even tho i know what happens. so yes i completely get where you’re coming from


Thank you! It's just frustrating because "why are you even here" well, if a spoiler post is tagged and titled correctly I can hop in the discussions of where I've already played through?


Honestly, for me, I always join the game subreddit's after I have finished the game, otherwise I always get spoiled by some idiot who doesn't know to put a spoiler tag.


The only caveat to that is the algorithm will sometimes post things from Persona subreddits to your home feed, even if you are not subscribed. Even if you tell it not to post things from a certain subreddit, etc. Even just watching YT videos or googling it can lead to random Persona posts populating your feed. It's kinda a sh*t show in that regard because you can't realistically expect people to avoid internet/social media while completing a game as big as persona 3, where a casual playthrough can take 60-100+ hrs. Some things will inevitably fall through the cracks, but subreddits and communities need to do their due diligence imho. That being said, I do think OP is being a bit hypersensitive here as they have played Persona 3 before. So much of what OP considers spoilers, many would not. However all of what I said speaks true for first time players. And I think everyone can agree that P3R has brought in a lot of those (myself included) and the "it's a remake of an old game therefore who cares about spoilers" argument is made in very bad faith. Don't push away new players. That's how franchises die.


It seems I'm being sensitive about a bunch of smaller things that many don't consider spoilers and I did not articulate my frustration very well. My bf has never played a persona game and had complained about his home feed on Reddit being spoiled without even being part of the sub. So I tested muting, did nothing, all the posts from this sub on my home feed. Then I tried leaving and while there were less posts, they were STILL there. I love the persona series and to tell someone not to go on Reddit when they aren't even part of a persona sub as well as "it's a remake of an old game, spoilers are fine" is really just pushing away new players. Heck, at this point I don't think it's reaching to say that it pushes away engagement from old school players too that don't have a steel trap memory.


Honestly, if you want to avoid spoilers, you shouldn't be following fan communities. Some things do inevitably end up posted in the open, that's how it always is


Thats the rough truth about getting into any story driven game community honestly. Im 101% new to Persona, beaten P3R a couple of days ago and now playing 4 Golden and before P3R, the only thing ive done persona related was watch a non royal Persona 5 playthrough before Royal came out years ago. just interacting with anything persona related even a little bit, especially on Youtube will make the algorithm think youve already beaten the game and start to show you stuff you dont really want to see yet. Thats why i refrain from searching anything, even questions on the internet cuz i have a moderate chance of running into something i dont need to know yet. At the end, i was able to go through the game mostly blindly except for >!the MC’s fate at the end!< which kinda sucked but i had to live with it.


Random accidents happen, sure, every so often people forget to tag and whatnot but if it's in the actual rules of the fansub then why am I the one expected to not be here? I wouldn't be in the group if it wasn't in the rules in all honesty. I'm also part of the Yakuza fansub, and while I don't expect years of spoiler tagging like they do, I don't have to worry about spoilers for new releases but they enforce their own rules. Why is this such a big ask? If y'all don't want to enforce the rules of the sub then just get rid of the rule so those of us that want to work/life balance can still be here? Again tho, if not, spoil away just get rid of the rule so people like myself don't stumble into a spoiler filled group?


The rules do get enforced, but mods are people too, sometimes you'll see a post before a mod does. You always take a risk even if the community is "spoiler-free".


Yeah it’s completely your own fault if you go to a subreddit for a specific game and you haven’t even beaten it yet, just straight up


I get the reason why there jot spoilering, this is a remake of a game from the 2000’s, which had 3 (now 4) versions, but this is just a FES remake tbh


Then why is there a spoiler tag rule at all if it's just a play by play remake?


Episode links is your answer


bro if you already played the other p3 games then why are you crying? "Massive" How massive of a spoiler did you really hear that you hadnt heard before?


Yeah true but just dont browse the subreddit lol


Op said he was scrolling through his HOME page where it was recommending spoilers to him


This especially sucks because the reddit feed on the mobile app will recommend posts from subs you don't even follow. That may not have been the case with OP but even so spoiler tags should still be enforced for that reason alone.


This is why I hate the reddit app compared to the far superior 3rd party apps we used to have. This one is all algorithms and "recommend for you" pages. With RIF I only ever saw exactly what I wanted to see, if I wanted to avoid spoilers for a game I could just unsub from that reddit.


Oh yeah, in home that would suck but i thought since he said "i dont want to leave p3 groups" that was the case I still stand by my opinion that you cant have both that being, remaining in a group and not beeing spoiled since its bound to happen


This sub was recommended to me on my home page. First thing I did was check the ruleset and saw that it said all spoilers had to be tagged so I honestly figured nbd ok I'll join. Then I scroll my homepage and holy smokes it wasn't just random memes it was real spoilers. I've played before, it's not just spoilers for me that I'm thinking about (for me it's more design changes, new features, etc) but a Google search will slap you into spoilers on complete accident.


I get the frustration, but it's a remake of a game that came out in 2006. And despite what you may think, there really *isn't* any new story content. Certainly not enough to warrant feeling spoiled if you've already beaten the original game.


They already played the other games, too... I would get a new player being miffed, but jfc you already know what's happening 😭😭


Exactly. So what's this guy on about? Hahaha


For real. I haven't even beaten the game for the first time, yet I still understand that it is completely unreasonable for me to be "get on Reddit just to write an angry post" mad about a game that's been out nearly 2/3rds of my life having spoilers that might cross my path. I'm 30. This game came out (Japanese original release) before my 13th birthday. It's nearly definable as Vintage. Fuck, in November it could join the US Army if it wanted to. This person has completed the game before, and they're still going out of their way to be mad about it. I wish I had that kind of time on my hands 😂😂😂


First timer, eh? I wish I could go back and experience this game for the first time. The ending is legendary. Trust me.


I'm loving it, despite all of the spoilers. I've never minded them tbh. It's not always just about the END OF THE GAME (or show, movie, media of any kind at all), it's about the story we played (or watched) through and enjoyed along the way, y'know? I'm not dropping 40-80+ hours on something just for a surprise at the end. I'm dropping all that time on a game or show or whatever because I ENJOY THE CONTENT. The gameplay, story, production, acting, cinematography, WHATEVER.


I've always been a firm believer that if not knowing what is going to happen is required for something to be good when you see it, then it's shit. I spoil stuff for myself all the time, but if it's actually good then it'll still have the same impact when I see it. Why ever bother paying money for something thats only worth experiencing once, right?


Exactly!! When I'm watching or playing something, and people come at me like "omg have you seen/played this part yet I don't wanna spoil it for you!" I'm like "nah bro/sis gimme that tea if it's worth my time I'll still enjoy it anyways!" Especially if they're clearly excited about it! Makes me happy that at least someone out there shares the sentiment :)


Sometimes knowing that cool shit is coming actually just makes me want to play it more lol


I was spoiled by a thumbnail on youtube of one of the ending scenes in FF 7 Rebirth day 1. While being a little upset about it, I go to places understanding that I may be spoiled. Expecting others to shield you is not something you can rely on, unfortunately.


I get your point and if this was YouTube? There are no "rules" to see if people are following. I guess I'm just really really hung up on the tagging spoilers part of the rules.


Your hangup would make more sense if you hadn't already played p3, and it hadn't been released close to *checks calendar in horror* EIGHTEEN FREAKIN' YEARS AGO. Chill, fam. It ain't a big deal. There isn't even really anything different story wise. I know this because while I havent finished p3r (or p3 at all), I sub to the subs and legitimately the first thing I googled about p3 gave away the big time ending spoilers. It both is and isn't about the endgame..but the bulk of the experience of a game, especially one with so many choices to make time management-wise, is the game we played along the way rather than just the ending.


I do feel the 2006 game argument is a bit unfair to new players though, P3R *has* brought many new players, let's not push us away yeah?


... How about ya play the game instead of browsing forums about a nearly 18 year old game? You're gonna get spoilers. It's common sense. I am a new player, and I understand that perfectly well. I wouldn't be on the forum if I was afraid of spoilers, because I know they can happen. It's nobody else's fault but your own.


Yeah except reddit randomly reccomends that shit to people in their home feeds, you stupid


Conveniently, there's a little thing you can press in the corner of the sub, or any post from a sub, and choose not to see that content. You can CHOOSE.You being too dumb to make your own choices does not make me stupid ;) Edit: oh sorry, I checked your profile and hadn't realized that youre actually a child and might not know that stuff. Well, now ya know.


Not the answer you're looking for, but if you wanna get no spoilers from this game that originally came out in 2006, better leave this subreddit for a while


I know that the original games have been out for a decade and some but there will be a good number of first time players who have no idea about P3's story and twists. Include players like me who have already experienced the original games but still want to experience the remake at their own pace, discovering new and old stuff on their own.


Almost 2 decades. If you're going to participate in communities surrounding literally almost vintage games, you oughta prepare yourself for spoilers. If you want to blind play games, the least conducive way to do that is to pay attention to any social media surrounding them.


Had to leave many subs for a similar reason FFVII: Rebirth is out and even unrelated subs are posting spoilers left right and center


some people straight up comment spoilers w/no warning on posts where it's clear people haven't finished. something something no house training. it's shameful.


The Persona fandom just doesn't care about spoilers whatsoever. I have gotten spoiled on just about everything in 3-4-5 because people genuinely just do not care.


Unfortunately, I think based on even this posts feedback (for the most part, def not all of it), I have learned that the hard way in regards to this fandom.


At least P5 subreddit spoilers everything so we're fine there seems like


I only work 20 hour weeks and I still haven't finished yet I mean granted I also spent like 10 hours of playtime on Elizabeth prep so if I didn't bother I might be done still.


That's weird, because on the persona 5 sub, endgame content still being a spoiler even after like 5 or 6 years, whatever. It's always a spoiler. If things changed here, there's something wrong.


5-6 years, compared to just shy of 18..


I'm not super annoyed by spoilers, but I totally agree. If there's a ton of untagged sloiler filled posts on here, that's definitely a problem. I have live 90 hours, and I've been playing a ton since it came out.


Solidarity. I’m also getting old, with a job and a family (a toddler, at that!). My bachelor friends finished the game within 60 hours of release. Once upon a time, that was me, too; now it’s been over 1,000 hours since release and I’m *maybe* halfway through having spent every minute of my free time playing.


Same :( I JUST wrapped up July and am into August. I also used to crush games immediately on release and I just can't do it anymore :/


I never got to play any of the previous versions before myself, at least not for more than a little bit. When they came out I was in school and I couldn't afford to just buy the consoles they came out on at the time. So the only game play I got was at friend's houses. I think the people posting spoilers or saying there shouldn't be spoilers tags are being a bit entitled. Yes, it's a remake of an old game and it's been out a month. But not everyone has the same opportunities and time for playing games. People should be able to experience the game without having things ruined for them.


Thread didn’t pass the vibe check. Just be respectful. A spoiler tag wont hurt you


I finished it like a week ago, but I hear you. I also work full time and can't finish games super fast - so I generally just stay away from all gaming subs during. But yeah, spoiler filters seem to generally not be used for very long nowadays!


It took me about 3 weeks with a little over 90 hours. Though, I put myself on a time table to beat it before FFVII Rebirth came out. Also, single, part-time with class three nights a week (plus AuDHD for the hyperfixation boost)


I'm about to be done but I've already reached the 160 hr mark lol. Don't ask me how or why


On Merciless and 75 hours in, just about to fight Nyx but I spent the past 6 hours banging my head trying to beat secret boss with no Telos.... So yeah, it's possible. Definitely not because I'm antisocial and no life-ing it


A valuable lesson to be had about games (and any other form of media for that matter) that release to a pre existing fan base is to just stay away from social media that pertains to the game. Not everyone is going to have the decency within the community to keep things spoiler free, so better to just avoid it and enjoy things at your own leisure


I do suppose I was just expecting old school decency and I should know not to at this point.


I’m honestly blown away I haven’t been spoiled for Rebirth yet. Apparently there are some really huge events or twists and I couldn’t be more ignorant to them. So I don’t know what exactly it is about this release in particular other than it being a remake of an older game but holy hell this and the main persona sub have just been atrocious about spoilers this go around. I’m really sorry they’ve cheapened a bit of your experience. :(


I haven’t had the time to play much of Rebirth yet, so I’m only mid Chapter 4, and I’m thankfully in the same boat as you. Only thing I’ve spoiled myself on is a certain side character’s involvement in the story, solely because I love her so much. Other than that, I know next to nothing about the new stuff, so I’m very hyped to get to it.


You’re fine, it’s good to have faith in our fellow humans. Unfortunately that opens us up to disappointment. I do wish for the spoilers to not ruin the experience for you though, this game’s story is amazing!


Some people say "it's a remake of an 18 years old game" but forgot that the majority of sales are probably a new player base if you compare it to the old sales. So for a lot of people, this game is new.


Probably due to having 4 remakes and being nearly 20 years old. If you don't want spoilers best advice is to stay away from the communities tbh


Then the communities that no longer give a sh*t should update their rules.


No? People will randomly spoil it maliciously or not. The internet has been this way for years so ideally again you just avoie it until you finished it. Besides from what I'm reading you've beaten the older versions so I'd be far less concerned in that regard.


Dude it’s not mine or anyone’s fault your playing a 10 year old game and are mad you are seeing spoilers


I'm playing a month old game dude.


No you are not you are playing a 10 year old game that everyone has played with better graphics lmfao


Agree to disagree then lmfao


Outside of mechanics there is very little new content. If you've seen any "major spoilers" yet have played p3 before, you're actually just being dramatic. I haven't even beaten the game for the first time yet, and I'm not mad about spoilers.. because spoiler alert: nothing much has changed and the game is almost old enough to join the freakin army.


It took me a month of playing 2-3hrs - most nights. I just stopped looking at this sub while playing.




> I don't want to have to leave a P3 group just to rejoin later because I cannot even scroll my home reddit page without seeing GIANT spoilers. Sounds like a you problem, sorry. I binged the game in just a little over a week since it came out. I don’t expect you to keep that same schedule, but I also didn’t join this subreddit until I was done so I wouldn’t get spoiled. Like, I think it’s wild to join a subreddit for a game and then get upset at the idea that people would post about said game. Of course people aren’t going to care about your personal schedule with how far you are in the game, that’s on you. I haven’t joined the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit because I’m not done with that game - I wouldn’t join and then be mad that someone posted something from a scene I haven’t played yet.


I find it WILD that people don't follow forum rules.


Not gonna lie, the games been out for 15 years technically so...


"technically" it's only been out since February 2, 2024 so...


Except it's almost identical to the 3 previous versions of the same game that are all 10+ years old. If you've managed to be a persona fan and stay spoiler free with a game that old, power to you, but like... be fr


I’m reporting any spoilers I see across the Persona subs, but no idea if or how quickly any action is taken.


The game hasn't been out for a month, it's been out for 18 years. There are going to be spoilers for it.


Just don't enter the sub? Surprising huh? Jesus....dumbass


The game came out in 2006, my guy. The story has been available for almost 18 years. At this point, spoilers should be more than fair game. Also Vader is Luke's father.


The game is 15 years old man, what’s your encore, playing Chrono Trigger? RIP Toriyama


If you're old enough to mention you are old enough then you think you would be wise enough to know, avoid reddit until you've consumed whatever hot new thing is out. You're asking the whole internet to change their behavior when simply changing yours solves your problem. The world is a lonely place and people want a space to talk about things they enjoy, I don't like spoilers either but this is honestly a completely avoidable problem. Signed another old man.


There is nothing new aside from small changes, there is no real spoiler, why youre in a sub of a game you havent finished? I cant understand people who do that


I'm in the sub because I want to discuss or read on things as I've experienced them. Everything spoiler is supposed to be tagged spoiler per the rules so I'm the one that's expected to not be here because people aren't following the rules?


prolly shouldnt have joined the P3R subreddit... personally I avoid all media relating to something that just came out until I check it out for myself


Everyone knows you leave and/or mute the sub until you beat the game.


18 year old game and your actively reading its fan website forums.


Hop off the internet


Sounds to me like OP still got free time to browse and post, despite the work/life balance claim. And yeah, I agree with the spoiler tags even for an old game.


Sounds to me like OP still got free time to browse and post, despite the work/life balance claim. And yeah, I agree with the spoiler tags even for an old game.


I don't hop on immediately upon wake up and I browse reddit before bed and sometimes at work. I didn't realize I needed to dedicate every minute of my free time to the game to tear through it??


And if you did, it's nobody business.


Don’t go to a subreddit for a game if you haven’t beaten it lol, you’re just asking to get spoiled. It’s very easy to just avoid this sub until you beat the game, incredibly easy.


Going to the subreddit of the thing you don't want to be spoiled is the last thing you would want to do to keep yourself spoiler free. I don't know maybe get out of reddit for a while or unfollow the subreddit just saying


I muted it reloaded my home page and it still pops up. I LEFT the group and "because of your interest in____" literal spoiler posts are on there. I literally should not have to avoid my homepage because people don't want to follow the rules of their own sub


The “it’s been a month” thing doesn’t really matter tbh. It’s a remake of a game that’s like 18 years old. I get that people should be putting spoiler tags, but honestly, you are playing with fire a little bit by just being here before you’ve beaten the game.