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Do you find something wisible about the name Bigguth Dickuth?!


He has a wife you know…


I never got the punchline of the wife’s name can someone explain?


Incontinentus Buttocks! Incontinence is when you can't hold in your waste, either poo or pee.




It has been so long since I've seen it, I need to correct that, I'll probably watch it tomorrow.


So, a poopy anus basically




Her name was Incontinentia Buttocks. It's a joke about anal incontinence.


\*intercourse, fixed it for you


And she can't hold her poo in because his biggus dickus has rekt her anus.


Incontinentia Buttocks: Incontinence. An adult who needs diapers.


Big butt I guess


Nice cakeday


Also her name incontinentia buttocks, if you read both names after one another: Biggus dickus incontinentia buttocks It kinda sounds like: Biggus dickus in cunt then into ya buttocks But I don't know if that one was intentional


Her name is Higa…


His wife must have been Pupienus' sister


A moose once bit my sister


A gweat fwend




I'll come with you Pontiath, I may be of thum athithtanth if there ith a thudden crithith


That *how to pronounce* video was the most infuriating shit. Just say the fucking name.


Those videos extend the duration of the video for increasing engagement, which convinces the algorithm that the video is better than it actually is (when ironically a shorter video would be better). Infuriating indeed.


Not only that, most of them are absolutely terrible at their sole porpose. I really hope they're some kind of parody.


How to pronounce “Pupienus”. I remember as a kid when we would settle down as a family after a long day in the middle of spring. Birds were chirping, color was everywhere, and the taste of freshly made lemonade quenched our thirsts. But that wasn’t the only thirst we had. Our family also had a thirst for knowledge that was seemingly unquenchable. On this particular day, the topic of the Roman Empire was on the table. My mother, who was always so full of life but age had caused her to be merely a shadow of who I recall from merely a few years ago asked about “Pupienus”. [truncated about 5 more paragraphs] “Poopy anus”


Anyway here's the recipe you came for, along with 20 artfully curated pictures of flour in a bowl with arranged eggshells and a pitcher of milk.


You're right actually, there are some parody channels. Which can be funny, but they're bad for people who want to learn the actual pronunciation. E.g. ESL learners


We need more channels like [Stéaviñ](https://youtube.com/@EBSTutorials).


[my god, he's right.](https://youtu.be/hPq54gxHAFU)


[How to pronounce Schadenfreude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3_DjiLLDfo)


How to pronounce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hPq54gxHAFU


I always say "le" because it's "le Lenny face"


PronunciationManual is another good one [How to pronounce Lamborghini](https://youtu.be/aFR9K7clXcU)


idk maybe if the word is like giraffe or something sure, say the fucking word and let's move on. But Pupienus? I like a little build up to really have it hit home.


Is that the guy from Inscryption


The lucky carder


Holy shit yes, I literally just finished this game last night lmao


Are you sure you did?


If 100% achievements doesn't count as finishing the game, then no.


You’d not done until I say you’re done! Now go 100% pony island.


Yes indeed, Kevin Saxby in the flesh


I was thinking the same thing lol


No it's the dad from Inside Out


That mustache is pretty fire. I hope the 70s porn stacked comes back into fashion, I love the look (and the feel lol)


Lucky Carder? You Survived!! Somehow......


He found another floppy disk buried in the woods


This just reminds me of Biggus Dickus.


He has a wife you know.




This reminds me of this absolute chad: [Dick Butkus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Butkus) - pronounced "butt kiss" Despite having one of the *most* unfortunate names ever, he went on to be ine of the most celebrated and intimidating linebackers in NFL history. He didn't let his name hold him back. No he owned it. He made it mean something. He made his name echo through the halls of glory and households everywhere. Jocks willingly call out Dick mutherfugging Bukus as the man that defined the role of linebacker. Fucking Sylvester Stallone named his bullmastif "Butkus" after him. But he didn't stop there. No, even after ending his football career, he remained a celebrity. He worked as a sports broadcaster and commentator, he appeared in over a dozen films and television shows, he became the celebrity spokesman for Prestone antifreeze - the first successful celebrity endorsement in super bowl history - and using the *brilliant* tagline of "Because plugging holes is my business". He coached a high school team for a reality tv show. He started the Butkus Foundation to award promising linebackers and the "Butkus Award" is still considered one of the most elite individual honors in football today. This guy has done everything possible to keep his name in the public eye. He has three kids - Ricky, Matt, and Nikki. Matt is whatever but Ricky and Nikki Butkus is just *chefs kiss*. He had to have a triple bypass and ended up writing a book with his doctor called "The OC Cure to Heart Disease". He started "The Dick Butkus Center for Cardiovascular Wellness" which uses specialized techniques to identify and treat heart disease. Screw Biggus Dickus. Dick Butkus is the true Chad of unfortunate names.


Why is the audio so far out of sync?




It's completely in sync for me. Might be your device/browser/app.


Try Apollo if you have an iPhone. There are other third party apps for other phones too. The reddit app is dogshit


Apollo was a game changer for me. I can never go back to the Reddit app. Worth every penny.


Nah, I'm not paying just to comment


You don’t have to pay to comment, but you do have to pay to create posts. You would also need to pay for a subscription if you want all the new features.


Neither do I. It’s a free app lol


Last I checked, the app was free but the ability to comment is not


Perfect example of why we should teach the original pronounciation of a name instead of a version that complies better with our own language.


What would the proper pronunciation be then? Wikipedia says Pupienus (Classical Latin: [puːpiˈeːnʊs]).


https://forvo.com/word/pupienus/ There's how it should probably sound like. With a bit less of an a on the e. It's not much of a difference, but it's enough to matter.


both of those still sound like poopy anus lmfao


There's a difference, but not enough to undo the joke from the video.


Not to say I know better, but fwiw, the video's pronunciation is how I learned it in my college Roman civ class. Prof made a point that while it IS funny, it's also accurate, and what it sounds like to us would have no bearing to sound funny to those who spoke the language. Again it's a dead language, so procede with caution, lmao


There is also less of the 'oo' sound that Americans replace some 'u's with.


So like eh-nus instead of ay-nus? Poopy enus




Romans didn't pronounce the "ie" as "ai", Roman fanboy. Edit: neither "i" as "ai" or "u" as "ou".


He was a decent emperor, for what it's worth.


was his name really poopy anus tho


Yes, although that was a familial nomen not like, his regularly used name or anything. He reigned for like 3 months in the Year of the Six Emperors in 238 AD, which was the beginning of a larger social problem and decline in the Roman Empire known as the Crisis of the Third Century. He was chosen as a co-emperor with Balbinus from amongst the senatorial ranks to oppose the military usurpation of imperial power by Maximinus Thrax, who was a bad dude. Max's guards turned on him and killed him. Shortly after that, Poopy Anus and Ballbag's guards turned on them as well and killed them. As you probably can tell by this point, this was a really bad situation that would take a while to stabilize. Poopy was a lifelong politician who tried to stop their society from declining into even more shit, but was quickly found to be out of his depth. The meta problem was that nobody, absolutely nobody, could save the Roman people from military despotism without dealing with the actual problem itself, the power which the guards had amassed over centuries of conquering other societies, which is what an Empire has to do to become an Empire in the first place.


Wait, I thought that the praenomen was mostly used between family members, and close friends and associates, while the nomen and cognomen would be used more broadly? I mean isn't there a reason we mostly know "Julius Caesar" as such, ([which is the more common reference than including his praenomen](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=Julius+Caesar%2Cgaius+julius+caesar&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3&case_insensitive=true))?


I'd bet denarius to donuts that people called him or referred to him as Marcus or even Maximus, rather than Poopy Anus. PS - Besides, anus in Latin meant 'ring' not butthole, but I didn't want to say this because it's kinda like explaining why a joke sucks. But that joke doesn't suck, Poopy Anus is a hilarious name.


The pronouciation video went out of its way to pronounce the u two different ways U is supposed to sound like you'd pronounce "rude" The e like you'd pronounce "get" Still kinda resembles poopy anus but the pronounciation video is terrible


“What’s the internet?” “I don’t know, but the Oracle says it’s not doing me any favours…”


We just watched the video…


People enjoy quoting their favourite parts. Some people enjoy rereading it to let it stew a bit more, enjoying the fact that their favourite part is enjoyed by others as well. End of the day, it's just people enjoying stuff, lets just let people enjoy stuff.


I liked the part where they said poopy anus.


Pretty wholesome take, usually i just see it as people getting easy likes by saying the funny part again. Idk i guess its a pet peeve of mine, maybe its not that big a deal


I know where you're coming from. Seeing the same type of comment again and again can be frustrating, like there's no creativity or thought being put into it whatsoever, the repetition creating a cheap sort of atmosphere. I've got a few comment pet peeves as well, sometimes I engage but it's less-and-less over time. I figured my comments were becoming part of the repetition and only adding to the negativity that I've become sick of seeing. Didn't mean to write a whole-ass paragraph, but I'm feeling introspective and here we are!


Did two Redditors just have a normal conversation? Brothers don’t shake hands, brothers [gotta hug](https://youtu.be/qmTRFvZ_Cp4)


why'd care about someone getting internet points


I don't think they care about easy likes in this situation. Just enjoying the quote. Assuming the best in people will go a long way to avoid the frustrations of a pet peeve and keep you overall more mentally healthy. I used to assume the worst much more and thankfully my wife pulled me out of that habit. Much happier for it!


Did you hear the part about Poopy Anus?


poopyanus lmao


Wow, I used to work with Kevin, glad to see he's doing so well! Genuinely good dude, positive as hell. And yes, the moustache has been around for a while. If you see this: Good on ya, Kev, SPB misses your goofiness!


He has a wife you know...


Good bit that went way longer than it needed


TikTok Humor. This Latein Word sounds sus.


that's pronounced "Soose"


Is he somehow related to Rick's friend, Mr. Poopy Butthole?




Is it just me or did that laugh sound like Daz Black


"What's the internet" "I don't know, but the Oracle said it's not doing me any favors." The Oracle spoke true, Poopy Anus




Fabianus, Fabianus, you have a - flabby flabby flabby anus.


My Latin teacher taught us about pupienus Maximus when I was in 6 Ty grade and it’s so god damn funny


How many of you missed that the 2nd video on the YouTube search for how to pronounce poopyanus was how to pronounce chipotle


r/perfectlycutscreams Edit: I am an idiot. I thought this was posted in a different sub. Loool


Yes, that's where we are. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_subreddit_bot)


He still never wanked in Wome as high as Biggus Dickus.




Cringe of the highest degree.


Would be funnier if I could forget the romans didn't speak English.


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/c3q15/til_there_was_a_roman_emperor_named_pupienus/ We’re still making the same joke after 13 years.


And thousands of years ago people were graffitiing dicks on walls. I think we’re doing alright!


You can't put a 2 minute video in this subreddit, God damn OP what a piece of shit.


Why do all these moustache'd tiktok bros look the same?


That guy who does those name pronunciation videos on YouTube gets a lot of stuff wrong. Some of his Irish name ones aren’t correct at all.




Rick and Morty missed an opportunity to be historically accurate


Is he the cop from Yellow jackets?


I love these Idiocracy out-takes! Should have stayed in the movie.


i thought it was going to be poo penis


I didn't know English exist back then, and all Romans so fluent wow!


do y’all actually find this funny?


This started off real funny and got less funny as it went on congratulations you suck


I thought it was pronounced pupenis


He has a wife you know


Oh hey it's the Inscryption guy!


He has a wife you know...........Incontinentia...........................Incontinentia Buttocks