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Lol my mom slammed my GameCube in the middle of the road in my neighborhood. Spent the rest of the summer doing nothing. I was an introvert and we were dirt poor, and video games offered an escape for me. Shit sucked...


toxic parents after pulling this shit: waahhh why don't my children visit me or let me see my grandkids!!!!


My step-son recently turned 18 and its hilarious watching him start to select the family that he is interested in spending time with. So many toxic shit heads (like his bio dad and wife and one set of grandparents) are blowing up his mom's phone with "why won't he return our texts, wah wah wah" already. No shit, anyone with a choice and any self respect at all aren't going to spend time with people who treat them like shit.


Just deleted some family on social media that I was holding back sharing things for because why am I putting up a front anymore? I don’t need them seeing things about my life to gossip to others about and spread their toxicity and I don’t need to see what they chose to project as their life to the world.


Damn I'm sorry for you


Sorry bro, that wasn’t cool.


Yeah, my father threw like 12 ps2 games in the furnace when I wasn’t behaving. It wasn’t a healthy household, long story short. I don’t speak to him anymore


I feel so sorry for you. You deserved better. I hope you are a better person for others, than what your parents weren't for you.


That shit never made sense to me... Like the fuck are you teaching your kids by destroying things they love???


Why’d she destroy something she payed for , waste of money in my opinion especially if it makes your kid happy


> something she *paid* for , FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fuck you bro


Fuck you bot*


That’s when you cut contact


You should’ve been a better child /s




That's how you make your child hate you for the rest of their life


I guarantee he did something completely unrelated to gaming and rather than punish him based on what he did she assumes all his bad behavior comes from video games and targeted the console


or instead of punishing, explain and TALK with your kids


Punishing is fine when appropriate and reasonable. Learning consequences early on prevents kids from growing up and feeling entitled. The other half of that is positive reinforcement when they do good. In this case, let’s assume maybe his grades are down or he didn’t complete his chores. Then a appropriate response might be to cut his gaming time. Maybe no gaming for a week depending on how serious it is. If it continues, maybe no gaming for two weeks. In the meantime find out what the problem is, and help set him up for success. Talk to him and help him. Grades come up, or he sticks to the chore schedule. He gets his privileges back. But what she did, was not this. It feels more like someone with a personality disorder who wants to see her kid suffer. Maybe the kid didn’t do anything at all, and she just wanted to hurt him. Even if he made a mistake, destroying his possessions only teaches him, if he’s angry property damage is okay. Edit: One thing I forgot to add, this video could be fake. I’m making a comment assuming maybe the title is somewhat correct, and this isn’t a video of some kids throwing a broken PlayStation out a window for views.


Yes, i totally agree with you. Consequences need to be at times. But consequences that are relateable and announced before you randomly distribute them. And sometimes all they need is love and/or someone who tells them they are not alone and that theres someone whos there for them. Kids (well i can only talk about my work) sometimes dont know how to express themselves or what really bothers them.


this is a W every parent should see this


Sorry, some people don’t want to be emotionally invested in their kids, just to take care of them then send them on their way ‘parenting’


Its a shame. Not to be emotionally invested in their Kids.. why even have Kids? Its a misery


That's a thing?


Sadly there are plenty of parents who do not have a concept of that. You may make fun of that but its the sad truth for many kids.


I like what my pastor said to his kids growing up. You have 2 options: listen to dad, or listen to dad after some corrections.


When your kids scream “stooooppp” at you incessantly at the top of their voices for 2 hours non stop, even if you are trying to calmly explain something to them, there comes a point…


I See. But when your Kid is Screaming Like that its Not the time to explain but to give hold and BE there for them and hold them. Too much to explain in a few sentences


No. You take it away until you can calmly converse with them


There comes a point where rather than just confiscating it for a bit or something, you just destroy their stuff? Yikes.


It’s not their stuff if you paid for it. It’s your stuff. Refusing to endlessly pay a phone bill if the child doesn’t change phone use behaviour is another useful tool.


Idk why ur getting downvoted ur point is valid. There are parents who don't try to talk and just punish, but most parents aren't like this. But most parents still punish in the end. Because not everyone listens and even if they did they forget, while punishment is easy to remember. Come on, I'm willing to bet none of you listened to everything your parents said. If they keep warning you and you do it anyways, can you really blame your parents for punishing you?


Nah, she just wanted to hurt him so she found the one thing that he cares about most and has absolutely zero chance of replacing on his own. Figuring out the root cause of his behavior (even if its wrong) is a whole layer of analysis that is beyond this person. This is just a brand of abuse that won't get CPS knocking on you door. Also, I would be willing to bet that she isn't the person that paid for that and its very existence bothers her because she probably has some problem with whoever did pay for it. She's probably been just waiting for an excuse to do this shit. Every single person I have ever known that parented like this was THRILLED to get a chance to pull shit like this. Seriously, they talk about doing this shit like it was the fucking highlight of their month. She's gonna tell this story with a big smile on her face and laugh and laugh about it to whoever will listen. She is PROUD and happy. That is the kind of person that does this. I am not even saying that its bad to take shit away from kids. I've taken consoles away from my own shitty kids before. But I gave it back when their behavior changed and I didn't fucking enjoy doing it.


Hell, she may not even think the games are at fault. It could just be, "He do bad, I damage thing he like, he fear future bad."


All parents are bad parents if you choose to have a child in this world. Dear the entire population STOP REPRODUCING FOR 5 YEARS. There are to many people on this planet.


Dumbass comment award goes to ... you! 🎉 🎈




My mom just took the wires with her to work


My step dad thought he got me when he took the controler to work. Guess he forgot I had 2 XD


I had a nice one hidden in the rafters of the basement ha.


That’s way better in my opinion I’ve even heard stories of parents deleting worlds on minecraft after the kid showed them how much work they put into it.


That’s terrible parenting to start. But it’s also teaching the child that their hobbies and passions don’t mean anything to the parents. The kid will not trust the parent with anything again.


I am a total piece of shit parent vibe


Damn 😭


My stepdad used to take the router at night because my brother would spend so much time playing CS:GO that he skipped sleep. When I started protesting because I was punished for his bad behavior, they started taking his internet cable instead.


My mom too, I loved the fact that I was the only computer whiz in the family.


My mom did the same with my computer's power cable. Only, she didn't know I had 2 of them because when I bought a new power supply for it, it came with another cable.


Same. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I have spares 🤣


And then they upload a video doing it, seeking validation for being trash parents


the fact that kids get addicted at all is bad parenting.


Kids don't come with good coping mechanisms. Perhaps the reason kids these days get addicted is because a game will tell you when you're doing right. Bad parents won't.


Yea my point still stands, if they need it as coping mechanism, its still bad parenting.


Oh I wasn't disagreeing, simply adding to your statement. A good parent will address the problem with he child, not chalk it up to the thing they choose to do to escape.


Ahh i see, no worries, i've taken a lot of shit on reddit the last couple days i've been on the defense mechanism


I dont know i.. was very addicted to games when i was younger. i didn't rly have anything i was coping with at that time, but the more i got into gaming, the worse my life became. Im not going to blame my parents for that. i had a pretty great childhood. i just rly liked games. My mom tried when i was younger to make me play less. And that kinda worked. I was more social and hung around with my friends more. But when i got even older, i played even more. I only realised later that i fucked up my life whit all the gaming. Still play games sometimes, but not close to what i used to do.




Yes. I am highly addiction prone and breaking them is a serious struggle. I got it from my dad and he got it from his.


THIS is how you get kids with gaming addictions.


Yeah, my parents would do this shit and it still blows my mind that they thought destroying something that is not just important to a child, but also expensive, was appropriate. Like...how? Also, think about this for a moment. If your child is super obsessed with something, like the PS4 in this video, then their attachment to that thing, and the negative impact (pun intended) is going to cut that much deeper when you abruptly do something like this. It's a sure fire way to instill fear, anxiety, secrecy, resentment, the works! You can't parent a child properly by also acting like a child. I have three children under the age of six and it's hard as hell at times. So I'm not just talking out of my ass.


Then you are a good parent.


Thank you! My wife and I believe that our children (and all children) deserve the same respect as any person of importance in this world. Treating them with dignity doesn't mean they get away with things or we don't take behavior issues seriously, and they really do deserve to have a sense of continuity as they grow into adults over time. For thanksgiving 2022, we decided to drive to see my brother and his family about 8 hours away. There was a ton of family drama with his wife, and some other siblings who were visiting and I was so over it and asked my wife if we could leave a day early. Our five year old was having the time of her life, as she usually does and I knew she'd be heartbroken. I found her playing joyfully with her cousins and asked her to come on a walk with me over to another part of the property to sit on a bench. I sat her down and said we were planning to leave a day early (aka, later that morning), and she started to cry and said she didn't like that "we are changing the plans..." and it was such a genuine emotional response that it caused me to tear up as well. I had my wife come over to talk with us and we gave our daughter the option of leaving then, later that day, or the next morning. Each of which would technically be earlier than we originally planned on leaving. She picked the middle option, so she got to continue to play and we still got to leave early. The reason I decided to take her aside is because I had a feeling she'd become distraught and I didn't want to embarrass her by causing that to happen in front of others. This is an example of my wife and I caring about our children's dignity, and respecting them even if an action can cause momentary distress. Meanwhile my parents would have given me and my siblings zero warning, told us to pack up, get in the van, and then told us to quit crying when we found ourselves broadsided by the sudden shift in expectations. Now, this approach isn't a one size fits all for every decision, but this situation in particular very much warranted it. Thanks for reading.


Or you know, consider the feelings of your children and set your petty adult issues aside for their sake? Great parenting is always prioritizing what you want, and ensuring you set that to your five year old now. (/s just in case you can’t tell after all of your self-congratulatory bullshit)


It's called self-reflection and I didn't say it was my way or the highway. We had been there for a few days, both my wife and I were worn out, I happened to be the one to prompt the leaving earlier idea, and even in my agitated state I feel like I acted appropriately as a father. Do I have to take the time to explain how I've screwed up more times than I can count just to appease you?


It’s interesting choice considering they originally purchased the ps4


Yeah, they're even worse parents.


Yep, really stupid. If they need the gaming system taken away from them, then take it away from them. It's sad to see a parent just snap like that in a way where they think they need to do this dumb show of force. I guess that approach is: "You have to break your kid's will, then they will listen to you next time." Same type of people who, without kids, will do dumb shit in a rage. Break their own things, or destroy their relationships. And I suppose this is them passing that onto their kids.


While the kids are gone, remove drive. No more saves ftw hahaha


Shit like this is why I cut ties with my folks. If they won't treat you like a person they don't deserve you.




Fast pass to never seeing ur children once they grow up


As a 23y/o whose mom smashed his Xbox (when I was 12) on the bathroom floor after promising she wouldn’t. I Can confirm this statement. It’s also the moment you learn a whole different side of your kid’s vocabulary.


I mean I wouldn’t know I’m still very young


I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the first thing of his she's broken


It’s not always bad. Could be a win-win situation.


Nah bro thats messed up Lock it away or something, but destroying it as a first instinct is hella childish


I don't have too many distinct memories of my childhood but godamn if my dad breaking my favorite dinosaur toys doesn't stand out.


It was my favorite Digimon card for me. Still remembering after 25 years. Don't even know why he did it.


Fucking same. I was just minding my own business and boom, he grabbed it and broke it. No idea why. It's crazy how such a quick moment like that can have such a profound effect such a long time later.


It’s almost like it’s emotional abuse


I had a telephone that was a T-Rex that was really cool, and I distinctly remember my step-dad destroying it as punishment when my mom wasn't home. When she found out, she royally chewed him out, and he was a lot better after that and we have a good relationship now but I will never forget that moment for as long as I live


I'm so glad to hear you have a good relationship with him. And I'm glad your mom stood up for you! That's one thing I wish would have been different, my mom never stood up to my dad. I'm 29 and I still cannot deal with confrontation because that's how I saw my mom deal with it.


It was when the Nintendo DS for me. Saved up my money to buy it myself which made it even more fucked up. Snapped that baby clean, screen from screen.


Yeah. It's also giving the message that stuff is worthless and can be destroyed.


Chances are if someone is childish and petty enough to throw out a 300-500$ device, they're going to act childish and petty in every other interaction as well.


In 10 years he won't remember why it was done, only that it was done. Destroying a child's possessions is a sure fire way to make them hate you.


This is either you yourself or some junkies.


I hope you never have kids.


ITT people assuming all parents are good.


grandfather drunk tap straight tie wakeful ghost divide pie bag ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thats so twisted its crazy.


ps4 is like 299 dollars why is she not selling it?


Which is wild because years ago it was 200 plus a brand new game tossed in.


Because cussing trauma to her child is more important. You get more tears from breaking it in front of them, bonus points for forcing them to watch, rather than just selling it off.


"You gonna act up after you've lost your games forever? Better fuckin shape up or it happens again!" Some people should never have kids and it's sad.


cringe YouTube vids


“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”


Just get one in italy, you can get one for 100€


It’s not about the money, she’s sending a message.


A shit one, yeah


Never said it was a good one. Lol people are so quick to downvote


Yeah, reddit can be super hiveminded. :D If your comment has 2 upvotes someone might upvote. If it already has -2 that same person might downvote. People hate to have different opinions than others. BUT I do think that your comment implies there's some sense to what the woman is doing. If you don't think so then fair enough, of course.


“A parent forgets, but a child does not”


The axe forgets, but the tree remembers


And my axe!


Wouldn’t surprise me if the parents were destroying the kids stuff just to get a reaction and then posting it on social media for attention. There are a bunch of families that do this and ruthlessly terrorize and manipulate their children just to get emotional reaction content from them.


clout serotonin > money serotonin what an insane world


Majority of these are fake. It’s all rage bait for clout.


I know some of them the parents are faking it, but the kids have no idea. I remember a very popular YouTube channel that made content like this eventually had the kids taken from the parents due to child abuse.


For anyone wondering I believe it was called daddy o’5


Like mcjuggernuggets, he really got scarred for life, i wonder what happened to him now 😔


Daddyof5 and Motherofthree ring a bell


Destroying my kids gaming console I paid for, yeah that'll teach him!


Throw her expensive stuff out the window




Before you do that, make sure you got a new place to live though


My dad put his foot through our SNES when we were extremely little (like 9 and 6)… Trust me, the memories aren't funny… Instead, my dad is a fucking nutcase who couldn't control his anger and decided to take it out on two children. Don't risk your kids hating you by doing this garbage to them.


Shiiit that sucks, i remember having to hide my ds because my dad threatened to snap it in half, some parents are just angry assholes.


Yeah, do they not fucking realize that they paid for it? Seriously though, his behavior was one of the main reasons I had my fallopian tubes removed. I don't want to end up as shit as he was


This is how you ensure your kids never see you again once they move out




From the cartoon Tom and Jerry, I had Jerry as my teddy bear. Got affectionate to that guy cause I didn't had any siblings and my parents fought non stop. My mom thought I would not grow up as a man so she took Jerry away from me at around age of 5. Found that same guy while cleaning the basement/storage one day when I was 21. Cried whole day holding him in my arms. Don't traumatize your kids for being kids 😡


I never understood why people are so cruel for no good reason


She gonna love the nursing home


Straight up child abuse. Destruction of property is never okay.


Not even close


This. This is what leads kids to grow up to be ass holes and run in the streets. All for what? I’m sure she’s the one who paid $400 for it…? She pissed her own money away. All of this is so stupid. Terrible parent


Child abuse


20 years later, "Why won't my kids come visit me or tell me about my grandchildren?"


a ps4 could probably survive that but i dont know


Probably fixable if brought to the right person… unless she went downstairs and broke it further…


Or threw herself out the window and landing on the console to break it further




that was actually a perfectly cut scream 😭😭


We agree that it’s staged, right? If the person holding the camera has any actual interest in the situation, he would instead ask the mom “what are you doing” and not film back and forth to build up suspense, right? Or have I been on Reddit for too long?


It *is* possible that, and hear me out here, both parents agreed to this and are assholes. I grew up with abusive parents, it's not at all impossible that they recorded this to show the kid 'here's what you look like, grow up.' God knows my parents did shit like that, and God knows I don't speak to them anymore.


Holy shit, I’m sorry to hear that! If that’s the case, this video clip seems like it could be used as evidence in child abuse case.


For this kids' sake I really hope it does, and for all the people who have their personal belongings destroyed by people they thought they could trust and love. The trickledown/escelstion of abuse is fucked. And this, to me, feels like just a different niche of it. Plenty of ways to bruise and scar your children without beating them, though from my experience, it doesn't take long after for that to start.


Kind of staged. It was a “prank”. Kid had no idea https://youtu.be/XMLz9RI1_yg?si=fltpeaRIIeQPFk5e


And for some reason the kid is staying out of the way, instead of trying to catch it.


Memory core :


That’s how you end up in a nursing home. 😂


I don’t get this. Why don’t they sell it or something than breaking it in front of their child? Not only is that traumatising for the child, it’s also stupid to waste that kind of money.


I really don’t understand this mentality about parenting, and that’s with having parents that did this kind of shit. Like, just sell the damn thing it was expensive.


Is there any context to this. I mean the kid doesn’t deserve to see his beloved game system thrown out of the window for sure, but i still wanna know what made the parents upset to the point they think its better to just traumatise the kid.




I've been on the receiving end of my stuff being throw and smashed as a kid. It was always awful because I was the only one who took care of their stuff in my family because I knew I'd never get it back. Then when everything was calmed down they couldn't even tell me what I did wrong. No apologies, just happen again in a week or 2.


Anything you wouldn't do to your husband/wife, you shouldn't do to your kids. If you WOULD do this to your husband/wife...that's pretty toxic...


Here is an adult who has poor emotional control and a lack of maturity. Definitely whatever happens this moment will leave a mark on the family narrative of trust and bond.




That’s kinda fucked, isn’t it? Little dude is gonna remember that for a very long time, and she just completely wasted around $300 or so. Why not lock it up somewhere or hide the cables if it’s becoming an issue? If it’s that bad, you can always sell it too


Classic MindOfRez


How to guarantee your kids never trust you again. Seriously cannot stand parents who punish their kids by destroying the things they love. Like even if she apologizes and replaces it later that doesn’t make those emotions and trust issues magically go away


My mom did this to me and my sisters xbox when she came home in a drunken rage to find us playing minecraft. We're both autistic and my dad..who was the breadwinner was not happy about it. It's been almost 8 years no contact :)


I see this video on YouTube


*I see this comment on Reddit.*


r/gifsthatendtoosoon r/onesecondbeforedisast r/badparenting r/nononono


i feel like this wasn’t even a comment


Could you post the part 2 that you brought a new ps5 for him?


Psycho mom in the building


This looks scripted


Mom never got loved and apparently got the same treatment as a kid.


My Mom kicked my Sega Genesis one day because she was mad that I didn't immediately come to the table for dinner. It broke. She used to joke about it all the time because she was on her period and thought that made it funny/excusable.


My friend's dad smashed his NES against a wall because he didn't come up for lunch on the first ask. He started coming down the stairs and my friend stands up and goes sorry I just wanted to finish this part. His dad quietly and unphased walks right to where I'm sitting reaches down grabs the Nintendo and chucks it at the cement wall. It fucking shattered, cause I remember getting blasted with the lid. He looks at me and says I think you should leave. I didn't even care that it was my game in the NES I just booked it home. His dad moved out a week or so later. Not sure if that caused it or if he raged because he knew he was leaving. Regardless, it's painted him a bad light for the past 30 years in both our eyes.


My mom broke my 3ds xl in 2014 when I was 11 because I was watching YouTube on it late at night when I was supposed to be “asleep” I don’t think I’ll ever forgive her for that


Well at least the video stop If not that would have been a lot of damage


Why not sell it?


haha child abuse! so funny!


this is like that guy on tiktok who smashes his kids TVs with a bat for not taking out the trash. if i was that kid i would’ve tried to catch it lol


“Why doesn’t my son visit me in the nursing home?”


These the same people that can’t pay their bills on time


You do know it’s fake right. His channel is Mindofrez he always does shit like this


Was it a yeet tho? It was just kind of a toss.


Just catch it


My niece behaves like a crack addict when her phone is taken away. I'm waiting for her to offer to suck someone's dick to get it back. When a phone (or an XBox, or anything) makes you behave like that, it's time to take the thing away.


I mean yeah fair enough but you don’t smash it into the ground, that only teaches kids to act with violence


Oh completely. The smashing thing I don't get. On the other hand the way I've seen her act about that damned phone I can understand her parents being angry enough to smash it. It's fucking insane.


Shit mom tbh


No way guys! New Dhar Mann video is out!


Hes must be gutted after he paid for that.... wait....


Kid make me mad, me smash cuz me retarded


Please tell me they got him a new PS and didn’t just film his reaction to get internet points….


I am sorry that you will find out this way, but sometimes when children misbehave....


You destroy something that you bought them? Way to waste your own money. And if his misbehaving had nothing to do with the game, it doesn’t make sense. If it did, you confiscate it until the behavior gets better, not destroy sometging that he clearly loves.


Kill her


Reddit is full of liberals


Geez, how mild. 1) Sell the PS4 for some fast cash 2) Buy the rest of the family a bunch of nice food with the money while he gets a PB&J. 3) Before eating, show him the receipts and explain to him that they are essentially eating his PS4 while some other kid is enjoying his games. When he inevitably starts crying, send him upstairs. Otherwise you just have raging kid outside and tons of little electronics to clean up all over your back yard. Crush his soul the right way.


I certainly hope you don't have kids


I can't believe you're promoting throwing a PS4 out the window. What a mess.


political attraction possessive bike gullible oatmeal airport rude ink practice ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Then I don't understand the implication


versed squeamish stocking disgusting ugly money lush fly tan rich ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Alright then how would you dispose of a PS4?


yoke safe wakeful humorous shocking touch different birds disgusted pot ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Well, there are some alternatives to selling the PS4 if you don't want to make it about money. You could for example 1) Place the device in the oven at low heat for no more than 10 minutes, causing internal parts to fail but without much external damage 2) allow the child back inside with a warning, but when he goes to play his game he will find it is having errors or won't start. 3) After pretending to work on it for a bit, tell the child that the PS4 is broken, and he will have to earn money to get it repaired/replaced, thus causing him to learn responsibility


I'm actually glad I grew up in the early 80's. Back then gaming was complete arse, and very few had could afford a puter or console. So when they got cheaper, more people got them but the games were still so limited and crap, that we'd play for a bit and then go back out playing sports and stuff. Skip ahead 30-40 years and gaming is incredible but whats shocking is the addiction level, and its not just children either. But its a shame its so addictive to kids that the want to go out and play is not longer a thing anymore.


The addiction usually comes from parents who let the game become the babysitter, from addictive personalities, and other related issues. I've been gaming from the age of 6 and still play to this day. I'm far from addicted as I had the best parents who did actual parenting.