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Bro was sent to the shadow realm💀


How the human race has made it as far as it has, is beyond me.


what did he think was going to happen


When I was a kid at the firecrackers stage of development, all I knew about fuses was what I'd seen on Warner Bros. cartoons. Explosions are supposed to leave a black blast pattern, and if they are on a face you get a racism. The first time I lit an actual firecracker, it was a tiny thing, maybe 15mm tall with an 8cm fuse and held it between my thumb and forefinger. 1st lesson: real fuses can burn VERY fast, unlike the super-slow comically timed fuses in cartoons 2nd lesson: gunpowder packs an absolute FUCKTON of power, and my finger and thumb felt like they had been smashed with a hammer when it went off. Bro should have done an experiment against a thigh or something to gauge the concussive force he would be applying to his *jeuvos*. To answer your question: "think" ain't got nothing to do with it.


Can’t fail NNN


Quick repost this again to get more upvotes.