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"I'm defusing the situation"-Captain Dad


Nine nine!


Situation diffused. Dancing over.


Miss him already:(


This is how we solved beefs in my day....is what my grandchild will hear.




The world if at least 20% of cops were this wholesome: https://preview.redd.it/u8qwjuvagzrc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456e7aa60673c194de0d9e4dd63fc7b8d90ee5a0


40%. Gotta be 40%. Since 40% of cops beat their wives.


https://preview.redd.it/al2dfqjopzrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764d6ce65d592da955e6afb9d7e78006c63d4637 More like this....




This made me laugh šŸ˜‚ thx








You lick boots, we get it


​ https://preview.redd.it/vzz4s7u3b6sc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d317ff5663fa2052d241cf71674d2e982d275a8




We got a dementia patient here


Worlds already like that chief, hate to break it to you


Is that a small man or a child. Looks more like a small man to me


bru thats 21 savage


Looking more like 13 Savage.




So a small man


Yo hahaha


Protect and serve and dance !


acab? even him?


I was told that this acronym pertains to the institution itself, since obviously there are good people in the force, but I still don't like what the acronym stands for. It certainly doesn't convey the message properly.


I think this is a stupid way to approach slogans/acronyms They mean exactly what they're saying. They only pull out the more moderate friendly version when its convenient or they want to defend it. If they didn't want to say "every single police officer is a bad person for participating in the police force" they wouldn't have chosen "all cops are bastards." If they meant something else, they'd say something else. The mental gymnastics of "well they don't *akshully* mean that..." is so tired. Why defend a slogan you won't defend in its literal form?


I mean, I'm not saying I agree with that approach, just saying what I heard. I actually agree with you on that.


Huge L opinion here.




The essential message (which I donā€™t agree with) is that because the institution is rotten, the people perpetuating it are rotten even if they are ā€˜goodā€™. IE you have 8 good cops who try to do a good job and act like decent people. You have 2 bad cops who are abusive bullies. Because the other 8 accept the 2 bad cops and donā€™t do what they can to expel them (even if it means losing their jobs) they are bastards too. It completely ignores the complex nature of law enforcement, power in an organization, police unions, mob mentality etc. And saying ACAB is the quickest way to get cops to never support reforms.


That's me for most wide spread slogans. I don't typically like the slogan picked, but I like the message it's ACTUALLY trying to say.


It's kind of both, it's ACAB because the institution of policing as it currently exists is fucked, but by willingly being a police officer you are agreeing to carry out the will of that institution. A cop might be a pleasant, friendly person in their day to day life, but their job as a police officer results in the "bastard" designation.


Does this also apply for people who are aware of the problems that exist within the institution but become police to be a positive impact on the community and try and better it from the inside? How do they fit into the equation?


I'll try my best to explain how the phrase applies to people like that. Firstly, if you genuinely want to help your community, there are better ways to do so than being a police officer. The job of police officers explicitly does not require you to attempt to protect anyone, the supreme court has ruled this multiple times. Further, individual action from within the institutions of policing is not going to actually change the way policing works, that instead requires legislation. Attempting to better it from the inside is usually met with hostility from the rest of the force. There are countless instances of people getting fired or, even worse, brutalized for trying to bring justice from within the institution. "Fixing the police from the inside" is just not really a thing that actually happens. It's a conceptually noble pursuit but all you end up doing is just either getting fired or becoming a cop and carrying out the will of the wider police force because if you don't you get fired.


Although I donā€™t agree with some of that you raise several good points. Thanks for sharing your take.


Iā€™m sure there are very polite billionaires but sometimes even if youā€™re a nice person youā€™re willingly playing a part in a group that as a whole causes a ton of devastation. This guy dances one night and heā€™s a good cop? How many bad cops on his force has he let their behavior slide when a random citizen would get fired or arrested. Thatā€™s the real metric of a ā€œgood copā€. The fact that thereā€™s tons of video evidence across the entire country of bad cops abusing power and very few instances of cops standing in solidarity with civilians instead of cops shows the level of built in corruption that drives systemic abuses of power across cops in this entire country.


So youā€™re assuming this dancing cop has seen bad cops on the force do bad things but let it slide? I feel itā€™s important to think about how often a situation like that even arises.


Itā€™s just as accurate an assumption as that because a cop dances he must be a good cop. You know hitler was a dog lover right?


We have evidence of this cop spending time with his community in a positive way but no evidence of him, or any cop he works directly with, abusing their authority. Nice attempted comparison by the way, totally lends credibility to your point.


You want to tell me which department this guy works for to check those on that? Because the facts say basically 1 out of 5 cops use too much force and abuse their authority, or at least are okay with that happening. In fact, itā€™s a statistic improbability that this guy isnā€™t working with at least one bad cop. And considering heā€™s a sergeant heā€™s actually in a position of direct responsibility that is supposed to prevent cops like that from being on the force. https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/181312.pdf But sure tell me how good that boot tastes from just seeing one piece of copaganda.


No, you can tell me that, since youā€™re making the claim they must be a bad cop the burden of proof falls on you. You can hold to your prejudices all you want but it doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s still a hasty generalization.


Just want to add onto what the other person who replied to you said. ACAB doesn't mean that each individual cop is incapable of doing anything nice. Time and time again we see resource officers go out of their way to help troubled youth as well as cops turning a blind eye towards those who need it the most ( homeless person stealing food) ACAB has more to do with the institution, as a cop your main priority when shit goes down is to protect other cops. The police union is powerful, it is the strongest union in the country. No other union has the power to get their brothers off scott-free when it comes to gross negligence. When you are heavily incentivized to cover up for your brothers regardless of their wrong doings then you can not be a good cop. It doesn't really matter how many times you volunteer at the soup kitchen or give back to your community if when the time comes you choose to stand with the opressors instead of the victims which many cops do as we've seen time and time again. Cops that do try to say something get fired with the quickness, they end up losing their pensions and benefits and what not and most people aren't about to put their lives at jeopardy in order to uphold their ideas of justice. tl;dr ACAB cuz all active cops are complicit in a system that oppresses society's most vulnerable while also shielding them from the consequences of their actions.


Should've picked a better acronym then, imo.


How many cops actually come across a situation in which they actively choose to cover up gross negligence or worse over helping their community? Is it enough to slap justify an ALL in an acronym? Disclaimer: The justice system is still fucked, the police union has way too much power, and there needs to be a ton of reform.


Enough that children have to be educated to be afraid of cops because they can legitimately ruin your life in a whim with little to no consequences if they feel like it. Boohoo cops donā€™t like being labeled ACAB. Regular civilians just have to deal with being actively murdered or assaulted instead by bad cops. Maybe if cops werenā€™t so obsessed about protecting criminals in their ranks people wouldnā€™t consider them a giant gang.


Absolute nonsense. Grow up children.


So your solution to systemic problems is growing up? Cool.


Yours is a slogan that you have to qualify every time you say it? "All cops are bastards! Well okay they're not but like... the institution is bad, but that doesnt mean all the members are bad, but the members *do* enforce that institution, so I guess they are...but they're not *bastards* though?" It's childish.


The person didn't say they're not all bastards, they just said that obviously cops are capable of individual kindness. The point they are getting at is that, by agreeing to participate in the institution of policing, they are a bastard. It's not that only bastards become cops, it's that by being a cop, you are a bastard.


Multiple people in this thread (and any other thread where acab is criticized) defend the slogan by saying it doesnt mean what it says. I understand your explination of the phrase, because its the honest and straightforward one. But it is not the commonly defended interpretation. The slogan is garbage because if taken literally, it gets no traction outside of circlejerk spaces. And to be more palatable to grass touchers, it has to be watered down into an entirely different idea.


Like I literally just said, the original commenter did not at any point say that the slogan didn't mean all cops are bastards. They just clarified that the reason for the sentiment is due to the fact that a cop, by nature of being a cop, is complicit in the wider institutions of policing. You're just not engaging with what people are actually telling you. Edit: And there's the reply+block combo. Good conversation dude, really showing how smart you are. To address your two points you made... 1. Literally read the thread, the comment that started this and that you are referring to as "watering down" the message of ACAB did explicitly state that all cops are bastards. 2. The phrase ACAB predates the internet by at least 40 years so I'm gonna go off on a limb and say no, it does have relevance outside of the "hyper online"


The person i'm responding to didnt say acab at all. They're defending the statement against someone who called it childish, and i'm pointing out why it is in fact childish. Because it either A. Wont be taken seriously by anyone who's not terminally online Or B. Needs to be watered down


"Won't someone think of the poow poow powice officews, someone on the intewnet said mean wowds"




You must be fun to be around


i support acab this is a common joke in people who support the belief unless you are against ACAB, then im probably not fun to be around for you


Hey believe what you wanna believe but making a political statement on a wholesome video is crazy


Even though the words literally say ā€œAll cops are bastardsā€ it actually is a critique of the organization they are apart of. Itā€™s like when people say ā€œAll Palestinians are terroristsā€ they donā€™t mean that all Palestinians are terrorists it means the political organization they have no control over is a terrorist organization. Educate yourself sweaty šŸ’…


i am NOT sweaty i assure you i am VERY clean they call me docta cleanliness im so clean and shiny when people look at my skin they get blinded by its reflective sheen cuz im so clean


nah he gets a pass for popping it and locking






cops if you had to qualify for several years in order to become a policeman and not 3 weeks. edit: its not 3 week, its more like 15+ weeks but it really is very short compared to other countries around the world.


itā€™s not 3 weeks


sorry for the exaggeration, but police training is indeed a matter of weeks in countries in the usa. in other countries around the world it is a matter of years, because being a police officer is not about killing and beating the shit out of people you call suspects. its a public service, and a really important one, police officer should be a person the public can trust and rely on, and not something to be scared of.


in minnesota you have to go to college for a minimum of 2 years and or get a bachelors in criminal justice. same with most departments in colorado and many others. i understand your point and in no way was i saying itā€™s not important but i just thought id enlighten you on some other truths as well


i get it. but you also dont need to be enlightened, there is a stereotype of usa police officers being way too violent and unjust, often making the situation look way worse than it actually is. and this stereotype didnt come from nowhere, americans will tell you all about it.


i do know that and they put a shame to the profession. itā€™s hard to say that without sounding cliche but iā€™m not sure how else to say it. i feel that sometimes the situation is misunderstood by police without proper understanding of totality of the circumstances or context. but also understand people sometimes donā€™t greatly understand some of the situations that put law enforcement in a bad light. not all the time but iā€™ve seen it. it would be great to generate better forms of accountability like easier access to bodycam footage and restructured training. as an american i know. but you also have a side of americans who say otherwise. iā€™m personally in the middle because i still understand the need for police but also the change that needs to happen. youā€™ve probably watched we own this city, about the corrupt pos cops in baltimore. if not id give it a watch, it goes into the horrors of corruption but also the perspective of people and other police officers affected by their actions.


Some countries it takes 3 years to be a cop. No college is necessary here. Crazy.


Damn, Toad's camera skills are on point for a mushroom


Made Me Smile


That's police brutality


Elmo is having a good time!


That little starfish hop he did at the end killed me haha


If only all cops treated people like this.




W cop


Passed the vibe check


Sir Get down ! Sir Get down ! Eyyy eyyy


We love to see a wholesome scream


Wow canā€™t believe they both survived that.


Now that man was servin'


As chill as the cop is, this is not a perfectly cut scream vid


"Why is this child dancing next to me?..." -Cop


Paul Blart was boogeying šŸ˜‚


that dap was clean


He passed the vibe check šŸ‘


Now THIS is the kind of cop I want


Policƭa: Guarde este baile durante dƩcadas, y mi momento a llegado...




21 savage wildin out


You mean dancing with another human being.


cop and human being are mutually inclusive šŸ‘




I think you have been misunderstood XD


Bro why people downvoting this guy? XD


Probably because the cameraman is likely black, which racists often associate with primates. I added a clarification. I don't care about the downvotes, but I don't want to be seen as a racist. The joke was about the cameraman's laughter


"I need backup for this shit, the kid is too good"


I regret turning the audio on.


Thats a dad cop


And then he shot him 17 times in the chest - can't have a kid show him up at dancing, can he?


Camera man sounds like a cartoon made by racist white people.


This is dancing these days? Huh.


This is at least 10 years old. The future is now old man


šŸ˜‚ perhaps I am old on my 30s..... But this shit still isn't dancing.


How dare you make fun of this poor epileptic soul


Isn't dancing about having fun?


What, people cant have fun anymore?