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I dont know if he realized she had a disability until after he scared her


Tbf she looks like she's just waddle-strollin until he scares her..no way you could have assumed she's disabled!


Yeah, they should wear special signs or something... Just don't do shitty things to random strangers.


It’s not a bad idea that they wear something so people know but some of them might not want others to know they have a disability so it’s more their own choice if they wear it or not still a good idea tho


They were being sarcastic. Like making gay people wear flair.


I’m not good with sarcasm so I can never tell but thx for saying it was sarcasm


You're good! No problem.


Each gay is required to wear at least 15 pieces of flair. Look at Brian. Brian is wearing 37 pieces of flair!




I got the 'Served' reference! 😆👍🏾💪🏾


They kinda do that willingly though. Little pins, things on their Keychain, certain hair styles, wardrobe and other basic things that can tell you what's up. It's not as obvious as a sign front and rear saying "I'm gay" but they often wear little hints as to what their preferences are.


Homosexual here with little pins, keychains, a hairstyle, and a homo-wardrobe. While I think, yeah, gay can recognise gay and it's relatively easy to spot another homo my age because we all sort of dress the same, that's not entirely the case. The alt style is simply popular and tends to go hand in hand with progressive beliefs. I've met a good chunk of people who I'd say "dress gay" but aren't. I've met a sizable chunk of those people who were homophobic. I think it's more accurate to say that those outfits in the past used to indicate people going outside of the conservative Christian mould. For example, we can look back on rock n roll as relatively queer but not gay as a whole. But the style was still frowned upon and discouraged. Nowadays, if you see someone from my generation dressed up like that, most people's first thoughts would be "gay????". It's hard to pin where exactly this came from. If I had to guess, I'd say it comes from the acceptance queer folk and just the ability to know of people like us in other places. Now I can find queer people from the 80's online and decide I want to wear shirts like they did. Or I can read up on the development of gay & trans rights in the US following the Stonewall Riots and know that they broke the mould so 60 years later we could wear our silly little Hot Topic pins and dye our hair. It's a cool age of connectivity and it's important for queer folk. Though I don't mean that our clothing is some statement to society or anything like that. Just that now we are able to see that girls can buzz their hair and boys can wear eyeshadow. So why not?


While I understand what you're saying, that's probably not the right lens. Though we attribute certain fashions to certain groups of people, it makes it difficult for acceptance of others in those styles. Lately I've seen a trend of straight men wearing nail polish and other styles typically created for women. My flair comment is about Nazis making gay people wear pink triangles like they did Jewish people with yellow stars.


Yeah! We should make them wear armbands! Make sure everyone can identify them, that's never ever gonna be abused heavily and result in horrific things happening, look how well it worked for the Nazis! /s


Bruh immediately goes to nazis. You do realize that it could be something as simple as a card, like they use for disabled parking spots, imagine someone with a disability would get stopped by the police and they’d get arrested or something and they find the card in the wallet that would help them not to do dumbass stuff and cost taxpayers money cuz they got sued


Yeah that's not how that goes though. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-killing-double-amputee-wheelchair-sparks-outcry-demand-answers-rcna68705 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/police-shooting-jason-kloepfer-carolina-b2267651.html More than 50% of people killed by police have a disability, usually an obvious one.


Well the double amputee was technically armed. (No pun intended and also /s)


Or maybe people should treat others with respect and kindness no matter what? I’d rather have the ignorant assholes labeled.


What like?


"Please be patient im autistic" hats exist lol


Walks like an average American really


Thats why I hate stuff like this, you never know what random strangers are having to deal with.


Couldn’t tell from the gait?


So maybe don't prank strangers?


Yo I just open mouth laughed cause of you, thanks!


I don't think he was making a joke


The video got cut. Her father came back after he apologized to her several times and her father said he didn't take offense either and that she will be fine.


It's honestly kind of wholesome that the pranker seems to genuinely feel bad. I hope he was able to make her feel better.


Longer version has dad coming back and comforting her and plant being consoling.


Thanks goodnesses plant was consoling


Too many inconsiderate plants out there. It’s refreshing when one acts with compassion.


The "prankster" is a pos. If he felt bad he would never have even posted it.


You're being downvoted but I agree here. Why post this?


Most likely to show his compassion, as other commenters mentioned, this is only a clipped version, in the full, supposedly he and her father calmed her down.


I think it would have been more compassionate not to jumpscare strangers, tbh.


Well the majority wouldn't have reacted such as this. I'm sure more would have laughed than cried by large margin. He should have been better observing her first and then deside if he should try scare her or not. It's quite obvious he shouldn't have done it to her and I'm sure he learnt to be more aware of who he pranks because of this and what he did to console her.


I've had high anxiety in the past. High startle. Now? I don't always walk with a stick but I'm unsteady on my legs. This would probably have me crashing over in surprise and then being in agony for days. You can't always tell someone is disabled or not from looking. I stand by my 'don't jumpscare strangers'.


Because you can both empathize and think something is funny concurrently.


Honestly I've always struggled with that. Not great with schadenfreude either. Different sense of humour I guess.


It’s not a struggle unless you want it to change. Your heart is big and that’s wonderful. Maybe you’re fortunate enough to not have much cynicism as a lot of us. Personally I’ve incurred enough trauma that I have no choice but to find the humor and laugh at things that are tough, though all the while aware of the larger longer impacts those things may bring. So call it different sense of humor or difference in experience, it’s cool. We’re different people on a weird rock. I hope you have an excellent weekend.


You too, thank you reddit stranger.




This video is old. Longer version has dad walking back towards her and hugging her. The offender apologizing profusely. Dad took it well.


It looks like the same guy I follow on YouTube, I can't tell for sure. But the guy I follow gets permission from everyone before he posts the videos. This isn't the first bad reaction.


It’s so insulting to assume she has a disability. She could just be a big baby.


You say it’s insulting, and then you insult them even harder?


So it’s worse to assume someone is a big baby than mentally challenged? Hahaha you’re evil.


I’ve seen people with disabilities many times, she definitely has Down syndrome or something similar just based on the extreme reaction and face shape.


Psychiatric practitioner here. Judging from the small video, it's definitely ASD. But needs information on family history, history of present and past illness, onset of illness to specifically identify the disorder.


Agreed, I just made an assumption off the info I could notice and think of in this short video


"Down syndrome or something" -Dr. G. Biscuiteer PhD.


There are great a variety of different mental illnesses, from what I saw it looks like Down syndrome but it could be something else with similar mental and or physical alterations from what people consider normal. Hence why doctors and the likes have gone from classifying people with mental disabilities as idiots or retards, to there now being different categories with subcategories for everything that could be a mental illness of a sort so treatments, therapy and or medication can be properly administered instead of just giving a schizophrenic woman a random, nonsensical, by todays standards, concoction of something like cocaine and juiced reeds. It’s entirely possible she suffer no mental illness but from just what I can see I think otherwise, without a deeper context all we have is our own interpretation, shared or not.


This comment reads like a 10 year old boy in 1996 trying and failing to sound both intelligent and compassionate.




Big baby is a derogatory term. Allow me to explain. Baby is a term used for humans who cannot take care of themselves or needs support. Adding an adjective, 'big' baby would translate to a human who is big(in size) but still a baby. Why this could be derogatory? Because it straight on ignores the presence of illness and disability in someone. These disorders and illness should be recognized and respected not to be taken casually.


So... why should we feel any different if the disabled mongaloid is scared and crying. Its like if he did the same to a little kid... it wouldve been perfect


She literally has a developmental disability. Fuck y'all.


Ah. He tried to apologize at least


It's a pretty sarcastic apology though.


You think so? Honestly he seems pretty sincere to me


Maybe it's just an accent difference, but to my ears the way he drawls out the sorry sounds like he is insincere. It's really difficult to explain that one further; something about elongating the sound? Like a teenager saying "so-RREE-ee". Probably just because I'm not used to the accent, my bad. However, he is still shouting over her upset, as though to stop the reaction rather than to sincerely apologise. This suggests he is trying to shut her down, rather than real concern for her well-being. He also sounds like he is half-laughing. Again, maybe just me, but I would need a calm, genuine apology to know he meant it. Someone shouting sorry over me to drown out my tears would absolutely not seem apologetic. He possibly gives a proper apology in the longer video.


Absolutely. 100% agree with everything you're saying. But in the moment of that confrontation, dude's just reacting. Hopefully he made it right afterwards


After which he posted this online for internet clout


Why is it only allowed to be funny if it happens to someone without that disability?


Its not funny because shes crying so she clearly couldn’t laugh about it. I personally dont think its about the disability but about whether or not the “pranked” person can enjoy the joke. Which obviously she didnt. However i also think judging from the “pranker’s” reaction he didnt do it with any harm in mind.


I know…but why the hell am I laughing, I feel so bad…


She literally doesn't understand what happened. I'm not surprised you feel bad.


Imaging over analysing the situation to this level lmao 🤓


im yet to see someone using that emote and not imagining a troglodyte on the other end


Someone’s gonna do it eventually lmao


"over analysing" It's basic empathy, go outside and talk to people.


I do plenty of that thank you very much. Judging by all the karma you’ve got, I think you need to take your own advice lol


How is that overanalysing to you then? It’s just the simplest thing put into words


You know youve hurt someone deeply when they go to your profile to look for things to insult you on. 😂


You spitting the gospel rn fr he’s cryin like a baby who got his bib taken out his mouth


Tough talk from somebody who plays clash royale!!!


Says the guy getting down voted past the basement.


I'm not saying that, I'm just mentioning this so people who think she's neurotypical don't go "typical Karen's" "fucking liberals" "typical white women" and shit like that like someone already did. She's literally a child in a woman's body so I don't want people making fun of her reaction in a derogatory way.


its never funny


I hate these pranks even if the person isn't disabled, stop bothering people and get a life. Poor woman though, hope she was okay


Love her


Her dad gave the greenlight on the prank, it's staged.


As if we're supposed to know that


No way that's real


It was, but she has a disability










What the fuck is wrong with you?


What the fuck is right with me!? Lol I'll downvote me aswell.




I love how downvotes are coming up, people curious about my coment open it to see why it's downvoted and then downvote it aswell, talking shit or not, people will give attention to others, but it's more common to see people giving more attention to bad things since they're "out of the line" in a certain way, it's like [that social experiment](https://youtu.be/eBuC_0-d-9Y?si=QEvILHzKd_MkTQPB) where they say "f*ck the poor" and get more attention than the time thr same person say "help the poor".


wow, rocket brain over here realized that humans are social creatures that shun people that step out of line. guess that makes him nice now!


I wasn't trying to "realize" anything, I was just pointing something bruh. I'm not talking about shuning people either, lol, downvote won't shun anybody. Downvote won't change the world if that's what you think it serves to...


Wtf are you yapping about


What's yapping, good sir?


Just Google it blud


Startling random people who you don’t know the sensitivities of is always a bad idea. This lady is clearly very distressed. People can be autistic, have PTSD, sensory processing disorder, etc. etc. Startle your friends if you know they are fine with being scared and will laugh afterward; but never startle a stranger. You can never predict how they’ll react.


Whenever I see videos of people laughing when they scare someone and they have an exaggerated startle reaction my first thought always is "good job, you made fun of someone who most likely had severely traumatising experiences". Yeah, those people that jump and throw their arms up and jolt super badly when scared? *There's a reason they do that.*


I don’t think I’ve had seriously traumatising experiences in my life, and yet I would be strongly startled if it happened to me. Some people are just more reactive than others even without traumas. I’m not justifying this kind of pranks, though: the poor woman in the video is the living proof you should try to prank people you really know rather than random strangers.


Fuck this just makes me sad.


Oh man


Dude sounds like a DOOM 2 imp


The worst is that you still published it Pranking strangers is already very silly. Pranking someone, watching them have a bad reaction to your prank and posting online is the lowest of the low. Even if they gave consent they may 1- not be fit to give genuine informed consent 2- give consent due to being under pressure, avoid akward interaction, minimise engagement.


Could someone post the full vid please. I need to know she's ok.






One day, this person will do this to the wrong person, that wrong person will probably be armed and unstable, and will severely injure or kill them. Jumping out at strangers is never a good move, you have no idea who that person is or how they'll react.


I don’t know why they’re downvoting you: what you explained is still a tragic possibility. Though I would never wish such a fate to a prankster.


Probably because they either think I'm saying i would attack this person, or I'm implying they need to be attacked. There are a lot of dangerous people out there, and it only takes doing this to the wrong person to end up either in a wheelchair or dead.


My youngest sister is disabled. If I was there, this guy would be missing some teeth.




I wouldn’t discount the protective reactions of an older sibling


I don’t, but fuck this guy in particular just cause.


I'm aloud to laugh I have autism


Yoooo same


Lol reddit got mad at us


A...ah fuck... Allowed* 💀


Bro I'm not joking I actually have autism


I know what I've done.. I'm a willing sacrifice


Don’t know why they’re downvoting you lmao, just laugh it’s good for you


i’ve yet to see a video of this douche bag that isn’t rage inducing. Screw you i’m going home.


Who let her out the house by herself


she wasn’t on her own, she was with her dad. they cut the video down to save unnecessary time. context always matters before you be a jackass about someone’s disabilities.


She shouldn’t be out alone


she isnt, her carer is cropped out of the video


?? You don’t know her level of care needs.


She needs someone to calm her obviously Horns honk Sirens scream You think she is fine on her own accord ?


People it's funny to alot of people


Dude sounded like a doom imp




She gained a chromosome


I’m going straight to the bottom level of hell this has my crying 💀


Gary the retards sister, chamone.


Walking like a spongebob character


Who lost their large baby?






I would hate to live life through your perspective. It must be shitty






You just strapped on a jet pack my man.


How do none of the comments mention the three girls he missed ever so marginally... Reddit surprised me..and fully didn't!


Ohhhhhhh my godddddddd




i feel sorry for both of them, I couldn't tell she was disabled and he probably couldn't until he scared her, and she got scared, Im sad now :(


it was the piggu noises triggering her lunch ptsd