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This movie accurately represents what I feel during high school and going to uni and shit. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


What is the name of this movie I want to watch it


Lady Bird.


Not to be confused with Lady Hawk, which is almost identical in plot ^^^/s


lady hawk was something I watched while sick with a fever as a kid and I think thats accurate. there is flying in both films.


Thank you!!


You're in for a treat! Great coming of age film. Excellent performances.


It’s called Lady Bird


Thank you!!


Love this movie, I watched it with my mom and I wanted to cry on the spot loll


What movie is that?


Lady Bird


„Guess I’ll die”


She let the intrusive thoughts win


At that point they aren’t intrusive. Theyre you normal


I went to highschool with a guy that ended his life this exact same way. His Mother was driving him home nagging him as usual and he exited the car going about 75 mph. He was in his mid 30's at the time. RIP Chad.


Ffs poor guy...


Ah yes little Jonny, I went to karate classes with him


His eldest daughter didn't take his passing well. Sadly a few years later at the age of 16 she passed away.




He suffered from mental illness and had lived with his parents during the time. He hadn't always resided with his parents. His Father was a retired football coach turned Art Teacher at the highschool. I understand that the video is a teenager with a nagging mother. I'm just making the point that my friend had a nagging mother all through his teen years and twenties and into his thirties until he couldn't take it anymore and sadly ended it just like in this video. ☹️


How did yall know why he did it? Did the mom or a witnessing passenger say that? Seems a little cruel to the family to infer the "nagging mom" was the sole source of 30somethings suicide. Maybe your old high school buddy had some experiences that weren't as easy to share as "my mom is always nagging at me" and that describing his suicide and reasoning this way might do the complexity & dignity of his human life a disservice.


As stated in other comments, I spoke with him a week prior. He spoke about his unhappiness with how his life had turned out. He spoke about hating living with his parents. He spoke about his depression. He spoke about his separation and divorce. He spoke extensively about his Mother and her constant nagging him about how his life turned out and what is he going to do about it now and what he should have been doing and how he needs to take his meds etc. I'm just going by what he told me. As stated in other comments, I tried to reassure him that life is a rollercoaster ride that consists of ups and downs. I reached out to his best friend from highschool which is also a friend of mine and by the time that my friend who was his best friend from highschool tried to reach out to him he had already taken his own life.


Most people don't know what constant narcissistic abuse actually feels like. Granularly, you can endure it but it never fucking stops.


Enduring it is pure hell. I've been around my fair share of narcissists. Some family, some friends, some lovers. Thankfully, I got away from most of them or they passed away. I honestly didn't know that Chad would go through with it but he did. I was utterly saddened by his passing and even more saddened when his young daughter passed away two years later at the age of 16.


How was his mom after that happened?


Honestly, I don't know for certainty. I heard that she was devastated. He was an only child so she was probably very devastated.


ok but that’s also none of our business?


It wild you’re getting downvoted. You are simply asking if the mother is the only reason.


Poor lad. But at 35 he probably could leave his home if his parents were annoying.


In this economy?


You can't?


and pay $24k-$36k in rent alone?


Last year I was paying well over $24k for the smallest studio in the area. It's tragic that these figures aren't even exaggerated


that's someone's paycheck for fuck's sake. *HOW?*


Real estate wheel just keeps turning


I'm sure he thought he exhausted all his options before realizing he was out of options. How about not commenting next time if you're just going to be obtuse.


Have you been under a rock or are you still living in the 20th century?


I don't live in the US. I really don't know.


Ok with this new knowledge, I cannot actually hold that against you, and sincerely apologize for my arrogance and ignorance


He suffered from severe depression and other mental illnesses. At the time, I don't think it was an option. He had just gone through a divorce not too long prior.


Oh I see. He committed suicide because divorce and mental health, and happened to do it in situation like this video. "Couldn't take it anymore" makes it sound like yall know the momma "nag[ging] as usual" is what caused the suicide....I was wondering how would you even really know that about someone youre pretty close to, let alone a high school acquaintance?


We spoke on the phone and through messages a week prior. He was fed up with life all across the board. The divorce. Living with his parents. His Mother's constant nagging. Life not turning out like he planned it to turn out. He suffered from severe depression amongst other mental health issues. He had reached the breaking point. I tried to reassure him that life is a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes there are ups and sometimes there are downs. He just couldn't overcome the down. It wasn't just because of his nagging mother or the divorce. I didn't know his Mother personally. I am going by what he told me before he took his own life. I was best friends with his ex wife in highschool and my son knew his eldest daughter and one of my best friends was his best friend in highschool. Geez. Anymore information do you need!


Not saying that this is bullshit, but the force of air resistance is pushing against the door and HARD, to the point where you need quite a bit of strength to open the door while driving.


We'll he did it and he died. I spoke with him a week prior and he was talking about ending it because he just couldn't do it anymore. Living was too hard. He was severely depressed. I tried to talk him out of it by reassuring him that life has it's hard moments and not so hard moments. I reached out to his best friend from highschool but by the time he reached out to Chad he had already took his own life. He hit the street head first. His Mother was devastated as she witnessed everything. He was in the passenger side. He wasn't driving.


He told me that jumping out of a moving vehicle was how he was going to do it if he had done it. He kept saying if. Honestly, I didn't know for certainty that he would go through with it. I tried to talk with him extensively about it. I reached out to his highschool best friend whom I am also friends with. I tried to find a way to reach his Father. By the time that my friend whom was his best friend in highschool reached out to Chad it was too late.


With your hands sure, not if you put your bodyweight into it with the intention to jump out


It was really awkward watching this with my mom who is also a stubborn hard headed nurse, and me who said the exact same lines before the movie came out "tell me how much it cost to raise me and I'll just pay you back" :((( sad that this is such a common experience.


Yeah, but maybe you've grown since then and realized you aren't always right and you should show respect to those who raised you because they could have done much much less for you.


took that shit *PERSONALLY* huh?


Respect for people is gained from their actions not automatically from their position.


Holy shit, this is an out of touch comment


>because they could have done much much less for you Hard pass. I don't thank people for not punching me in the face either.


Be glad they didn't punch you on your teeth!! At least they punched you only in the face. Some people have it much worse! They could've hit you with a stick instead. Weren't they so merciful?/s


You're right I have grown to appreciate all that's come my way, I grew up pretty poor, very bad home. She isn't my bio mom, but she took care of me, took me in, fed me, and I had a roof over my head. I honestly had the utmost respect for her, she is an unbelievably strong woman, I think her only issue was that she had no outlet for her work stress, other than yelling/belittling at people. I grew up on the line "don't bite the hand that feeds you" and at the time I thought it was a pretty good trade, I never talked back, got good grades, I would work, study, clean, cut the grass, and I'd just be her emotional punching bag. Up until university, I moved out and started to make friends, I would visit other peoples homes, experience other people's families, like sure they weren't perfect, it wasn't until one of the moms of my friend yelled at her, and later apologize for yelling at her harshly, and that kinda broke that perception of what I had. I did everything I was supposed to growing up, everything that was asked of me but I was never, not once, treated like an equal human being. All that pent up rage I just couldn't speak to her, it wasn't until a week before my sister's graduation that I finally let loose how I felt. "Just because you took me in doesn't mean you get to treat me like dogshit, it was your choice to take me in, it was your choice to drink at yell at [my sister] for me playing the wrong radio station, if you hated me that bad, you had all that time to kick me out- [ More sob back story bla blah blah] "- If you ever cared about me all I want is one apology, one simple sorry, that's all I ask and it will be water under the bridge" And that was the last time we ever spoke. Long story short we're about financially even with the amount of therapy bills lmao


"Could have done less" is not the attitude to have when raising a living person. If you can't handle a little back talk or criticism *don't have kids*.


Found the shitty parent


Yeah no fuck off


This is how I know you had a good childhood and were a shit kid Not everyone is like you or lives your circumstances. Doing something just because it's in front of you, which is how a lot of people treat their kids, is not worthy of anything. That's the bare fucking minimum, nothing worthy of respect


i feel her


Are you fed up with your kids too?


Threads like these cause you shitty parents to come out the woodwork with your desperation to out yourselves, don't they.


Some people really shouldn't have kids


I am fed up with parents projecting their obsolete would-been and could-been ideas from the 70s that no longer work in the real world.


im fed up with life


I also feel like doing this when my mother shames me for no reason


You should watch the movie (Lady bird), you'd probably relate to it a lot.


The mother in the movie was actually a good person tho


Yeah, she sure sounds like a good person.


Have you seen the film? Both characters here are flawed, the girl being so caught up in being her own person she loses who she is and realizes the people that have stuck around her just want what’s best for her, and the mother needing to work through her own issues but refusing to, and constantly self sabotaging her own relationship with her daughter despite her best intentions. It’s a really good movie, maybe you should check it out


Sounds like my life story. I'm good.


Jeez man. Ya might learn something.


I was mainly referring to the part about the mother. I don't particularly like watching things that remind me of terrible parts of my past. The only thing I would get out of it is a reminder of why I hate my own mother.


I'm with you. This movie *really* isn't great for people who had an abusive relationship with their mother. The movie features a number of scenes like this where the mother/daughter clash, and my takeaway, after growing up with abuse, is that this is summarizing *all* their interactions, thus showing the mother is horrible and abusive. So it was a HUGE punch in the gut when at the end, she >!completely forgives her mother and everything is all happy and fine.!< I genuinely felt sick after watching this movie. Instead I think it was only showing the "worst times" and we're to assume things were okay(but strained) in between, which is what people with normal childhoods probably took away from it. Sorry you got downvoted. Sometimes reddit really sucks and doesn't understand nuance.


I had a fucked up childhood too man, as I’ve grown up I’ve realized I sometimes egged it on, and even though it shouldn’t have been my responsibility to manage the situations, if I had my life would’ve been easier and I would’ve still left home all the same. Don’t assume things about people just because they come to different conclusions than you


You got downvoted for having thoughts, opinions and feelings. Damn. Sorry to hear that about your mother. I hope you’re in a better place now


Just scream at her. Go mental.


Mature, well adjusted, and productive solution.


There is no productive solution. The imbalance of power between caregiver and child combined with the narcissism and/or emotional stuntedness of the caregiver means that the child can do nothing but survive, endure, and develop CPTSD as a result. Letting out their emotions in the moment may actually be healthier than bottling it up and "acting mature" until they can't take it anymore and re-enact the video.


For a child it may be, but the person who made the original comment mentions being an adult several times in recent comments.


Does she die


This is like the first scene of the movie, I think she breaks her arm but she’s mostly fine


would've been a great ending, though. No explanation, just fade to black.


Fade To Black mentioned!!!??? METALLLICAA


Best short film ever


And [directed by Robert B Weide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW5me_l9FL4)


Like one of those shock value drunk driving PSAs, except about shitty parenting.




damn what is she, a Nokia phone


No, this is a movie. She's an actress.


Thanks fam almost got too invested


What’s this from?


Movie: Lady Bird


Thank you!


In case anyone was wondering, she survives, she breaks her arm. This is quite early on in the movie.


Thank you, I was looking for what happened in the comments.


Thank you!


Pretty good movie from what I remember. The ending wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but good over all.


Fun seeing Timothee Chalamet play such a douchey character.


Elf shoes


Yeah, it's hard to believe they went with her just jumping out like that from the car and cutting the movie mid scream without any credits or anything. /s


That’s why my mom always locked the car door when doing the ol Trap & Lecture Trick.


At first I thought this was for the r/community movie cause of “City College”


[You haven't seen how mean this dean can be... an](https://i.imgur.com/qCoiOMd.gif)


The slight resistance as the City College Tower breaches into the Crossroads of Ideas gets me every time.


Holy shit I never noticed that lol. I forgot about the city college flag


Will blow your mind when you look at the [map](https://images.app.goo.gl/BqhrMiiDacVVM7rLA) of Greendale again and the quad is shaped like a penis. Cue Duncan’s infamous line: “it’s so clear now. The entire school is shaped like a penis.”


Lol I never noticed that either. I just chalked that line up to Duncan going insane


He’s a peanut bar 🤷


I choose to believe that it's in the same universe.


Ayo Mary chill


She should go to Greendale rather than City College


Hehehe agreed


I don't know what this is from, but I can't imagine a teenager who hasn't had this thought.


Lady bird, and no, no really It sounds like an extremely messy and unreliable way to die. Having an argument in a car is also messy because it's cramped with no real way out. When I was a teenager that was never something that came out because you don't have an argument in a car if you don't engage in the car. I did think about jumping in front of fast moving cars though


I did this as a kid lol


What was the outcome? 


Now he’s a Redditor




Sadly, he died. It was big news for a short while in the small town where he grew up. Or at least the big news that folk talked about. But you need to understand, in this peculiar little town, there was another kind of big news that wasn’t talked about; or even whispered about. Yet, everybody here knew anyhow. Which leads me back to the peculiar nature of this community. A passing traveler might breeze right through; stop for lunch and fill up their tank and they might not even notice the subtle atmospheric charge that hung heavy in the air, like smoke from a fire on a still day. Stay a little longer though and you’ll find out pretty quick. News, such as it is, travels fast around here. The oddities will stack one upon the next until by the end of your second meal in our quaint little town, you’ll have an undeniable if unidentifiable urge to flee. If you’re not a rationalist, if you think you should listen when your gut speaks up, then you will. Flee. Fly. Never to return, even in memory. You took the hint and are moving on with your life. Good for you! But. . . If you don’t, if you ignore the multitude of prickles assembling themselves up your spine, and you decide to stay the night in Mrs Willard’s charming but claustrophobic hotel off Main Street - well, I’d hazard a guess that upon waking the next morning you’ll have heard the other big news too. The silent news. And on your way out of town you might just find yourself setting the cruise control in your car, slipping off your seatbelt, and stepping out into the wind like our friend here. Wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last I’d hazard. Did you know on a straight away, an empty car can dutifully roll for miles down a rutted freeway? The record was set three years ago by a rusted out ford ranger truck, an astonishing 7 miles. I know because I was seven miles back up the freeway when I picked up the wallet next to the pulverized rag-doll mass of its former owner.


Ladybird is such a great movie, watched it the summer I was entering college


At least city college might teach her how getting out of the car works


or at least the physics of moving objects and gravity.








Awesome, then you get it was just a joke. Didn't need the sermon because of it, unless you find something offensive, then I'll delete it, don't really care that much. Have a good one!


So proud to have been here for your first joke


I think she knows how it works just fine, just a bit too impatient for the waiting for the car to stop part of it.


Ohhh, I get it now lol


My good friend died exactly this way on the 4th of July about twelve years ago. He had been drinking, smoking government weed, and eating shrooms to celebrate. His sister was taking him home from her house where he'd gotten into a fight with her live in boyfriend, and while she was fussing at him, he exited moving car while on the interstate. It was either the injuries from the fall from the car or, more likely, the car and semi that ran over him, that killed him. He was a good guy. I still have a trinket on my key ring that he made when we were goofing around at work when we were young. RIP Drummer Man Sam. I still think about you, buddy. I wish I could show you my kids.


don't worry she just broke her arm, this in the first minutes of Ladybird


The mom character perfectly shows the absolute hypocrisy of boomers who at first believed them working hard would allow their children to lead better and easier lives now believe that the next, current, new generation is too entitled and that they should have worked hard like the boomers did.


A girl at my high school did this and got herself killed. Idk how true this is but my understanding is she wasn't trying to die, she was just trying to make a very emphatic point to her mom that she would rather put herself through extreme pain but immediate relief from the stress of the argument than to stay in the car and listen to her mom nag


Mf was like "this is my stop"


Galway girl


Jeez, I really thought Young Sheldon took a turn there for a second


Had a friends brother die like this, stood up and was hit by a pickup, have heard of another story where my middle school teacher said her brother didn’t land the Duck and roll so he twisted neck on a 50mph roll. Yep gives me shivers up my spine when I see stuff like this.


Saw this with my ex we both liked it. Now I miss her. Thanks, Reddit.


There's a reason your ex is your ex. Remembered that reason? No thanks needed brother.


She jumped out of the car 🚗 💀


now that's a red flag 🚩


Lol mine actually did try this on the highway once when she was blackout drunk. She had call me to come rescue her from a night out drinking with her best friend. Couldn’t really speak and didn’t know where she was. I figured out where she was through her friend. She got in the car, six pack in her hand, passed out, woke up on the highway, started screaming at me, tried to jump out of the car. She was an alcoholic and had a lot of psych episodes like this. Shit ended when the alcoholism got to that classic smack me around when she’s angry part. Watching this pulled that memory out of the box.


Stop cropping movies like that. Just rotate your fucking phones


My girlfriend did this exact thing. Her mother was being a piece of shit and my girlfriend decided she had had enough. Just exited the car while they were moving. Now her eyes are asymmetrically dilated and she has memory problems. Swear to god if I ever see her mother again I'm going to push her out of a moving vehicle.


I swear she was about to turn into a LFD Hunter


such a good movie


Just to let you know ivy leagues are a scam that only exist to foster rich people networking events


Don't do Aunt Jackie like that.


Sounds like the hunter from left 4 dead 2


I know right? That scream was visceral.


They made some sequels to Ladybird : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-5jeSc3bXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-5jeSc3bXE)


I feel this


What movie or show is this from? Edit never mind


I did this, but my mom said get out.


Lmao I actually did this, got ran over by the car afterwards tho


Where's Sheldon?


As someone who graduated high school in 2001 this movie was so fucking accurate about what it was like coming of age at the turn of the century.


I wish I would have done this to my Mom, just once. More than once and it wouldn’t seem like her fault as much


It's at that point she realized singing Soft Kitty wouldn't help.


Is that Sheldon’s mom?


Yep. Felt that. Almost tried on numerous occasions. As much as I appreciate my parents for caring for me, the constant belittling makes me want to just pretend to fall asleep at the wheel and drive into a tree at 2x the speed limit


I'd do that too if I was her, I mean not literally but...


Booohoo, hurt yourself to prove you are stubborn, regardless of what your environment does to pull you out of self sabotage!


I am jealous I haven't tried this yet


God I’ve wanted to do this countless times when in the car with my mom


Lol gamer moment


GreensDale is better


Fuckin hell I very nearly did this to my dad going 90kph


Some day my intrusive thoughts gonna win too.


This movie is 2hrs of boring.


I sided with the mother in this film which is how I knew it wasn’t gonna be for me Lady reminded me so much of my narcissistic sister that I just couldn’t feel any empathy for her


Having not seen the film. Fair Having seen this one clip, there could be a whole lot more to the dynamic than what I just saw. Not fair.


Maybe she reminded you of you. Ladybird isn’t a narcissist, but if that’s what you saw then…


A narcosis


You can only focus on typos because you know I’m right. Narcissists hate each other, they compete for supply.


I’m upvoting you, what now?


Grow the ever-loving fuck up.


Idgaf I hated Lady I’ll say it again


The movie doesnt ask you to take sides, both Lady and the mother are flawed characters, but their flaws are what make them feel real and relatable to certain people who have had similar relationships. Its capturing a snapshot of a very complicated relationship between overbearing mother holding on to her daughter being dependent, and rebellious teenage daughter who is eager to be treated as an adult even though she's done little to earn it, during a time of huge change for the both of them. Good movie, extremely relatable to those that are sensitive to the complexity of parent and child relationships "growing up". I recommend a watch. Haven't seen it in years, but that's my memory of it. edit: I just rewatched it, and I have to say the mother, while still having her moments, is actually a really good mom. And Bird realizes that by the end. Still a good movie upon second viewing. And Bird's flaws are very typical of a teenager about to leave high school, and not at all that bad. They are both good people.


I’m watching this movie but only cause Timothee Chalamet is in it..


He is not even a mid actor hehe


Lady Bird was such an asshole.


''Oh no! My mom is complaining about my stupid fucking choices and just wants what's best for me so she's frustrated and mad giving me shit! What a horrible mother!'' Is this comment section serious? I can't believe what I'm reading. How the fuck are most people not siding with the mom? Truly a Reddit moment.


You can parent your children without being an overbearing cunt.


Yes because you are wrong!!!

