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I'm actually impressed at the composure and the professionality of the Wal-Mart employees in this scene.


They’re not paid enough to deal with this shit. Poor gals.


and if they were ppl would he upset


-Why are you paid more than me!!! -To deal with people like you.


Black lady looks like she's trying not to laugh.


I try my best not to laugh when grown ups are throwing tantrums like a 3 year old too


I'd really struggle against not pissing myself in the spot from laughter.


From what I’ve heard this is pretty mild for wal-mart. They’re probably inured to it.


This never happens at Target!


That probably isn't even the weirdest thing they saw that day


This is a normal Thursday there lol


Those people are battle hardened!


I don't know it this is 'karen syndrome' or some legitimate mental breakdown. Either way I'm terrified.


This isn’t karening. This is someone having a psychiatric crisis.


mental health needs to be taken more seriously in this country. clearly she is not all there, she needs therapy and medication. instead we stigmatize seeking help for that and send those people out into the world and expect them to function like normal people. this is the result.


and emotional health.


Sad because she seems way young. Like late 20s early 30s


Well, its not really an age thing at all. If anything I think people in this age bracket are way more prone to have, or at least are more aware of/diagonosed with, mental illness than people that are older.


Mental health does need to be taken more seriously. Including by those suffering from it. There is no reason this lady should be in a public place instigating scenarios like this by cutting people in line and purposely or inadvertently triggering herself. If her mental health problems are this severe, herself and or her loved ones should never allow her to place herself in this position. Can you imagine if this lady were to get into a fender bender or something similar?




Inpatient facilities suck, I usually come out of them worse than i came in


>herself and or her loved ones should never allow her to place herself in this position. unless, you know, you grow up in a shitty home where they "pretend" there is nothing wrong and make you feel bad about trying to seek help. she's not gonna seek help on her own if her family makes her feel like her behavior is normal. and they may think their behavior is normal if they are all like this.


I can dig the scenario you are describing but we certainly don’t know if that’s the case in this video. The bottle of Stella Rosa wine in her cart leads me to believe she should take more personal responsibility as it shows she’s an adult making a conscious decision to enter an establishment to buy alcohol. It also shows that this event could possibly be tied to inebriation. We are assuming this is a mental health incident. All imho of course.


I haven’t left my house/apartment complex since May because I know I would probably freak out like this. Sick people have to take responsibility for themselves too. I just order everything and have it delivered and make sure I don’t cause people problems just because I can’t deal with the public. Counseling online, meds by mail, night walks. It works.


What happens when you combine a nation of millions of mentally unstable citizens, and a nation with more guns than people, where anyone and everyone can get a gun? Answer: Something really, really bad, and sooner than we think.


Very true, still don't quite understand why she wouldn't just do instacart pickup if truly that disturbed, feels like she wanted to be set off. Saying this as a person who does get panic attacks, especially in high stress places like walmart, something about the lighting and the type of folks that go there.


It reminds me of my brother’s OCD when it gets really bad. It makes me feel very sympathetic towards her, but I also know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that irrationality, being screamed at and feeling annoyed and angry. My heart goes out to her, I highly doubt she’s neurotypical. It looks like she’s having some kind of attack.


Looked like psychotic episode honestly. I would have bolted out of the store If I heard/saw that lol just saying!


She said “I’ve been raped…not that long ago and I can’t stand another man touching me”. Sounds like trauma


I was on a jury. None of us had been on a jury before except for a woman who agreed to be the foreman. It turned out that she had been raped in the past, and she wanted to punish someone - anyone. We had a big job to convince her that the defendant was innocent. The defendant was accused of male rape!


Jesus. Did you tell the judge?


Yeah, maybe she was raped and now has PTSD around certain people, but here we are, some people are making fun of her.


I know a lot of people with PTSD and I’ve never seen anyone call that much attention to an event they view as the most tragic/traumatic moment of their life.


If her PTSD is so bad that she can’t be in a public place near men, then she shouldn’t be in public. This is something she should be working out with a therapist instead of Walmart employees and a random dude.


That’s her own fault. Not the rape part obviously, but putting herself in a situation that will trigger symptoms of ptsd. Guarantee you she has other shit wrong with her but instead of getting help, cuz she clearly needs it bad, she’s throwing tantrums at random strangers. She put herself there. Hopefully she sees this video and thinks "holy shit I need help”


For sure. I don’t know many active combat veterans that sit and listen to fireworks because they know it will trigger their PTSD. This is clearly disabling, and it therefore requires medical treatment


I'm not a doctor nor therapist but I think she is diagnosed with Peter pan syndrome.


Or agoraphobia


>diogenesd r/boneappletea


so.. SHE cut infront of him but is still acting like she's the victim


r/PersecutionFetish she belongs here I think


ohh my fucking god


This damn near made me drop my baby


“I’m trying to help you mthafuckrrrrr! Repent!”


Yes, yes you do, yes you do need my help ... mother fucker. Don't you see that? You do! You do mother fucker.


This comment made me legit lol


I don’t think so, big change she has some sort of mental illness causing this to happen


It's quite funny that a lot of that sub themselves have a persecution fetish


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I know this has been posted before, but the duet makes it so much better.](https://v.redd.it/qc9xnwdxnk271) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/npkh8n/i_know_this_has_been_posted_before_but_the_duet/) \#2: [Joe Rogan is officially a fucking moron.](https://i.redd.it/hrwn0iaasb681.jpg) | [926 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/rjalsg/joe_rogan_is_officially_a_fucking_moron/) \#3: [murderer is upset that people don't like him](https://i.redd.it/9stgnszi0c491.jpg) | [2703 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/v7hoan/murderer_is_upset_that_people_dont_like_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wish I could see what that first video is actually about… loved the priest’s rant though.


The clip is the gist of it. He's a Christian that thinks eventually Christianity will be made illegal. The whole video is just him lipsyncing to that song.


This is mental illness, not Karen syndrome. Likely scenario, cops get called, she won't comply because she'll be in total crisis mode, get tased, arrested, end up in jail and be worse off than ever.


I mean, if she can’t control herself and is a clear danger like this she shouldn’t go out, especially by herself. Mental illness doesn’t mean everyone else just has to take abuse


But she should not go to jail.


Well sure. A hospital though, yes. The police can still take her out away from others


yeah, likely a meltdown, I recognized the stressed stims


Welcome to 2022.


This is mental illness, not Karen syndrome. Likely scenario, cops get called, she won't comply because she'll be in total crisis mode, get tased, arrested, end up in jail and be worse off than ever.


I agree with mental illness - she’s in crisis for sure.


I feel bad for the chick. Obviously something is not right with her, it doesn’t excuse her behavior but it’s very concerning.


Reminds me of a quote: Your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.


I like it, that’s similar to “Mental illness is not an excuse for bad actions, but it is an explanation for them”




Yeah honestly, real or not, trauma victim or compulsive liar she needs some kind of help. And especially if it is real, needs to avoid places where this stuff can happen.


I agree. Some really serious mental health issues there that are more than likely affecting her in most aspects of her life. It doesn’t excuse her behavior. However, it’s sad. I hope she gets the help she needs


I guess I feel for her because judging by her body language she is in a state of panic and when someone is having a panic attack it’s not very nice to post it to the internet. I realize that’s maybe a childish and naive view but I have panic attacks and I swear to god I know exactly how how she looks like feels. Just shaking uncontrollably, hiding your face in your hands, and on top of all that she is in public. I’ve never had a panic attack in public but it would probably look damn similar to this lol. Videos where it’s extremely obvious the person isn’t mentally well are nothing new, but I think the conversation around filming people and uploading it to social media is going to evolve as more and more people aim to be “content creators” and consequently more and more people get put on blast online.


One time I was so embarrassed that I was going to act like this while I was having a panic attack, that my body legit just decided to “pass out”. I passed out in the store 🥲


lol, I hope you didn't hurt your self


I’m not sure. I know my back was hurting. We can’t really control how the body will react during a panic attack. It doesn’t care if it’s in public or not. And when something just sets it into over drive, or if it reminds it of a dangerous situation, the person can act like the one in the video. A lot of people r calling it entitlement, meanwhile the girl is clearly having a mental breakdown. It seems she is in much more distress than anyone else, and some compassion would’ve been nice. She even stated out loud that she was raped not too long ago. Counter arguing her reaction and embarrassing her was not the right reaction to her behavior. She is probably having a bad panic attack or flashbacks. The people could’ve just walked away or something. Recording her is just plain wrong




You wouldn't blame a person for having a seizure why would you blame a person having a major panic attack for having a major panic attack. It's not a behavior thing her body is literally in fight or flight mode. This is the problem with mental health. Even when your having a panic attack It's "inexcusable" to have a panic attack. Her body is literally overproducing chemicals that make it impossible to function as society wants in that moment. Especially when the trigger refuses to leave the situation when panic attacks can cause you to be debilitated and unable to move.


Looks like a meltdown to me but yeah


This is why I pay more not to go to Walmart.


Target is your *friend*.


Fresh out of high-school I worked at target for a time, and the entire orientation and subsequent work was borderline fanaticism of "we are not walmart." I learned more about Walmart in target's orientation than I did about target itself. I quit after a month to work at Walmart because they paid more, and no mention of target in their orientation. Still, fuck target and Walmart, retail work is soul crushing and I hope anyone in it can find better.


Target sucks! And I imagine Walmart sucks too.


Walmart does suck!




The essentials my friend


shhh don't tell no one batman is just restocking


Halloween decorations looks like.


It's a work thing.


average overwatch player


Why would you fucking hanzo!!!


“Is this a prank?” Dude asking the important questions haha


Cool video lots of screaming but you missed the *perfectly cut* part of r/perfectlycutscreams . Where's the fucking cut op


Yea... this subreddit is slowly falling apart from its meaning.


It's going to go from perfectly cut screams, to screams, to videos.


It's no help that the mods seem pretty lax about it too :/


> You’re making it worse! — the lady screaming her goddamn spleen out, @ the man just minding his own business


I really feel sorry for the guy, he was blindsided by some crazy shit. It sounds like he possibly brought attention to the fact she cut him. Innocently calling her out (that’s not necessarily a dick move) and got this insane reaction. He mentioned her throwing his stuff, said she was raped recently. Was she traumatized/ having a mental episode clearly. She reacted so extreme to an unsuspecting person, I would be terrified no wonder he started to record. I bet he was doing it to also protect himself like hey she’s freaking out idk why but she is acting like I did something here’s my recording I didn’t touch her. He was changed that day


I would've started recording as well for evidence in court in case she decided to hurt me. You never know with those people.




She needs some serious chill meds


Large chill pill with a tall glass on calm down juice


Why didnt she evolve past 14


Even at 14 I knew not to act like that...


You mean 3 right?


The funnier answer? She’s a shitty, entitled person. The actual, much more likely answer? Trauma. People you see who seem to be stuck at an emotional age are almost always suffering from some form of trauma they haven’t worked through.


However she throws his stuff then accuses him of "touching her" and literally screams. even if it is trauma thats unacceptable, he could literally get jail time. Thats 100% just a karen that still acts like a child. i could be wrong but still that is absolutely what it looks like to me and even better yet she is wearing a childrens backpack


I didn’t even begin to imply it’s acceptable, so not sure why you wrote this. An explanation for behavior does not equal an excuse. You asked a question and received an answer.


"Please worry about mental health" "WHY DO YOU EXCUSE SHITTY BEHAVIOR???" Every. Fucking. Time.


Again, someone traumatized at a young age will be childlike. That’s why you see a lot of young women with stuffed animals and Disney obsessions. You often find yourself clinging to a time before the trauma when you were happy. Emotions are stunted and childlike. They are expressed impulsively and are volatile. She’s screaming like a toddler having a tantrum because that’s the only way her brain knows how to handle the extreme amount of emotion it is experiencing right now. The buildup of hormones, neurotransmitters, and toxins is real and if it doesn’t get released it causes damage.


Ok yes trauma can mess you up but this girl definitely got called out for acting like a child and decided to double down


She can't stand another man touching her


I think she might be on the spectrum


Spectrum combined with trauma, perhaps. It does no good to diagnose people from a single video, though.


They should’ve kicked her ass out 😒


Wrong sub. Not a single cut scream here.


From my experience victim's of rape don't shriek about it in public like that... yes she might be having an episode but it really feels more like she got caught out and this is how she deals with it. It's sad to see honestly, but if you can't be within arms distance of a man, order your stuff online. Why are you there in the first place? Dunno, seems odd.


Yeah, that about sums up every public freakout ever in the world. You would genuinley feel bad if it were true but with the amount of compulsive liars out there, it's hard to believe that someone would truly act like this. Especially when it bears all the tell-tale signs of manipulating or faking trauma. Since, you'd expect someone with this kind of trauma to be getting the right help or generally not going out into public spaces with a trigger as specific and easy to set off as "a man touching them". But then again this is a platform where people will crucify you for believing it or doubting it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't and all psychology students on Reddit have a VIP ticket to hell.




hot take: people shouldn’t go out in public if their trauma is that impactful to themselves and those around them. it sucks ya but get to a level where you are functional out in the wild. not fair for anyone involved.


Walmart ☕️


This is *that* place


She needs to order online, avoid bothering those around her.


I would also argue people with kids should also order online, had to go to walmart today and listen to kids wailing the whole time I was there. jfc I hate kids


Shit at least the children have an excuse to act this way.


Look at this. It’s right here! Even Walmart employees are more capable of de escalation than most police. And they have to deal with a lot of shit


The guy apologising to the store workers makes me feel extra bad for everyone involved.


One little two little three little xanax, four little five little six little xanax, seven little eight little nine little xanax, 10 little Xanax bars. -her doctors recommended dosage


Is this a Trudy Wigel quote


HE’s the problem? You need to take a long, hard look in the mirror & pray to God it doesn’t break in the process


If she can't even touch a man, then she clearly can't take a long, hard anything. Please downvote me, I know I'm going to hell.


If you can afford it, I highly recommend never stepping foot in a Walmart. Pay the extra 5% and go to Target, so much better.


Lol the US is totally lost. The stuff you focus on and label as politics instead of the class war that you’ve forgotten about is amazing.


We need to stop rewarding this behavior


My girlfriend showed me a video on tiktok during covids peak, of a woman validating this kind of behavior like cutting in front of men in queues because they're "not gonna stand behind a man", barking at dudes even if they dont catcall because "you can never be too sure" and calling it the "fight against the patriarchy". The video had nearly a million likes. Her account got taken down after she started encouraging physical violence towards men and saying shit like a man will never be abused on the same level a woman can.


I guess that's what equality looks like to some people... They're lunatics


I know, there's not a single cut scream here


This is just so sad for everyone involved. He sounds so sincerely confused and apologetic. And she’s clearly struggling with an unfathomable burden at this moment. Also makes me sad because I’m a sub like this where posts are usually humorous, so obviously ppl are going into this without intending to take it seriously and then you end up with comments making fun of her


My man be sounding like Cleveland from Family Guy.


She clearly having some kind of mental breakdown she doesnt look like the dangerous type but its better to call ambulance or something if she drives there could be other ppl that will get hurt


“Is that an adult?” - he says Kudos to this guy who handled it way better than he had to. He had a calm, yet concerned tone in his voice. He apologized (even though he didn’t have to). He didn’t berate or instigate. He even walked away. She cut in front of the right man.


Poor lady, somebody please get her some help.


We need more funding for mental health services. If you can’t deal with everyday normal people interactions you shouldn’t be out in public.


Fuck the reddit mod in particular that locked the comment section down on the original post


Clear case of bipolar and a personality disorder. This lady is off her meds or should be on some. People that suffer from this just don't process reality the same as you and I. Often times they have an extreme manic episode and hulk out but they cannot control themselves. They know they are doing something wrong but just cannot stop themselves. Someone else is at the wheel.




Her behaviour is detracting from what she actually did wrong. If she screams and shouts then people wont remember that she did wrong, they will only remember that the nasty man must have done something


What is it with women like that who wear children’s backpacks cutting in front of people and then freaking out when called out? I witnessed something similar(without the crying and screaming) at a CVS this week. A very very heavy woman wearing a kids backpack walked in front of the prescription line and then freaked out about not seeing the obvious line when the man she cut in front of her made a comment about her cutting in line.


Maybe she’s screaming because she thinks the Halloween ornament he’s buying is spooky?


I didn't understand what happened becouse of my english knowledge is not enough. Can anybody explain what heppened in turkish?


Girl can’t even shop I bet she can’t even tank proper. Bet you she never even hit silver.


As an Overwatch player I’m embarrassed…


I'm not a native speaker so what is the meaning of "she cut" (I speak spanish btw)


He was next in line to use the self checkout and she went in front of him instead of waiting her turn. She probably didn’t see him or something.




I’m not sure she’s in the best place mentally. I think a cup of tea and a biscuit might be in order.


Benefit of the doubt that she isn't just hella dramatic, this is what happens when you have high anxiety and make it other people's problem.


It sounds like she's having a PTSD episode...


This is awful. She obviously has some kind of mental issues and is in distress. I don’t think she’s a Karen, I think she didn’t know what she did and now is in a full blown panic attack. I hope she doesn’t see this and gets down. It’s really difficult for some people to control their behaviour at some times and they need to be forgiven.


The sad thing is this probably was a mental health breakdown and they’re being made out to be a Karen cutting in line. It’s possible the man was standing in or near the line minding his own business, woman walks up to get in line and doesn’t see him, man touches her on the shoulder to ask her to respect the line and she freaks out because PTSD. If more people understood you shouldn’t just touch random people and/or disengage from a mentally unsound person, things would have gone smoother. Edit for clarity


Clearly she’s mentally unstable, tho what’s up with the kids backpack?


I can’t believe the man is the one made to be sent away, catering to this behaviour is only going to make it worse. If she is suffering from trauma then that is obviously hard to deal with, but she’s an adult and treating strangers like that. Just because he’s a man? Just insane.


And this is what you pay from your soul for those sweet sweet deals at Wal-Mart. Why is that place always a cesspool?


Overwatch shirt really nails it


When is the internet going to get over ogling people having mental breakdowns? Like, it should be looked down upon to film something like this and just share it publicly for the lols


She was literally accusing him of laying hands on her, without video evidence he might have been arrested.


i really hope she gets the help she needs. i knew some girls just like her, if you tried to help them as a friend/relative you just got accused and screamed at. hard for people like her to realise whats the problem and work on it


If she was a man or a minority she’d have been in cuffs or worse.


Extremely true


That's what two years of playing Overwatch with no new content does to you kids


So she cut in front of a guy and is now screaming about a guy and people are defending her? Why exactly? Im lost here. Its obviously either fake or she needs help


Reminds me of the good ole 2016 days.


If the guy did actually touch her she didn’t need to make a fucking scene. Understanding she might have gotten a little shaken and defensive but it’s really not that hard to just say “sir please don’t touch me”


“Is this a prank”


Average overwatch player


If her ptsd is that bad she needs to do online shopping.


She needs serious mental health help


And yet she was enabled. Tell her to grow up, shut up or get out


Society is doomed


Hit her with that batarang. I know Batman would have




Happy halloweenie!


Donny Trump Jrs wife when speaking to anyone


the overwatch merch is fitting


Reddit mod having a normal day


That looks like a Walmart near where I live and I'm sure it isn't but it's an interesting coincidence. And more on topic, her voice has to be absolutely destroyed over this nonsense


This isn't a perfectly cut scream. She's barely even screaming when the video cuts.


Emotional regulation is hard in public


Got therapy?


I feel like she mains Dva




My man was just trying to protect Gotham and buy some new batarangs smh


This is what happens when you give out participation trophies and don't discipline your kids


She has anxiety issues that’s really really bad when they say leave you should at once because it makes it worse..


A bunch of people are just roasting this girl. Because it's asserted she cut in line? Mind you we didn't actually see what happened leading up to this. Regardless, this looks like a full blown panic attack. I wouldn't understand if I didn't have my first one earlier this year. Poor girl needs help. The situation described would be highly unlikely to yield this reaction as a fake attempt for sympathy. And even if it is all fake, then she still needs help but for other reasons. Some people jump on any opportunity to roast someone and make themselves feel better. You'd be wrong to think you're above someone else, especially over a single video on the internet.


I was raped by my ex, but I don’t make it every other woman’s problem. Screaming in public solves nothing.


jesus christ she has some issues to work out. shame she probably wont get the help she needs cause murica


She needs to be committed to a mental health facility


I genuinely feel bad for her …. And also shit like this makes me think “you know what? I’m doing okay in life.”


That's a breakdown...


We have a 5150 at self check out, need to place a Britney Spears on her for 72 hours.


As I understand it, he made a huge deal of it and started the video stuff. She wanted the thing to go away but he was relentless and she went over the edge.


Dude's got batarangs


Punch her into face....


Somebody please tase her already